S2E2: The RM Brooks General Store is Gathering Place for People From Around the Country

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[Music] thank you [Music] long time no sleep he puts you to work look here she said she had to take medicine her hips hurt I asked her for a job that's true look at there [Music] good morning everybody how are you oh junk Man look different shirt today hey and I got my hair dated so uh John said a lot of you guys were asking about how I make my pie dough so we are going to make some pie dough and then I'm going to make some pies today and I'm gonna multitask today's kind of a crazy day so um I put one can of evaporated milk um in my KitchenAid mixer this is not how my mom and I used to do it we did it all hand you know done and then I bought this KitchenAid and I like it and it works well because I can actually put it in there and uh start doing it and go to something else I put two teaspoons of vanilla extract I put two teaspoons of baking powder I put three heaping tablespoons of butter flavored Crisco um foreign I use white lily all-purpose flour I've used other flowers and I don't like them and that's the one my mom uses and so she's been cooking for she's 84 so I figure she knows best but it does make a difference I mean I did talk to a lady I don't know where my other thing is so on my flower I don't have a measurement on my flower I'm just going to put some in there to begin with the recipe does call for a measurement I do it by texture and how it feels on my hands um but I do measure my my sugar is a cup of sugar I mean it's not going to hurt it if you're a little bit more a little bit less I'm gonna hurt it so um and then we're gonna put two eggs two eggs and then I just turn it on turn it on like that and I just let it do its thing while I do something else so I leave the flour we'll leave the flower out and actually while I have the flour out I'm going to make pancake batter for tomorrow so this is uh some special friends of mine from church they're here they came to see the brook store after watching some of my videos this is Judy and Mike Wagner and they work in the sound and media in the light department there do you still help them so Mike I don't know do you okay I've not been there I used to help y'all and I abandoned you and started making videos on the road so and she did so I'm not there as much but I appreciate you what you do for the church and all and seeing what'd you think about the the old store today the history and stuff here it was great it's a very it's nice to see things that haven't been torn down you know yeah it's still original yes yeah it's a lot of history because it's four generations of family here and the stuff that you see in the store is stuff that was originally used in the store or on the farm here this was an active working farm and they raised cattle and tobacco and an active store yeah post office post office they had a they had the furniture store across the street over there Bob's Bargain Mart so back in the 30s and 40s this is a booming little area right here and I'm glad that Tiffany's uh carrying on the family tradition yeah well guys you all have a good trip all right thank you see y'all bye-bye so we are going to be doing a lot of prepping today and I'm going to be doing a lot of pie making um so I'm actually going to be using um dried apples this time for my pies which is not something I do but the place that I get my pie filling out was out of um out of pie filling and I bought some dried apples from my uncle got some and uh so I anyway my mom made me some dried apples so it'll be a special pie thing so I just let the pie dough do its thing my mom at first when I questioned about doing that she said I don't know if that'll work because we would do everything um by hand but it works out really well when the pad go gets done then I put it in the refrigerator it has to sit overnight and chill and then as you can tell I have this other one out and um I'm letting it sit and get kind of thought out for me this is probably not enough coffee for tomorrow but at least get us started so let me show you this dough so you understand so I've kind of let it do its thing and it's kind of pliable like Play-Doh kind of see so this is probably a good texture for me to be able to roll out where this is the one that's been chilled and it's harder so I have to let this sit in order to be I can work with it and it'll give me good arm muscles but we're tired today so we don't care about that if you watch this dough as I roll it out it's pretty good um if you if your dough is too if it's not if it's not a stiff enough then it's it just rolls all over the place and you can't work with it but if it's too stiff then you're working yourself to death so this is the dough that I just made and that's pretty good I mean I don't know if you can tell on a video but how it does and then I just put this around it Lois taught me this in order to make them nice and pretty because I was making them and they were kind of just ugly but they tasted good and then I just put my extra over there so I just this is the peach pie filling that I use and I actually get it at a little local grocery store and actually my friend Lois actually also found this and it's and it's good because we were using canned stuff and it was just a lot so then you just put that around like that and actually I haven't turned that on yet so now I'm going to turn this on so that's your dough and then what I do with my dough which I'm actually going to keep this dough out and work with it because I need to make a lot of Fried Pies for the weekend I'm just going to not put this in the refrigerator because as you can tell like I said I don't know that you can but it's a little bit stiffer so this will be good so I'm going to go ahead and try to work with it instead of putting it in the refrigerator so all right so there's that we're going to leave that right there and I'm going to put this over here and we're going to put clean up our mess thank you foreign does he have an order too or just Fried Pies okay are you eating that here no the sandwich you'll eat here okay so I may have to go in the back and help Megan because she's not back up here she may be having trouble finding what I need so well I know darn good well oh maybe it's in that cooler effect did you find the broccoli yeah take this up here too take that up there um let's swing peppers huh let's go look up here maybe I put it up here ah it's here sorry sorry oops um if you want to wash that broccoli for me and then I'll make um broccoli salad just a minute and here's this straightener so you come to try one of the Tiffany's belongings yes I did drove all the way from Powder tribe so it's got the egg and egg and cheese and tomato and I don't know what else well there's quite a bit of controversy on some people like thick cut bologna and some people like the thin cut I like thick cut thick cut fried it's different different places down here in East Tennessee I'm a sucker for a fried bologna sandwich we're glad you made it out today we'll see you here before you leave again all right how many pounds did you say you wanted five six okay six dried Apple so I just taken out I coat my it really good with uh flour and then roll it out it'll take me a minute to get my groove I've had three cups of coffee today you think I'd be going but I'm taking this out of that new Dough because like I said this is still stiff and I don't feel like working it so these are dried apples that my mom made don't ask me the recipe because I don't know all I know is my mom's 84 and Hallelujah I don't know what I'd do without her so anyway so the the oil should be good and hot we'll see maybe it needs a little bit more time that's okay so we're going to make six of these now I'm just going to make pies and make pies and make pies today and on the thickness of it that's another thing too that you learn I don't know if you can tell the thickness of my dough um but you don't want it too thin because then your stuff will come your new your filling will come through I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving and it was restful and peaceful tomorrow Saturday so I think we'll be busy I had a lot of people asking me if we were open today and I normally am only closed on Thanksgiving and then I close of course for Christmas depending on when like this year I think it falls on Saturday so I'll be closed or no Christmas Eve falls on Saturday and I well and I won't be open this year on Christmas Eve my kids and I are doing Christmas Eve in the morning we're going to have Christmas Eve breakfast at my mom's so I will not be open on Christmas Eve of course Christmas Day is on Sunday and um but I try to stay open for Labor Day and Memorial Day and all those because I figure everywhere else is closed and I'm going to be open and people can come here so we usually do really good and the girls are blessed on those days so my oil is getting a little I reuse my oil until it gets the flour that goes in your oil sometimes can be it can make your oil kind of and we'll see how these actually look um when I turn them over and if they look not how I want them to look then I'll make this guys and then we'll change the oil but um again I don't have a method these are not done on that side so I'll flip them over and then we'll we'll re-clip them again Wesley they're looking at your at Susie out there so I got four I'll do two more my the guys that are camping out there did y'all cat uh see anything today oh my goodness they know you're here those guys up there are staying in the campground and they're hunting and how many years you guys been coming Brian but to the campground yeah three years so you can go up there and meet them while I work on these my name's Logan bats and I'm from Knoxville Tennessee and uh I've been coming down here to the store and the campground for three years now uh Tiffany's always been a very good businesswoman and she has some of the best food a man can eat and uh a lot of history in this little place and actually I've only been here coming for three years from my father-in-law's been coming pretty much all his life and there's a reason he keeps you know we keep coming back so she's got some really good food here and uh really good hospitality and uh she uh takes care of people as they come in and takes care of them well y'all stayed at the stand at the campgrounds yes we're staying at the campground we stayed almost every weekend during deer season oh thank you quite a bit yeah we're coming up oh yeah good good amenities good great area beautiful Farmland around here and uh a bunch of deer down here too so that's a that's that's a good driving force as well so yeah but we we really truly enjoy coming down here to the campground and uh she takes good care of us so okay now here we go see we're done with his pass so we're gonna he said I could put him in here so we're gonna lay him in here and uh we'll move on to something else so he wanted six Fried Pies so that's four five six oh somebody messaged me don't know where it's from but it wasn't around here close and asked me if I could ship Fried Pies um by the time I ship them to another state I don't know that they'd be any good so that just means you'll have to plan a trip and come here and see us all right Megan can you come ring him up well look good they look good okay enjoy him and those are excellent Glory sandwich Katie does an amazing job she uh I've taught her well yeah she's going to make somebody a good wife uh we're gonna put you say hi Dan how you doing hi Dan uh no I oh hi Mom hi Mom it's your dad that spends his whole life teaching your football and who do you say hi to when it comes to cameras hi Mom yeah that's right tell your mom hi yeah yeah Happy Thanksgiving mom look Dan's on seat we're taking good we're taking good care of him Mom where's your mom live Kentucky yeah that's right have you ever told them who you are who told who who the people on the camera I've talked to him before yeah Dan Dan Jasper out of every he's from everywhere I'm on the witness protection program don't say that oh gosh uh he lives at my Campground and he's a great help to me I live on the campground yeah and uh he takes care of people okay what was her name Jason Jason it's nice to meet you thank you for coming the cheese cutter has been in here forever [Music] thank you so you've been at the bookstore before I guess huh yeah a lot we'll be here again in about 30 minutes do you want okay yeah that's all with that and yeah Seventeen dollars and how many knots are we doing this time [Music] that's for you that's for you yeah I'm playing this on Fishers you know we're taking boy over here where is one with uh where's one that has the hoop cheese on the fried bologna okay so these two need fries do you want to run these since she's foreign these are the cheeseburgers for this um [Music] yes you could get a pickle and yes we'll open it up for you do you need it right now are you eating food you got to make a nice couple here from Ohio they came down from the video and it's Brenda and Paul and your last name is Nas there you go so how'd you enjoy the visit of the story loved it we'll be back well I got one of those cups too see y'all next time thank you once I get these on Katie then I can come back over there and switch with you [Music] okay good welcome yeah you doing another one on it yeah we're here filming today yeah well why Shelly yeah where y'all from Cedar Bluff Alabama is where we live Marietta Georgia okay yeah we're glad to meet you out here we go on the channel and I love this kind of stuff we came up to uh Ellijay Georgia for something for Thanksgiving yesterday and um with her family and she was like well hey while we're at this bar held up you know absolutely yeah look around we'll do something to eat oh yeah God gave me one of them bologna sandwiches yeah thank you tell me y'all ordering here I'm gonna show one Tiffany bologna sandwich instead of strawberry yeah chocolate shake yeah [Music] potato bug made for me she loves me yes she does um let me flip my let me flip my pies before I burn him again [Music] well I bet you he has a hamburger patty for his dog on the Storm around here Colorado [Music] and a cheeseburger and a cheeseburger okay do you get to collect any tips Andrew no will you take this one for me um [Music] [Music] hey we're there in the morning chocolate shake well she had three sandwiches I mean four sandwiches yeah okay and four fries four fries I already got that now what else am I doing a pie for me okay and you brought your own drink and then I'm doing he already paid for his water so don't tell me those okay what else chocolate shake chocolate shake and that's it yeah did you have anything to drink no bottle bottle okay now 31.75 sir is what it is okay now Andrew some tips now Andrew worked hard well I'm gonna give him a tip I'm gonna give him a lot of tea yeah that's right hang on hang on hey how do I how do I work this do I have to exit out the whole thing you hit the square nope um hey come on in guess okay now there's that did you already take it uh what's his names bronze did you take Ryan's there you go sweetie thank you Charlie it's good to see you okay bye bye Bob okay here waiting on that all right okay and what else water and fries give me another one it's 8.75 guys those new people that are walking in we just had a big crowd so I probably don't have any clean tables back there yet and I take your order for your food here so if you're here just to look around that's great you can go look around if you're here for me to get your order and you're eating with us then you need to come back here after I ring these people up and I'll clean a table back there for you there's that what'd you have to drink so I have 75. hose is this okay this is yours okay sweetie pie thank you that's it 12.75 thank you my dear let's see what I tell you 12.75 didn't I okay 13 14 15 and 20. thank you huh no we ain't building on everybody just squish in here like they love each other that's all I know all right happy late Thanksgiving have a blessed Christmas Hallelujah wonderful day okay do y'all know what you want are you eating with me there we go okay but you're still eating right yeah okay you ready to place your order four fried bolognes okay how are we building each one are they all going to be the same that's it yep do you like them well or you know well more well done too well and two less well is that correct okay that's all you're doing okay I'm gonna go ahead and ring you up yeah do you guys need any help are you guys good okay thank you no go ahead tell me what do you want on it well Chapman I put Chapman on there well yeah it goes with that order uh small bags or big bags okay um [Music] is that it and everything was good was the rib eye okay okay 21 20 or 21.50 this here you can just you just have it oh he doesn't want oh mean thank you guys for stopping bye guys uh Dr Pepper and a water in a fried pot 10.75 9 10 and 20. we see how Max is right around the holidays being a scrooge you're not around me enough to learn anything come on ups for the drawing here sir Fisher Hey listen Fisher you're growing up I don't even know what to think about you all right you had a fried pie what else do you have to drink sweetie okay two of them okay okay you had a fried pie tea okay is that it hey everybody this is Lois that I was talking about earlier today when I was doing the pies and she's brought her family to eat so I'm gonna take her order and Katie and I are gonna fix their food and she's going to tell you what a wonderful person I was to work with no I'm just kidding she can say whatever but she can tell you about her business that she has in Clark Springs Tennessee and what she does and just whatever she wants to tell you about so anyway so what kind of business do you have well my place is called the retriever Retreat and we provide beds and biscuits for retrievers and their people and what that actually means is that we train dogs for the AKC hunting tests at my place I have a friend who is a professional trainer and she helps people who own retrievers that participate in these hunt tests to train their dogs to be successful at the hunt test and I run the lodging side of the business and I have cabins in a cottage and a bath house and we all eat together in my covered Galley and you come and with your dog and I'm also on Airbnb um and you don't have to train a retriever or even have a retriever and I've had people come and stay with their cat so I'm pretty flexible but uh we that's kind of a I got into the hospitality business because of Tiffany I first met Tiffany shortly after my husband Kevin died and I would come up here and be the little lost Widow couldn't function and she would make me eat and eventually she was looking for someone to make biscuits for her Saturday morning breakfast and I became known as the biscuit lady and then I learned to be a short order cook for breakfast on a volunteer basis I cook breakfast for all the hunters for a couple of years on a volunteer basis and then I became a semi-paid staff member for a long time and then when I sold my farm that was close to here and I moved to Clark Range and opened my own business I would still come back in the winter and cook for the hunters and this is kind of mine she's my go-to girl when I get desperate and my home away from home and I I love Tiffany and she's been such a blessing to me and I hope I have been a blessing to her you have been that's our story yeah that's our story and here we are and so anyway she Lois was uh has been a lifesaver many many times when I've needed her when I've had some times in my life so she's always been here to help and come in and join in with Katie so anyway so now I've brought my whole family to have lunch because this is my Village and these are my people and we make videos for the store um for YouTube It's called The Appalachian Channel if you've seen it I have okay that's how he found you that's how I found it oh okay yeah so we watched it okay so you must have decided to come get a bologna sandwich well good where y'all from Hickory North Carolina Hickory North Carolina well I'm glad you made it it has been busy here today and uh it'll be back tomorrow and so what do you think about start the store so far it's been amazing fantastic just the beginning of it yeah just walking into it come here let me show you this right here a minute I was gonna I told Tiffany I want to show this in this video and I didn't really get it but she don't uh care before you go back there just go back here and look at this this is stuff that's originally been here there's stuff that's been in this store for a hundred years this used to be an office for them for the for the store yeah yeah maybe someone's been in the Navy oh yeah there's a lot of history this has been in the same family for a hundred years so that's what we're looking at it was watching I did some research on it's pretty amazing oh my gosh yeah then the post office is up front did you see it in the post office yeah it was pretty amazing it operated until 1994 I believe until Tiffany's grandmother Berta passed away uh check this out right here Greg this is the old Tiffany still uses this office here but check out the old wanted posters back in the day from back in the day pretty amazing wow but this was uh I don't know what year they started using this post office but it just stayed here after they shut it down and just used distance office after that pretty amazing that I mean this is what Americana was yes absolutely all right little store supported the neighborhood yep and now most of them's uh restaurants because you got so many of the chain grocery stores you know the dollar stores and all that come and buy everything up yeah so she does a lot of food and some Antiques and souvenirs so amazing and uh I always like to look at the architecture of them yeah see how the thing was built now it's with stood over the years pretty amazing you know in February now how would they know that because of the sides because rate it grows right so what are you doing you just had a second dose it goes in Monday for the next dose but yes here is falling it's got a little patch left baby that's okay it just falls out yeah is that going good for you uh the second dose then yeah first dose was terrible but second one doing better yeah okay I'm gonna come over there and sit Katie I'm gonna go sit I'll go get candy for just a second is that okay you're healing your healing and you're healing a lot he's he he bore those stripes for you Jamie right for all of us so the healing's already there we just got to walk it out right so all right so I think I'm going to pray that um you will just have these Divine encounters and that this journey that you're on right now will just be one that he'll just continue to show himself more mightily that your um your relationship with him will grow deeper because that's the most important thing because if we really know why we were placed here we were placed here um for him and his kingdom a lot I heard this said by a preacher he said we tell people wrong we tell them that God has this great plan for you no God has a plan and he wants you to be part of that plan right right for his kingdom and and it's for everyone to spend eternity with him that's the ultimate thing is he wants and we forget that we have Heaven here on Earth that we have all the kingdoms all the keys to the kingdom here on here on Earth and so we just have to tap into them right so all right so father I just thank you this morning that you have given us this beautiful day father that you have um okay I'm here with Stephen Roxanne they're from Knoxville and uh they're out exploring a little bit today they came down to the R.E.M Brooks's General store they had been watching some of the videos and you know tell us a little about you about your grandma that lived here you said you've been here before yeah about 50 years ago I came for a homecoming with my mother and my grandmother and she was raised here your grandmother my grandmother was her name was Mary Leona uh McKinney McKinney Mary Leona McKinney so you're out going to find some different places there's quite a few places I was telling you about around here to go see and got the rugby villagers right down here and we got our bellies full here oh yeah it was good food really good food oh yeah they found me some Treasures I saw you bought some of that spoon art in there and uh what'd you think about the store do you feel like it's original or authentic absolutely yeah it's really neat too the the post office that's inside that's real interesting yeah know so if you can find places that's new that's been reproduced but this is actual history right here when you come to eat the Brooks family has been here for so long since the and they started in 1917 selling stuff and a few years later they built this store and it's not here now but right over there in the field growed up there was a place a barn and uh uh RM or Bob Brooks as they call him he started selling furniture out of that barn and it was called Bob's Bargain Barn and he would go buy furniture at auction so they had all types of uh different things people could buy over in the barn at The Bargain Barn so there's quite a bit of business going on they farmed and all around us right here we can see I don't know how many acres the Brooks family still owns but it's quite a few the bed and breakfast would be over that way and right down here can't see it right here but there's a Chicken House I caught but there's a name for it where they would raise chickens too they raised like 60 000 chickens at a time there's some pictures in the store there of when they'd have that thing full of chicken so wow that was an actual working farm they raised cattle Hogs I think some uh had the store they stayed quite busy around here back in the day so a lot a lot of family history right here you know and you don't find that so but we're glad to let people know about it and help other people like you all did find it and come out enjoy enjoy seeing what it used to be like at one time you don't see much of this anymore no they're you know it's hard to compete with the big chain stores and so I try to help promote the small mom-and-pop businesses and um they're uh you know struggling against the big store so it's always good when we can support them that's right well it's nice meeting you guys and hopefully see you on YouTube and Facebook all right thank you okay bye-bye hey uh as you guys can see we were crazy busy today but we uh thank you for watching and if you didn't see my Facebook post about uh Thanksgiving I want to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving even though it's a day late and we look forward to seeing you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: The Appalachian Channel
Views: 598,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OCRlJ6_d86I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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