Ryan is a Baby in Roblox! Let’s Play Roblox Day Care 2 with Ryan’s Mommy

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[Music] when did i get an extra pancake how did you get food [Music] hi guys today we're playing daycare two not one but two yeah we're very excited it's super dark outside we gotta go home let's go on this bus okay hurry hurray zero player with 23 times oh this one has more people all right let's go let's go how do i get in i'll get in yeah yeah yeah there we go guys we're going to take care of the people because it uh started yeah because it's dark and our parents are not around i don't take us home so we're going on a battery line but maybe it is all right it says welcome to daycare i'm mommy so let's go let's follow me guys come on come on let's go hey everyone you finally arrived nice to meet you oh it's a whole new storyline yes my name is sarah and i'm very happy to welcome you all to this new daycare it's a new day care yeah new day here okay yes let's head inside it's cold out here it sure is because i didn't wear pants so i don't know why you don't have pants uh-huh ryan it's not nice to stand on table and jump you know you're doing it it's a game oh apparently we're babies now all right you can even go outside this is so much fun this daycare one is way better than daycare this daycare chew is way better than daycare one even though we got saved oh i fell hello medics medics anybody oh that was it we got teleport what is that sound what sound game killers say what is that sound should you even trust him it's coming from the television oh no wait they have a television where wait where oh here we go oh wait why is your account down on the television news oh yeah it's gonna be good yesterday oh yesterday a daycare has been attacked by a big monster huh wow oh wait that's daycare one oh that's a different daycare right yeah reporter says that the children have managed to escape however the monster is still on the loo yeah the angel uh hurt the monster and there's like minions if you see the monster report it to the police immediately yeah or my mom could pick me up that would be nice she said oh no nope i'm not picking you up till four i gotta watch my shows power has shut off uh she's gonna leave and then the monster's gonna come but she's probably not even gonna do that what's that what's that outside it's definitely a monster yeah yeah not a delivery pizza person yeah yeah [Music] pizza delivery oh i'm so fired if this keeps happening oh it's starting pew it has gone away yeah bye-bye oh he's gonna teleport no no no no no no no no i'm your mom oh no no i know where to i know where's the monster wait you can kill the minions somebody has a sword somebody has a sword they'll protect us oh yeah someone is fighting the monster look at that whoa no the monster oh oh oh eating pizza heals us yeah i'll grow that pizza on me let's eat it let's eat it okay guys oh wait they're gone oh it's gone there we go see the monster from the news came in and was trying to kill us oh the tv's so cute look at that cute little cat she says kids are so has a wild imagination you all need to go to sleep okay all right good night ryan hopefully we sleep with the lights on so the monster doesn't like you know anything all right for the girls oh wait the monster is 100 gonna come so whenever i get to the glitch spot okay uh eat your pizza while you're doing that because you're almost dead oh no okay you're right don't do this in real life eating pizza in bed i mean eating food in bed don't lay down exactly it's not good for your hands are we turning the power off again really is he that period okay sarah says come downstairs it's time for breakfast but what about brushing our teeth we didn't even brush our teeth and i'm gonna eat pancakes wait i can get two things you can pancakes are gonna heal you once you have finished the pancakes you can go and play yay pancakes guys you need to talk about the monsters we do yes we think that oh no the lights see sarah's not the monster wait where is she where's sarah though she's right here oh no wait when did it become dark we played all day just a dice game okay uh go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs we need to hide somewhere yeah upstairs wait what they know something we don't wait where's everybody okay all right guys just stay together and we'll be safe omg it's the monster yeah okay we're good whoa whoa okay what oh wait wait why are we going down we're going down not going down no wait what's happening oh yeah there was something like this before is everybody okay whoa it's like a secret dungeon people with swords wait wait wait do we just fail when did i get an extra pancake how did you get food i never had to eat anything at least everyone's okay into um wait does that mean there is gold down here priority sorry we need to expect these boulders are blocking the pack yeah keep keep hitting it keep hitting it okay find something did you lose your pickaxe no i still have it i didn't get to use it though oh can we get another one you can get in the car it looks fun [Music] oh there's parkour whoa whoa where's parkour um what happened it was parkour oh no just get to the uh the beginning and i'll try to do it on there okay okay oh no it's lava is or somebody go first wait actually this looks very easy oh no oh no i'm scared it's okay oh the lava is rising hurry hurry you hurry be where everybody else is now made it yeah okay we're in a spooky forest just great why do you want to say spooky right it's the forest hey i worked really hard on this costume i am spooky she said don't go on the bridge for some reason wait who i don't know one of our uh our friends uh so [Music] quick we need to find shelter i'm getting rained on and i'm drinking water this makes sense all right it says let's wait in the tent for the rain to stop good we get the flashlight this is mine good night everyone yeah this has been a really long day i think i've died like three times so my head just exploded you died three times in one day and your head exploded definitely time for rest yay i didn't help but it's okay what a terrible night that was it was terrible let's try and find our way out of this forest yeah there's really not much of us left there's like four of us look i'm moving yeah okay but she keeps saying don't go over the bridge so look i found a bridge we can cross boop always trust somebody with no health she's still alive but there's like another entrance over there no no no no no no yes yes yes yes look behind us to the right we can go down that path instead oh didn't even think about that wait i see a city yeah is this the end maybe what if this monster just shows up right in front of oh don't say stuff like that it's the morning monsters don't come out in the mornings oh come on more just five more hours oh no okay do we make it hello whoa what is this wait what what what happened to the city what this is not the city no she what she said it's wait what a sword wait there's a sword this is actually like one of the best swords in roblox oh really oh yeah is it me or is this cave shaking yes it's shaking but i'm looking for crystals wait you know you can eat the crystals oh it heals you and no the monster came down oh no i've been looking for you oh boss like okay i think there was a sword you are very lucky to be here as you can see me perform my plan i know what's the point you're up so sorry no oh no wait how did you get so many crystals i was collecting it while he was fighting he turned everything black and white so now everybody's bad maybe how is he corrupting society look what's happening all the cars crashed the minions have come up the world is now rue are you sure that can reach 7.3 million people do you dare to challenge me yeah yeah you noob it's four guests one yeah and a cat wait what wait say she has a cat here says lucky cat wait where did neon go oh no oh neon is hiding oh uh we probably shouldn't see him stay in the same spot you're right you're right you're right what if we both died then the game would be over no oh we gotta oh ryan here get up here get over here the pillars i'm on the pillars okay okay you're bad you can't even kill us with lava wait look at the chains they're lava did he really just damage himself quick let's break the chain before he cools down okay ryan let's go break the chain right here i'm on hey they're up oh wait [Music] yeah wait how was the long monster not immune to lava oh we did it i knew it i knew it no bye wait what green means good right yeah right wait you're good wait wait what what happened i don't know whoa we just us i can't believe we started out with so many people and we're the only one who survived we've restored peace wait but how did that happen i don't know somehow he fell to the lava and then he came out and then he just he was like maybe he was damaged maybe is sarah we're back in the daycare again i'm scared oh my thank goodness you were all safe the only two of us sarah the rest are gone we're missing a couple people 20 people sarah we defeated the monsters where yeah where did you go sarah there's a lot to explain explain the way i have all day so i'll tell you all about it do we trust her to go inside should we trust her oh so sarah was bad all along okay but but didn't we defeat the we did that's why we win victory and we got the good ending maybe sarah is like the monster's brother maybe our sister all right guys thank you for watching our fun daycare too and we survived we're the only survivors even though i had to use a lot of robux because i'm not good but we did it yay thank you for watching remember always stay happy and rise up bye
Channel: VTubers
Views: 7,743,205
Rating: 4.5655651 out of 5
Keywords: lets Play, let's play, video games, gamer, combo crew, game play, kids gameplay, game review, Ryan ToysReview, Ryan's Family Review, animated, animated character, combo Panda, big gil, ryan Vtubers, Ryan's Family Gaming, Vtubers, VTuber, Ryan’s World, vtubers, let’s play, let’s play roblox, roblox, roblox daycare, roblox day care, roblox day care 2, let’s play ryan’s mommy, ryan let’s play, roblox ryan, roblox vtubers, roblox gameplay, roblox ryan’s mommy
Id: L4rHrq1pIBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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