SABATOGE! Someone sent Vícki a surprise for OUR wedding anniversary and it WASNT ME!

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[Music] so welcome to friday morning at our house beautiful day today i actually got some pretty decent sleep last night we had bible study last night and pastor glenn prayed that i'd get on a better sleep schedule so far it's working the dogs are still making messes out of frisbees tommy's still working on sanding on his c10 and he has got his hands clear full of orders to ship i feel like the orders are coming in faster than he can get him out which is a good thing but keeps him in something to do but he's got one heck of a load of packages to take to the post office today i bet they just love him to death when he comes in the door in other news we haven't had time to get his engine down in the c10 yet we've been working on billy's truck which is far more important at this point aj was here last night and helped billy get started on the headers adapting some 23 degree headers over to fit 18 degree heads they made pretty good progress we'll see how things go today you brought lunch i did i'm sorry i knew you were probably trying to call me to tell me to bring lunch but i brought lunch but i forgot my phone cause i was in such a hurry guess what what i never called you really you ratted yourself out for no reason you would have never known and you'd just been happy i brought lunch yeah but you felt so guilty that you ratted yourself out before i ever said a word happy anniversary by the way thank you hey tommy says you've got a box or something out here you need to open oh all right i got your lunch i got you a blizzard [Music] did you ever take an allergy pill hey did you say mom's got a box out here she needs to open or something did you order me an anniversary i didn't order anything you've got an anniversary present but it's not from dad oh well who's it from her favorite what who's it from from nebraska nebraska there's only one freaking weasel i know in nebraska that might send you something did you order this well billy told me that he might have been in contact with him to get that new shirt are you me on our anniversary perfect timing if we got d tonight i know what i'm wearing you gotta be shitty there is no freak beater bomb extreme look at that that's a that's one of the coolest shirts i've ever seen who's responsible for this i think billy i'm gonna have a word to say with him those are really nice how many shirts are in there one for everybody i think there's probably even one for you yeah no we like him you like him he's the cutest oh here we go on our anniversary i thought you liked ryan martin the most oh here it is well of the tv guys well like well you know beater bombs not a tv guy so of the tv guys on the show yes ryan martin of the next level down oh the next level down there's tears to this yeah there is of the those guys are you getting all this tommy are you soaking this in son look here's your here's your 3x look at that that's going to look great with those bibs there's turbos yet no you haven't no his turbos are here billy's turbos are here i don't think you're prepared holy crap that's our gift to beat her bomb right there two massive twin 88s on an aluminum 540. i say amounts i listen back to that nova i don't know if billy can beat joey not with that about her i'm done so it happens to be vicki and i's 27th year wedding anniversary been together for 33 years married 27 and i'm sure she's gonna want to go out to dinner tonight or something so i've been collecting scrap material i'm going to take this little scrap to scrap yard and figure on taking her out to dinner tonight probably to some fancy restaurant there's one in town that she likes to go to the food ain't worth a damn but it's fancy schmancy so she thinks it's great what am i gonna do let's see if the old dump truck will start it's been sitting here for months started rattling and knocking and then it's got a lot of blow-by out the crank case and i need to find another engine for it's a dt466 if anybody out there has got 210 horsepower dt466 it's in good shape i can sure use it for my old dump truck but anyway it's been sitting there for a while it still runs but it don't sound very good at least i think it runs let's go see all right let's see neutral the battery's still up [Music] old corn binder even got oil pressure not very good but it's got some i don't know if you can hear it rattling back here but it don't sound very good i'll take the back road into town make a short trip out of this one [Music] [Music] this thing's uh it's not carrying much water pressure i hope we make it home i thought maybe it was a uh cracked piston but it's run by all six cylinders but it don't sound very good now we're almost there i say we got about half a mile might just leave the whole damn thing [Music] there [Music] most of it come out oh yeah oh yeah all righty well good news is crap's up got 150 out of lotus crap so that should pay for vicki a fancy dinner tonight but i gotta get this damn thing home oh boy it's got like 10 pounds oil pressure [Music] [Music] time i got back from that load of scrap tommy comes pulling in he made a trip down to the post office delivered boxes your brakes don't sound very good yeah this doesn't either oh wait oh maybe it fixed itself no it didn't hey i took that load of scrap 154 you're richer than me exactly we'll see how mom likes my anniversary present hi babies i took a lotus crap and got you an anniversary present i can take you out to dinner now how you like me now i do like you but i thought it was not safe to be driving it that's how much i love you it could break down at any minute it did it made the trip however uh it didn't want to start i had to push it back i parked on a high spot and it wouldn't start so i put it in re i i jumped out of the truck started pushing it back off the concrete and started rolling down the gravel hill and i shoved it in reverse and let the clutch up and hit the key at the same time fired right up if that had backfired what was your plan b i was gonna leave the whole truck there because crap's up right now that's what you were that was a hillbilly jason bournemoon so we ended up not going to dinner tonight we got busy doing other things and vicki decided she just wanted to go go get something she had groceries to go get she wanted to do some things in town whatever so i said fine so we're going to go out to dinner tomorrow night so tonight we ended up just sitting in the house watching whistling diesel eating pizza but we're still waiting on headers aj's still working on our headers and we don't really want to push the truck out until we uh until we get to fire it up hard to tell what we're going to get into tomorrow uh molly's got front struts over here for her mustang i thought she was coming out tonight to put those on but she hasn't made it here yet billy said she's working on a video so that didn't happen so just a whole lot of nothing going on this afternoon this evening saturday morning i hear the mustang roll in so billy and molly must be out there in the shop [Music] [Music] where's it at [Music] yeah it's gonna have to be completely aligned now yeah that's fine just have lucor put it on those look good on there that's what you do are you grumpy today he's always trying to make me grumpy penny you're my witness did i not say something though what explain to me what she did junior this is too good not to share like caress this spindle she's caressing the spindles and then she picks up the impact and starts tightening the spindle here's what happens get this on there if you have to turn it and then pull it together right and i grabbed it by that why didn't you could have grabbed it here it's done a bobby pin that's not a bobby pin a pig weasel pig don't step on weasel pig she going to the hardware store to go get bobby pins [Music] cotter pins that's a castle nut all right when you go just tell them you're looking for a castle nut all right how you doing over there junebug it's a molly bay [Music] all right how's it going you can use a tape measure to get it pretty close it looks like you got it back together good enough to take it to the alignment shop just take it up to lucor and they'll they'll straighten it all up for you we measured the front toe in it's got about a quarter of an inch to half inch a toe on the front so that's good enough to get at the alignment shop we got it close enough to where they can load it on the trailer and haul it to lucor to get the front end to line so billy went ahead and torqued down the camber caster plates to finish it up but there was one more thing they were worried about before they took it in there for the alignment they're worried about the gear oil level in the rear axle the differential cover has been leaking gear oil for a little while molly wanted to check that out so i helped the kids get that done can you see that little sight plug yeah all right you got it okay you got the plug out yeah all right billy just go ahead and pump gear oil in that until she tells you to stop my fingers you can no i can't okay it'll start coming out and start coming out yeah okay go ahead and put the plug back in and we're good to go that's probably good honey [Music] you're clear off the track so billy finally got his lossy baja ray six scale electric stadium truck running again oh my god got the batteries charged up so we got this thing out and ran it for a little while that's the reason why it looks the way it does you should drive it melvin that is there is nothing gentle about that you look so easy good thank you [Music] this is how they think i drive at the police department right now [Music] [Music] just hit the gas and don't let off so you can see it [Music] oh she don't get tired [Music] comes out gives it all she's got but it just ain't enough to get oh she's closed it in tight she's giving it a bark he gets over the first oh she averts the first jump oh she gets a little weird he's probably getting worn out here ladies and gentlemen oh what you cooking there squirrely dinner brats burgers hot dogs you gonna burn one up good for me that's why there's an inferno here so what all did you get on your shopping spree today hobby lobby was having a 50 off sale on stuff that you like what are you doing there pink weather you're practicing yeah uh oh look was this not just made holy smokes that spot as long as you don't cover up lengthy signatures right there so we'll go right below dude that's sweet it's like it was made for that yeah it was like twelve dollars really yeah cause normally it was like 25 bucks that's freaking great i know i love it this little truck bed and i put a decal on the tailgate so it can go on a wall somewhere and something important can go in there like what's important that you need to have remember where it is and you put it in the bed molly's keys there you go what else did you get that's it because i'm being good i'm not blowing too much money but it's just a couple things hey i think you forgot something she thought she had a fire up there she forgot she lit the damn candle so [Music] you
Channel: SRC Garage
Views: 60,795
Rating: 4.9676323 out of 5
Id: N-_Tl6ePhs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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