S2E1: Tiffany’s World Famous Bologna Sandwich:Journalists from Italy Visit RM Brooks General Store

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good morning we gotta check the mail see y'all all our bills one day there's going to be a big check in here I know anyway huh I don't know [Music] oh let's get this door open [Music] it's gonna be a pretty day in November it'd be a good hiking day [Music] come on in all the lights are off and we'll get this going [Music] Katie normally opens up but she had somewhere to go today so she made me get out of the bed early [Music] and anybody who knows me knows that I'm not a morning girl so I'm gonna make these guys a fried bologna sandwich to take on the road with let me get my apron on Marco the the guy that I'm making a sandwich for says that he uh what did he say oh he's from the bologna capital of the world but I'm going to try to make him a fried bologna sandwich that he won't forget so we're going to make it with a lot of love some prayer and send them on their way to Nashville and we'll give them a fried pie and see if that doesn't blow their mind from this little neck of the woods oh they're from uh well that's I was kind of I need to tell you where they're from they're from Europe somewhere in Italy volley I don't know when he gets here you can ask him I just know they're from Europe or that you know that area okay I have to cut bologna I believe this morning so we are using uh this is the famous bologna I use I used to use a different brand that came in a big thing and I'd have to cut it in half and um and then their plant burned so I had to switch bolognes so I use this William Fisher bologna I call it Kentucky gold that's what I was told I don't know anyway that's what we use and it's nice and small and handy for me to be able to foreign we're going to cut them a big old thick slice of baloney [Music] that looks like a piece of blood [Music] all right and I'll come back and finish doing that just a second we'll get this on for them so all the fresh Bolognese kept for today hopefully we'll use two rolls that'll be good presenting hello gentlemen oh I'm so excited to see you oh long time no see I was telling him that I was going to try to blow your mind even though you're from the baloney capital of the world and then he said where is he from and I said bologna I said bologna bologna no we're actually from Milan but bologna which is the old town of Bologna is about one and a half hours from our house and it's uh the city that hosts their oldest Universe in the world uh so but I said Italy I said Europe I said Italy anyway um hola yes how do you saying the leisures for us I'm fixing to make it yes I'm making it right now with a lot of love a little bit of prayer to get y'all to Nashville and we're good just in case we you know we didn't have enough breakfast yes in case you get hungry along the way it's gonna be good guys it's gonna be good now I'm making it my way this yeah this will not be like your sandwich in the bologna capital of the world you're going to be in the bologna capital of East Tennessee rugby um egg lettuce tomato onion pickle mustard mayonnaise cheese he's looking at it like no you think so you'll like it oh well maybe you may not like it I'm sure as well I have no doubt and I toasted the bread white bread oh yeah from all over the world yeah I had I had some guy call me from New Zealand and uh his name is Paul if Paul's watching and we were talking and he says oh my gosh I'm talking to the owner and I thought yeah who I mean and then he's called me JJ JJ no wait a minute I said he said I want to name you JJ I said JJ he said yes jabberjaws I said Oh Katie was cracking up he said jjt he said Jennifer draws Tiffany and I said so then he talked and he talked and he talked Paul and uh and then I said I'm gonna call you jjp jabber Jaws Paul he said no it's a compliment okay so is this a state of Tennessee all right sweetie the tourism or a whole United States no no it's a multi it's a multi-state itinerary we started from well we landed in Washington DC and um we started from West Virginia and we drove down to North Carolina and then we're heading up in Nashville Tennessee okay wow wow let's see that let me try and put it from here see I'm I'm becoming hungry hungry yeah yeah well you have to show it to me I want to make a picture yes like that hold on this way okay go ahead show me man yum yum yum yeah I'll keep talking yum yum yum yum yum yum you can eat their sandwich now listen y'all better eat this you promise you're gonna need there's no doubt okay wait I don't we always start saying now we need to take it easy we're eating too much and then so I gotta tell you something about my bloody sandwiches after he gets done taking pictures see that's what I'm saying when you said bologna now it's only only a piece of bread and some baloney that's it fresh so this is not going to be well it's just my nibble on Tennessee way of having bologna anyway however you want to say it hang on now and also do you guys fry your baloney up fry it no no it's nice like uh very very thin slices oh really so you know what they call this here in the South they call that a poor man steak well you could taste it see you're right because that was traditionally the meal yeah for the workers exactly okay you know the construction people they add a plant a sandwich a bologna sandwich yeah it's a typical slice me like a typical ham from bologna the city it's as wide as we speak okay it can be this long so we put it on this lifestyle machine like very thin slices and that is Romeo this is red and that look at that see that looks more like salami no no this is nothing to do with that that's the but see the little pieces ours doesn't have that in it you see yeah how big it is yes yes and there is no pistachio here see I'm gonna have to ask George what he was talking about but our baloney doesn't see yeah I saw it did you see and it that's it well okay I already sliced it but yeah just show me a rose lies okay okay yeah yeah but it still has but not the white you have to fry it you have to fry it well it's it's very very good when it's cooked yes yep okay okay ciao ciao bye it was so nice to see you meet you okay you'll have to come back all right be careful bye-bye I'm excited about will you send me pictures of whatever you do or oh yeah uh do we have your contacts okay all right let's do this what do you want to eat okay I'll have to frap some fresh bacon so it'll be a minute what would you like okay and you're going to eat that here okay is that it yes uh 475. thank you for being patient always friends all right her rotten she couldn't read mine I had a mini stroke four years ago and I can't um you can barely read my writing but I know what it says and Katie and I most of the time decipher y'all are next what can I do for you uh fried okay and what would you like on it okay the cheeseburger okay lettuce and tomatoes and onion and mayonnaise okay American cheese anything else and drinks the drinks are over there okay what we do I got some people I want you to meet I think you know Ricky already but he wants dinner he wants to introduce you to the junk man oh hi Ricky it's good to see you hello Tiffany hi I've seen you on your uh store videos okay no problem you got the same blow outside you know I was thinking about it I was thinking about that today and I was thinking and if you want me to tell you the truth when I went downstairs to get my pants that was laying there and I thought I'm gonna grab it really quick and then I thought about that today I thought I've already worn this blast but I have a lot of clothes because I like clothes but anyway nice to meet you all right same here thanks for pointing that out everybody so anyway I'll go change my shirt now I'll uh I'll go put one on my Aaron Brooks shirts yeah that's your uniform that's that's my this is my uniform that's right black makes a girl look skinnier okay so they're here Ricky's here today to draw a picture of the store okay and uh he is a very talented artist and a lot of people watched his video and liked it and we've done some other videos that we've working on and he's brought some doors today for you to maybe try to sell for him on consignment yeah done right here I know those are amazing I am I am impressed I like the blue one let's look at that one those are one of a kind for sure those are super cool aren't they all off of uh mg midgets mg midgets well this is a British country ain't it it is it is rugby is a British company down there yes that's a good coin out there well junk man and he's got a big supply of those doors so if you sell them and Ricky I'm sure be glad to pay them up for you so if you want one of these come out we're open every day except for Wednesday and Sunday Ricky is a local guy he is so talented and we I'm excited to be working with them so uh yeah so come on out get you one how much are we selling them for 125. yes 125 125 is what we're selling them for so um that's a good price anyway don't worry and all yeah door and all that's good it's even it's even got the date on this one when he painted it before I have to go back in and help Katie ah well Ricky will you tell us the story about painting that which I did not know you shared with me okay uh back in the day I worked in Brooks Cash Store and this there can't kin folks right and they had me to come out here and and to re-uh do the signs because they're was faded so that's 1977 I had a 68 Torino Fastback drove out here and got over on the ladder and painted it for him it looks like it needs to be painted again but again I might have to hire you to get up there I've been up there about three times but this girl's getting older and she don't need to get up there do I I'd be glad to come out one of these days I'm excited about you showing Ricky's uh what you're going to do the store but I got the privilege of seeing some of Ricky's artwork the other day guys and it is amazing I was uh thoroughly impressed well you've probably already shown it on his videos I do haven't you some of his artwork but he's here today to draw the RM bookstore as it was maybe back in the 50s or 60s and so he's gonna get started on that and get a few Clips with him and then you can go back to work because you're a busy lady today I am a busy lady today the weather's beautiful and it's November and we feel like we're in Florida anyway next time I'm gonna have a different shirt on that you guys have never seen before Oh Boy yeah I'm Steve goings over in Jack spur oring Goins Jacksboro and uh when I was over here filming today and you're just in here eating that's where I'm from Jacksboro and we've talked a lot on Facebook about things about the videos yeah and y'all been here before right we've been here before yeah well it's a beautiful day out today ain't it and you do a good job on those videos we enjoy them well thank you and uh Brooks's uh store here has been one of our more popular series everybody loves Tiffany and seeing all the locals and all that yeah and uh so we just got to be here today I won our uh first episode of season two that's great she's got a lot of stuff in there it brings back memories we'll be looking forward to seeing it John well I'm glad to meet you out here today I saw you one day in a store somewhere we run into each other every now and then but you do a fine job appreciate what you do thank you guys you all have a good trip on the way home [Music] oh it's a hand-painted what's nice okay now over here is a 7-Up bottle okay and I believe a woman's maybe a whole up you know you're fresher you up something like that so and that's Robert Brooks and I speak well how about that now you want to get a copy of that so what year you think that was taken Bobby [Applause] see he what is he seven years old eight years old yeah it looks like it okay he was born in he was born in 44. wow so 58 19. fifth 1952 ain't that right somewhere in the early 50s we could say pretty safely so late 40s late 40s so this this was on the side too you're fresh up seven up yeah that's hand painted too boys yeah well that's hand painting oh you don't see the seven up there you don't see that in a while okay so Ricky can add that just like that Ricky can handle that this is the old fish head that he caught uh you just barely can't see it that was the zoo fish you caught it weighed 235 pounds so tell us about this picture what we're seeing in here about 1970 maybe in that picture there Bobby that that is that's a picture of the store uh they was a photographer a photographer up here from Louisville Courier he lived down in rugby uh Jimmy King and this is my dad and that's myself and that's my son Clark Brooks well and this here is the Oldsmobile and that was a 19 S 78 79 Oldsmobile well ain't that something so well uh we did get a lot more information we had a little while ago didn't we amen and uh of course we've went over this before I've used it this is the back stick that I've used on the farm for over 50 years foreign of my mom and tobacco that was down here on the farm so tell us about this right here is this what you cut it with well this this is the original cutter and what you would do is pushed down push down and that gets old after a little while so use this stick to hold it too no no no this this represents a tobacco stock a stock okay I got you and you would you would cut it down yeah and then cut it and then cut it of course the sphere we've got one in the store you put that on there and then you spear that down and you put about seven uh plants stay on the sticks then you hang it up like this in the barn to let it cure and you space it out so air would move through it yeah did y'all hang any back in this morning behind us here that was what it's built for that's what yeah we had to and we had it hung in the chicken house down here we had in the Big Barn that the chance has been gone and uh we had about five somewhere between five and ten thousand sticks oh my goodness over the year yeah and one at one point we had about 30 Acres out but on the end we was down to to about five acres and then then we got out of the business one of the things I wanted to highlight the reason I wanted him to do this picture with the house on it it's not like it is now is how all the merchants back in the day used to live in their stores oh yes so did you did you live there as a kid was that somewhere that you lived that there's there's double there's here and over on the house and there should be a picture representing that some horse okay and uh that was my room that was your room all right it was paneled that looks like paneling wood paneling except the wood paneling was cardboard and there's a piece of it in the store somewhere really they're back there yeah it's cardboard but it's printed like wood how about that so your wireless made out of cardboard yeah you want to do now was this house already built when you moved here with your dad might I was born in in 1942 right behind it and this was already there was another house out there that my grandfather built and then in in the 48 4950 somewhere along in that area he built a new home over here and we moved out of that house into this one and he moved over there did you have anything to do with them getting this on the National Historical registry or did your sister do that or I'm just part of the family you know no I no my sister and and she done that so it's on the National Restaurant of historical places yes it is so Ricky's here today to draw a picture about that what do you think I can read it I can remember of this no this porch being a wooden porch a wooden porch the floor not it was yeah and over here which we we still have a representative was a water pump hand pump Pump It Up and Down and we would take the little knob little nut off the end of it and hold her finger and get to get it full of water and hold it up and it's when the car come by we'd slam it down and we could shoot water pump across the road we hit the cars with now is that the pump that's still over there that pup no somebody decided they wanted it worse than we did and they took it and they took it they cut it off and cut it but so he needs to draw that pump if he can in there then oh yeah yeah yeah it's original yeah I mean that that what'd you find junk man old book with a see in 62 hours just turned seven they just had to bring that up didn't he I like the humid there thank you [Music] [Music] I don't know it's safe you ain't right and another okay so it looks like Ricky's got a little bit done here he started on drawing out there and uh looking good thank you why'd you bringing in for me to look out for sir and make sure if you want the gas pump to be the way he's supposed to be in the picture you know here and here well I I think that looks okay we still got the screen door right here yeah and then there's a then I'm gonna add that pump yeah right here yeah this will be a lean too right here and then here be that seven up sign right along here in the house okay yeah looking good well man have you ate lunch yet not yet you want something to eat that's maybe a cheeseburger in a minute okay we'll come in we'll take a break and we'll all sit down and make lunch how's that sound look but like I said I take all the pencil marks out and all that stuff you know looking good okay so this is my good friends Stephanie and her husband Ron uh mcnahan and I was going to tell you all a little story and then I'm gonna let Stephanie tell you what she does and why I carry her spoon on my mother went to uh twice to uh art fair or something they were doing in Morgan County at the county seat and she bought my sisters and I some angels so when she brought the second thing in I said I've got to have this lady's stuff in my store I don't carry that many people's stuff in my store because it's just hard for me to keep up with but I called Stephanie and I said I want to carry your stuff and she said I've never had anybody asked me I said what it's beautiful and so then she said but do you know the reason I do what I do and when she told me the reason she does what she does then I said I've got to have your stuff in my store so I'm going to let her tell the story and so yeah it's a really great everybody that comes in and buys something I let them know that it's going for a good cause and what they do and Tiffany has no blessing to us and I'm going to share with you the story on how um why I'm in the store that she has she um the Lord called me to start doing mission trips and I had just quit work and gone down to one income and I was very doubtful on how I could have the money to go on the trips and so in praying through what I needed to do the Lord spoke to my heart and said do you really trust me then and so I knew that he had something big in that store so I began to wonder how we could raise the money to go on the trips so rod and I had gone on the longest yard sale and trying to think through what we could do because we always like junk and repurposing things and we saw a hummingbird made out of metal stuff a great big hunting bird so as we thought about that and got to looking at different things we thought why can't we make items like this and sell it and he came up with how to design the hummingbirds out of silverware and so from that it just evolved into that was one of the very first pieces that we did I have been on 14 mission trips some years going twice a year and God has been faithful to use this and to use Tiffany and different people that have stepped into our life to um buy things from us and to introduce us to other people that he has Faithfully provided for every single trip I do mission trips to teach ladies how to sew and we take sewing machines down and we teach them how to do clothing and to do purses and different things we have a couple of our ladies that are actually have things in stores in the Dominican Republic and it's just been an amazing journey that God has walked with us through and how that we have met Tiffany and met other people through that that our prayer warriors for us on these mission trips and it's just exciting for me to be able to tell them it's not about me going it's about them investing in the lives in the Dominican and that's how I came up with the name of beauty from ashes is because we're taking silverware sometimes it's discarded and thrown away and creating it into pretty items to be able to sell and by going on the mission trips then I'm able to help ladies have a um a job that they can do a skill that they can use to make money and pull them out of poverty get over here come on let me love on her she don't like to be on the camera Katie don't like to be on the camera but today I'm on a love honor so Katie has been with me for how long about three years about three years she's my right hand girl which all the girls that have helped me have been good every one of them but Katie is like I can be like girl I gotta run to the house and she covers everything she covers me in prayer she's when people come in here and I sense that we need to maybe pray for him she also just start praying and she's on it and she's multitasking and so anyway and I'm very appreciative and so anyway she doesn't want to be on camera and she doesn't want to talk but everybody needs to see Katie because they want to come see me but Katie's behind the scenes and if it wasn't for Katie then Tiffany couldn't do what she does so thank you it's true it's true she hopes down the fort she keeps me sane and when I when I might let something come out that I shouldn't say she'll say so you know she keeps me in line so anyway she prunes me a little bit we prune each other but I mean you know so this is Katie so whenever you guys want to visit also ask for Katie [Music] is that good she's running away now she's so cute she says she's an introvert but I don't think so she's I don't know she is she talks a lot to people she loves on people but it's okay well you're having a good day junk man I'm relaxing today relaxing out here at the Oregon Brooks store keep it keep it Ricky keeping Ricky going today that's that's about it he's over there drawing so I'm gonna just check on him yep yep he's he's doing a good job getting his proportions and his angles but he's getting it what do you think about putting a car in this area that just a made-up car right now how about we make it a truck that way it could be like a Orion Brooks's General Store truck okay can you change that why sure yeah attention to a truck I think a truck would be better I think it'd be more interesting yeah and that way it could have been a service truck they probably had one you know yeah a little bit and there's your truck this morning oh how about that that didn't take you but a minute to fix that did it well that's great yeah and next we're going to use the photos to do the seven up thing and rest of the house is whatever and I'm doing this Lane tote here trying to get everything right portion whatever did you ever watch uh Bob Ross yeah I sure do yeah yeah I enjoyed watching him yeah Bob Ross is a good guy yeah so you're gonna be the Bob Ross of drawing for people and teach them how to draw for us well if I can get people like you to help me I'm sure well yeah so what what does it take to to draw like you do just practice or a gift or what do you call it a gift yeah it's a gift from God Bounty Bay yeah yeah it's relaxing you enjoy it yeah yeah do you have any other hobbies that you do or just draw one grow anyone and sign painter you know drawing and painting okay yeah yeah other than that I can't play a guitar and that's oh man see you now see uh you wanted your door you know your screen door to show right but next you see that gas pumping yeah that's fine that's fine we still see the we still see the screen door here so we got we the gas pumps are important so that's the way they were originally yeah and and I'm gonna get that this sign here correct it's not exactly right just yet but but I get it right so you take this bike home and work on it some at the house and it takes quite a few more hours at home I'm sure so you get your basic clay out here yeah see I'm gonna count all of them boards up there on it that make sure each of all the boards is correct like they're 15 of them you know get get them all correct and count down there too oops so you count them out and I do have I did take a picture of that of those other pictures I can send you that you can look at too when you get back if you need to look at them I got pictures of the pictures they had yeah So eventually when you get this done we're going to come back and we'll let people know when you'll have them ready and uh we'll uh try to do a uh assigning sell have a Saturday we can come out and have people come out and buy one okay yeah that'd be good yeah be good that would yeah well what do you want to eat and I'll go tell them to start making something to date you want a cheeseburger yeah cheeseburger with mustard please you want onions tomatoes everything mustard okay yeah it's the Appalachian Channel on YouTube that's how I found that place actually oh yeah found here oh yeah he's from Germany oh y'all from Germany no no he's not he's live here now but uh so you had you been to the Brookshire store before seeing the videos or he's never been here so you found it from the video no he'd be here one time okay we're gonna give you a good impression okay anyway I think that's what we're gonna do Katie we're gonna find the bell and every time somebody orders a Tiffany fried bologna sandwich we're gonna be like ding ding ding and then people will be like what's the bell for it's kind of like going to you know those places where where do they go like Texas Roadhouse when they sing Happy Birthday and everybody's gonna be like Tiffany below fried bologna just got told that's how we're gonna do that like in a bar when you ring the bell you you gotta buy everybody a beer that's right shotgun Maverick yeah he's local has never had a fried bologna sandwich oh my goodness yeah the regular the never the Tiffany way never the Tiffany way and he wants to know what's on the Tomato tell him what's on the Tiffany way we're just gonna do it and then he's gonna be back those guys from Italy Marco and called me said the bologna sandwich exceeded their expectations they knew it'd be good but it super exceeded so anyway knock knock John oh hello you forgot this oh my goodness a lot after a girl's worked hard all day oh she did out here goodness crazy she told me about it at lunchtime that'll keep him warm tonight that will be are you gonna show them your humble abode yes come on in I asked him and let me turn on some more lights it's okay it looks it don't have to be prettied up maybe I messed it up John so I carry too much stuff for this trailer Tiffany you're all right you're all right we'll probably put him on the spot but he's like I wanted to clean my house up before they come in that's okay that's all right I couldn't get this thing to work last night and Tiffany came down here and says it it needs a flat platform and I didn't have it flat and so she just plugged it in it works like fine just like magic okay well there you are you'll stay warm tonight I'll stay warm I'm gonna go for a walk hello my name is John Holcomb uh and John said for me to say whatever state I'm from I started in Georgia but I'm retired Air Force so I've been basically all over this planet and enjoyed just about every minute of it then I got on on YouTube I don't have regular TV I just got streaming TV got on YouTube and I found a woman cooking biscuits and gravy in Rugby Tennessee now listen I'm from just south of Chattanooga Tennessee and I had never heard of Rugby Tennessee and so I real quick found out where it was and I said it's only four and a half hours from Charlotte North Carolina and so I decided to drive up here and I did and uh I met Tiffany here in the store and I told John earlier that I'm uh I'm not retired I'm still in Ministry anyways look see oh how wonderful does that look good that looks great thank you very much yes ma'am thank you thank you very much just take it you're very welcome take off what you don't like I'm sure we'll eat it all we like a lot yeah thank you so much and I'll get your thank you my friend of mine here yep here goes the video no one needs to make it I'm good with him till he gets the camera out and then I'm uh-oh then he wants to get in his tractor and run off yeah that's okay I just filming when his tractor running off you're having a guess what was it in there yeah this part here yeah like I said may put something on that truck like hauling something yeah and that's a that was a big brother yeah and Ro was that was that a bird box there and he always had a antenna on top like this he was into those Ham radios and all that and he always had a big antenna somewhere out there that might be before I don't know who that was what time it was yeah it's out of the buildings right and there she is then they go home and detail it real good and see what we can do it'll be good I hope so yep yep Nikki used to help the following us yeah yeah I think a lot with a car down yeah we've been friends for since I was 16 year old how's my hair I know what mine looks like it looks great there you go there you go okay here you go so these people have drove all the way from Michigan and they're going to introduce themselves and I'm honored and humbled that they're here today so anyway what's your name I mean so everyone I come down for a Tiffany balloon sandwich and I'm Diane Perkins and I'm his girlfriend and we both came down just to have a fried bologna sandwich have you seen the videos on absolutely watch all the videos I have he hasn't he doesn't have YouTube now tell us where you're from again I'm from Otsego Michigan and I'm from Plainville Michigan about two miles away okay so that was a pretty good trip for a bologna sandwich from Michigan away from Michigan for bologna sandwich well how about that I better get back here and make them a good fried bologna we're gonna put a lot of love in it and some prayer in it it's gonna be delicious so anyway and Fried Pies did you see her making the Fried Pies on the video yeah I watched all your videos I think like 10 of them is what I've gone through well there's 10 episodes that's it that's just like she does on YouTube no sweets hey who painted The Doors what do you think about them extremely good hey new guy okay I got a question for you now yeah well I came out here from California but I lived all over the world I had a major part of my life in Europe okay and then in California Went to went to high school in Kentucky so it's always just a mix of everything okay where I'm from I came up here yeah I've been out here in Tennessee 20 years got divorced told my wife she'd keep that happy United States and I moved out here I've been up here about five years up in this area I'm telling I've told everybody up here and even the younger ones there's not a lot of opportunity up here but there's no place else I'd live this place is phenomenal people are just unreal especially where he's right now yeah he's in the best campground yep he's kind of like my day in the camp Campground host my handyman that would say that you say I do I am staying at the best campground in the world Brooks's Campground in rugby and it's the most friendliest people is that right yeah most families people the best campground the whole of the world is Brook's Campground right here you couldn't ask for anything better than this and who makes it I do [Laughter] oh you her I'm sorry supposed to be here oh it's Katie and Tiffany yep that's it yeah let me get the best in the world best people you ever want to talk to and talk to him talk to him we love things he came and was only supposed to stay just a little while and now he's here it's been a while it has been a while but we're liking you dance like four or five minutes let's see what how's that going Ricky Camera Action all right Hey so uh you're gonna show me your picture yes ma'am nice I'm excited to see it oh wow that is great oh wow I love it so I told him let's put Aryan Brooks on this dress yes yes yes yes this is the originally the way it was with the house back here yes it is and uh so he's gonna add a lot more stuff in uh it was a seven up bottle here yes and then they've got a picture of the sign that was here so he's done a wonderful job to start on it yeah this got him as a natural sketch and he goes back and he puts in all the details awesome you are very talented thank you very talented so well I am I'm just delighted that you got to come spend the day you said you got to eat a cheeseburger and french fries with the junk man and so next time you're gonna have to bring your sister Vicky and bring her out and that would be great food I'd love to see her yeah she loves watching you videos does she well good good good good well hi Vicky um oh junk man oh we got something to take up so as you all can see we filmed this all in one day but junk man made me feel self-conscious so I went home and I changed my shirt so everybody would know that I did have more than just that one shirt so thank you junk fans no problem I hope you all like this shirt today ah we've had a good time did you like your cheeseburger it was yummy yes it was nice used to make all right I just want to say this about junk band every time I go to cook Fuller crossbow I look to the left on the side and I'm thinking whose stuff and then the other day I was trying and I was like there's more stuff and it's got me always puzzled so now I'm I'm glad that I've been able to put the pieces of the puzzle together because that's your stuff it's a big fish that's the big fish and then you have don't you have an old car or old car there's an old car out there something that says something about a campground yep yep and so Microbus yeah so anyway but uh yeah so this has been a good day it's beautiful out isn't it oh yeah well Ricky I'm excited to be working with you I'm excited that you're doing this story listen if you do ever come to visit me when we're open wear one of those two shirts so I'll recognize you wow wow junk man thank you I will be sure and do that for junkman so he does recognize me I look like a mask today junk man look at there different flannel today okay guys so uh be looking for an event that we're gonna be doing because when Ricky gets his picture done which we're super excited about we're gonna have an event here at Orange Brooks's store where he's going to be hand signing these uh these pictures that he's does so be sure and be looking for that on YouTube Facebook on my website uh we're not real sure when it is but we're going to be doing it here on a Saturday so anyway you all have a great day we look forward to y'all coming to see us and bye-bye [Music] thank you
Channel: The Appalachian Channel
Views: 949,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YHz5b6ph1_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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