How to Setup Ryujinx Nintemdo Switch Emulator for Windows/PC

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okay so for today's setup guide I'm going to be showing you how to get up and running with the very awesome Ryu Jinx Nintendo switch emulator for Windows PC so in this setup guide I'm going to be showing you which files we need which game file extensions work fine with real jins I'm also going to be showing you how to map out your controller and also go through some video settings so anyways if you want a very awesome experience using your PC as an alternative to your Nintendo switch and the ability to UPS Scout at the 4K then check this one [Music] out okay then before I start today's Ry Jinx Nintendo switch emulator for Windows PC if you like what you see today hit notification subscribe and like that means you'll get notified every time I release release a setup guide like the one I'm doing today also helps my channel out a great deal too so we're looking at Ryu Jinx now with this there's also of course another Nintendo switch emulator which is Yuzu now some people for both or some people go for one or the other personally I think they both got their strengths and weaknesses regardless we're going to get on with Ryu Jinx today so we're going to go over to the Ry Jinx website now what I'm going to suggest do with first of all is just hitting on the compatibility Tab and just here you'll find which games are playable with Ryu Jinx now you're going to find that games on Yu might not work however Ryu Jinx might support them so with swings and roundabouts really so what we're going to do is just take a look closer now status playable what this means is that most of the game will play probably 98 to 100% uh your other games here such as incomplete uh crash need to avoid these really but there's going to be fixes for most of these games if you generally type into your favorite search engine Ryu Jinx and then the name of your game it will normally give you little fixes but we're going to get into that in a bit so what we're going to do is just back out of here and we're just going to download the latest version of Ryu Jinx and we're going to download this for Windows 10 and once you've downloaded it you're going to download a zip folder so if we double left click on this one inside of here we're going to need to extract the publish folder just drag that onto your desktop Okay cool so we've now extracted that onto the desktop and what we can do now is just delete this Ryu Jinx zip folder just right click on it and delete it so let's go inside of the folder here and what I'm going to use for this setup guide is couple of switch games if I go into my games folder we've got NSP and xci file and we've got Sonic Superstars which is a totally awesome Retro Game and we also got Super Mario 3D World very awesome stuff so what I'm going to do is just drag my game folder into that publish folder next thing I got here is a keys folder and in Keys I've got pro. keys and I've got title dot keys so what I'm going to do is also drag that folder into the publish folder and finally I've got the latest firmware for switch and this is 17. 0.1 and again I'm going to just drag this into my publish folder now let me just make a note the firmware folder needs to be in dot zip you don't need to extract this one so if we double left click you're going to find lots of these files but we're not going to extract this at all what we are going to do is open up ring so if we double left click on XE and if you're using Windows 11 Windows protected your PC what we're going to do is just click on more info and run anyway OK you do so R Jinx was unable to find your pro star key so let's just go to okay okay so as we can see it's now detected my games but we need to do something before we start playing if we go to file we're going to go to open real jinx folder and we're going to go down to the system folder now if I go back to my publish folder what I'm going to do is just go into that Keys folder and if I highlight both of these and right click I'm going to copy both of those files into that Rio Jinx system folder and if I come back out let's open up Rio jinx again so that's the keys now installed and the next thing I need to do is actually install the firmware so I'm going to go up to tools install firmware and install a firmware from xci or zip now I need to go to my publish folder where everything is so I'm going to go down to publish and if I just scroll down I'm going to find firmware 170.18cm here we go so we now got artwork for our games and everything should be up and running at this point so first of all let's just test out one of these games and for full screen mode I'm going to go to options Okay cool so as we can see the game boots up with no problems but my controller my Google stadio controller isn't working so let's go back into Rio Jinx and sort this out okay so what we're going to do is go to options settings and we're going to go to input and from here I'm going to just go down to player one configure just press on that Tab and here we go input device I need to select my Google stadia controller just here and now we need to map all of this out what we can do is actually make a profile so if I go to add I'm going to give it a name you can call this whatever you like and just press on okay okay so I'm going to select my just Jamie profile and load it and that was just a case of mapping out your controller if we go to controller type we can actually select Pro Controller to map and so on what I'm going to actually do is Select Pro Controller and then it's just a simple case of going through the button butons in mapping that out with your controller so if I left click on a I'm going to press the a button on my Google stereo controller and sove for B and X and Y now if we're Plus in minus for plus I'm going to press my start button and minus is going to be my select button directional pad is your d-pad very simple to map these out and left stick is obviously going to be your analog stick and to map this L stick button I'm actually pushing down on my left analog controller I'm then going to go down to right stick and just push down on my right analog stick and for triggers then obviously when you finish map and everything out what we're going to do next is go down to save and apply and Save save now technically if I open up the game again my controller should be [Music] working [Music] w [Music] cool now as you can see Sonic Superstars is running just fine so it's a little bit laggy now and again and what that's doing it's just building up some shaders and it's chucking it into a little folder uh so next time you play your switch game using Ryu jinx it won't have that problem it shouldn't now before I go back into Ryu jinx again let me just give you a little tip if you're running a not so good gaming PC or a PC in general and you want a little bit more performance out of it I'm going to suggest you download Razer cortex what Razer cortex is going to do is free up memory on your computer so it's going to disable lots of background processes and rather than using the traditional control Allin delete route where you can actually manually end processes razor cortex does this for you so I'm going to leave the link in my description for this one and once you've installed it just go to game booster and go over to boost now what this is going to do is start releasing memory and it's going to start disabling background processes and as we can see this is now going up okay so I just freed myself 3. for Gig a BTE of memory which we can then use to make our games run better in Ryu Jinx so let's go back to Ryu jinx again now rather than manually going up to options and going to press enter full screen we can actually let R Jinx do this automatically so if we just go to options and just go down to so if we go to options and then just select the second option down start game in full screen mode whenever we start a game now you'll find out your game will automatically start in full screen okay so let's look at video settings itself we go back up to options setting and if we just go over to Graphics first of all what I'm going to say is if you're running a game through R Jinx and you're finding that it's just a black screen it's normally something to do with your graphics back end so this is on Vulcan if you find you get a black screen just switch it over to open G L and that's normally the main reason that you'll be facing a black screen also just make sure if you're using a GPU and I hope that you are if you're running switch games just make sure your GPU is selected on here so I'm obviously using a gForce RTX I'm not going to select Intel XE Graphics because that would just literally burn my computer to the ground probably now resolution scale is where things get interesting this is where we can upscale switch games to four time which is 4K we'll say but I find The Sweet Spot for this when I'm not doing setup guides is around two to three times and games look really stunning now we've got postprocessing effects just here we got FXAA s smaa low medium high Ultra so depending on how good your computer is you're going to be running this on just go up gradually and find the sweet spot so obviously each computer are different with different Hardware inside we've also got upscale just here so I find personally bilinear works okay for this what upscale does is just clear us up little bits of pixelation here and there we've also got anatrophic filtering now again just like upscaling the resolution to say 4K under anatrophic filtering it's going to work the same if you bump this up too much and your computer can't hack it then your computer is going to fry and aspect ratio personally I suggest leaving this a 16x9 most switch games are designed for 16x9 okay then so earlier on the video I was talking about using your favorite web browser to search for games if they're not working so you can go to GitHub and there's a r Jinx page here for example and this is going to tell us bits and pieces how to get games running when they should be but they're not for you so this is a Sonic Superstars page and there's going to be information here including log files that type of thing so if you're finding it's going to be a little bit buggy for you when it shouldn't be it's always worth checking out these types of pages and this is going to give you a little bit of information how to get better performance okay so that's it for today's ruing Nintendo switch emulator setup guide for Windows PC so hopefully I've covered all the main parts of it and getting you up and running with that now don't be asking me where to get your games from or as many of people say in my comments ROMs uh I'm not even going to question that uh whenever I get asked for where you get your games from the ROMs from your comments are instantly removed as per YouTube policy so please don't ask because they will be deleted anyways if that's fair enough for you please hit notification subscribe and like so you don't miss upcoming retro emulation content so anyways join me on social media I'm on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Tik Tok but until next time stay retro [Music] [Music]
Channel: Just Jamie
Views: 577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to setup ryujinx emulator, Justjamie1983, Prod keys ryujinx, Ryujinx, Ryujinx emulator tutorial, Switch emulator ryujinx, Yuzu emulator, nintendo switch emulator, nintendo switch emulator pc, ryujinx emulator, ryujinx emulator pc, ryujinx emulator prod keys, ryujinx emulator product key, ryujinx emulator setup, ryujinx emulator tutorial, ryujinx firmware, ryujinx nintendo switch emulator, ryujinx setup, ryujinx setup guide, ryujinx vs yuzu
Id: FeXwub960HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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