Rydel Gives Birth To Our First Son!

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all right welcome back guys we're the funks baby's coming it's day two at the hospital rydell is currently seven to eight centimeters dilated it's actually the same day oh it is the same day we got here at 2 a.m oh i'm delusional and now it's it's oh wow it's five o'clock baby could be here in a couple hours or like many hours you excited to meet him yeah me too thanks for all your support on social media supporting us thank you for subscribing supporting our channel helps fuel our lives we really appreciate every single one of you guys and another fun little thing so right outside of our hospital is this parking garage and right there are my mom rydell's mom and mammoo all playing cards waiting for rydel to give birth nope because they can't come in because yeah i've been really really tough but they wanted to be in the vicinity yeah but you're doing great baby i love you i love you more yeah really good job oh yeah give me tickles rydell has her epidural in and she's still feeling pain from contractions is it still an eight out of ten no it's a little better it's like a seven now doing her best being the most amazing woman on earth so tough i love you can you show them your new um tick-tock dance they grab it they throw it up they catch it there you go [Music] [Laughter] is the baby gonna look like you or like me i think he's gonna be mini cake i think he's gonna have your cheeks and my cheeks yeah i want your cheeks i think he already has your nose and your lips for sure okay and we'll see about definitely my cheeks i hope he has your eyebrows [Music] hmm baby's coming soon nine and a half centimeters dilated 10 centimeters it means oh look dragon's right there are you serious yeah drag one of my best friends just pulled up you're not ready for our baby boy's name it is the most bad ass epic it's epic it's like the best name ever thank you i love you you're doing awesome seriously [Music] i'm so cold i can't feel my legs i could fall asleep in this position oh that was cute is all that pain going away thank god that is stressing me the hell out okay let's cover your feet thank you oh this is getting emotional now ow oh i hate this thing the most i'm tired it's time to come see us and just go i can take this i love you kiss me please i'll give you kisses thank feel so tired yeah can you put me to sleep thank you i feel like i just like got my wisdom teeth out and have like laughing gas but i know i don't have any of that those kind of drugs you got mama's and mammoo on the phone good job sorry i feel like i'm gonna throw up okay you no big deal much more to come yeah there you go some vocals baby that's it two three four five six you're so deflated he's going out good guys little bird too got rid of some ice her treat for doing such a good job exciting he's swimming down i know it's so cozy in there test names you'd always say the names you might get your ass in the car if it sounded right okay yeah two come on come boys three four go go go five come on come on six that's harder seven eight that's it so you're pushing it just to get to here you have to get past that bone okay get past the belt past the ball so you get it strong enough but you need a you need a little more you're so cool babe you're awesome you're doing it you're getting that feel i think your your contractions are probably long enough to maybe do four we can it's up to you you got that baby some ice or anything water okay good job baby good job bring it back bring it back come on one two that's it go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go five six [Music] and push one two come on three four five six i'm sorry okay like you're doing a holding your breath competition against all your brothers but just think of it like that you're amazing babe you're amazing you're pushing the head back in okay yeah okay so i i think that's because you're just tired i get it i'm totally with you on that but i don't want all that wasted energy i don't want you to do so well and then the head keep going back you're doing so good and then it kind of just kind of backs up like that okay now he's not sunny side up anymore yeah that's how we think that's what we think he is okay [Music] good baby yeah there you go baby you're doing it it's okay baby it's okay you're doing a great job you're already past the hardest point yeah you already passed the hardest point you already did it you still got more which one is this one [Music] okay you're doing great [Music] got it babe you're right there you're right i know there trying because you're trying to get that extra but it actually is worse okay so whenever you're done if it's if it's not 10 just stop don't worry about that oh well you're guiding me okay i'll stop whatever [Music] you're just a rock star good one come on you can do it seven eight dig deeper nine and ten good i'm gonna keep your legs like that there you go babe you're doing amazing you're doing amazing come on push babe two come on push four five six seven okay and push one two come on three harder four five come on come on six seven go go [Music] congratulations [Music] congratulations [Music] congratulations hi buddy oh [Music] baby you think has it been a minute baby yeah yeah you cut it honey yeah yeah you should cut it congratulations he's beautiful you're a pro thank you so much [Music] oh [Music] [Music] in a minute yeah let me get the placenta and then yes oh yeah my coolers over there oh yeah we have the cooler over here the pink cooler over there for the placenta congratulations thank you thank you so [Music] much there you go stretch it out look at those arms so buff what's up your hand okay okay he's so cute he's so quiet good job baby did that's so good yeah you push for what an hour maybe a half don't move oh that's good hi oh yeah that was me poking at your head we've made a human you're so amazing good job so good now like your tummy it's flat no more heartburn okay we did or you could accidentally make a human yeah he does he has light eyes i haven't gotten close to him yet he's all yours you can get close watch when he opens up his eyes i have a delivery he looks pretty light for 15 minutes oh wow he's beautiful his oxygen level's perfect his heart rate is great okay we just want to make sure yeah i like that baby's got your cheeks [Music] 100 i knew you get your cheeks do you think he recognizes our voices of course he's got to know who we are can you touch him absolutely hello friend hello friend hello friend you guys hello you're my human oh a little face stretch there you go yeah exactly that's my finger little baby fingernails i'll be pushing me away oh what are you doing huh happy boy we did it his little tongue is out there you go there you go [Music] oh you're so warm look at him so he made a human eight nine you said right yeah okay oh he's a big gush he's like mommy hey yes food she loves food why don't you put those down i'm just trying to do a good job come [Music] [Music] here this is so scary i'm sorry oh oh yes oh you're snotting a little oh you got some boogers you good yeah it's okay there you go buddy get all this not out okay there you go [Music] oh my god it's not as bad as it seems to to watch your wife give birth i thought that was awesome [Music] oh hey [Music] thank you you know what [ __ ] since he's alert right now you try to get him to latch on to you um since he's awake and because otherwise he's going to fall asleep you have to wake him up he's going to be he's going to be exhausted okay he tried it babe can you set me up way more yeah we got a baby boy we're trying to get him to uh nurse on rydell first he's so awake i can't believe it you're not too tired oh my gosh look at that cute cone hi baby hey there he is serious see he loves you he's a burrito good job baby i'm so proud of you that's you're the you're the superhero straight up you're the superhero and we got our baby boy right here we're gonna us be sleepy in this new room adele and the baby's here i'm gonna be chilling right here uh but first we're gonna get rid of her food that she's been waiting for all day i love you baby we did it we did it good job i'm so proud of you
Channel: The Funks
Views: 9,347,857
Rating: 4.731174 out of 5
Keywords: capron funk, rydel lynch, rydel funk, capron and rydel, funk family, The Funks, Baby Funk, funk bros, corey funk, funk, birth, labor, delivery, labor and delivery, giving birth, rydel giving birth, capron and rydel giving birth, the funks, son, meet our son, meet our baby
Id: GcrEhrlAu6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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