SAD-ist: 3 secret tips for BEGINNER animators | ALWAYS ONLY DRAW TWO POSES [animator reviews SADIST]

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[Music] saddest is using the exact same three techniques over and over again in all of her animated videos youtube blog style transitions combining shots and two pose movement always draw to a beat we're gonna be going over that in a second the reason i wanted to go over these because if you do these three things it can make your work look super pro really fast alright i'm an animation director i've worked with the avatar crew on like voltron and dota and i've also worked on invincible for a hot second i'm going to be talking directly to saddest in this video comparing and contrasting professional animation techniques to youtube animation techniques i've actually only watched a few clips from her stuff but i'm going to be watching it fully through and i honestly want to see if she has what it takes to be an actual professional animator all right i'm not acting i'm not going to be putting on a show i'm not going to be making you laugh i'm serious youtube style blog transitions she's taken something that's traditionally like found on youtube and she has transitioned it into something more cinematic whenever i look at this this feels like the key that brings it all together if it weren't for this i feel like it would fall apart it feels essential to hold everything together but honestly there's a problem with it that i'm going to be explaining in a minute it's a mistake that i actually made a lot in the beginning of my animation career number one is blur and focus if you want anything to look cinematic your your comics or any kind of your work illustrations blur out the background or the foreground it's really that simple all right i want you to go through her videos and look at how often she does this it's every single frame i swear the perspective doesn't even have to be 100 on it just looks crisp all right here's a storyboard i did for dota the four ground flowers are really out of focus and the background is completely blurred out because the little girl in the front is the main focus there's different ways to use this what are you drawing isn't it magical papa and what would you name it well i'm actually just noticing this she has it in the intro she has it right here and here's another thing too with focus if you want anything to feel cinematic it doesn't even have to be mid-ground foreground background it can literally be every single thing the camera is just coming in and out of focus so like right here this anvil is just moving in and out of focus this hog dude is the main focus in the beginning of the shot and then we rack focus we change to the background character and what you'll see a lot of people do if they're fresh in the animation industry they're going to just pick like five different shots telling the exact same story but what she's doing right here is already combining multiple shots into just one single shot if you want to make illustrations learn how to do this it's really important that's one way of combining shots but there's another professional way of doing it that was actually done to my boards on dota check this out so right here i was trying to find a creative way to show that she has the scar on her arm and also get their expressions because that's what we want to see in animation we want to see the look on their faces so can we take the information and also in the same shot show their faces you know the reactions it's kind of tricky to do it sometimes but that's the goal [Music] all right in this shot he's showing her this big uh castle for the first time that he's built for her and we get this really beautiful spinning move that she does and she comes running in and i have her run up the stairs to where the camera can actually see her expression on her face whenever she realizes her mom's not there and what happened was i handed this off to the animation team they realized when they put it all together they're like this is too long in a whole animated episode sometimes you gotta cut back and you have to combine shots this way so their solution was actually pretty simple she comes in and right after her spin that's when she stops and we can see her reaction so she never has to go up the stairs it's kind of hard animating people walking on stairs anyway which is also why i try to cut out the feet but it just keeps everything simple and a little bit more quick you know show me does it hurt only little sensitivity to touch veins bruises rush how long have you had this [Music] um so in order to do scenes like this sometimes i have to think about the very very end shot what do i want the end to be and i want the end shot for this is for him to look up at the moon through the window so that's how i need to stage it from the very beginning so i'm not thinking linearly i'm thinking the the end goal you know so my first thought is how can i get him in the shot and how can i get these three mages in the shot and the moon all in the same shot all right if i had to go back and do it again i think i would change up his pose just a little bit but other than that this is how i'm trying to compose things what's the story if you watch the story he has a connection to the moon that's why i needed to line it up like that all right so you see what i'm doing i'm not like trying to be like oh his face then the moon then the mages then this and that i'm trying to line it up and make it simple because you can always add more you just start with the basics she's using that technique extremely well what she's also using really well is cutting on action you can see it right here it just makes like a nice smooth transition you can follow the action that's the same thing that i'm doing right here oh and actually another really cool tidbit that i just realized is that her camera follows the action too you see how the camera's kind of rolling with the action in this shot right here the camera is following every single little movement that the character does this is how you can get the most out of your animation with doing very little all right i want to show you this youtube blog style of animation that she's kind of ripped off but also i want to point out this pattern that she does of two pose animation style this is actually something i just noticed as i'm going through so this is a part this is the thing how you learn in animation is that you go through especially with the sound off if you can turn the sound off of something and you can recognize a pattern that happens over and over and over again it's they're using the exact same thing over and over again and that's how you know that you can keep it simple and still do pro work like this what i'm talking about is something like this right here where a character begins in one pose and then they switch to one more it's a very simple one two this is a really great shot this character moves in and it's like a beat one one two one two right here one two one two one two cutting on action right here there's a one two pose right there with the horse one two with him looking down one two acts down acts up mouth open mouth closed and even this one looks like a one two three four one two three four but if you notice the last pose is the exact same as the first pose so it's a three pose shot still all right you get the point but i want you to go through and watch through these animatics and you will see the exact same thing one two one two all right this is the one i want to talk about the most the youtube style blog transitions the reason this one works so much is you can literally be making a cup of coffee and you can still make it interesting here's a really clear example of this house all right the tactic that we use in editing is called speed ramp basically it's coming in normal speeding up really quick and then slowing down that can be camera that can be character motion that can be anything when i was talking about the character one two uh poses it actually has a lot to do with that it's a zip zip alright so the way i think about this is draw on a beat visualize a beat try to imagine a beat if you can actually draw to the beat of a song you know in an animatic form the reason that this is important is because she's doing it every single frame once you see it you really can't unsee it even the axe motion zip zip zip zip zippity-doo-dah all right now i want you to pay attention right here each one of these transitions has it it's like zip zip it does a ramp and then it does another ramp and it does another ramp one after another watch this boom boom and so this is what i'm talking about drawing to a beat animating to a beat if you can watch this watch it with the sound off you can actually see and feel the beat of the ramps so you watch it again even the campus even the campus has it on it and my absolute most favorite shot is this sword coming into camera and the camera spins on it that is sick that's dope that's what i'm talking about you can learn this type of stuff in youtube style blogging look at peter mckinnon look at this the way the camera is pushing in really quickly and then slowing down and speeding up again and uh zooming in zooming out all kinds of youtubers use this it's so effective it's literally so effective that you can buy packs for editing programs that will automatically add these to your videos is it really a cheat i don't think it's a cheat it's just something that it just works especially in music videos it's something that can just progress the video and make it feel seamless okay so here's what i was getting at before you can apply this to your animation and it's really cool all right but you have to be careful with it because i did this a lot in the beginning of my career and what had ended up happening was not everything is a music video and what she's doing is basically a music video right well i started working in film and you really can't do this because once you do this too much like if you overdo it it begins to make it feel too dizzy and i pushed it way too far so if you're working in film you really can't do this all that often as opposed to this where she does it every single shot but obviously it works it works really well for the animation that she does so i guess as an end result i would say that status could definitely work as a professional in the animation industry no problem i think the only real question is does she want to because i don't think she needs to she can literally be doing this all by herself she could be creating her own stories her own ideas at this point if she wants to i had a really good time just kind of chilling taking it easy and not really trying too hard on this video you know sometimes i just want to chill i don't want to have to do a whole full-on production every single video is a freaking cinematic journey and that gets kind of tiring so just let me know if this type of format is okay with you or if you want the more cinematic stuff all right status keep at it you're an inspiration [Music] you
Channel: Ethan Becker
Views: 1,020,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uCwrYiU54ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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