Ryan's Mommy Spends 24 Hours as a MERMAID!!

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guys welcome to the studio space today I'm gonna pretend to be a mermaid for 24 hours let's go okay got my mermaid fin here okay let's go hit the pool [Music] Christ for every time please [Music] okay I've never done this before [Music] this is easy I could be a mermaid all day for days the days this is hard I don't know how much longer that can last me the mermaid this is hard ow wow what am I doing with my life [Music] foreign guys that was hotter than I thought now what hey guys I'm gonna try to go and slide down the slide over there it's gonna be hard for me to flip okay I don't know if you can see but um okay okay might be a little struggle here okay guys my tail got stuck right there look technical difficulty several minutes later I think I need to take my tail off [Music] okay he's trying to go up the stairs okay I have to just go this way being a mermaid not easy [Music] all right got a little mermaid flippers wow guys I don't know what to do next but I have an idea I'm going to prank Sean with this water gun okay first I'm gonna fill up the water now we call Sean sure why are you dressing like that no reason come close closer hi [Music] oh John John okay guys now I'm getting so hungry I think I'm gonna go inside and get some food okay right how do mermaids do this wow [Music] okay [Applause] okay guys I just need to flip my flipper so it can dry off there you go and we just have to crawl and get some food don't mind me if okay I just need to dry my flippers don't want it to wet the house okay I'll bring you guys with me let's see what's in the pantry okay let's see hmm mermaid food no mermaid food no hmm [Music] okay what if I do this oh yeah look at me I can twist twist twist twist okay let's maybe grab water [Music] okay guys being a mermaid is so hard I don't know how long I'm gonna last oh what should I do next [Music] I'm gonna try to be a mermaid on the trampoline [Music] thank you several minutes later okay guys I'm gonna try to jump with my tail I need to scoot back mermaid on a trampoline [Music] all right guys I took a shower so it's all clean now and everything I know it's I don't have my glasses on and I think I dropped my glasses when I fall down inside the pool so it's luanne's fault okay guys roll the clip to see what happens right I can't find it anywhere in the house so since I did drop your glasses challenge accepted I'm gonna dive down to find Sean's glasses as a mermaid let's go upstairs [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] you look like he has gone let me show you from Harvey all right got my glasses back [Applause] how am I gonna do this okay like this okay all right I think I got it let's go okay guys I fell let's try that again foreign [Music] but it's pretty much impossible I'm gonna fall again like okay okay guys so it's not that fun being a mermaid I'm so tired I can't do anything so I'm gonna end this video If you like this video give us a big thumbs up subscribe to the studio space and if you have any mermaid tips for me please let me know because I am not good at being a mermaid okay for now thank you for watching bye my little mermaid tail says bye bye [Music]
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 4,642,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, mermaid challenge, ryan's mommy mermaid, mermaid tail, mermaid tail challenge, mermaid swimming pool, ryans mommy mermaid challenge
Id: nYY1qQAGRwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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