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Well, the INEOS is not going to make it to Denham because its stock tank is only 90 liters. And if the calculation didn't quite work, lucky we got the 76 series. Fear not. We've just done a refill 30 liters. Post trip analysis. How did it hold up over the five days? What broke? Which mods worked? Which didn't? What changes need doing? And is it capable for a remote desert trip as it is? The big drive home in the Grenadier I'll take note of that left foot thing again. I'm not sure??? The Grenadier has just come back from Shark Bay after five days and 2000 kilometers of travel. We did false entrance to Steep Point. Steep Point! It’s good to be back. And then we also had this followed the 76 series (Landcruiser) throughout the rest of Shark Bay all the other stuff we did, hopped in and out, drove it through different situations that the 76 did as well, just to get a bit of a feel for it. But what I can say is that the lift and those tires have definitely improved the vehicle. It's kind of made it more unstoppable. I never had to back out of a situation before, but with those mods now, it looks a lot better too. Even now it looks like it sits quite low to the ground. But before they look really wide and they sit really low, much, much better. During the adventure tests, many of you took note of this. Yes, the wheels do scrub, but with the bigger tires, I didn't really scrub on the front. It was more so on the back. And where it did scrub on the rear was only just on the splash guard. More so there, similar and there nothing really on the fronts at all. That's it. There's no much evidence. They really are scrubbing. And it only occurred when I had low pressures in the tires and completely flexing out, which meant that the tire was likely bulging out a little bit those cool additions to the side of the Grenadier. I'll refer to them as THE SIDE PODS although very handy. I did have some concerns about them. In particular how close the pod sits to the window glass On the highway I'm noticing it flexes a bit. Hasnrt touched the window at all? As you might have guessed, my concern was a gnarly bone rattling corrugations all about the face. But I had a solution. I'm going to put some foam in between. I don't want to risk it. I don't want to test it out to see if it actually will crack the window. Definitely not Day one of six Be a dusty car otherwise and you can easily pull it out, but it never fell out. So anyone who's looking at getting these I highly do suggest that you put this in between if you’er on corrugations I didn't experience it touching the window because I didn't even give it a chance to. Needless to say, everything went well. But there is a negative before the positives, the pantry and the fuel module and the other side. It definitely adds width to the vehicle. This one's not too bad because the mirror is positioned here. You can still see under it. However, on this side it's a bit of a blind spot. The mirrors here and if you go a straight line, you lose the vision behind you a little bit. You really got to pay attention to see what's behind you. Also, when you're pulling in and out of tight car bays, you've got to be mindful of that. Now, for the positive, they are removable Around town you don't need them. Going Bush? put them back on. This pantry.It came in handy and many coffees were made here. Welcome to Cafe Skippy. The pantry was open every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it's the only table. Unless they pull boxes out and use them. It needs another table somewhere. How? I think the biggest downfall of the Grenadier with two bandaids. So last night we left STEEP POINT We're driving towards Denham, which is the closest fuel station. This vehicle is not going to make it on a stock tank. We still got 50 K’s til Denham. The refilling process did not go as smoothly to begin with. Downhill slope. So I can't just do it here. Lucky I checked. We've now moved out of the highway and that's the angle of. Put it on now. Of course, I could just detach it and have it on the ground, but. Or close to the beach. I didn't think that was a great idea. If I like a bit of diesel, I'll feel less guilty being at the highway. So let's do it here. I recommend working this out before you. You leave on your trip. No leaks so far. It's good. So pretty fast. I'll move it to the flat, but there wasn't really much more remaining in there, so it got most of it from where it was sitting. So it was easier than a jerry can? I guess that's the question. I’d say YES Jerry cans are a pain cans are a pain and this pump could also be used for the Jerry can. That's on the other side. And I tried that three days later on the way home gym work out in the bush Much easier than pick up a bloody Jerry out and pouring it in. But more importantly, can a 30 liter system be used without being on such an angle as before? So this time round, we didn't fill it the entire way. It turns out that 27 liters is a magic number to refill on level ground without spilling shake it more than three times it, you’er playing with it traveling with Grenadier I used it as a simple layout swag rear set up and the exterior additions. Having this is set up for a number of nights camping in the bush and on the side of the road to and from Shark Bay I got my head around what was working and what needs changing. Got a 40l water container a 40 liter fridge, two boxes underneath that water container. There's like a little nook area. The question is did it work? To save you from asking why I put the fridge behind the second door? Here's the thing. There's not much room here to get in and out, and there was not really any point. So you also do a two to action, having the boxes here I found very handy because I could get to my cargo straightaway. I didn't have to rummage through. The key to that is not to have to unhook from the bottom because that's a pain to get down to the sides, because you always stuff the side of things and you can't get to it and then it becomes a pain in the ass and it doesn't work. But locating wherever you can loosen the strap up is very important, regardless of what strap you use. That's the easy way cooking stuff or food, where in these boxes there was one on the roof as well. Behind. We have the 40 little water tank very handy, but this is designed to go on the roof rack. However, I bolted it to this little cubby you can call. theres the bracketry slots into this. sits here. I made it work for there. I was constantly worried about this coming loose because it doesn't feel very secure on this tank. So I was worried about cargo smashing around. Therefore, I had very minimal stuff in here because had that come off, the whole car would have been flooded from the inside with 40 liters of water sachet, a lot stronger than I gave it credit for. Like, look at that. That's what I was worried about. So if you see that, you're obviously going to worry. Held up. Alright. Number two, imagine hearing that I had to endure that sound once I got one quarter into the water. However, it got me by. Can't complain, but I was concerned about it. This vehicle has a new battery system already, which is fantastic. However, you need to be aware that the dual battery system in this vehicle they linked up. So they're running in parallel, which means when you switch the power on to run the accessories in the back of whatever it is, you're running off the 12 volt system you are drawing from both batteries. However, it's not usually too much of a problem as long as you have a fridge that has a volt sensitive setting on it, you just got to set it to the right setting high, medium and low. Just set it to around about medium. You should generally be right, which means the fridge will turn off when it senses the voltage is really low and it can still start the car the next morning. FINGERS CROSSED The power is right here. That's great, but look how far it sticks out. That can be a bit of an issue going traveling and throwing a lot of stuff in something down the side here. You just stuff things in where you can, right when you're running out of room. So this is in danger of unplugging, in danger of being damaged. The rear of the grenadier looks taut for space, and that's mainly due to the internal trims. However, when you have little hooks you can hook things onto it makes it usable. But did my bag with two chairs, which is slightly heavy, actually stay secure for the entire trip?? telling you it's rough, although it doesn't look very secure, it's very secure. So, what are your immediate changes I'll be making to the rear arangement? Number one, I lacked the table. There is a table on the side. Very small space, though, so I didn't really have a proper table. Perfect place for a table Currently Firstaid kit behind it. That's something that must happen. And the other two changes move the water to the outside of vehicle. And I do want to add the cargo barrier just to throw a few things up. Stuff that's easy to get to because when you can get onto rummaging through too much stuff, but you also don't want everything cluttered, have these modifications, improve the vehicle in your mind? With the trips that I do, the back seats are always full of camera gear, always full of camera. Here it just makes the roof rack so much more important for me to have because there's nowhere else to put the gear. It kind of ends up being like cargo as if you have more passengers, which would then mean you need a roof rack. I'll tell you what, this roof rack on the Grenadier! there is so much more real estate. It's such a wide platform because the car is so wide. 4 Maxtrax down this end, Swag box for ground sheets, fishing rod, which will hopefully come out soon. Attach the roof rack, the shower tent. Now that's the shower tent from the troopy. Very handy. I did miss an awning. I got to say, These bad boys! But not just these bad boys. THIS The roof. Those are covers that I put in there. Good. I put these two covers in mainly for When the suns at a certain height, it comes in and it's only if you're driving into the sun it might come through these little turret windows or whatever you want to call them. That was the main reason for these covers. When I was in here and I was testing these lights out, They didn’tseem to shine into here unless I opened this window. Now the interesting thing is, Out there at night when there's no other lights around, you do notice that. Then those lights came super handy. They're really good. I feel so much more light on the road than what I thought they're supposed to just be. Bush lights. But don't tell anyone. I used them on the highway bit as well, Especially if we had a contact with that kangaroo. In regards to lighting. I didn't have anything fixed to the grenadier for camp, so I relied heavily on my torches and lanterns which do the job well regardless and I can move them around where light is needed. On the back. This ten inch light bar was definitely too bright for camp. way, way, way to bright. That'd be good luck facing forward. to be honest. In regards to UHF communications one of these. But it's not what you think. It's actually suction cup to the windscreen. I used to have a similar unit in my N80 Hilux It's a great alternative to bridge the gap until you maybe commit to a vehicle or commit to the lifestyle and install the radio. And that's kind of what I need to do in this vehicle because it's not my car. I'd only be drilling holes that are unnecessary to this vehicle. And the antenna is magnetized to the roof right there. Antenna goes out through there. That little portable antenna has been epic. However, when it's really corrugated, not normal. Once bad ones, it's hard to understand (*Hear each other) Where do I mount this? I had it on the dash once it lost its adhesive AHHH NOOO the sticky parts gone. I've got to kind of put it in a bit of an awkward spot so it doesn't smash everything inside the car. Nonetheless, it does a better job than having a handheld. The range we got was approximately three kilometers, maybe even four. Did anything break on the vehicle? steering dampener dustcover has come loose We hit a kangaroo on the way here. The bar took the hit for the team, and Skippy left an impression on the door to honor our fallen kangaroo. Well, from now on, call this car. SKIP (*Skippy) part of that kangaroo ended up bashing this. Even though I put it back there. Corrugations just makes it come loose again. It's not an important part. It's just a dust cover plate Came off on useful slip road. It's only had these smaller screws. Those we're going to have to put in sideways. Now the important stuff? The left foot placement. These are my thoughts on the way home. I find when you're not wearing boots. It's actually not too bad. But when you're wearing boots, I've got size 13, I'm six foot one. It does get a little bit annoying with boots on Big Drive home in the Grenadier. I'll take note of that left foot thing again And now that I’ve returned. I can confirm the same thing wearing a boot is a little bit annoying, but you honestly do forget about it. Bare feet. Not a problem at all. A massive shout out to whoever came up with this brilliant idea. Look, bin bags are great, but they're a bit of a pain, sometimes empty and stuff. This thing, this is awesome. It's a great idea. I'm about to share the most doubtful moment I’ve had with this vehicle so far. When test driving a car, I don't really get to know the vehicle too well. But over five days and that amount of kilometers, or just spending days with at least and working the vehicle hard, you either GAIN or LOSE trust in that vehicle. There was a moment where I'd lost all trust in the Grenadier and it was a morning of refilling it and then heading towards Denham to go to town. Now, when we got to town, I wanted to get a shower at a caravan park. When we pulled in there, the thermo fence stayed on even though turn the car off. It was really loud. It was just going and it wouldn't stop. And I turned the car off a locked the car, a double locked it, a triple locked it. Needless to say, I was getting pretty worried. Is this the end of the trip? This wasn't tearing the fan off. I went inside the car. I was looking at the um, off-road menu where you can see how much power its drawing. It was drawing like 100 amps. I contacted INEOS and asked them about this. I actually told them. There's a problem with the bloody fans not going off (switching off) I'm going to have a drain battery. I can’t go anywhere. By the time I located my towel and my soap and I was ready to go for my shower. The big Thermo fan had turned off and then the little fan was still running. And eventually that turn off. I got my phone call back. And apparently this is normal. The vehicle will sense when the battery is getting at a certain point where it's low and then the cooling system will turn off. It's just the way the cooling system is. It's all electrical. Thermo fans, I'm not used to that and I'll never notice that. Staying on after switching the vehicle off. The reason for that is because when I'm driving on the highway and I pull up and I get out, I don't turn the car off, I usually leave it running because it's not good to turn a turbo diesel off straightaway when you pull in. It could have been a possibility of a DPF burn off. Also happening simultaneously leading up to this, which meant that the thermo fans had to run a bit longer. Needless to say though, we continue to trip. So have I lost confidence or have I gained confidence in this vehicle after this trip? After this trip I definitely have a lot more trust in this vehicle. I would definitely do a do a desert trip on this.. 100%. And that's what I'm going to gear up for next. And I want to know your thoughts so far about the Grenadier.
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 136,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, ronny dahl, how to 4wd, off road, ineos grenadier, ineos grenadier off road, ineos grenadier 2024, ineos grenadier interior, ineos grenadier 4x4 off road, ineos grenadier 4x4, ineos grenadier review, 4 wheeling, 4 wheeling australia, ronny dahl grenadier
Id: bFydZe_TB-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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