S03E11 - Configuring the Microsoft 365 Apps Admin Center (I.T)

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As always, great session guys! If anyone has any questions that were not covered in the video, feel free to reach out.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bobclements-msft 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to another episode of intune.training the place to go bananas about microsoft intune the stephen adams show with steve and adam hey hey adam look at that steve what's going on not much buddy yourself hi you know i'm just kind of going bananas over here apparently it certainly looks like it hey certainly looks like showing up i knew my new banana uh onesie uh not onesie cheese not a onesie wow uh my buddy johannes uh from win admins you should go hang out there and win admins dot io go to the discord server um johanna sent me this cool uh hoodie for my birthday and um johannes is a cool dude so yeah he's got a matching shirt so when we made it hanging out what's it as a onesie i'm just saying one's a guy he said it straight away as a onesie i think he wants it subconsciously having flashbacks of mms already anyway all right enough of that um thanks for the banana sweatshirt uh ever it's a hit everyone loves it except my wife and that's fine she didn't like much thanks um hey so today we are going to talk about office aren't we an ancient show that's right well you know what you can do in intune manage office manage office how about that um so they're uh this has existed for a while um they've added some features to it we've been kind of holding off because there were some features that weren't quite there yet and so um we wanted to wait for those to be there to talk about and we're kind of there and so we're going to give a introductory high level overview on config.office.com and just kind of go through the basics of what it is where it is and how to get started with it so they want to use it um can use it and do cool things with office so um first i'll point out that you probably have come in to the uh mem admin center and gone to policies for office apps and possibly even created a policy here and deployed it the uh what what you may not know is that these policies actually exist over in config.office.com and uh along with numerous other things that are pretty cool for managing office one of the things that i like about this is that this is not restricted to intune managed devices this will actually allow you to manage any devices that have i believe any any licensed instances of that that's the important word there the licensed version so any version of office that your car your staff have signed into not the computer be very we're going to be very clear on this it's office it's about making sure that it's secure making sure that it is compliant yep so when you log into office and you sign in with your company credentials that have a license for office and register your home device with your azure id tenant you potentially can get that managed by uh config.office so just pointing that out that's a kind of an interesting thing because you'll see devices in here that maybe aren't the devices you're thinking they should be the devices you're looking for exactly um and so you'll it'll match the devices that you see in your uh azure tenant not the devices that you see in your intune tenant necessarily so the interesting one that i would probably call out on this one as well adam i i know it's going to be a tangent yes rabbit hole it's fine that's what we're doing um if there is another account assigned to office so your work account you add your personal licensed account you won't see that information for the personal licensed account because it's the secondary account yes it's a little thing but it's an important thing to call that awesome well there you go so let's just start at the top because why not right um indeed so servicing look at this monthly enterprise um so this is an interesting uh wizard that you get to walk through so we haven't even set this up yet but this will you can you can create the policy and then target this to devices that match certain criteria so that you can flip them to monthly enterprise channels one device in the environment oh for our one yes we have one we were just checking we have one computer in our tenant right now for some reason we've they've all aged out at this point this is gonna be a really crummy demo but whatever we're gonna do this anyway um so what you get here is um i think my zoom is a little too zoomed um to give us a full picture here but let's try that let me um re-click that get a better view um okay so here we go all right it didn't change okay um oh it's just i thought the one was getting cut off but it's it's just all the way over there that's just the one we need that big long bar graph just for that one yes exactly so that's okay we digress as well so here you go so you you can choose azure ad groups that you want to limit and target um your device selection criteria to so azure ad groups which i mean what other groups are there um or you can just say all devices um and so if i wanted to target a group i could choose uh choose a group out of a picker and i think we've got test got some test things i don't know if they yeah there we go um there's no devices and that that's users um doesn't matter we're going to go to all anyway because we only just have the one but you've got the options patched yeah exactly um so here's what's cool so devices will be moved from their current channel update channel to monthly enterprise channel so like in my production environment we're trying to make this shift and so this is the route that we will end up going is we'll we will select all devices that are on semi-annual channel and because that's what we're currently running and it will target and this will automatically target any device that's checking in using telemetry data to that says that reports its channel as being semi annual enterprise and it will automatically convert those devices to monthly enterprise channel so so the good thing to call out here adam is if you've got people that are running the beta version or preview versions you can exclude them from this policy so if you've got a couple of computers where correct you're running that beta to test the new ui or change of buttons or you've been asked to test a new feature if you exclude beta current channel preview semi-annual enterprise it won't convert them yes perfect yeah because then you can target them differently now and i want to say that um this and it says preview this did not exist a couple months ago whenever i first started looking at this because we were trying to do this in production and all we had was you just got to select your devices based on channel and that's kind of risky when you look at the devices that could potentially be targeted there's no way to group them or to isolate them and say how do i know i'm not updating someone's personal machine um so being able to select by group i think is really a nice feature here so let's just say that we want to take everything that's not monthly and we want to convert it and then we can target let's just take a step back there okay fine um so the other thing to note down if you scroll down for us is we have some options so we have disk space so this is where you can sit there and go look i actually want to make sure that i have 20 gig free and you can move the slider across to say i want to have 20 gig minimum um as an example or 10 i'm sorry uh i took a punt but no um but you can see you can move that slider to say i need to have x number of gig free to be able to do that migration this is to make sure you don't get into a situation where you go and target a computer that has no disk go you need to update every month and then it sits there and screams um and then the last one is where you're stepping into you can go well i'm not confident about macro stuff because i i don't know how it's been set up and same with that ends so we're going to exclude those and we're going to handle those separately whether we do it manually or whether we create a separate policy that will only target certain versions yep now the interesting thing here is you notice there's not a move from this channel to this channel function this is just a one-way ticket to monthly enterprise i suspect there is there are ways to get you back off of this but uh yeah good luck it's not available via this ui at this point not exactly there you go um so choose your own adventure here yeah so there we go and then um so prevent devices from downloading security uh and feature updates during specific dates and so we can choose uh start and end dates for exclusions it's kind of cool so it doesn't look like you so you have to proactively go and fix this and so you could this is kind of neat because like we've got a big uh you know company-wide meeting coming up cool yeah let's uh let's block this out so that people walk out every other time other than that time so everybody can't make it to the meeting so it just makes your life entertaining so you don't have to present as much um the other option you can do there is end of financial month as an example but you'd have to specifically go in and there's it doesn't appear to be ranges or anything you just specifically got to choose the the actual dates you want to exclude but it's nice it's the change-free scenario you don't know what that's like yeah so you need to set that to no i don't feel good yeah there we go all right and okay so update deadline manage how updates are applied for the enterprise how would you like it so set it set an update headline or later in your environment you just you just let everybody dictate their own date right own pace right absolutely totally yeah they're totally going to update it automatically users are always right and they are all about security i mean they are as committed to security as i am exactly leave it on set a deadline guys and girls yeah set a deadline you've got up to 14 days that's plenty um okay and um so here we go we get to review all the settings and then we get to create the profile and magic will happen and that will just get rolled out and deployed and um all that and so now we can actually see the deployment of that see which devices are getting rolled out all the features obviously we don't have any data in here so we're not going to see all this kind of stuff um but if you guys can then come back and you can update and change the settings that you have deployed while you're also looking back at the uh deployment progress and those sorts of things and you can see which build that it's targeting to deploy as well how cool is that look big red button we just paused monthly enterprise rollout just below it you've got to roll that date where it started um and then the next release when it's going to be released so the 14th of the 9th um that was three days ago that was when the 2007 monthly enterprise channel was released and then the upcoming release of 2108 is going to be 12th of the 10th there you go um so very useful to be able to plan for your uh deployments and change management and that's it that's how you do your servicing profile indeed so not much to it but powerful feature um all right so and and we'll get to the end where the we talk about where this date is coming from uh the telemetry bits and pieces of it as well um okay so let's see we've got deployment configurations so this is where you may have come and come in to the office apps um portal are the the apps portal in intune and you've potentially gone through and you said you want to you want to build out the office line of business app uh one of these is it shirley right that one microsoft three so it's not office anymore microsoft 365 apps correct um so you would go through this wizard and you can you can set up your um your configuration and you can use the designer and all these things so i believe that's what we're going to get here same kind of deal so we get to go through all the config settings i'm not going to walk through all this if you've deployed office uh hopefully you've gone through this or so you've been um you've once you're gonna call smell before we skip on okay fine go back to if we go back there go back go back my configuration grabber untitled um make sure you deploy 64-bit yeah don't be like adam yeah don't not do 64-bit anymore yeah most applications majority if not all applications should work with 64-bit where you may run into issues as macros and you just need to resolve that the other thing to note is when deploying office if you're using the standard one and you don't select anything you're going to get link or skype for business and the old groove agent installed as part of that because they're still part of the actual binaries oh they've included this runtime there now too well you can say none additional products none yeah it's not really the that's functioning the way you'd expect so let's try uh apps for enterprise no vizio no project we don't do planning around here and then okay so you don't have you can do language pack with runtime but you don't but the skype piece was that's because the uh deployment we were choosing here that's why it was behaving like that okay we started at the bottom we shouldn't have done it so language pack language back fine okay it's interesting it hasn't asked us which version of language pack to install and you can select your version it seems like we get it over here uh so languages can turn off teams if you want to turn off skype for business there you go turn those things off we can turn off bing search absolutely the other thing to note is one drive there so you've got one drive groove one drive desktop um you want to make sure that you have uh onedrive groove turned off and one onedrive desktop as the default and so these actually both came disabled i disabled teams um just because you hate your users no because um what happens on windows 11 when teams is built in and you install office and it has teams in it i don't know either but it seems like maybe you don't need it anymore it's gonna be there like your best friend yes which is awesome but we're going through it i guess i know i know i'm good with that okay it's fine we're doing it doing it so we're going to get saudi because why not i don't know if it anyway let's let's let's quickly step through um anyway it's all the other just click the buttons there's things it's intuitive hopefully we can get through that if you've watched any of our videos you know that like it's not that hard yeah all right i'm not keeping that because it's trash but you have standard configuration check that out so modern uh upgrade and you do these things so let's see what happens if we do semi-annual channel uh no we want monthly there we go ops ask for enterprise monthly enterprise and then we just say what's that do get link yeah because then what you can do is you can go and put that into um your installer so you just point to that link for the config file and i'll download it and use that for your installation or we can download the xml file yeah perfect yep and then we have modern app settings webview too enable audit automatic installation digits need that why not um all right cool this is the the coolest thing though right here um so you may think well this is just you're just gonna build up an office policy and that's true yeah um that's absolutely true but the he the thing uh that i love about this and you can see that you can apply this to users who access documents anonymously via office web apps which is really kind of cool yeah it is um okay here's one thing to note um you get one shot at this i've asked it's coming but right now you get one shot at the uh the deployment choosing the group you deploy to so whatever group you deploy to that's what you get moving forward um which is not great whenever there it is uh whenever you can't so you can't copy the policy but if you've gone through and configured all of your policies it's a lot of work to get that stuff back so so you know question i'm going to ask you here adam why would i do it in here rather than using admin templates because it because uh this will actually uh i have no idea steve because this will apply to the application and not to the device or the user so it does it's not reliant on in tune to be applied well it's it's going to an azure id group yes but the thing is it's where you sign in right so oh yeah right right yeah so it should apply at the when the user is signing into the device it's not it's yeah it's not managed by intune yeah so so basically what this means is if you have users that go on install office on their personal home computers and then sign in with their work account they should get this policy because it's part of the authentication process for office not for windows there you go not that i was trying to stump you or anything i was just wanting to call that out no it's fine i just hadn't even hadn't even thought about that i'd yeah anyway yes good question before i click that there's a i want to say it's under the security tab let me make sure there it is okay so before we go do that we we actually already checked this box because it takes a minute for this to calculate um security policy advisor this is one this is the cool piece that i really think is is fantastic about this so now we have to go back and create our policy again so once you've once you've ticked that check box uh you can do it before or after but it's kind of like hey while you're already in here might as well um take care of it so we're gonna do that again and reset the group to intune license and then we're going to go configure our policy now here's what i think it's cool so see how they have these ones called security baselines this is i mean if if they would do this with the other bass lines and in tune oh my god this would be amazing okay so um now it's unfortunate because you do have to actually go to every single policy individually and accept the baseline but all you have to do is click the policy read it check it out make sure you like it hit okay and now i have applied uh the the um the recommended baseline um i can deviate from the baseline and that's fine i can set it to whatever hit okay no big deal i can then easily just switch back to the baseline and so i can always determine oh hey does my policy deviate from the baseline or not and i can see which ones are included as part of the baseline so maybe i can spend a little bit extra time looking at those policies so i think that's kind of cool yeah definitely i really love that integration um this is definitely one of those things that like when i'm setting other security baselines i wish that i had a way to tell that i changed it because no indicators let me know that i changed it um so there's a couple of things in the ux here that would be nice to fix but hey can't fix everything so if we create that atom just out of interest one of the things you'll note that will should pop up here in a second and you notice that the the group was required yes because well but you can't you can't create this policy and not deploy it so like correct it's live whenever you hit save here uh or create so correct me if i'm wrong you said you can't change the group afterwards no so you have to know what you're going to deploy and then deploy it uh-huh uh-huh wow yeah okay um so the thing to note here is you actually have the ability to reorder priority so it looks a little policy no it's bad no it's great priority bad bad how do you know which policy is going to apply without having to go in there and step through 10 different policies to know that this settings this one then this settings this one and then the settings this one and then you've got to make sure the priority is correct and well steve what if i set what if i set the security baseline as my top policy and that policy is only my office baseline and then i can figure and so then i know that one's always good and i always want that one to go to everybody and then i can say oh you know what my office workers they need macros to be have loser security in things and that can make another value i see value but that's where you have separate policies and you don't use priority order like priority order just sucks uh i mean okay whatever it's your opinion because how do you hit because conflicts priority order means that the lowest priority will win okay i didn't write it i just think it's you know features options are good sometimes yes whatever um i don't know why this one went out in the space because it's all the new features so it's going to docs no it's going to the admin portal and it is going to allow us to manage which office features appear and what's new okay okay so there's that uh you can take some boxes and have people know that so we want to hide some things from users and okay great so we want to maybe not show people what new things exist that's cool i don't know that i would ever use this but some people might so i i i know go poke out yeah i know people that would want to control everything on that front sure um by the way so you saw here where i don't know if you saw after we hit save it said it was calculating um so it will actually the security settings will continue to monitor the policy for recommendations on how you may or may not want to configure it so that's kind of cool and this is based upon usage so if you select the security option there adam you'll see that the status now say well it doesn't my portal um not enough data which means there is enough information around recommendation what that means is it's sitting there and it's going and checking and saying well hang on you don't have all of the baseline turned on but based on our observations you could turn them on because you're not actually using them in production on these computers there you go yeah all right so yeah too bad i mean it's a lab so we just don't have enough enough stuff here exactly um but uh anyway we can check out the the apps health and you can get insights so all of this is telemetry data at this point the all of these pieces down here are all based on uh telemetry and you can determine what's working well what's not working so lots of great insights into what's happening you get app crashes boot time file open time so lots of great metrics here for being able to determine um i mean this like you get i think you end up getting the the tools that i keep that we keep seeing in here and in in tune are tools that and even in config manager like we're we're seeing those glimpses of that nirvana state of proactive remediations across the stack right where like if if they if we have enough if we have enough telemetry data about what's what's happening in our environment okay so over the last 14 days we've seen excel is deteriorating okay what's going on we can click through that and we can start to target the machines we can find potentially find apps that are having crashes it's the same thing that we're seeing like in the desktop analytics portal and things where uh or the enterprise a good example on that front adam is uh excel is hanging quite often for these 20 users and you go and look and go oh okay they're opening up huge files so therefore they may need to have a high aspect endpoint accessing those documents yeah this is sorry this was thinking so endpoint analytics same deal here um and then like even looking at desktop analytics if you're if you're using that to uh plan your uh windows feature updates same deal you can you can watch and see specific applications and how often they're crashing and um like this one i love like application reliability we can see specific applications and their performance over time on specific devices specific os's um all these different metrics that allow you to determine the health and reliability of things running on your devices in your environment because exactly ultimately like i've got these tools right now that i'm troubleshooting saying i don't know what's doing it but something is messing with my machine and i keep having to uninstall a thing and try and then like run for a couple days okay did that get better did i get worse and having tools that have that can collect the telemetry data i think it's really powerful so that's really good stuff um security update status there you go we are zero percent up to date so we should probably get on that um the he i'm going to jump back to onedrive sync in just a second here but if there were actual known issues in the office portal are in known to the office and really we should say microsoft 365 apps if there were surface service issues in the cloud we would know about those here um okay so onedrive sync this was kind of cool so this is the piece that we've been kind of waiting really cool show up stephen i'll let you talk through this one since you're more familiar sir okay we um we do because we actually haven't deployed it out so this one actually needs a little bit of effort to set it up um and deploy out but what you need to do uh is um if we go to the settings tab on the left hand side item just we'll step back and go through so see that tenor association key you need to copy that and then you deploy that out to your uh onedrive devices and you do that via intune and i'll go and put it in it as uh report admin i believe it is i always get this one wrong let me get the actual um we actually may have set it up there's actually well so we go onedrive in the profile yeah well so there's there's a settings catalog entry um but is there a onedrive one specifically no but i think we've already created under admin templates but we can do it via settings catalog as well yeah because i know i just recently went through this again and we're going to go here and we're going to select one drive by the way there's so much stuff in this in this catalog now it is amazing correct and and if you haven't the september updates add a whole heap more admx stuff that we did not previously have so good stuff uh there is a tenant yep i'm just bringing up my screen so what we're looking for is sync admin reports here's the name so sync admin reports is the actual name of the object that we're looking for i don't see it if we search up the top for one uh in the onedrive sync oh i'm sorry in there in the search up uh and what we'll search for is sync admin reports and we select one drive there we go i don't know why that wasn't shown there for me okay and then just place that key in there right that's all you need to do deploy that out to your computers and then what you'll do is you'll have a report coming back for um onedrive so it takes like a couple of days for that to process through but if we then step across back to the settings tab there for us uh adam what we'll do is then go back to the onedrive sync and what you'll see here is number or percentage of devices that are having sync errors and why so that you'll be able to get that understanding so when you're doing a migration when you're doing system resets and things like that you can see if the device is in sync and what your risk or risk of data loss is going to be the other awesome one is that middle one which is percent of devices with known folder moves um not enabled correctly and this has actually saved one of my customers recently a lot um anecdotally they said that only 40 of their environment was set up correctly they thought it was fully set up correctly so what they found with this was the ability to have that visibility to go oh crap we need to make sure that we fix this up for the rest of our fleet and build out that scenario so to make sure that they're in a healthy state that all folders are being redirected as needed and then the last one look it's super important to keep it the current version um but the other two are more important in the sense that you want to make sure you don't lose data but you always want to make sure you have the latest version just in case there is a some security exploits there so i love this one because um so we've got a network share everybody's got a you know home drive on the network and we use offline folders uh offline or offline uh yeah offline files um and the the sync center and all that stuff and save sake we have fine side cash and all that good stuff so we've had instances where um the sync center will get stuck because of some some corruption some uh conflict and then nothing that the user is putting in there in on the local cache is ever making it to the cloud and then you do something like a feature update or you give them a new machine and you say oh your stuff's all on your network share no big deal we'll just toss your device and you lose all of their data we've had it happen and so having this kind of functionality is awesome because you can check and see the status of your devices i had that happen for 300 computers when i was doing a domain migration at one point where the dfs share that was being used was named incorrectly and using the wrong pointers and it resulted in client citation not actually replicating it up so when we changed the user object all the apples didn't get renamed properly and uh they lost access to all of their data for like three months yeah not fun yeah so this is super important to make sure you fix otherwise you're going in a system to fix stuff yep uh last one here is inventory and we have one app yeah how about that we have one whole machine in here which is already a monthly enterprise channel how about that and it has uh two add-ins in it i love the fact that we have one supported and one unsupported but we only have one device if you go back to inventory yeah i saw that yeah up the top we have one one but that's okay um and that's because we're sitting on uh 2105 if you go and drill in i did draw what happened and that's because it's our w365 device that we just haven't signed into because we had some licensing issues but you'll see here that we have the ability to track all the add-ins so this is when you're doing migrations you can understand if somebody's gone and done a manual add-in and you can need to whitelist it and the same with macros so if they've got an extensive array of macros you can track that and go oh hang on i'm not going to upgrade adam right now because i need to understand his macro situation yeah okay so got this learn more so we've got docs and videos and things so check those out but okay so i'm curious so we got that tenant id um and so you know looking at that inventory saying well how in the world is that data getting how's it getting here what's it how's it getting up here so um i mean it's some it's some telemetry component that's making this happen um and my initial thinking was oh this is coming in through like our normal uh telemetry data that we used like you set the telemetry uh setting for that you could enable uh your telemetry settings for uh for windows but i'm also wondering if that's not related like directly built into the office i think it's directly built into it just running its own channel so like when you sign in into office the office clients just reporting this telemetry data back yes exactly um so the things to note as well you need to have um an end uh initially scroll in there adam a little bit make it a little bit bigger that requirements for using inventory is going to be super important from a licensing point of view um you need to have windows 10 that supports uh 365 apps for enterprise you need to make sure that you either have apps enterprise business or enterprise obviously that's 2008 or higher and you need to have the license of a three series or a five series or business standard business premium and then the last three are super important always make sure your network team allows those access and without https inspection yes please let me just turn that off altogether we don't need that yeah um i'm just trouble checking to see for a list of inventory information is collected there you go data sent for the inventory feature of microsoft the inventory reports update channel based on the build installed on the device if the update channel was recently changed but the device was has a completed the process of switching then the inventory will report the previous update channel good to know so let's go check out this data sent in center regardle microsoft regardless of the diagnostic data setting for devices in your organization ooh good to know yep so this date is going regardless exactly um so unless you like those three addresses and if you block those three addresses as well other things won't work probably either yeah start blocking those things um so if your security folks are concerned you can at least go through here and and see um and as we know i mean microsoft is very committed to data privacy and gdpr and all those sorts of things so um i i would absolutely assume that this is uh it falls under all of that compliance um requirements and everything so um but anyway that the info is there if you need it to be able to uh justify this information or um or if you stumble upon this and freak out and say how did all this data get here it also comes back to riskview reward right so that's the important thing to note when having these conversations of right well i need to have this data set so i can make sure that i don't lose corporate data which is more sensitive to the environment than the data points that may be going up for inventory so there's scenarios to talk through obviously but it it there needs to be a risk-based assessment that is both based on how uh not just the data egressing but what is the risk reward scenario but anyway absolutely going deeper than we normally do on engine training but it's it's something to make sure that you have that conversation with your leadership and security team the risk growth yes i mean don't please don't just blindly just turn this off because oh we don't know it's cloud we can't have our data yeah come on look at it critically look at the value adds for you look at the data that's there um and you know assess it appropriately don't just knee-jerk at it now for what it's worth um so stephen you know i know we've we've talked through using graph and uh being able to pull data from all the different um intune and azure things that we've looked at one of the things looking at this is wow there's a lot of data there and should be cool to be able to to do the same with that and at this point i just checked with one of the pms on the office team recently or today and he confirmed that there is not currently a public api for this data um but it's on their backlog and and i gently asked if they could move it further up the back law can they put it on the front log please is that a thing front long um yeah yeah we'll go with front load yeah put it on the front log please um that's not a thing but anyway hopefully we get that because i think that would be really awesome to be able to integrate into other dashboarding things if you're especially if you're into power bi and try to start you know pulling aggregating all this data in a central place or even being able to expose this data into uh something like the log analytics platform um with the other update compliance data and um that you can get there so um anyway there's data to be had hopefully we can get access to that at some point but this is as we're seeing i mean so you saw there's some preview tags in there and stuff this is still a very much uh growing maturing platform um even the you know the idea of targeting uh being able to retarget something or even target to multiple groups is on is on the uh the list as well um for them to add at some point into the into the deal i'm not committing to anything on their behalf either i'm just saying it's it's there are things that are nice to haves that are on everybody's list and so hopefully we start to see those things a little bit more feature parody and things oh you know what steve one thing that i failed to mention um that i should mention the uh back in the portal here there was um in my environment i'm not um in uh in a global admin or anything i'm i'm an intune admin at best um and the a couple months ago like i'd been i had access to this portal and kept thinking all right everything's good and then i lost access to it and i contacted my folks and said hey what happened why did i lose access and so we didn't take it away from me and we started looking through the audit logs and all the different things and we could not find what it was and i finally was able to get clarification that my access was actually being granted i believe through um the desktop analytics administrator role i was giving me access to that portal and they i guess fixed that corrected that and moved that out of that role and so then there is a uh office admin is it the office apps admin is that the right one yep settings management and menu manage the ability to select unselect what's new that's exactly what we're all looking at before right yep yep so i think that's the right one there um so you may and so what that actually did was that it even impacted me within the intune portal um i was unable to even get here the this would when i hit this page because it's referencing um the same backend information that's here the uh permissions were revoked on even being able to edit that's those settings so just keep that in mind that's actually another um piece of the puzzle here so uh i think that's that's it nice so thanks for a good video let's wrap it there i hope so uh enjoy hopefully you enjoy this and hopefully you learned something new that you didn't know was there um that's always our goal is to try to teach and add some value to your to your world so thanks for joining us and we'll catch you next time see you later
Channel: Intune Training
Views: 3,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Intune, Training, Azure, AAD, MEM, MSIntune, Microsoft Endpoint Management, MEMIntune
Id: XuciwXDi-1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 18sec (2718 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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