Sacking Tom Brady with Aaron Donald in Every Madden

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today we stack tom brady with aaron donald and every madden since aaron donald's been in the league aaron donald was drafted in 2014 which means we begin our journey in madden 15. as a rookie for the then saint louis rams aaron donald comes in at a 79 overall 81 speed 93 strength 82 agility 87 acceleration his awareness is all the way down to 52 76 tackling 76 hit power that's gonna go up 86 power move that's gonna go up quick 70 finesse move that for sure is going to go up quick 85 block shedding and concern the fact it takes like three offensive linemen to block this man that's probably going to go up some throughout today's video 85 pursuit 64 play wreck patriots were an 88 overall that year and yes throughout the video we are going to use all mad difficulty have the game pause for a second for a very good reason hopefully guys do enjoy today's video if you do make sure that's a huge thumbs up since it is the day before thanksgiving we can hit 5 000 likes in like the first two hours we'll do a double upload today and tomorrow to celebrate thanksgiving give you guys some content for the time off so 5 000 likes the first few hours and we will upload another video here today on the channel make sure you're subscribed and make sure you have that notification bell on because guys we do hit a million subscribers by the end of the year we're doing a big next gen console giveaway five up for grabs but definitely if we do hit that million more we're about to hit 900k and we have plenty of time to hit that mark by the end of the year to make sure if you want to have a chance to win that next gen console hit that subscription button so we can make that happen now other reason i pause it is because this is another scuffed version of madden i really don't know how to fix this it's madden 15 madden 13 and i believe madden 25 all skunk so luckily for us today this is the only scuffed version of madden so it's like fine it's just the texture of the field is not realistic the channel's scuffed anyway so it kind of fits the theme like how does this happen bro like it's just not understandable like we're playing on a freaking blacktop like talking about getting some injuries there's thomas gotta sack this man that's the villain so i guess literally what we do today is we just we blitz every single play and hopefully sooner rather than later we just freaking hit tom we're obviously gonna use her donald who's right here imagine first time this is an all madden the duration of the video will be on my difficulty i mean they hit tom but i wasn't even close to doing so like does it have to be me does it have to be me actually user an aerodynamic i don't think so like if i struggle to get off blocks usering them it doesn't matter because we just got to get even the cpu does that tom brady you know what i'm saying i think that's right to be fair though these plays are kind of really more designed to get the linebackers you know in the backfield but i mean heck we could try play action pass we did not get off a block for anything come on aaron the linebackers are gonna get there but we're just still like just sucking up blocks maybe the move actually isn't to blitz maybe we just need to kind of bring four maybe get to the quarterback that way good thing here is that they're obviously gonna pass here they're gonna drop back so maybe aaron donald can get to the qb here i'm gonna get this done before the first quarter that would be solid we can't okay we're there we're there we did it let's go harry donald with the sack tom brady goes down relive the glory took us a minute but we got off number 63 headed straight for thomas's esophagus so we take him down now it's not a half a sack is it like that should be yeah credit to the full sack for aaron donald let's go thank god we don't have to play any more scuffed maddens on to odell beckham jr's one-handed catch in madden 16 why are we already in a game oh this was when i was doing the thumbnail i mean heck i guess we're already loaded into the game why not just stay in here so keep in mind as we go over his rating here this is his rating from his rookie season to his second season so just one year of progression and he's all the way up to a 99 overall already that is insane obviously and easily by far the most we've seen somebody in this little mini series here on the channel progressed from one year to the next i mean 20 overall increase and that's only in one year that's just insane it's another testament to how good this guy actually is and how crazy of a player 99 rated near to 82 speed for a guy that big and that powerful 94 strength 82 agility 89 excel 85 awareness it's like a 30 boost to his rookie season 90 tackling hip power i think that might actually went down power moves like i told you all the way up to 98 finesse up to 84 block shedding up to 99 89 pursuit 85 play wreck this is a sophomore player right here with these ratings dos gosti lucky for us though third down and 28 situation for tom brady my controller's vibrating a lot we can't get off this block eventually hopefully we will we won't tom lives to see another play i think the move definitely going forward is not blitzing because we got to be the ones to get to doesn't matter if our linebackers get to them i don't really care how the game goes itself i just want to get a sack obvious passing down here third down and 12 so a good opportunity here aside from the fact that he's not on the field so we gotta call it timeout that sucks okay this is not gonna be it our freaking teammate got to him go for it tom go for it i mean we should have multiple chances on this drive because you know the patriots might actually not throw the ball i thought maybe being a two minute drive they'd actually throw the ball down the field would have a bunch of chances but it looks like okay it is a play action pass we're getting off our block eventually but no if we could have gone for a block like quicker than that maybe we had a shot there but man we're struggling against this right guard i caught a timeout because once again i think they're gonna try to throw the ball okay we're not okay we're definitely not in our stance aaron get down bro aaron get down okay we are stuck on two people that was a uh that was a strange play okay now julie edelman he has no stamina tackle him tackled okay this is unfortunate oh you've got to be kidding me i mean we're by 13 so they've got to throw the ball the entire second half right i mean like to be completely honest whoever this right guard is is kind of clamping us this game come on aaron get off the block bro we can't shed anything dude it was easier to sack tom brady when aaron donald was a 79 three minutes and 26 seconds to get a sack come on mr donald come on bro get off your block man 62 bro who is that jesus come on come on get off your man dude they're punting the football my god dude if every one of these sacks take this long i'm gonna be here all night oh there we are i hate tom like i don't know what buttons do what we're coming after you tom we're coming after you and of course if they don't pick this up and they punted on losing it i'm gonna lose it and we're just getting clamped again bro pick it up catch it he dropped it oh this is so much tougher than what i thought it was gonna be dude oh play action pass come on come on we got quadruple team there man come on bro put me in the game on fourth and inches gotta get this sack let's get this freaking bread right here brother a lot of blockers in there they all might run this ball and yeah there they are at least we got to stomp come on full back die this is actually our chance here bro come on come on aaron we were there another pretty obvious passing down here third down and nine aaron donald i beg you let's get this thing over with we're only on the second madden you were ever in you've been in the lake for a long time bud come on sack him sack tom sack tom completely forgot jeff fisher was the head coach oh we gotta jump into our third game something's wrong man aaron dino should have had like seven sacks by now at this point this video is gonna be as long as a full-length motion picture film come on aaron this is where our team needs us the most gold line stand 12 seconds to go he's for sure throwing this football come on gotta get in that backfield gotta get after the qb it's just tom brady isn't it bro i'm not freaking talking again until we get this sack they called the guy i was blocking me holding come on oh come on come on there it is baby there it is get me off of this stupid tainted madden i've never been freaking happier bro get me into madden 17 asap i don't know why aaron would drop to a 98 overall from one year to the next he's always been like the best player in the league a3 speed 94 strength a to agility 90 acceleration for a defensive tackles crazy indeed awareness is solid 90 tackles 76 hip power which went down quite a bit 96 power move 82 finesse 90 blocks shedding that went down some 88 pursuit 88 play wreck why did aaron donald of all people why does block shedding go down to 90. i don't get how the first match was so easy and these next two has taken me like an hour and a half combined so far i just don't get why aaron's lowest rating of his career as a rookie was by far the quickest he could get good pressure to be fair though a lot of it's tom is getting that freaking ball out doing this smart thing and putting the ball here on first down so they can go down the field and pass it every time with a two minute drill just gets rid of the balls so fast double teamed double freaking team at least my teammates got pressure come on aaron let's go let's go there's no way i just got trolled like that there's just no possible way tom got that ball off there's just there's just no way that's not a sack of a fumble like i just don't believe that the ball went freaking backwards if anything i just i am not willing to accept the fact that this was a dank in completion that is not a throw emotion no that's 100 percent of sack and fumble and since i'm in the holiday spirit and i want to save myself about 30 minutes of my time like i think we all can agree that was a sack and fumble this could be reviewed they would review it'll fumble this is stupid mad and of course they're not intelligent enough to let me challenge to play freaking bite me dude i'm considering that a sack get me out of this game into madden 18 and aaron donald better be back up to in 99 and of course he is listed as a right in 83 speed 95 strength i don't know how that's not 99 82 agility 90 xl 94 awareness i think that's the highest has ever been in his career 93 tackle hit power still kind of low at 76 power moved back up to 98 finesse move up to 92 block shedding went down again that was aaron donald's block shedding not 99. i'm curious to see if his move from defensive tackle to right end ends up resulting in quicker sacks for us throughout this challenge get off the block aaron donald please ronaldo please tom don't throw the ball away i think the introduction of arcade mode is gonna make this fun so this was the madden they introduced the arcade competitive and simulation game types made things interesting oh there we are tom and you have a wide open rob gronkowski come on aaron get to him tom always gets it off we're there we're there we're there oh dog tom brady just turned into slender man you know tom brady aaron donald 101 i can't tell you if i really favor tom in this situation it's just god telling me i did something wrong this last week i apologize it's actually sort of unbelievable coming after you tom we're coming after you tom let's go didn't even take an entire game although i did turn the clear length up to 10 on to madden 19. aaron donald still remains rightfully at 99 overall 83 speed 99 strength finally 82 agility 90 xl 99 awareness his jumping stayed at like the 78 range throughout his entire career 93 tackle 85 hit power 98 power move 94 finesse i'm pretty sure that's the highest it's been so far 92 blocks shedding of this up from last year but it should still be 99 91 pursuit and 99 playwright forgot they had the domicon sue and aaron donald on the same defensive line that's disgusting actually and we just caused the fumble and recovered a fumble like that's insane come on aaron donald get there why'd he get there wait there we got there please tell me please and he's just sitting there doing yoga i just can't believe some of the stuff that we've witnessed today oh we're all over them we're all over thomas i dove and missed him like an idiot i'm a maniac [Music] oh we have to just get through a running back please finally thank you three maddens to go finally the year of the x factor of course he's a 99 83 speed 99 strength 86 agility 90 xl 99 awareness jumping stays at 78 is tackling it's gonna be 92 hit power 88 power move up to 99 vanessa's 99 block settings 97 pursuit 98 and play wreck remains 99 and just for this first superstar x factor madden he had fear monger pass russia elite and under pressure defenders with this ability can apply pressure to the qb from a greater distance so we should be able to hopefully get a sack quicker just sometimes rushing the passer over and over again consecutively on madden games for hours and hours at a time just gets a little redundant and this will be the last time that we sat tom brady today as a new england patriot i just want to point out the fact that somehow amidst everything i've created a fourth down and negative 17 for myself the field goal meter is on the other side of the offensive line that's a new one oh we're all over brady here if we can get off this last block come on don't throw the ball don't throw the ball let's go thank you bro tom had enough time to freaking read the declaration of independence backwards but hey dude i'll take it two more sacks needed to complete the challenge into madden 21 and aaron donald remains a 99 82 speed 99 strength 86 agility 90 xl 99 awareness that's a little nasty 68 change of direction 78 jumping like i said i think i stayed the same since like his rookie season 92 tackle his hit power still isn't over 90. he's 88 his power move up to 99 finesse 97 block shedding still that made it back to 99 is at 97's pursuit 98 his play wreck still at 99. and crazy enough this will be the first year we get to stack tom brady in a buccaneers uniform i tried shedding dude this is when the points thing came into fruition i i still don't know i guess two years later and i still don't know what they mean we're there we're there tom let's go a strip sec get the ball score score score get hold on give it was trying to score with aaron hey it's a sack though and run to madden 22 for the finale so aaron donald's current mad rating today 99 overall still has a 82 speed 99 strength 86 agility 90 xl 99 awareness 68 change of direction still still has that 78 jumping 93 tackle 89 hit power 99 power move 97 finesse 97 blocks shedding 98 pursuit 99 play rank is that like not exactly the same as last year am i stupid that's crazy we have von miller beside us now so maybe he'll steal some stacks from us maybe we'll make this easier here we go baby come on come on please aaron donald tom brady stay in the pocket like a he's actually gonna complete this pass isn't he wow i just can't get off the blocks dude i'm like in a pile of 74 people at least one of us finally gets the sack oh god he's got a freaking red glowing x underneath this body that's not good i mean tom brady's already good enough now you get my freaking superpower i just saw that whatever we have activated for like our stadium advantage ability whatever it's called said that their o-line has problems blocking right now so that's a dumb this is the one please come on come on i flew right here we're right here airman let's go finally the challenge has completed i have just spent the last three hours and 16 minutes of my life sacking tom brady i mean i guess to be fair that's a lot of people's wet dreams
Channel: RBT
Views: 188,998
Rating: 4.968997 out of 5
Keywords: madden, madden nfl, touchdown, retro, sack, version, tom brady, aaron donald, score, evolution, rbt, game, football, nfl, challenge, graphics, gameplay, every, year, player, reaction, madden 22, play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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