RWBY: Top 10 Worst Designs

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there are lots of good designs in ruby so much so that i already made a top 10 list for those but of course if you make a top 10 best list for something the laws of the universe dictate that you must also make a top 10 worst for it as well and that's what i'm doing today a brief rundown on the parameters for this list first there's no limit to how many times a character can show up on the list i could have every iteration of yang on here if i felt all her outfits were that bad second i'm sticking to important characters yeah background characters with one or two lines look bad but let's keep the focus on the characters that matter third canon characters and outfits only stuff from supplemental books mobile games or manga don't matter and finally this is just my opinion of course i'll be explaining why each look gets onto the list but don't throw a tantrum if i say your favorite character looks ugly that being said though i'd be interested to hear who you think has the worst design in the comments but let's try to keep it civil this time actually and as a warning i'll be showing some footage from the first half of volume 8. i'm gonna keep it to a minimum but when slash if a section calls for it i'll be putting a spoiler warning up for you nothing about the plot will be spoiled though the final note i want to make before getting into this list is that i'm naming the artist for each design i did this for the top 10 best list too the point isn't to direct ire to these character designers so don't think i'm trying to like bully them or something i just think it's fun seeing what the different people of the team come up with and quite frankly you should always credit the artist and with that let's jump in number 10 mercury veil design there is no designer listed for mercury's original outfit but it looks a fair bit like einley's art style mercury is boring a textureless shirt with zero visual interest flat black pants with also flat black boots there's no focal point your eyes just drip off him like his greasy bangs dripping down his face the gray and black exclusive colors on him gives him no pop of life a tertiary color accenting his design would do wonders but instead the only way they could think to make him look interesting was to [ __ ] up one side of his collar and put a random blanket on his hip why are his arms so heavily protected when his fighting style is all kicks mercury's also had a weirdly tumultuous time with his model's inconsistency the first time we see him in emerald they're just floating concept art at the end of volume one m looks pretty similar but with like way stupider pants but mercury looks much different featuring a purple palette and totally different shirt design he then gets everything figured out for volumes 2 and 3 but with the jump to maya the team constantly changes his face model for each volume and they keep flopping back and forth on merc's hip blankie existing or not and finally this boy has silver ass eyes the team will probably say they're gray but by all accounts everything about the show says mercury should be laser beaming grim if they plan to do anything with that cool but it feels like they aren't and if that's the case then they should not have made his eyes the same color as the special super protagonist power mercury's design would be technically fine if he was a background character but he isn't number 9 blake atlas design designed by einley blake's new look for atlas is proof that this team doesn't know how to learn from their mistakes it's a nearly identical rehash of the shitty design she had just been in for her stay at menagerie except the crew had the idea of blake ditching the coat for the final episodes of volume six and anyone with eyes could see that without the bulky excessive amount of white covering her up she looked great tank top blake is one of the best looks she's ever had and so what did they do they just gave her another excessive giant white coat except this version of the look is even worse because it's also nonsensical why does the coat's zipper go all the way down to the tips who would zip it like that why doesn't the coat zip all the way up it stops smack dab in the middle of the titties how would that keep you warm why are her sleeves unzipped but then clamped shut with a belt why is she keeping them unzipped at all why are the shoes part of the catsuit how is all of this supposed to keep her warm this look makes zero sense for their current location and on top of it all the crew seem to have lost a few brain cells along with yang's arm because they've all forgotten how to model cute hair for her now there are tons of very stylish nice looking hairdos for this show but blake's new haircut looks flaccid and lifeless like mud sliding down her head they've kinda tweaked it to be less bad for volume eight but it's still not particularly good this look isn't just a downgrade it's one that seemingly had no thought or effort put into it [Music] number eight weiss atlas design eine returns for our ice princess and similar to blake's atlas look there are so many elements about this design that make no sense why did she decide to do her hair so differently now why is she wearing a skirt why is her chest exposed why isn't she wearing a jacket she looks cold as [ __ ] one of the first things i think about when i think about weiss is her ballerina style of fighting she's constantly on one foot and doing figure skating moves so then why would one design her with the word unbalanced in mind like this her giant rope of hair and dumbo sleeves make her super top heavy well so does her sudden breast enlargement but it feels like weiss would topple over if she ever tried to do her ballerina [ __ ] which is probably why she hasn't done any of it since getting this new outfit also because this giant skirt is definitely a restriction to the animation team which is clear to its stiff awkward movements why put her in a dress you can't animate especially since classism is a big element discussed during this atlas adventure the idea seems to be people with money and power are all bad so why make one of our heroes lean in on the princess look and finally the thing that pulled weiss above blake for me is this garbo use of color while i hate the fact that our black the beast is constantly covered in white at least the use of color on her is smartly placed weiss however completely fails to represent her color of white while also having crap color theory this loud ass blue on only her shoulders is so distracting and only makes her top heavy vibe worse all these layers of grey clashes with her hair the red accents aren't doing anything to add interest due to small poor placement this doesn't feel like weiss if i didn't know any better i would assume this was a young willow and that's not a good thing number seven adam mistral design i've already touched on adam's renegade look in my previous top 10 but it's just so bad that i have to explain it more again no one's been credited for adam's design and all we have in terms of concept art is this one detailing his scar i've already mentioned how he looks like a team rocket grunt but let's break down why his outfit is tighter making him look small even the popped collar of his old look implied him to be bigger and more intimidating but this look seems to be going out of its way to have the boy look as small and pathetic as possible beyond that the use of color on him is bananas he's got two different shades of grey on him and black and three different shades of red but those grays are only on his shirt putting a weird amount of emphasis on his arms which is only enhanced by all the useless zippers on him for the most part people's complaints about too many belts can be traced to the fact that they aren't doing anything lulu's skirt could have just been normal fabric and the design would have been fine the same thing is happening here these zippers are tiny and just not doing anything he never even unzips them making it feel like that thing kids do when they draw a character where they think this part is boring let's add something to it but shy of using more belts after getting very warranted complaints about them from other characters designs the artist just replaced them with zippers but that they still put an impossible to see belt on his leg that's also doing nothing adam's original look is proof that you don't need to cover your design with bits and bobs to make them interesting adam's veil design was so impressive because it gave the audience information about the character the only thing this design tells the audience is that this person looks like a background character suffering from all the same problems as mercury while playing a much bigger role in the plot number six winter second atlas design not content to simply give winter a new look after giving her original one practically five minutes of screen time the crew decided let's do that again but just really [ __ ] her up this time designed by larissa angus winter's newest attire implies to me the advice's big sis suddenly got really into bionicle movement that's overrated make it look like winter's completely restricted protection that's not what armor is for you design armor to just frame titties right color theory [ __ ] i don't know who that is the fact that winter's got this stupid chunky armor on while at the hospital implies that it's like a fancy cast which is dumb because it looks like armor the whole look is weirdly off balanced for no reason why is one arm more protected than the other why is there a red stripe on only one leg making it uneven doesn't make it better you know they ruined her perfectly acceptable hair to instead have her give off the vibe of a sporty teenage girl going to volleyball practice they stripped away all the elegance she's always had to instead make her look about as opulent as a lego man it doesn't even match the aesop's or ironwood all it really does is make her look more evil she's not on the same side as weiss so cover her in black [ __ ] subtle this look is grossly messy to look at a ridiculous design for the character and downright ugly number five vernal similar to adam vernal has no named character designer which is okay i wouldn't want to admit i designed this either the best way to describe vernal to someone would be to say it's too [ __ ] much popped collar choker three shirts that are all the same length frayed sleeves one short glove one long glove [ __ ] why she uses dual weapons it's not like she shields with one of her arms one pant leg rolled all the [ __ ] up so that way you can see the garter belt holding up her leg armor but only on that side but don't worry there's a tattoo on the other side shoulder like calm down pick an aesthetic already does bandit just mean haphazard raven doesn't look like crap like this hell shady man looks better than this once again it feels like they wanted to make it look interesting and so opted to overload the look with worthless extra details again she feels like a background character one where the person who drew her up had no idea what to do her face is cute and the short hair works really well in their engine for most of the volume we were led to believe this was one of the maidens and i really wish they'd put in the effort to have her look better than every other background toady in the camp number 4 robin once again there's no character designer from robin making me wonder if they're just not having anyone design some of these characters and are instead having the modelers just put something together apparently she has a man's head like they gave her the head model they use for men that literally doesn't matter though like it means nothing and it changes nothing by all accounts all this does is make me realize how much all the other women in the show suffer from same-face syndrome i've mentioned that a good design can give you information about the character well robin's design actively gives incorrect information to the viewer she's running for a seat on the council she has political power but instead of tell us that she's engaged with the upper crust of atlas they put all of their chips onto the freedom fighter idea making her look like a homeless nobody barging into fancy dinner parties uninvited she and her happy huntresses are well respected enough to literally commit crimes openly and then suffer zero repercussions for them show us that with her design robin's look is also the antithesis of color theory why have this bright pale blonde hair on overall very dark design why make her eyes so bright but put her in all these muddy washed out colors there are nine different colors on her outfit why and if she's supposed to be doing the good thing why put her in the swamp ass green why not like a heroic green hell if she's robin hood why isn't she actually wearing more green she's got more black and red on her than robin hood's main color this is an ill-conceived design with seemingly zero thought put into it number three gira again there's no listed designer for ghira but my brain is telling me that patrick rodriguez had said he designed agira in one of the commentaries regardless this design smacks of all the same make it interesting by making it messy problems most of the characters on this list suffer from his jacket has two layers for some reason like it was gonna be a shorter jacket but then they decided to make it long and didn't want to erase anything and this purple sash around his waist makes her look like gira needed an extra seat belt to keep his coat on these sleeves are hideously uneven for zero reason he also has these uneven wrist accessories which are even more dumb because he takes those off to fight so why are they even there these tan pants look horrible with the rest of the colors on him and the worst part are all these ugly gigantic armor pieces they look straight up bad they have no visible attachments meaning they've been apparently glued onto him and again he ditches the dumbass shoulder pad for combat apparently he only wants to protect his belly button either the directors refused to talk to whoever designed gira or the designer just didn't know what they were doing the majority of this look is rejected for action a bad thing to do for an action anime and doesn't even work for the setting menagerie has a tropical design featuring elements from malaysian and hawaiian climate and architecture in short it's hot here so putting guira in a big third coat is mondo stupid it isn't even malaysian fashion gear approves that kruby need to actually [ __ ] talk to the people working on the show because otherwise you get nonsense like this number two ruby mistral design as usual einley is back for our protagonist's design and you know it's not easy following up on one of the greatest most iconic designs ever made but i guess i just wish einley had put any amount of effort into making ruby look good for the adventure across mistral while the rest of ranger have clearly geared up to be better prepared for lots of walking ruby seems to have gone out of her way to look more like a school girl a shorter skirt and fashionably torn thigh highs are not what you wear on a hike einlee also seems to have started the trend of just add more belts that'll make it look good right ruby has at least 15 belts on her most of those are on her shoes doing literally nothing did you know her shoes are actually uneven yeah one's a little taller because there's more belts on it kingdom hearts parodies couldn't make up [ __ ] like this [Music] but beyond that she has five of the damn things to keep her tiny impossible to see backpack on why does she need so many and again why are they uneven you can tell with the production diary shots of early ruby that eileen has always been eager to put ruby in a tan shirt but honey i think monty rejected that for a reason this shirt looks horrid not only are these puffy sleeves just not something they can animate well but the color is so close to her skin tone that it makes her look like a weird silent hill monster while i get the idea of using tan to connect ruby to yang's color it's just not working and it seems einley noticed that too because if you look at any of the promo art with this look she either turns the shirt gray instead or makes ruby a totally different skin tone oops too bad it's too late to actually make it look good in the show though perhaps i only would have noticed this sooner if she wasn't busy discovering her obsession with unnecessary tint windows with this design since the shirt is such a similar color to ruby's skin it's basically impossible to see most of the time but on top of that i see no reason to add it anyway being able to see ruby's upper chest doesn't add to the design it would be just as well to have the shirt be complete not only would that look more protective because remember they are now adventuring through dangerous locations to save the world now but also it would have probably been easier to model too this design spits in the face of everything that went into making ruby's first look amazing it ignores the circumstances of the character destroys anything resembling good color usage would be a nightmare to cosplay as was too difficult for the crew to animate well there's simply no way around it this design is bad okay before getting into our final worst look let's take a second to go over a handful of dishonorable mentions pirates dance dress all being one unshaded color identical to her hair color is [ __ ] hideous why wouldn't they give her a more toga like dress the patrick browns on yang's mistral jacket looks mondo dumb and the coattails not only are worthless but also get left behind since they couldn't animate them making her look even more dumb the aesop's following a uniform is a cool idea but the limited color palette for them makes them bleed together haven't the crew ever watched a show where a group of girls in school uniforms look distinct with the use of good design even worse though are the happy huntresses who are all wearing nearly identical outfits while the aesops tend to blend together at least i can discern a character from the design of their outfit all the hunches looks tell me is what their favorite color is nora's atlas design is a total deviation from her previous outfits for no reason and has zero interest in the way all her layers are the same length and it looks cold as [ __ ] why put the cast in a cold environment if you're going to refuse to put any of them into cute winter clothes look at how bad cinder looks in this nurse disguise since they couldn't figure out how to make her bangs work with a hat this honor this honor on your whole family this honor on you design on your cow do you like brown and without further delay the worst design in ruby [Music] okay gotta be calm designed by patrick rodriguez cinder's disguise only appears about three times throughout the volume and has no more than like seven minutes of screen time but it is awful what are these colors why put her in brown and [ __ ] green keep her in red or black this outfit just makes her look more like amber isn't she supposed to be hiding her identity shouldn't she strive to not resemble the maiden she's here to kill these colors don't even look good together your eyes go straight to the weirdly bright legs and then get stuck trying to figure out the built-in knee pads which means you're likely not gonna notice how she has two belts doing nothing on her arm or how she's got a shoulder pad right next to the belts that has nothing attaching it to her arm instead of put the shoulder pad i don't know on the belts it's just been stapled to her skin apparently and what's with the bandages stupid bandage shirt why not just give her a normal tube top making it a bunch of bandages does nothing but baffle the viewer and why are they creeping up from her pants too is she wearing bandage undies [ __ ] why but here's the real kicker about the band-aids they don't put any on her neck if you pay attention to cinder's outfits you'll notice she keeps her neck covered either with chokers or high collars i'm not going to spoil it but volume 8 has just given us a reason that she does that to hide something from her past but cinder's two stupidest designs this banded shirt and her overly [ __ ] stealth suit don't her neck is exposed and the show shoots itself with the oops all inconsistencies cannon again her silhouette is garbo i don't see why they didn't keep her in a skirt or dress this looks anti-protective i'm glad this [ __ ] has so little screen time because it is not only the worst design in ruby it's one of the worst designs i've seen period and there we have it the 10 worst designs in ruby i can't help but notice this list has a lot of looks from post monty's passing perhaps it was the jump to maya perhaps it was simply no longer having the man who originally thought up so many great designs around to lead the art direction but i think it's fair to say that i don't love the look of ruby as much since volume 3. that being said though i want to make it clear that this list was actually harder to do when i started working on the top 10 best list i had a bunch of good designs in mind to write down that i then whittled down to 10. it wasn't as easy to think of bad designs for the show off the bat i feel like i picked on einley a lot this video which surprised me because i definitely have a least favorite character designer for the show and it's not her i really love ironley's designs for basically anyone who isn't team ruby i think it's simply the direction or lack thereof of our title team then lands them onto this list for me i think ein lee or miles and carrie simply struggle to redesign the girls and keep them feeling iconic falling into traps like give them more details to make them more interesting and let's not consider their fighting styles the limitations of animation or the environment at all for their new design but like i said i think there are more good designs than bad ones for this show and aaron nguyen has been slamming out bangers she is a great asset for this team's production i'm eager to get out of atlas where i'm so unsatisfied with the cast's looks but moreover i'm still excited to see what's next for our adventurers down the [Music] line [Music] do you
Channel: Twiins iink
Views: 310,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 533dwJ94lZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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