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[Music] this week we're in a cutney Plains area of the Canadian Rockies on a frozen [Music] lake and we're taking you over planing we're going to drive over 300 km just to get to our destinations right now there's 12 Rigs and I [Music] believe and let Adventures begin we start off by meeting everyone at day [Music] break once everyone has checked in it's time to [Music] roll uh right now there's 12 Rigs and I believe we're hooking up with another another group from Red Deer paot I think there's about three more rigs coming from there so stay tuned boys let's [Music] go [Music] we would be lying if we don't say that this highway has one of the best views in North America snow cap Alpine Peaks all around us herd of Elf beside the highway we are fortunate to have this in our [Music] backyard light thanks [Music] bro about just 90 minutes into our Excursion we lost half of the Convoy [Music] typical so we just got to our first turn off here we're um heading towards the icefield park way and uh we kind of lost uh probably like 60% of the Convoy here you talk theog they will they will answer you in English that's me man I understand here we go here we go part of the yeah that's a bumper in the back well we uh we just pulled off uh at the ice field Highway Junction here going towards josper our destination is where we'll uh we'll set up camp there for the night uh there's 12 rigs two Crews we got Alberta Pino overlanders uh and then uh rough ground Adventures so uh it's going to be a it's going to be a good time it's a good collaboration uh just to show our community uh and our fellowship Unity with uh within all our groups it's going to be good yeah have fun guys have fun yeah I think there's a there's a couple um there a couple stops that we're going to drop by I think we're this road like we're going to stop by B Lake I think it's go it's a good spot so we're going to ask for a pass here if we need it but if we don't like we just go ahead just pass the the gate here and uh you can wait if you want B Max B Shoes see how high we are right now we are currently at 1680 3 m i don't want to be in the front here so like um can someone take over and like lead the way [Music] please as you may have noticed the snow here is a lot thicker [Music] this particular Highway reach all the way up to 2,000 M I want to pull over and take photos here but like we got to be respectful and like actually pull over to the side so we don't uh interfere with the traffic on the last episode one of the guys rig is not ready to come join us so we got John B to fabricate his new bumper and installed his wench along with his [Music] lights [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you say hey I don't want to lead just uh just under three4 but I I I'd like to fill up yeah yeah okay soam L cuz I don't know I never been there so maybe like when we get to Abraham Lake someone take the [Music] [Applause] [Music] lead [Music] right I am [Music] all [Music] it's about 12:40 right now and we're just gasing up it's kind of windy so pulling out my jacket get warmed up make sure like I'm actually warm cuz like apparently it's going to be super windy tonight so we'll see we'll we'll update you guys when we get to the spot camping [Music] [Music] spot so we got to our campsite um right now we're just making a very cuz like the wind is funneling this way like West so we're just going to try to block it and we're making a perimeter just to like to have our dining area here or you know our chilling spot so if you can see there's over a dozen of us just um just sparking around so but for us though we don't have any overlanding tent like our Rooftop tent so we're going to have to use the ground to um to camp and we set up like somewhere in the back a little bit more safe from the wind because we have no floor the the ground is probably Frozen so our Stakes probably going not going to be so crazy like built in so yeah I think I think we'll be fine though I'm excited I'm excited to see how will the tent like hold up [Music] tonight good afternoon good afternoon the B has been the [Laughter] [Music] for your information was being established January 7 1842 184 about Abraham for now [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Applause] w
Channel: Jannong Episodes
Views: 9,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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