S 2 Episode 5: Jo Saxton - The Dream of You

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[Music] [Music] so we're here and if you're hearing us talk I mean if you're not familiar with Joe Sexton the first question everybody's wondering is is why do you talk like that yeah I was born in London in England born to Nigerian parents and I grew up there so where I grew up everybody it seems like this mm-hmm somewhere the ones with the accent yes very much so but you're not in London there no I've lived in the states for 15 years for 15 years yeah okay now how long have you been married about 16 say I never remember he so he always waits for me he loves me be throw me over there over here over there yeah we made a saint sure why'd y'all come over here well we partly wanted an adventure and secondly our church was doing a kind of staff swap with another church the way we like okay new marriage new life try something new and we move to Arizona that was new Arizona those churches that I really wanted to work with our team did a lot weird I'm young adults so they wanted us to be part of what they were doing and I just want you to know after this conversation and while we're talking right now I'm gonna really really the art during our conversation uh-uh-uh-uh-uh our conversation not to be emulating I just did it not to be emulating that's me I do that I'll start morphing into what other people do so okay so you moved here now I hear ya that your husband is younger than you he is how much younger his Lobby is I know he is are you in your 30s or 40s I'm in my 40s he has just joined my decade yes is that a thing was it everything it was when we got together because I remember on our first date where he where I asked how old he was and I was drinking some lemonade or something and he told me and I choked on the drink because I thought I was 20 he didn't do so good was covering up their nose no I was 28 so I thought oh maybe he's twenty six twenty seven twenty two twenty three girl the crazy man fine big-time you know other bands we call it the year to be able to woman cuz I look at us here on our late 20s reach down and reach down all those good one gather joy that actually needs out it ways that can work out what that well so because of age because of race or culture a lot of women struggle with picking something different than what they expected yeah whether or not that's what she expects a that me but they struggle with it and they go okay I left it's bothering me do I need to accept that it bothers me or do I need to work on not letting it bother me yeah so did you did it just gradually stopped bothering you or did you say you know what it's clear that God has provided him he's meeting the things that I know I wanted a husband so you're gonna have to get over that like yeah a lot of a lot of of our relationship call me by surprise okay and I at that point I was 28 I was serving in my church and I I felt my would get murdered at some point but I kind of surrendered I'd kind of said okay all my friends who got married all of them I'll just say one more time all of them and they were having babies it's not exaggeration no all of them and I had been at everybody's wedding some shout to the Lord of everybody's wedding she's everybody's wedding and I would kind of resolved I feel okay it's in your hands because it was it was preoccupy on my mind I was beginning to get disillusioned with God and all this stuff and it was getting it was a it was an idol let's let's just call it was an idol okay and so I got to a point where I thought I'm gonna get on with it I'm gonna get on with what I feel he's called me to do and if it happens it was going to get on with it get on with it I did like somebody but it wasn't him somebody else and though and we were on a mission trip we're on a mission trip in Germany and actually a good friend of mine had asked me to put in a good word for her with my husband Chris Oh which I did very faithfully because I was interesting someone else but he it caught me off guard how at ease I felt with him I didn't have to apologize for who I wore I didn't have to explain anything and we just talked and I was not remotely interested mm-hmm for the first time I was not kind of chasing someone trying to be like and prove myself good enough for you worth chasing before oh I was fibrin you run hard after okay so yeah I I had so I over the years I'd let go of all the things I had a list a very long long list I've had to put the list on the altar for me and I'd let so I I thought would I be open to dating beyond my ethnic group I'm Nigerian and I remember talking with my family about it and saying okay how would people feel and and you know and when you say beyond your ethnic group you don't mean color wise but a cultural yeah I look culturally even because my my family I mean we love being Nigerians we love it and and so I needed to and and family my family matter they the matter and so I that was one of the conversations and and they were very I was surprised I was like it's never been a problem okay okay and my dad wasn't part of our lives at that point okay but my brother's the elders yeah and my mum was like if anybody has a problem they can come to me Oh which look at me and so a night I thought I needed to be open to I had ideas of ministry things we do together all this guy I had all this across denotation I'd crafted grabbed in the whole life I had a life I've had a very I had a plan and so my twenties were a series of just letting go of expectations expectations expectations and I remember my um my mentor who was the pastor's wife she sat me down just about a few months before I met Chris and she said promise me this the next person who asks you're on a date I don't care who they are just go please just go um how did she see going on with you that in Kurt that made her say that I think because I'd almost swung from one extreme to the other I've been kind of obsessed with it in Venezuela I don't care nothing really matter I'm not gonna do this anymore anyway and and I saw I I don't become too independent that no one would even know I was remotely interested in you're just a heart runner so yeah either running hard in that direction or you're running hard in that direction and what I said what happened was he we got back from this trip he asked me on a date and I was horrified I was absolutely horrified and I remembered I'd given my word I don't want to go yeah I said to her you know this is my mentor not respecting my elders I am still essentially a Nigerian I've got to do what she said I didn't even know if I liked him I knew I liked him to talk to and I enjoyed his company and I'd forgotten that those were valuable things to include meet a lady Devgan over there real quick I would have just been like are you paying friend of meal I'll work on the other stuff the other day and so I I just thought I needed to be Opia to something different and because if like that point I was open I I thought well then we'll see my basic thing that does he love Jesus mm-hmm that was it really um does he have a job let's brick let's be real yeah did he have a job and yeah that wasn't because it said something about where his life was that yeah and he was an engineer and which obviously with a nice with the materials doctors lawyers engineers so that was good and he was serving at the church doing an internship because he was waiting cool so he was working part-time as an engineer working at church the rest of time okay I know I know he lived overseas which mattered to me and because I knew I could when because if it was someone who wasn't my skin color I wanted to know how they were in other cultures I wanted to know if he'd ever been the only or the different and if he'd had ever ever had to learn another language ever had to feel like a minority that was really important to me okay I'm trying to follow because you're saying you wanted to know if he meaning that meaning that he was also from London he was he was from the north mingling he was actually born in Scotland but he took a year of his study to live in and so when you told me about I was just struck by someone who had traveled who had lived in Spain to study and had encountered other parts of the world and why was that important I think because although in although grown up in London London's a very diverse city very eclectic lots of cultures lots of people lots of accents and by the time I met Chris we were in a my college town which is Sheffield and that was not as done but it's more now but wasn't then and I just I dated before and I was the guy's curiosity I I had it was like or guys you would literally say to me I would date you but my parents wouldn't like this and I thought I'm not doing this again mmm I can't do this again now obviously if I was dating and that's colour or culture um both actually okay sometimes colour sometimes cause you know outside of yeah us there's just all kinds of variation yeah what that could look like yeah so so I think when he said he'd lived overseas and so I thought okay okay okay this is someone who has traveled beyond his world had to work out how to learn in the respect other cultures I also knew I was not the first woman of color he'd liked okay and that mattered do you mean that you weren't satisfying a curiosity yes yes because that's it because that it doesn't feel good it doesn't have you ever been oh you're scrolling oh yeah it doesn't feel good it's um I think because it dawned I think with this and we were very young but it dawned on this guy as we got more serious what it would mean in terms of his children you know so so yeah that's that's very interesting that's very interesting okay so how did you end up doing what you do you've written in three books yes is the most recent one is the dream of you yeah and if y'all don't know about Jo Saxton or her you should get at least the most recent book for sure okay so how did you end up I mean you've been in ministry okay but how did you end up with the speaking ready well I'm the speaking had begun when I was a child okay and I've always been yeah uncle in church yes leading and I had been involved I was I became a Christian in a Methodist Church my family I have it they do religion but they do a number of different ones so my family number of Christians now in the family others who are I'm all wonderful people glorious wonderful people yes yeah not different different no discovery still alright so in when I was in the Methodist Church I've been involved in the youth group and and sometimes we ask to share something I've always had an opinion always have an opinion about something and it grew at a time and I I was terrified to be honest I was I would shake I'd be sick the night before but I was compelled at the same time and I felt it was God calling me to do something I and I remember saying you're gonna have to sort the body this is gonna fix it yeah yeah because I was sick every week but there was a growing passion and I and I think by the time I reached my early college years in my early 20s he had done so much I was aware of his rescue I was aware of his healing his forgiveness his grace that I was almost like somebody needs to know this why didn't anybody know this because again I hadn't grown up in a Christian environment and so I was like what you mean Jesus check I was very much people need to know that having always been raised in a Christian home I think one of the most interesting and refreshing things for me is the difference in how the gospel settles into the mind and heart of someone who's always been exposed to it yeah and someone who has not just like everything else yeah good or bad yeah it becomes the things we are accustomed to become common yes and can lose their the fresh view of them that we have so I always want to hear you about people were like what what I mean it's just yes and see how with it let's into in terms of you know being on fire you know I mean you know it's a it's not a better kind of fire it's a different one it's funny because I'm always really thrilled with my energy person when I see it's true but when I see a family like generations have been walking with the Lord that every time I never get tired of it and I'm like I almost I don't quite stop but I do stare and I'll just watch the interaction of what we're always intrigued with what we haven't had absolutely yeah but so much so for me going to Christian school I never forget you know I there was a period of time you know the testimony testimony everybody's testimonies out of those up and I'd be sitting there thinking I don't have a testimony you know what now saved me from wow drugs he didn't save me and I got put man but he but you know all the horrible things that yes lit upside down yeah when people became Christians I was like so if nothing if God hasn't saved me out of a lack of knowledge or if he hasn't saved me from something terrible that I don't have a testimony oh my god so I actually felt less than wow people who got saved and had this huge story of transformation because I didn't have that story that's what I now realize is that it takes time the realization takes time but give it a few years the person who's had a radical story of transformation and the person who realizes over time what God saved them from a needing transformation oh those key quick over time I read EJ so you may be ready to say you know what I have to learn how to celebrate the gift of walking with God when it feels like what we're celebrating yes the gift of the transformation yeah and I wasn't or once yeah was it it's different but they're both just as good I find it when I watch my kids now and I just and I watch them cuz how many do you I have two girls two girls were about 12 and 13 so much fun it's so much fun but I'm their level of security they have is the thing I'm always we make everybody like every kid has bad days myth but they the way they come back to base the way we pray at night and I'm not saying that they pray these great prayers but there's something about their security yeah that I just went fascinating and I literally just an Ellen why are you staring at me well you also have an interesting story that created probably the dearth or absolutely any times like that yeah so I my parents split when before before I was born mm-hmm anyway happened and I ended up in foster care until I was six so from we don't really know the early date but every picture my first pictures are with me with my foster mother amazing woman her name was Emily May and Wiest everybody used to call her arm and she would literally gather the kids of the neighborhood and she she it's funny I realized now looking back what the rock she was mm-hmm saw me and my brother I have four siblings and whether they're four of us I mean and two of us went to Nigeria with my dad when they split in two stayed in England and we all ended up in scattered oh but me and my immediate brother we were foster together and I whenever I look back on that time it's summer in my mind because it almost reflects the care and the Grace and the stability and she told me as when when I grew up she told me that she never wanted for anything she said I always knew God would provide she wasn't a believer at that point she hadn't met Jesus yet but she she knew how to pray and and so she'd say God would provide and she said boxes of food would have just arrived at the door she wouldn't tell anybody hmm just this whole wall this walk that she had and um so she was wonderful but but inevitably there's a there's a crack in your planet you know when I knew she wasn't my mom I end I knew that she she was a temporary fix I knew I wasn't gonna be adopted by her so there was always this mm-hmm how long do I get to stay with you how long do I get to have to be yourself but I'm not yeah because this is not good this isn't gonna last yeah and I was right it wasn't gonna last and and so growing up there was this constant longing for belonging and it's constant security I hadn't met my father by this point I knew off him and he lived in my joy at this point we'd send these random letters once in a while my mum had her own journey her own story and so it was this kind of happy sad era in terms of living in in London in the inner city what was at that time any weights just being part of this kind of crazy community which was wonderful but at the same time that the more aware I became as I got older and older the more devastating you felt mm-hmm what has been the there's a lot of us have stories of yeah abandonment yes whether that was familial or relational yeah just as we live a lot of us want to be settled and we have an an idea of what that would mean but we can't control that hmm yeah location-based or so ultimately I mean like you know the answer is Jesus but ultimately practically yeah what what did it look like for you to build a sense of security in you so even though you know you went from you're describing Aunt May and I have an auntie like that she's like the village baby keeper yeah even though there's security in her and then there was this transition and you know you you grew up with your mum but that's in you there's still a thing oh yeah it comes along with absolutely to change how practically what has it looked like practically for that security issue should be addressed don't ya healed hmm I mean it first of all it took a long time being aware of it yes yeah and I it took a long time I would just say I'm just independent I am people like friends would sit me down and say you know you drop people and walk away really easily hmm and I want I don't I didn't understand I'm like I don't quite see what the problem is I'm just independent like what you've got me dead and why well the conversation was finished and I remember when the a catalyst moment a catalytic moment for me was Harriet's sermon where a woman was preaching if she said why do you do the things that you do in this sermon in a sermon yes she said it and I thought I don't know but I knew at that point I was 18 years old I just come back to the Lord I kind of tried to take some time out thoroughly bored and I thought well I I'm trying I thought I was still running I was still running hard and and she said why do you say that things that you said in these questions and it just confronted me it just kept on recruiting me where I thought oh I think I think I'm reacting to something so I wasn't really clear and it began a journey for me and and the the provision of God I'm just so grateful like my youth pastors when I was understand now what they were doing yes that when I look back at almost like that this string of pearls that and they were often people yeah I read chromis yeah maybe they were these like moments of stability and when I got to Bible College there was a woman and who called Carol was a woman of color like me from London like me and she and we talked about where to get hair products or something you know laughs she would laugh and she had this laugh which was I would envied and and her stories Tommy story life and had been devastating and it didn't match the laugh it didn't match the freedom she had and the way she didn't take herself too seriously and her creativity and her beauty just everything about and I said look what what's going on help me understand what's happening with me help me understand why I can't answer these questions help me understand how you should be like some of the people I grew up with and how you are actually loving your life loving your freedom laughing like there's no tomorrow what is going on and she said it was Jesus and she does this is what he does this is and and I think it's just her constant see mm-hmm her constancy over the next few years and when she's still pressing me now and her friendship her her laughter what they were just again breadcrumbs show this week this is before you do Jesus or ask you to offer me Jesus okay but it would see that's a very distinctive thing yeah cuz there are a bunch of people walking around ya knowing that the joy of the Lord should be there straight yeah and by 18 yeah but not connecting with it because I become Christian as a nine year old and yeah I knew that Jesus my friend he sent me I knew that he was kind but you have there's a severe more thirst there's there's an abundant life yeah saleable that I'm not tapping in absolutely and as and when I can adulthood I thought oh I know what my abundant life is and I thought no it isn't and then and then she showed me like what redemption looks like like what did that mean it meant that I didn't have to prove myself anymore what does that mean she just talked to you about me though like tomato up some of her own story and saying this is the damage it left me with okay and as that caused light bulbs to go off yeah oh yeah oh yeah and and so when she said that I'm like I get that damaged and she would say this is the impact of that damage so she'd say because of this I would with dwarfish rings neuropsychologist know she was a person who understood heal it who had give me children she's a person who had done the work yeah of understanding her story yes and that was helping you do the work understanding your yeah and how that impacted your life yes okay sorry sighs no no right everybody y'all you don't have to be a writer and a speaker and a published author or a leader to have your story impact as well as a story oh my gosh but you do have to do the work of understanding your story owning your story because knowing how that impacted you not only frees you up to live your life but then when someone else comes along who doesn't know ya how to unlock their story then you can show them how you did it absolutely this idea of everybody has to be a professional to understand the thing no it's just like we just have to be open yeah looking at our story yes seeing what's there to give us yeah a greater understanding yeah changing what we can change and the mean willing to help someone else absolutely and most of the conversations that we had up that that sermon was a catalyst but I didn't do the full work right we right going for walk it inspired you it is my vein Jude long-term totally compacted me and yeah and and but then you can be confront in week after week and not change that's right and so what happened was if you see walk with me literally literally then I would weep and I sound really angry listen she says I know I'm not gonna fix it yeah I'm not going to override it or overlook it I'm just going to sit with you yeah that would mean it and though he kept on sitting she did not get tired of sitting and she would she would challenge things and she's okay where we could talk about this yeah good things but but you know she gave me also it was a two-fold thing she was like yes this is true but you know got some good stuff for you too and so she kept on giving me a vision for the future I knew I needed something to look to for them and make me yeah ongoing then he knows what it is it was what it was yeah but let's look on what is to come absolutely and so that and what I look back now I look at every chapter of my life there has been up some people who were like that there were people who did that work of walking through you may not have known that they were doing here know that it just you look back and you go back building so yes absolutely and whatever I need with each chapter because again um I remember a mentor describing once um sometimes the work of God being like the layers of an onion it's not like you didn't confront your wounds it was one thinkin fracking being fostered when I was a teenager it was another thing when I was holding a baby girl in my arms oh because when you were holding your baby girl in your arms what happened because one we were told we were having a boy one thing is definitely a boy person holding room so that was the first issue so and so then I'm so I'd never I didn't and local but I wasn't expecting I wasn't and I didn't have to think about the how it made me feel yeah and I actually think it was a loss protection actually that I didn't I just didn't I worked to enjoy the pregnancy and everything like that and I didn't have to think about that moment until he had cushioned me for the people who had helped me walk through it and so then I hold my baby in my arms this girl and I'm having these flashbacks in my mind of thinking I grew up and I wasn't with my mother I wasn't with my mother didn't hold me like this my my mother didn't see my first steps my mother didn't get my first words my own and and and there was confusion there was grief there was anger there was everything and there was things I didn't know so again I needed someone to sit with with me down in that moment and and in every chapter they peel off the layers of an onion and say okay I'm gonna sit with you and he and remind you of God's story weaving its way through your story by the time I was a mother we could look back and say the God he's brought you this far yeah remember the God who did that when you were a team when you were 20 huh we provided this guy for you who provided your friendship group who provide who met you in many ways I had my kind of stone whatever knees and that's what they call him the way but the stone of help my had them but um but yeah I've always needed people to sit and I think for someone who was feeling insecure about belonging and about what really is available I think because again I think the combination of being fostered I think the combination of being in Nigerian immigrant okay like in the 80s in England it wasn't cool to be Nigerian at all I mean it's awesome now but then but then we were kind of it was almost the lowest of the rankings so even there was almost like a special disdain for Nigerians and so there was this sense of I'm not enough I'm not good enough I'm I'm with ebony and so I was too dark I was too black I was Nigerian at that I was poor and I was disposable and those were the things that were in my mind and I felt and so to have this sense of where do I fit and do I get to stay here or do I only get to stay if you you choose will you Willie one day send me away don't push me away but I think that had often been the crime and so I think it was wonderful particularly and I'm so grateful to the Lord to have people who would sit because I'd expect them to go and they were still there but what do you say to the girl or the woman or whatever who's watching and says well good for you I'm glad God favored you like that and gave you person after person to person in different seasons of your life in who helped you through that season or to the next season we're willing to sit with you go to long haul you know he hadn't done that for me what hope does the person have he's listening to you and knows that that's what they need there's no stuff that's Jack me up but I don't even know what it is yeah there's nobody in my life that's really helping me figure that out I would say a couple of things I would hope because like you know I think one I didn't know at the time they were there so that was you know I didn't know there may be people in their lives right now who later they will see yeah I'm sorry are doing I would ask them to ask to look at your French a group with fresh eyes and to see if there's anybody who's been faithful or who has maybe they were there for six months hmm maybe they weren't there for a year I would ask them to consider that I would actually encourage them you know there were times in my life when the person was a counselor or and and it's a different kind of relationship and for sure it's not on climb as a stepping stone is a stepping stone but they were valid and I would say your healing is important enough for you to engage with that process and you're important enough to God I it was important me to find a couple of verses to hold on to I can talk about the Bible that we read the Bible but it reads our lives I mean it tough like say what TSA it shows you what you can do with your yeah and Psalm 139 Oh Lord you search me you know me you know when I sit and when I stand I would encourage that person to take that hold of that because it in the times when I felt my loneliest still no buy some still don't know and he knows what you don't know yes and he sees what I don't see and there were moments when it was when I was at the end of the end of the end of myself and I didn't know that hope was around the corner hmm all right and as I go through life I still feel that about certain things or I'm like really it's true mr. really so so look around for who might be there yeah that you're not really counting yeah and then if there's no one there then in your opinion at least then find someone even if that's a count sort of help you do do some work yeah and then realise that even what you don't know or what someone else can't show you that God's Word can do the work I mean the body says that the word is a sword yeah sharper than a double-edged sword piercing yeah and the bombs lair where you can't go yeah his word can go and yeah yeah and I wouldn't underestimate the power of that yeah I think the other thing that one of my friends really challenged me on was that the reason why people weren't one of the reasons why people weren't Les Mis I didn't let them in oh that just hurts so how you doing I was a closing you're complaining about the fact that no one's in but she won't let it I wouldn't let them in because I was terrified it was terrified they were gonna go and also add a habit I had a habit where I cut it deadened self-sabotage you know what why not oh and so I think it would be worth asking yourself when when people ask how you are do you tell what's your answer yeah that's good okay you keep talking about running alarm I love running out yes have you always looked running no not in the figure - no now we're talking about the literals I took out one house 30 okay so you've been running for a while yeah and you've run I think you just finished a half marathon okay have you ever run a fall no are you gonna do it no you don't believe I am no you don't cuz listen the marathon itself is bad but that's not the problem the problem is the training exactly I don't have time yeah maybe when my kids leave home and then you'll have some other reason to say exactly of time you can train for it yes it's over in a couple of hours like you can't you can do that so you took it up why I took it up because off broke up married and got back from honeymoon and I had our first year I realize I had a lot of cake love why that versus going to a gym or lifting weights or walking like why running because I was walking and it wasn't shifting in that it wasn't doing the work okay is that the running versus the walking you think or is it though running the longer like just an extended period of time I see no yeah I think it was probably that and also honest you know newlyweds and my husband was kind of adventurous adventurous in his ways and stuff on up and so I'm like okay I'll tell what you're doing and he was a runner he wants I wasn't running back when he does now so I Oh I started running the man stopped he stopped me tell you about that I see you Christopher when is your next race do you have one I don't haven't no I'm trying I think I'm gonna try and do a couple of ten caves this year okay and I think I'm gonna give my body a little bit of a pause but I'm but I'm still not training and you know I mean it's winter in Minneapolis so listen somebody knows I was like oh you know I ran a marathon I didn't start until later and she said girl I didn't start until I was 15 let me tell you why that's the best thing to do cuz then you win all the races cuz of people are yeah when people are stopping they're hanging she said she came in and nobody else was doing it she started actually winning the medals do it that's true it is true I ran up two or three halves I ran a full oh my god my claim to fame don't know I know said it again it was miserable but mainly because it's miserable because it's 26 miles but yeah really because it rained oh and I run with music I look like the Energizer Bunny all that wire yeah so and my brain so my phone died oh no no so I'm running with no music which is how I train yeah my shoes are now three times as heavy as they were because there's a ring absorbed oh yes I got to the end of the finish line the people you know there yeah well and please don't get banana yeah yeah no they had gone bigoted gone since Cremona and we saw a volunteer we said where's the she said oh the foil is over they're just cooking shakes oh she was walking away she was over there and I think we have a few bananas left back there so I was like you know what it was gnawing that's not an approach it was told oh my gosh okay so what is it with the purple in the shoes Oh have on some strike strike adidas yeah I have loved adidas since I was a kid my brother my immediate brother he went on a school trip to France and he came back with a pair of Adidas one for me and I have worn it a load of personality I love your bubble in this and I love love your realness about understanding your story enough to know how what's impacted you whether you're aware of it or not influences you yes how you see your life and the choices that you make as you move forward because a lot of women only know that something's bothering them because they have a reaction yes and then when the reaction gives them a clue that there's something to hunt down yeah they don't want to do that work no no any part it's hard and it is terrifying it can be terrifying but the other but part of your life is on the other side of doing that or the lutely and it's important to just hang on and do that work yeah because there is freedom on the other side there is good news on the other side I often say to people I would rather have counselling and that prayer and that work for a year if it transforms the next 20 what's at stake as a mother as a wife as a friend as a woman dude forget the next 20 generational I mean ever the legacy is the end leave yes on hold yeah until you deal with it is and sometimes we feel like if we're not dealing with it then you're standing still it's actually a roading it's actually a little eating you from the inside out it's and it's affecting other things and you may feel like you're just holding still but your family know you know well that's what happens because when you see a woman who's been fine and then in her late 40s or her 50s she just snaps and she's done yes Derek she's gelling with the kids yeah she moves and you're just like whoa she was eroding and then one day one leg up and said I'm not doing it done you don't want to be that person no you don't dump so getting the indications if you're having the emotional reaction yeah if you're if your body your mind or your emotions are saying there's something here and if your contempt is going to indifference if you're going dumb yeah you're not supposed to live that way yeah there's more for you and Joe is saying to you there is a dream yes of who you are supposed to be so do the work yes do the work listen thanks for being thank you
Channel: Chrystal Evans Hurst
Views: 15,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jo Saxton, The Dream of You, Abandonment, Calling, Passion, Identifying Your Passion, Working Through Wounds, Foster Care, Interracial Relationships, Intercultural Relationships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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