Sad Endings and New Beginnings

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we got a full day today i got to take care of all this white stuff that fell on the ground we got about six or eight inches last night it's about 15 degrees out we're gonna plow this stuff out and move the md into the shop and i can start work on it today [Music] hey ezra what are you doing in here you've been sleeping in the hay huh out you go oh we have to play a little tractor jenga to get the super a out plow and i gotta jump it because the battery's been dead for about two years it's not that i use it all that much [Music] sometimes the old way works best we'll see aah [Music] for those of you that have politely suggested that my tractor needs chains on the rear tires i do have chains for the rear tires they're up in the garage fine place for them huh [Music] [Music] [Music] easy stir yeah nothing wants to start today let's fire up the emergency generator to power the compressor and i can't get started so i take the compressor dial shop fill it up with compressed air got to blow up this tire that's flat i don't want to ruin the tire tone it down yeah well she's in the garage it's really nice to have her in the shop this noisy here is the heat and this place heats up in no time it's nice and toasty on the coldest days of winter and i can kind of hibernate in here and work on it my goal with this tractor is to fix what's wrong with it and get it running again and if i use it for a year or two and it's reliable then i paint it that's what i do with my tractors typically the first thing i have to do is tear the engine down enough to assess the condition of the pistons rings bearings and head and then we can go from there i did a video on this md last summer for those who didn't see it the head is cracked on this tractor it's cracked but it's been braised and it never leaked now these tractors were notorious for having cracked heads i'm not worried so much about the head because it didn't leak when it was running before the crack is always held tight this engine in a nutshell is diesel on one side injection pump fuel filters air filter injectors on this side and then when you come over to the other side it's gas on that side you have a magneto you've got a carburetor you've got the manifolds which this manifolds got butterflies in it for when you switch from gas to diesel get into that more as we get into the engine oil filter gasoline starting tank diesel main tank generator the cell phone is my friend the first thing i do before i take anything apart is i take lots of photographs of how things are and they usually help putting it back together same when i take sub assemblies apart i called the machine shop about an hour ago that i usually use for doing head work on the farmhalls reconditioning heads decking them cleaning them valve grinding valve seats all that stuff and said can you do an md head he said i haven't seen one of those in a long time they're obsolete i said well if i bring it up can you at least look at it and we'll go from there and he said yeah okay if it comes to looking for parts it might take him a while to get it done because you can't find parts for these engines very easily that's one of the challenges of it and that's one of the reasons i'm not doing a complete tear down and rebuild because i'd be into just this engine for a lot of money if i went through and rebuilt the whole thing this little tube here running up to the air cleaner is a positive crankcase ventilation system so you've got vacuum here at the intake so it's pulling uh any exhaust gases out of the head here and recirculating them and sending them down to be taken in by the engine again we're just gonna pull the air cleaner off and get it out of the way while i'm over here i'll disconnect the lines to the injectors you have to be really careful with cleanliness with injection pumps injector lines and injectors i plan on going through this pump myself tearing it down cleaning it out at the very least it needs to be cleaned out because fuel's been sitting in it for 20 years without running so i'm not as concerned about cleanliness i'll still tape off these openings when i get done but if i were just taking this off without redoing the pump i would have washed this all down with brake cleaner to get it all clean before i started taking stuff apart i'm going to take this rod off i gotta pull this steering rod that goes in the front bolster so in order to do that i gotta take the front cowl off and pull the rod out through the gearbox oh looks like the mice like this place can you imagine how much this wheel's been turned over the years to make that kind of a groove in it that's pretty amazing this is a temperature sender from the top of the head going up to the water temperature indicator in my experience these rarely come off without breaking the lead here and they usually need a new temperature gauge because it's all one unit this one seems to be coming off all right usually this gets twisted up and then it breaks this is the throttle linkage for the diesel coming down here goes into all this linkage assembly that feeds the injector pump it's got to come off there we go now on this side we have to take off the exhaust and the intake manifolds and these can be tons of fun to get the nuts off of oh boy they're a beauty well that one wasn't so bad that one came off with the stud that's okay with me okay so with the man fold off you can see the butterfly valves there's one here and there's one in the other end and that this is in gasoline mode right now they're closed so what happens is the air comes in the intake up here it can't go through the big passage because the butterflies are closed so instead it goes down into this little passage which you can barely see at the corner there it goes in a little passage which is on the bottom right here and that little passage is right here now before it can come into the engine via this little passage it has to go down through the carburetor air gets mixed with gas and then it comes into the little passages when you switch it over the diesel these butterflies open and that brings the air in directly from the intake because the fuel is coming in from the injectors once in diesel mode carburetor shuts off floats locked up a little persuasion it works she burned oil for a while and you can see it in the exhaust that's this crap that's built up here is burnt oil she smoked that's my principal worry about the engine is just that it's getting tired i'm hoping i can get by with a re-ring and valve job to tighten it up a little bit as far as blow-by now we can go ahead and take the valve cover off okay what do we see here i know that the engine was breathing okay i mean it wasn't it's not like i had a bent push rod you can see if it hasn't been pushed right by spinning them this is the shaft this is the rock shaft here and then a shaft down the middle that actuates the compression release valve so when you change it over from gas to diesel there's a valve in the combustion chamber that closes and reduces the combustion area in the combustion chambers so that you get a higher compression ratio this is the rock shaft that works off of this business down here actually it works right here off of this and turns this rod and then on this rod there's little cams that push down on these pucks which connect to the compression release valves here's my system for making sure that bolts and nuts and hardware go back where they're supposed to go what i do is i take a ziploc bag i just take a piece of tape and use that to label the bag so these are exhaust and intake manifold then what i wind up doing is when i get a whole bunch of them i just get a cardboard box and i put them all in the box and it kind of works out because the ones you put in first are the ones you take out last so it's like blast in first out that's it for the md today with all the snow moving i had to do this morning and the screwing around getting it out and getting it in the garage i only had about an hour and a half to work on it and it's already time for afternoon chores what came in the mail today well this a viewer named robert vela from long island new york whose hobby is restoring 60s fighter jets believe it or not that is cool has been sending me he revealed the sandblasting stuff so the pressure blaster was the last piece of it i got the helmet and the media in the mail previously so thanks a lot and no relation to that other bob vela by the way i'm floored next and this is something i knew that was coming because i ordered it myself i have had a rickety little six inch grinder in my shop for years and years and i finally ordered a good one this is a jet eight inch grinder i ordered and it just came in the mail and i've got a cast iron base for it up in the top barn and i'm gonna put it together and it sure will be nice for the tractor restoration what is going on out here you're gonna get wet hey do you wanna hear a joke okay everybody needs to be watered today so i got to get out the long hose the heifers the pigs the cattle i've been trying to think of how to tell you all this and i don't really have a good way but marvel died today he was doing well but he never acted the same so i thought he was looking better he never really started eating i tried feeding him milk and out of a syringe to get him up and around but i think he had brain damage and he laid down yesterday and he just never got up again i'm sorry to tell you all that and i wish it could have had a better outcome [Music] hey you little stinkers run run run run run run run run run i love that every time run run run run run run run run it always stinks to lose an animal and the larger the animal is the more it stinks the larger and long lived marvel would have been around for a long time one comfort i've thought of is that marble came from this place he was born on this farm this farm fed him he is was part of that farm still will be i know it sounds course but we'll compost marvel i'm not going to cut them up and eat them with all the medicine that we put into them and i i don't think i could do it anyway with the attachment that we had to but he will become part of this farm again he'll be on the field he'll be feeding future generations of troublesome calves and i hope the same thing for me when i go i it's probably not legal but i'd love to be composted and spread over the farm and become a part of this place permanently i don't know it helps me deal with these sorts of things and they happen from time to time it's just part of farming [Music] today was a day of sad endings with marvel's passing but it's a day of new beginnings too we got our first decent snowfall of the year today and the seasons are changing i got the md in that's the start of a project it's going to take me a long long time so things then things begin i don't have anything deeper to say for that it's just things are always changing and that's just fine with me in the end i hope you have a good day and i'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 243,609
Rating: 4.9468083 out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, Dexter cattle, calf, injured calf, treating sick calf, farm winter projects, international 656, farmall 656, sad endings, new beginnings, farmall MD, farmall md restoration, farmall super A, farmall plowing snow, farmall md disassembly, life on a farm, farm in snow
Id: cVPlaP_raKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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