Ryder Calls PAW Patrol Pups to the Lookout Tower! #4 w/ Chase | 90 Minute Compilation | Nick Jr.

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we'll use the PAW Patrol's own tools to crack that case and take the key oh here I borrowed it from the workers who built the stage huh W look for tools ooh found them tools better treats enough of that swabby we're here to steal not for a meal actually it was more of a snack [Music] now this is perfect for busting things open I don't know it looks complicated H I thought you were a pirate pup not a Fray cat W please wo wo Paw Patrol army army how's that Captain boss Mr Sider I bet all these other doggy houses turn into vehicles too and I need need need them all how come with the key to the city and the whole Fleet of presto change of vehicles I can pull off the greatest pirate Heist ever let's celebrate with a pirate jig woohoo woo wait there's only two of us how are we going to drive them all call in the [Music] crabs put a wiggle on you cranky [Music] crabs pyom Mobile's ho let's go get that [Music] key wa Ryder the big monkey is at the lookout he's taking Rocky up to the roof uh okay more scratching Chase use your megaphone to check on Rocky chase is on the case W megaphone how you doing up there Rocky I'm okay but I'm getting pretty tired of scratching Skye big harry looks too close to the edge use your copter to make him back up Roger step back big [Music] hairy Zuma I have an idea move the Periscope up and down okay I'll dive down up then down again yes uh-oh tracker I need you to use your cables rough [Music] cables hi Rocky just hang on and enjoy the ride woohoo woohoo great work tracker so Rocky are you up to making a new back scratcher for big harry if it means me not having to scratch him absolutely Zuma stop moving that Periscope Sky time to bring big hairry down right this way loaded with snacks and ready to take you home oh uh-oh VY again I've got it here I made you something to remember me [Music] by you're welcome big [Music] [Applause] harry Rider I found the missing Birds they're flying away huh all three Sky cuz chickens and ostriches can't fly they canot there in a hot air balloon uhoh after that Balloon Sky use your copter to try and push the balloon lower we have to get a trained balloon pilot on board to safely land it great idea Ryder but where in the world are we going to find someone like that oh you mean me voger that Ro looking good Sky your Copo should push the balloon back toward the ground hold on [Music] birdies falling offrd 12:00 high chase catch him with your net R [Music] net great work Chase thanks but now chiet as up there all by herself Travis we have to get you up high enough to grab the balloon's Rope Marshall get here as fast as you can with your fire truck I'm fired up I'm here Ryder great raise your ladder rough ladder okay Travis you know what to do oh mo got it worry not fren passenger I traveling traps will expertly parot this balloon safely back to the [Music] lookout oh when oh when will I see my long lost H this isn't the look out is it no but all that matters is my precious pecky poo is back that's sweet but just call me Travis thank you Ryder you got away from us again Ryder we're fast enough to catch it but we never know where it's going I know just a cat who can figure it out shade how soon can you get here how about right now wow that was fast shade we need you to figure out where an outof control rocket is headed next WoW seems like a random route but I bet there's a pattern there calculating [Music] now not again Chase wild stand by shade is figuring out the Rocket's path I factored in the wind velocity the Rockets thrust and thermal updrafts um what does that mean it means the Rocket's about to turn back towards the space exhibition heading there now cheetah speed auntie I know you're worried about chetta and so are we but the spin aot looks so fun and the Paw Patrol are going to rescue chetta and I really want to be an astronaut can we try the ride okay but let me check it out first M Goodway watch [Music] out now we have two rescues shade already on [Music] it looks like the rocket is about to head for the bridge we're going to need someone to get on board and turn it off wild and Chase follow that spin a lot and don't let it out of your sight Rory we need you our pouncing skills at the top of the bridge on my way Mighty Sky head for the bridge you'll need to give Rory a super boost I'm ready to give it a wh it should pass overhead in just a few seconds Rory going up way up tiger pounce now's your chance Rory if any cat can do it you can let's pass I'm on the rocket we've got this race in the bag soon I'll be king of polantis and I'll cancel the big celebration forever what don't they know they're supposed to live lose the race good thinking I don't know about you MC squilly but I'm having a blast Let's help our fellow Racers have a blast too okay M squidly make sure KS right over the lid when you spring the Trap Ready Set now oh no woo rer was right M must have planted traps all along the race route see you at the Finish Line I'm about to be king of panes oh no he's going to fall off the roof what do we do I need to try and help Kel but you need to beat that cheater Moby are you sure I'm sure cuz now go and don't forget just breathe and have fun Chase could you come give help a safe landing you bet rough [Music] net [Music] nice safe Chase thanks but I popped Kel's bubble car but you can still be in the race it's too late Chase it's all up to Coral now Ryder it was Mobi he was the one planting traps along the race we saw his gadgets on the road should we stop him Ryder it's just coral and Moi racing to the Finish Line let's head back there I have a feeling Coral is going to surprise mby hey K want to lift back to puplantis [Music] harness okay kitties do your stuff I'll be waiting right down [Music] here looks like a jop for a super meum [Music] meow Ryder mayor Humdinger is here with his kitties and Harold and meow meow both have superpowers and they're all trying to snatch the meteor I had a feeling those hingersh time to charge up pups and stop them [Music] now Mighty P charged up stop right there Harold that meteor stays with us oh okay not meow meow do your [Music] stuff force field bubble hey out of my way f w dude super weather [Music] poers I've got this one more meteor piece back where it belongs dude oh I almost forgot there's somewhere else we'd rather be [Music] gone Riders the meteor is all safe and sound now great job pups whenever you need a tornado just whoh for help easy chickaletta that's the carousel launch w W oh yeah oh no wo no chetta not again Sky Rubble Zuma our school bus rescue took a detour kids are out riding in your vehicles you have to get them back and Sky check aeta is flying your copter a chicken in my Chopper this puppy's got to fly [Music] wings pups Chase and I are going after Alex and Robo dog keep an eye on our [Music] [Music] passenger looks like you need a co-pilot made it Ryder copter under clol [Music] W wao please stop help yay woohoo yip yip yay Paw [Music] Patrol I think I sat on a tomato look out huh I can't control it oh no sorry Captain turbet hang on dude [Music] yes [Music] Zuma awesome woohooo mer pups they are real I I mean loyal subjects are you here to pay respect and gravel before King Herold I'm the king of the pearls [Music] I think I know who's behind all of this that's the Humdinger mayor mobile oh look that mer pup is waving us [Music] inside dude those pearls are humongous oh no the meteor must have charged up the pearls that power polantis you pups stay here and keep the other merpup safe welcome to home lantis what tribute have you brought King Harold today Harold we need to get you and the medeor out of here before the whole castle crumbles yeah right says who um I decree oh I need a little help here Sumo we're stuck in here activate your force field bubble to protect yourself and come and help on it dude forth [Music] field thanks Zuma now can you get us and the mighty meteor out of here triple bubble [Music] time oh hey you can't treat me like this I'm royalty time for this meteor to go for a spin back to the lookout super rwind power the my pups say thank you for saving their splendorous Sanctuary you're welcome mer pups if a mighty meteor ever comes your way again just hey Rocky what are you doing down there you can share with me thanks buddy no problem can Apollo save the day his own Super way you can do it [Music] Apollo he blly the kitten on his back cool high five oh sorry Rocky no problem once again Apollo Saves the Day his own Super way tune in next week for another exciting episode of Apollo the super pup wow that was so amazing isn't Apollo the superest super pup ever he sure is hey pups who wants to play soccer I I do sure let's go huh coming Rubble huh uh no thanks Ryder I'm going to play Rubble the super PP and Save The Day My Own [Music] Way who can I save farmer Yumi might need some help around the farm great idea Ryder okay super Rubble rubble a super pump is on his [Music] way oh Peach [Music] bu hi farmer Yi need a super pump to save the day my chicken flew the cop when I left the door open can you help superpup don't worry Here Comes Rumble the superpup flying across the farm on his way to save the [Music] day what I'm here to save [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] huh I can give you a ride just like Apollo the super pup here they come come farmer Yi back in the pen Rubble the super pum Saves the Day wo uh-oh oh no the ice cracked under Rider how will he get to his ATV if I jump I'll fall in the bay Zuma you're buoy I'm on it buoy Zuma you're going to get me back to my hovercraft how back up very slowly Ryder dude you're ice pting hang on almost there wo faster oo woohoo nice boarding thanks Zuma now let's get back to shore before we get soaked L away let's go save that [Applause] van that was awesome I'm so happy you're okay thanks Alex Chase bring her in [Music] my van looks okay and the pup treats are safe thanks to the PAW Patrol hip hip ho hooray Grandpa your lucky hat thanks Alex and thanks again Ryder whenever you're in trouble just yel for help you pups were great today you all deserve [Music] trees here you [Music] go you're all good pups and you save to day and now it's time to play around Adventure B Mr Porter excuse me but my tummy just wanted to say thank you Zuma Sky bring Zuma's new ramp down to the tunnels Near That Water Channel fast okay Ryder you got it dude time to get [Music] small [Music] one inflatable ramp coming [Music] down thanks guys let's get this ramp in position I found a shortcut with my drone we're going too fast I can't stop hang on and give me my sweater a deep Bo here they come everyone back up use the rim to jump over the water it's all up to you Danny I can't do it f sticks you're daring Danny X yeah I'm daring Danny X [Music] yeeha woo I still can't stop Marshall chase you'll have to go over the ramp and stop them but our rides are too big for the ramp try these nice all right [Music] woohoo water cannons it easy rough net so that's where the button was thanks thanks Paw Patrol that was extremely something I won't ever try again you're welcome Danny whenever you need a rocket stopper just Yelp for help here these belong to you keep them you rock those roller skates oh that's so sweet thank [Music] you excuse me ryer sir what's the hurry Chase theie is the new and improved Pup Pup Boogie too extra Dancy here yet I heard it was coming on the next train not yet Chase shimmy I'm playing the old Pup Pup Boogie you want to try too all right let's Boogie the P Boogie the P Boogie to the P [Music] Boogie huh [Music] [Music] uh-oh [Music] wa nice move [Music] Sky Skye how can you do all those tough moves without messing up I have a trick when I learn a step for the first time I say the moves out loud like this front paw front back paw side front paw front back paw side [Music] boly I'm getting it w get ready to sit up and tail [Music] spin W you both made the next level yes woo I need a water [Music] break is the new P Boogie here it's supposed to come later today I can't wait I've been working on my tail spin watch [Music] woohoo nice catch Rider Robo dog we're ready to go are we taking the Paw patroller nope this [Music] awesome wo what a prise it's the only way to get where we're going cuz where I live there aren't any roads okay pups All [Applause] Aboard there are some other big surprises where I come from I can't wait to show you Robo dog head for Jake's Mountain I hear you kitties and I'm sorry your carrier is too small someday I'll swipe you a bigger one like [Music] that dude hold on the ride's about to get Wilder are we going to go all the way up the mountain no we're going to drive through it [Music] wo wao check it out this place is so cool I never knew this place was here oh where are those pups going Ryder watch out there's a waterfall ahead yep I know wow so pretty it's beautiful [Music] home water [Music] cannons I thought I got rid of you pups buoy we came back for a game of Dodge buoy drones put those pups in the lookout with the others those drones can't catch us neither can you in that slow flying car can too LED stay here and guard the relocator I'm going after them great [Music] plan LED is guarding the relocator I know how to keep her busy LED say hello in every language hello now I can get the relocator to stop recharging [Music] ratchet [Music] down Rocky bring back the buildings then meet us at the waterfront Robo doog as soon as it's safe drive the citizens back to town I'm setting the relocator to reverse [Music] claw [Music] [Music] hurry catch those pups I've got a Dream City to build someone is using my relocator no the the buildings are back my plan for Cody Cove is being ruined they won't get away from this Mighty pup surfboard [Applause] oh time to do the wi W CL W Mighty Everest time for the Big Chill Harold I think it's time we gave up and begged for hot cocoa mayor up Uncle activating [Music] laser oh no they're headed for Foggy Bottom not for long Skye turn that hum deer mobile around one Mighty whirlwind coming up while you do that I'll set up a h in your trap but I'll need to head to the lookout for a better view w w w w your uncle has a crummy tummy time for step four mayor runs away h [Music] the humdingers are headed back to Adventure Bay perfect Rocky use your energy tools to send them down the side street that's behind you this one pup road crew is going to make them take a wrong turn now Marshall use your Mighty heat to melt the street under them I'm ready for a red hot rescue Mighty job well done Mighty pups oh oh I'm careful that's a lot of hot lava there he is pups Rubble quick steady that boat on it got to catch that boat great job Mighty Rubble hold it right there Mighty Sky time to fly up and carry the flounder Back to the Sea you got it hang on Captain turbet we'll get you down don't our plan to take the mighty pup's precious meat your worked excellent job team it's mine no it's mine quit squabbling good super bad help is so hard to find whoops okay Sky Lift that flounder got it [Music] huh my superpowers what happened the fler rubble watch out uh-oh I don't know what happened Ryder my mighty Whirlwind just disappeared and I don't feel super strong anymore our Paws aren't glowing what happened we lost our Mighty powers without our superpowers our hover cars don't even work huh your Mighty Powers come from the meteor something must have happened to it time to abandon Tater totter hold on Captain turbet I've got another idea hups everyone hop on the flounder without our Mighty Powers we have to work with what we've got all of our extra weight should be able to tip the boat away from the crater and it'll slide down the volcano it's working hold on pups get ready for a wild ride my ship's as slidy as she is seaworthy thanks Mighty pups oh there are so many of these things how will we ever pick them all up I think I know a way but we'll need to go back to the lookout I can't believe that truck even dumped trash here we'll take care of it with [Music] this what a great truck Rider it's so ginormous I can carry 10 times as much stuff in here actually it does more than just carry stuff check this [Music] out now that's what I call upcycling let's take it and remake [Music] it cool ride Rocky thanks it's super super helpful [Music] too wow Rocky your new truck is just cobbling up those trash cubes and that's not all what Shake looking boots wait mayor Rocky's not done yet oh just the right size for someone special thank you do you hear something tracker see good momento Carlos I think it's coming from over there you better scram monkeys cuz I'm going to destroy your temple and all your trees to build my Raceway take that monkeys somebody's going to destroy the monkey temple and knock down all the trees in the jungle we better call the PAW Patrol I can't wait to see I'm so excited can't wait Ola Carlos tracker what's up tracker overheard some bad news riter see someone is going to destroy the whole jungle to build a Raceway whoever it is has the Paw patroller and is covered in cheetah spots h the cheetah Carlos tracker we're on the way what are we going to do Ryder we have the part now Robo doogs installed it pops meet the new PAW [Music] patroller w w new Paw Patroll the new PAW Patrol is ready to roll no cheetah's too cheaty no pupp is too small Paw Patrol to the new PAW patroller Ridder needs us whoopsie Marshall watch [Music] out I guess we're going on a trip in our new Paw [Music] patroller [Music] Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks pups Robo doog take us to the [Music] Jungle we can access all our vehicles from here wowow cool Epic each of your stations will let you help out on our missions awesome now let's go get those pigs Co come back [Applause] Cornelius Emma can't we talk about this wow they're [Music] fast oh yeah they're tricky all right we need the Paw Patrol the rest of the Paw Patrol are sick then it's up to us no pig is too slippery no Alex is too small at least we got them away from the creek usually once they're hungry they head back to the barn H maybe we can hurry them up with a little treat great idea Ryder I'm on it uh Alex just don't open the bottom door oopsie [Music] hey hey wait those pigs are making pigs of themselves they don't know when to [Music] stop loose pigs loose corn what a day don't worry Robble knows what to do make way for the pig out express all aboard Rubble I think you've got a future as a pig farmer no way I'm sticking to construction pigs are too much work let me bulldo up the rest of the corn before the pigs try to escape again thanks rubble and thank you Ryder and you Alex no problem farmer Al whenever you're in trouble just yel for help hi Rider we're [Music] all uh-oh not you too Marshall me too pups duck your head and the cold won't spread like this a CH what a bunch of good pups h a CH Rocky we need you and your energy tools fast green means glow what do you need Ryder the biggest best Kitty tool you can come up with while they're busy playing with it we can shut down Harold's laser one super Kitty toy coming up and done nice the kitties are going to love [Music] it hey where are you going now's our chance Chase think you could beat him to the edge of the cliff watch me if you can kitties forget that silly toy mouse now stop that [Music] PP this town is about to get really wet I have an idea if we use the satellite dish from the mighty tower and hold it in front of the beam it'll def col right back at the laser and destroy it couch time to go laser beam bing one last step in my Island will be you lasered my laser how dare you ruin my second foolproof plan no problem I'll just rebuild it huh where' my Powers go Hench kitties fix the laser [Music] pointer Ryder herold's robot is flying so fast my mighty speed can't keep up with it and he's heading for the lookout Mighty PS herold's robot is flying super fast towards the lookout to take him down we're going to have to charge up ready Sky try to slow him down with your charged up weather Powers that's close enough Harold you can't stop me great job Sky Rocky use your X-ray vision to disable his rocket thrusters on [Music] it energy pliers hey you wrecked my Rockets just for that prepare to be teleported Chase charge up and use your Sonic [Music] bark how did they get all these cool new superpowers I mean just okay new superpowers I got to get out of here Marshall time for a charged up super jump hey I can't see where's the button for the windshield wipers Marshall's slowing him down great the robot is powered by a meteor piece in its backpack now is our chance to pull it out and shut them down put your vehicles in Hover [Music] mode excuse me Rider sir what's the hurry chase the there's a new and improved pup pup Boogie too extra Dancy here yet I heard it was coming on the next train not yet Chase shimmy I'm playing the old Pup Pup Boogie you want to try too all right let's Boogie the P Boogie do the P Boogie do the P [Music] Boogie huh uh-oh [Music] wao nice move Sky Skye how can you do all those tough moves without messing up I have a trick when I learn a step for the first time I say the moves out loud like this Grandpa front back paw side front paw front back paw [Music] side I'm getting it get ready to sit up and tail [Music] spin W you both made the next level yes woo I need a water break Paw Patrol is on a [Applause] roll Paw Patrol wo woah wo [Music] w w Mar Patrol sky [Music] wo I've never seen a pot run that fast before a or one at all that's [Music] Olivia Marshall Follow That Bird poor Olivia how are we going to get that pot off her head see if she'll let you Splash it off with your water cannons good idea idea squ squ jeep jeep squ squ rough water cannon okay on the squawka 3 I'm going to use a little water to get the bucket off your head a she says thanks ryer the sky where's Oscar now Ryder he's all over the place Oscar won't stop running hey pardon us that's because he's scared can you get Mr Porter office back as long as nothing's in the way please hurry we're headed for the museum without tickets hold on Mr Porter I'll meet you at the back door look Cheta it says that birds may have come from dinosaurs imagine a bird this [Music] big Skye FL to the front it sounds like they made it U-turn I got the chicks I got the chicks huh wait for me no I've got you this time harness [Music] wa whoops no sorry Rocky it's not your fault Marshall it's mine I can't even Hur tennis balls nobody can H tennis balls Chase they're just tennis balls I'll never win Shepherd of the a award uh-oh Ridder Ridder Chase needs help he can't even H tennis balls it sounds like Chase has lost his confidence hi farmer Al howdy Rider afraid I'm in a bit of a pickle what's wrong my fence broke and the Sheep I was taken to the herden competition ran away don't don't worry farmer Al no job is too big no pup is too small this is perfect farmer Al needs help fixing his fence and hurting his sheep which is exactly what Chase needs to practice Paw Patrol to the lookout rer needs us I got this in line single file hey Chase good pup hurry in yeah totally wo wo wo I can't even Hur the PAW Patrol it's okay chase you got most of [Music] us you must have heard I like skateboarding the Paw patroller I bet if I got the Paw Patroll are going fast enough I could use that grassy bump like a ramp and jump right over that newsband some H wonder how Robo doog starts this thing yeah I can do this easy now to get moving uhoh where are the [Applause] pranks oops [Music] hi Darren Danny how's it going um it's daring Danny X and I think I'm getting seasick oh so you're in a boat well not exactly see I was trying to do a stunt and it sort of backfired right into Adventure Bay but I guess for now the Paw patroller is a boat what the Paw patroller that's that's impossible it's parked right oh no Danny there's a life jacket under the seat put it on now good idea Ryder the Paw patroller is starting to leak my boots are already squishy help we're on our way daring Danny x no job is too big no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the lookout rer needs us look we'll be right back at least it stopped but where's it going now right towards the lookout Sky Marshall the super shakers headed your way Roger that on it oh no you don't hi Sky hang on tight we're going up wowe it flies too I want this ride at my next birthday party nice flying Sky now Marshall let's get Alex out of there ladder climb down [Music] Alex we're good Marshall shut down that Shaker wo [Music] wo now lower me down Skye I'm glad you made it through all that safe and sound Alex it was awesome can I go [Music] again Apollo the super pup ta it's time for another adventure R Apollo the Super Pump wo I love Apollo the super pup you comfy Rubble yeah thanks Rocky hey Rocky what are you doing down there you can share with me thanks buddy no problem can Apollo save the day his own Super way you can do it [Music] Apollo he's flying the kitten on his back cool high five oh sorry Rocky no problem once again Apollo Saves the Day his own Super way tune in next week for another exciting episode of Apollo the super PP wow that was so amazing amazing isn't Apollo the superest super pup ever he sure is hey pups look who's here you're right on time we were just picking a game to play cool how about my favorite re tag yeah and I'll be it gcha you're Frozen oh not now I've got an itch behind my ear sorry Marshall no moving until someone un freezes you there now you're unfrozen and un itchy too there's those pesky pups yes my superpowers are back now how can I see what they're up to of course I can make [Music] something uhoh you're Frozen it freeze tag now there's an idea so good it gives me [Music] chills I hope that's an uncle mayor dryer offer no it's a freeze ray ha that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard ah hey how did it get so cold thanks Uncle regular hunting now I'm mayor my hat doesn't make you mayor of Foggy Bottom no but my freeze ray will make me the ice mayor of everywhere W I meant to do that now to make myself a super cool [Music] ride hey is that going to be my uncle mayor mobile no it's my ice Mayer of everywhere mobile and then Heidi Hopper said to the baby spider quick jump on my back and I'll carry you away far from the rock slide oo I love Heidi Hopper stories then Heidi went boing Bo boing fast fast fast keeping just ahead of the Rolling rocks until she hopped right up to a raging River dude what did she do Heidi decided if you can't stop hop and then she jumped clear over the river and got the spider to safety hooray yay for hiding she saved the day what a bunny hey look I've got floppy ears just like Heidi Hopper boing boing boing and I'm a Rolling Rock me too watch out Heidi hi Everest what's going on Ryder Miss margerie and Maynard are trapped in the bookmobile and it's it's rolling out of control Down Mountain View Road we're on our way no bookmobile is too fast no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the lookout Rider needs us Bo W whoops sorry guess I should have stopped before I hopped wait I sure build a fun [Music] F hello Mission Control how are you and Captain Gordy doing we're in trouble Ryder Captain gordi is returning from space but he had to change direction to avoid some meteors and now a spaceship has gone off course from where it's supposed to land oh no where's it going to land now it's headed for Farmer Al's Farm but there's no Landing path there Captain Gordy could crash don't worry Captain Gordy we'll make sure you land safely but you'd need to build a big Landing Pad really fast exactly and that's going to take a lot of pup building power but no monkey not is too far off course no pup is too [Music] small Paw Patrol it's time for an ultimate rescue rer needs us woah wo wo Marshall look out that's one way to slide into home [Music] Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir now to Humdinger eyes the lookout we'll use this paint to turn the Paw logo purple and I'll put my picture in of their Periscope so all they'll see is me observe a master prankster at work kitties wherever the PAW Patrol Periscope points I'll be looking right back at them huh oh oh yuck hey get this off of me ah what kind of pizza toppings should we bring to the pizza party Rubble an important question like that needs the help of an expert so tmy what do you think liver bites sausage nuggets pepperoni chew pepperoni Cho hey can I help choose pizza toppings W how does he do that M we should definitely bring pepperoni tooth can I get a paw here Rocky okay Rubble you can be first to pin the tail on the monkey all right monkey here comes a new tail and go a little to the left go straight yeah there you go or how about a really silly beard King kitties Kitty no kitty kitty oh owie mayor Humdinger me love kitties no stop K's my kitty oo Kitty carrier a my [Music] kitties [Music] me where [Music] kitties KY [Music] no precious yay [Music] [Applause] Kitty and go should turn that way hi Katie what's up Ryder Something's Happened to Mar Humdinger he's huge and purple and really strong he ran into the pet parlor and took Callie oh no that's terrible he took Precious too and he's tossing everything around looking for more caps to take waa it sounds like mayor Humdinger has superpowers but don't worry no mayor's too big no pupp is too [Music] small Mighty pups to the lookout R Marshall over here this way Marshall w w wo like I always say two tails are better than one Ryder look the [Music] ghost that's not a ghost it's Marshall hello Earth Marshall where are you going hups it looks looks like Marshall's sleepwalking and now he sleep skateboarding that's not good Chase let's go he can't skate that well when he's awake Marshall it's Ryder wake up Chase your zipline great idea run [Music] zipline got him [Music] lost him Zuma I need you down at the docks no worries I'm right here wo awesome [Music] move [Music] uh-oh I was having this silly dream that I was surfing on a whale wo help uh-oh P tight dude Brey [Music] don't worry Marshall you're safe sound and awake uh all right thanks Suma I'm good Ryder Chase what's up we figured out who the pup pup boogie monster is who you you've been sleepwalking sleep walking no wonder my legs are so tired in the morning don't worry Marshall even when a PAW Patrol Pup is in trouble they just have to yel or snore for help I got it I got it I got [Music] it I missed it I'll get [Music] it oh oh no the ball a [Applause] ball gotcha whoops I'll get it [Music] uh-oh are you okay I'm fine you don't really look fine I'll call for [Music] help a puup is stuck in a tree uh-oh that's no place to be hanging around don't worry we'll get you down from there I'm not worried but that water does look kind of cold I like my bath warm with [Music] bubbles this path is too narrow and steep H Chase you're net give the little guy something to climb up chase is on the case P [Music] back wow cool backpack hand cool net thanks okay little guy climb up careful I told you I'm fine wo wo wo thank you thank you thank you you're welcome hey that [Music] tickles that's the mightiest me I've ever [Music] seen oh no that meteor is huge it could crush the whole town Rocky use your energy tools to take apart his meteor Grabber green means glow oh no energy tools whatever will I do spider he's got energy tools too just like mine super speed super strength Super Whirlwind and super tools he's got all the same Powers as you pups you Mighty pups think you can stop the copycat well you should think about thinking again Ryder if he has all the same Powers as us how will we get up there to stop him I've got just the [Music] thing awesome but Ryder we can't drive up the tower you're not going to drive up power them up [Music] pups wo hover cars cool Chase Suma Sky you distract the copycat Marshall Rubble and Rocky wait for my signal on it here kitty kitty you can't catch us huh where' those Mighty pups get those floaty cars I want one you can take one off the ground after I plck them off my [Music] tower there's one on your right no your left beside you no no no behind you all good over here Ryder glad to hear Everest oo close one I wonder why the meteor is glowing you don't have to be a genius to know it's the interaction of our atmosphere with Cosmic um stuff huh what what happened oh my careful rer there's something weird about that space Rock it's still glowing look huh oops wao [Music] huh um how did I run so fast and how did I get so [Music] strong excuse me wao that's solid ice until my Paws melted it cool but you know hot it's not too hot to push hey got my brain wet huh wow I can fly without wings woah woah wo wo wo wo wo wo wo did I just make a whirlwind or am I just is really dizzy looks like both something weird is going on here huh weird and cool like super tools [Music] stop W cool look at the lookout it'sing it's super too Captain turbet must be right just us and the lookout got zapped that's why we're the only ones with powers Wow Let's go get that meteor help we're stuck in a spider we help um hey Rocky what sound do you bunnies make they thumb never fear thumping bunnies Apollo the super pup is here T yes we're free thanks super pup not so fast you have to get past me the spider king I'll get past you [Music] with I've got you now apolloo sorry but I've got a bunny to save not if I the was Queen stops you you can't catch me now ow you got me super pup ha no one can beat Apollo hop on [Music] bunny Marshall I don't really have X-ray vision I can't see through your paws huh sorry wo no one can beat Apollo the super pup except for Marshall playing Apollo makes me totally stoked to see the Apollo the super pup super special on TV me too Ryder's playing snacks together and everything yum this super pup is a super snack fan I better go check them [Music] out hey Ryder need any help taste testing those sausages sure why not not not bad but to make sure I should try one more I could use a little help tuck leverty come on tuck let's cause a little trouble little is what I do rescues my middle name lights out Cody come on move move okay I'll move it for you are amazing oh my goodness it's almost fully charged and we'll be set to the Moon let's see some catpack power e tail sweep wo strength of a lion sorry to burst your bubble Cody but your demolishing days are done [Music] bubble we stopped the Cody misher pups but we have to help Cody now relocator is fully charged you can successfully send the town's people to the moon great if I can have Adventure B no one can stop spinning uh-oh the relocator has successfully relocated us to the Moon LED bring in my plans for building a spaceship Adventure Bay hasn't seen the last of Cody G is [Music] [Applause] [Music] mody on behalf of a very grateful town I want to thank the entire Paw Patrol for saving Adventure Bay you're welcome AIC Goodway whenever someone is trying to take down your town just y for out [Music] that tickles uh Ryder my house guests are back okay Rocky I'm on my way boy am I glad to see you look what happened to The Twig house it was pretty windy again last night not that windy and I heard howling again last night too don't worry farmer Yumi we'll get to the bottom of it hi Ryder what's up Rubble we need you and your shovel to build a house out of bricks Rubble on the double it looks like this house was eaten too Ryder this time the teeth marks are really big big teeth like you'd find in a big bad wolf wolves don't eat wood and neither do cows so it couldn't have been batina this time so who made those tracks those are big did someone asked for Brick thanks Rocky can you help Rubble anything for my piggy Pals claw shovel let's build Chase use your drone to follow those tracks great idea drone [Music] launch the Drone found something something with a big butt and a tail let's go it's jumpy his tail must have made those big prints he's making his damn bigger and I see why aw Chompy started a family that explains the missing Twigs looking good Chompy thanks pups this brick house looks positively bite proof great work everybody and just in time so when you call out farco everyone else says Polo and then you have to try and find us that sounds super easy not when you're wearing a blindfold oh okay Barco [Music] H farco hello I think I hear Zuma there wao Rubble Zuma Rocky Chase Sky gotcha I'm great at this game oh sorry sweetie I'm looking everywhere but I just can't find my phone M good way may I use your cell phone mine's missing and so are all my melons can I please borrow a cell phone Callie is stuck on the roof and my phone's missing your phones are gone too this is a nightmare we really need to reach the PAW Patrol but how jigle let you're right I can Jog and I even have my running shoes on [Music] oh Ryder Ryder oh hi M Goodway and uh garby what's going on cell phones are missing all over town we couldn't call to tell you poor Callie stuck up on a roof Mr Porter's melons have vanished and chickaletta is very upset she can't play her favorite game that doesn't sound good and what's this song garby it's a note from farmer Al he's lost on a back road with a flat tire and can't find his phone another missing phone we're going to need a lot of pup police power to solve this mystery but no phones are too missing no pup is too small Paw Patrol it's time for an ultimate rescue rer needs us Mar Goodway garby hi W everybody wome barcoo I didn't know the mayor and Garvey were playing too W help and curse my excellent sense of balance Rocky Zuma we need backup green means go let's Dive [Music] In look out get out of the way so bumpy train phew we've almost got him pups I can't see anything we have to close that trunk Zuma see if you can shut it on it Rider booy [Music] pH no more annoying balloons actually balloons might help a save May or Humdinger toodles do you have any really big [Music] balloons that's a [Music] sandwich Bingo okay Rocky use your vacuum in Reverse to blow it up W vacuum reverse [Music] oh I get it we can use the balloon to cushion mayor Humdinger exactly you'd better hurry he's heading right for Alex's party watch out oh my suit is going to get ruined by that cake my cake is going to get ruined by mayor Humdinger not on my [Music] watch [Music] [Applause] [Music] Emma Cornelius please stay still you two put the wiggly and Piggly Alex could you do me a favor and grab me a piece of yumi's yummy cornbread sure farmer Al I'm here to help toss a little bit over to Cornelius and Emma see if that'll keep them still a second don't be such Piggies I have more hey [Music] hey ah Emma Cornelius come back here come back Piggly [Music] Wiggly [Music] woo we look out pigs are Slippery When Wet fast two we're going to need extra help getting these pigs back I know just who to [Music] call Ryder here hi Ryder farmer Al needs help with Emma and Cornelius those slippery porkers ran off and I'm afraid they'll wind up in the creek we'll be right there no pig is too slippery no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the lookout right here I better hurry oops sorry wait for [Music] me guess this race ended in a hog tie we're making friendship cards for everybody in town paint cannons ready an ocean blue card for C turbet apple red for Farmer Yumi broccoli green for Mr Porter and now the stamps yuck do we have any liver flavored stamps here's our card for Carlos and Mata um how do you say friend in Spanish Amigo and here's one for how do you say friend in French Emy Amigos buddies and Chums will all be friends forever no matter what comes friends friends friends we are all friends yeah I'm a friend to you you're a friend to me we're the best of friends friends friends Compadre comrad put of mine no m matter how you say it friends have the best time fos steady key companion to there are all sorts of ways to say I'm a friend to you friends friends friends we are all friends yeah I'm a friend to you you're a friend to me we're the best of friends friends [Music] friends oops you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick Jr Channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 1,195,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick jr, animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick jr.com, nick jr. shows, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr. cartoons, nick jr animation, #nickjr, #youtubekids, preschool, learn, #forkids, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, ytao_paw, paw patrol, paw patrol nick jr, blaze and the monster machines, paw patrol movie, paw patrol full episodes, paw patrol song
Id: dnzkz89RrZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 39sec (5439 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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