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-How peaceful it is when those raindrops fall into the lake. -Very beautiful . -But the rain started to get faster . -So let's set up the tent as soon as possible. -Which side was the top? This side. -Let me take it . -You can go on . -Hey ! You locked me :) -I have to get out of here . -Get out from the buttom. -Did you change your socks? -Yes I did . -Water got in here and it wet my feet. -Can you take off … -We need to turn it around . -Just a second . This way . -I am taking off my boots . -Ok you stay inside , I will take the rest . -Let me take it . -I couldn’t open this . -The candle is upside down inside . -There are two candles in this . Bonus . -Huh huh . I put two .Just in case . -Maybe we sit here until the morning . -Candles , please burn. -Increase the intensity of the lighter if you want . -Just a second . -Please don't let them cast a shadow on our romantic dinner . -I guess the frogs will never be silent. -Yes. -Tonight we will sleep with the sounds of frogs. -Symphony . -They cook quickly. -Yes it will be ready very quickly . -You can take both of these . -You covered the outside with sauce, I don’t want it to remain raw inside . -No it will not . -The chicken has already softened in the sauce. -Isn’t it very hot ? -Mmmm… Yummy .Taste it . -Mmmmm … -Shall I open it . -I will do it . -Can you lift the pan with both hands? -Wait . -Let the fire get hotter, it's very weak. -Ok? -Ok. -They look so delicious . -Be careful , don’t burn your hand . -Ok .I will put it at the side . Chicken will go in the middle . -The chickens are so soft that they will almost fall apart in the tongs. -When I look around me 360 ​​degrees, I don't see anything, it's pitch black. -We're in the middle of nowhere. -Exactly . -Heater is active. Heating starts. Smart heater :) -You don’t need something from downstairs , right ? -No . -I am coming . -How nice and warm this place is! -Yes very warm . -Good night . -Good night . -Honey , can you take the breakfast . -Just put it as is . -This is the wind before the rain . It blew like this in the morning and then it rained. -It may rain now . -That's why I prepared the table this way. We can take it and run inside immediately. -Yes this is very practical . -There is no need to deal with it one by one.
Channel: AquaVanLife
Views: 31,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VSsi5YAWKo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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