Saddest Song Ever Written - WARNING: You Will Cry. Grab Your Tissues.

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I'm about to play the saddest song I've ever written for you but before I do if you've ever struggled the depression hit the like button so that I know I'm not alone and also you're gonna want to grab some tissues because this one is a tearjerker hi my name is cannon Graham I'm a singer storyteller I'm a mental health and suicide prevention advocate and I'm the founder of the mountains to climb movement now before I play this song for you I want to tell you some of the story behind this song I remember it was December 2017 I was sitting in my living room with a number of my friends we were all in our PJs and it was warm and cozy and we were playing games it was about 11:30 at night and I received a call from one of my very close friends roommates they had called me because they were concerned my friend had locked themselves in their bedroom with razor blades and they could hear the person crying but they wouldn't let them in and so you know immediately I dropped everything that I had going on and I drove down there and me and my friend we sat and talked for about 2 3 4 hours that night and I was sharing with them experiences that I've had with depression and I also you know I was I was right in the middle of depression myself because I had been broken up with a few months earlier and then also it was right in the dead of winter which I hate here in Utah it's extremely cold and dark all all day and so I just hate winter but anyways we sat and we talked for a couple hours and then the next day I was out with those with another group of friends we were doing a sub for Santa things we were at Walmart shopping when I got another call this time from a former religious leader and he was calling to let me know that my friend was hurting themselves again and he asked me to come over so that night I went over again and we sat and talked and and then two days later I was sitting at work it was early in the morning is about 10:30 so I was kind of just easing into my day of work when I got a third call and this time it was my friend's roommates calling to let me know that my friend had been taken to the ER and and so again I immediately dropped everything I got over there as quickly as I could and I sat and talked with them and it turned out that my friend was okay but they they stayed there for a couple of days for evaluation and and anyways it was a very very difficult time for me and it was a very difficult time for them and it was hard it was just a difficult experience all around and so that night that it was a Wednesday night I went home and I sat down at my desk with my guitar in my lap hunched over a notepad and in about thirty minutes I wrote this song and it really just kind of poured out of me and the the song is both what I was feeling and what they were feeling and what I wanted to say to them and similarly what I felt like God would say to me if he were talking to me so so anyways what I would like for you to do if the song is called when the Sun turns black and what I would like for you to do is as you listen to the song if you wouldn't mind let me know of a time when the Sun has turned black for you because we've all had that we've all had moments where the Sun turns black so if you could let me know a time when you've had the Sun turn black and what you did to get out of it or what you did to brighten her life for or what not because I'm always looking for suggestions I've got I've got a list of things now over the years that I've collected that I know helped me and I share those with people who I know who are struggling but I would love it if you could leave me some feedback on things that that you've found helps as you get through these days when the Sun turns black so here you go you may need to grab some tissues this one makes people cry it sometimes makes me cry so just there you go when the Sun turns black I fill the and a loneliness cool not cry out from my hopeless heap no one cares so silently we and [Music] and now her [Music] and [Music] there's no way back [Music] when the Sun turns black [Music] sometimes black d consumes [Music] I'm living off you and one away [Music] black in sleep [Music] no one cares so suddenly [Laughter] and I'll hurt [Music] way back [Music] some turns black [Music] sometimes back [Music] you're guarding light cuz I love you I swear there is home [Music] sorry just need to get my composure here for a second just how much I love you how special [Music] you're one of a kind there's no one like you [Music] yeah you're irreplaceable there's no one like you [Music] here's my four you're irreplaceable there's no one like you [Music] Israel and I fell into hope but it passes [Music] cuz nothing lasts you could just trust me one time life's worth living and I'll help you back so there you go that's a message for any of you who are also struggling with depression just know that you're loved you're not alone and hold on and you can get through it real quick before you go I just wanted to invite you to go download my single mountains to climb it's totally free not gonna cost you anything I wrote this song as part of a fundraising project for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and for me it's what overcoming depression sounds like so if you've struggled with depression if you know anyone who has struggled with depression then I think that you're gonna get a lot of value out of this song the song has literally saved a life so if you want to learn more and download your copy for free I left the link in the description below you can just click the link it'll take you to my website and all you have to do is tell me where to send it and then it's on its way thanks so much for watching if you liked this video go ahead click the little subscribe button down below and then click the bell icon to make sure that you get notified next time I post an amazing video okay thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Cannon-Graham Music
Views: 1,395,499
Rating: 4.9232697 out of 5
Keywords: Depression, Sad Songs, sad music, Depression music, Songs about depression, suiside prevention, when the sun turns black, cannon-graham
Id: uhB2E-Dl7iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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