RWBY Soundtracks (Volumes 1-8) "Review" - Twiins iink

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ruby soundtracks are a staple of the show's ever growing basically necessary to get the actual whole story list of supplemental material and has played a major factor in ruby's popularity especially earlier on with the red trailer showcasing monty's amazing action directed perfectly to jeff's music and i want to talk about all the music we've gotten via soundtrack so far now i feel it's important to preface this my opinion isn't law despite my goals to rule the universe eventually for now keep in mind that there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with me all art is subjective and music especially can be really important to people so just know that there's a chance i won't like your favorite song or that i do like your least favorite song the review in this video's title is in quotes for a reason i'm giving my two cents but it's not like i could or even would want to say that any given song is objectively good or bad next keep in mind that i'm pretty limited on how much of any given song i can play cause like i don't want to get a copyright strike or some [ __ ] if you're chill and got some time a fun way to go about this video would be for you to listen to the full soundtrack before continuing with my vid to hear what i say about each song but that's your call and certainly not like a required way of watching my video i'm also not a music expert or anything i may use terms incorrectly and if i do my bad i'm not trying to pretend i'm the smartest person in the room when it comes to music i'm just a person with opinions and too much to say and the final thing you need to know is i won't be looking at any of the acoustic covers or dance remixes for this video they are extra content basically just there to help fill out the track list not saying they're bad but just not really worth talking about because each one will basically just be it's like the original but slower and with a guitar or it's like the original but with a cool beat and now that the way too long intro was taken care of let's finally jump in it's also a gun [Music] a pretty basic rock song basic isn't bad pb j is basic but also a classic but it's just not really complex it's not a song that makes you think energetic and fun though works well enough as the first op song the biggest problem is how hard it is to discern the lyrics often to the detriment of getting the point across properly i can't understand casey a lot of the time which sort of blows score it sounds like it should always be playing in the background as you fill up your gas [Music] beautiful perhaps one of the most complex songs jeff has produced all the instruments work together gorgeously nothing gets overpowered the melody and beats are strong almost pulling you forward in the song impressively fun to listen to despite only having one short verse lyrics are easy to understand and it was the perfect backing track for the trailer that made so many people fall in love with the show the biggest downside is that nothing else in rwby sounds like this this should be the main composition for the show and yet it feels like a stranger amongst its own soundtracks score makes your heart go doki doki the operatic orchestral sound fuses with the more intense percussion in a way that blows my mind every time i hear it it's short but builds up at the perfect pace of all the trailer songs this is the one that evokes the most emotion out of the song alone even without the visuals of the trailer the entire message of wise's feelings get across perfectly and are only enhanced with the trailer that it was made for score makes me wish i could animate so i could make a fight to follow the song [Music] i like how grungy it sounds a very cool punk rock vibe that ends up fitting the aesthetic of the train in the trailer really well jeff's vocals are impressively reserved for him this might be the best i've heard him sing [Music] clear articulation in good control casey's a bit harder to make out but still impressive interesting lore dropping lyrics but overall it's not as automatically grabbing as the previous two trailer songs the extended piano section at the end doesn't work too well when just listening to the song on its own score edgy sonic the hedgehog music whether or not that's a compliment is up to you remixes of the first three songs are a fun callback and perfectly backs the much more dialogue heavy and transitory trailer it accompanies why sassong gets shafted on runtime though the transitions between songs are fun and mixes the different styles between them real well the biggest downside is that it doesn't feel like a yang song it's more of like a team ruby song score i wish it was just called junior's club mix or something [Applause] when i first heard this song i thought it was from the perspective of tai singing to yang however it's actually yang addressing ruby either way the intended emotion being comforting and supportive gets across in an interesting way having the tempo be quite fast for being a song about comforting ruby after summer's death the song really pushes against casey's range causing her to be stuck in a head voice for the whole chorus without much variation between notes this is the first instance of the dramatically slow bridge that jeff likes to write and while it's pretty sudden here i think it fits the tone score why hasn't the song actually been used in the show [Music] of messy the guitar and drums aren't really working together and casey's lyrics are hard to understand most of the time [Music] the wrap in the middle is probably the best part being energetic if not particularly impressive in terms of vernacular honestly the weakest version of the trailer songs score only worth listening to if you have the original version where they say [ __ ] and [ __ ] an oddly complacent sound for a song about rising up there's just no real power here casey and lamar aren't properly belting but rather just end up scream singing throughout the chorus and the drums are basically doing nothing in the background ignoring the lyrics it sounds almost whimsical and that just doesn't fit what the song's trying to be about it also was wasted on velvet's attack on the paladins score soundtrack filler [Music] this is a song that jeff wrote unprompted he took this world building into his own hands and you can tell there's clear passion in this composition casey seems to get caught up a bit in the fast tempo but it's overall clearer than other fast songs in the show and sandy doesn't have a problem being understood there's so much story and emotion in the song and jeff allows the lyrics to take precedence keeping the backing music intense but never fighting for the center stage over the girls unfortunately it doesn't really get to shine in the show as it could have been replaced with any other fast-paced song for the nevermoor fight score this song deserved its own trailer too an extended version of i burn as it was heard in the trailer the club mix can't help casey struggling to get the lyrics out on time but it does fix the issue of the messy instruments in the other version it's more stimulating and feels more like yang since this club music is how we were initially introduced to her rather than the rock of the not remix version honestly this should have been the original version of iburn and the other version should have just been titled rock mix or something score just listen to this one really just adds another verse to the trailer version a verse that's way harder to understand with both vocalists stumbling over their pronunciation the guitar also decides to get too eager and basically drowns out the final chorus not worth being its own song honestly score unnecessary edgy the hedgy it's not a ruby song jeff wrote it after the loss of a would-be nephew that being said it's still very good a percussion that goes from acting like a faint heartbeat to aimless footsteps lovely use of strings that tug at your heart and a subdued kind of powerful in the choruses and despite not being originally intended for ruby it beautifully caps off the show playing during the volumes finale credits a bittersweet song that hits you with one final emotional beat after the girls first round of adventures conclude score this is the reason i know jeff is good at his job conclusion it's a weirdly yang heavy soundtrack despite her doing the least of the ruby girls this volume with four of the 12 songs being attributed to her it's also quite repetitive three versions of i burn two versions of from shadows and technically red like roses and mirror mirror get repeated in the junior's club version of iburn seven of the 12 songs are repeated or have alternate versions impressively though despite the repetitiveness of the album it still ends up feeling very diverse in its songs dance mixes grungy rock pop opera slow fast mindless full of lore and story no matter what you come to ruby 4 there's probably a song on here that you would jive with overall score it's good [Applause] [Music] the far more remembered opening song when compared to this will be the day and for good reason more power more significance to the lyrics casey's improved as a vocalist and the instrumentality is overall more stimulating and it features perhaps the most important bridge of the entire show's song listing and it's never been played in the actual show why score a must listen for any ruby fan really hard to make out the lyrics die is just about the only word in the song you can consistently understand [Music] it's just too fast too syllable heavy and is clearly in a register that's hard for casey to reach while you can't understand what she has to say the melody and backing music is catchy however it ends up being so forgettable that i never remember what the song sounds like with its lack of any real hook i couldn't even remember that it plays during the paladin fight and i've watched that fight a lot score the kind of song you play when you're in the car and mad and you want to think over an imaginary argument with whoever has you so upset a fun synthy little number perfect for a short dance segment like the one juniper got i'd like to hear casey try singing this again now as with her improved skills she won't end up sounding as forced as she does here it also changes tempo and backing vibe pretty frequently it's like the song doesn't know what it actually wants to be aimless score this belongs in the background basically if shine had focus despite being explicitly about pira's crush on jean having some of the funnest use of backing music in the soundtrack and casey sounding much more confident than with others on the list this song wasn't ever used in the show which is a damn shame really the only downside is that a couple of the lyrics end up feeling significantly more yandere-esque than was probably intended score just makes you happy you know bananas all of the lyrics are so hard to get with how quickly they're trying to sing the drums are drowning out all the vocalists and it's kind of perfect it sounds like they're hyped up on caffeine it oozes the effortless confidence we'd seen with team coffee that the song accompanies and the wrap in the middle is so cheesy and goofy and it's so much slower than the rest of the song like i don't think i can say it's a good song but for what it's doing it's executed perfectly it's not good but i love it score great for if you're running late and trying to hurry another song that hasn't been featured in the show anywhere weirdly it could fit with any of the parental figures a song jeff wrote as a message to his daughter casey it's really sweet and ends up feeling very personal i think the piano can be a bit overbearing and i think this pitch is sort of high for casey she ends up having to be much louder to get into the head voice needed which doesn't quite fit with how quiet the song feels like it should be honestly with a little bit of altering in the mixing this song could have hit as hard as wings did all that said it's lovely and full of really touching emotion score i wish it hit me harder than it does [Music] an adorable song detailing norah's feelings for ren it fits her bubbly personality super well without ending up feeling cheesy or fake casey can be clearly heard throughout though the bridge gets kinda tough and it lets her sing in a range she sounds comfortable with it's super cute and is clearly a favorite for the showrunners it's appeared multiple times in ruby chibi and was referenced in the background music during rand's flashback in volume 4. so why hasn't the actual song appeared yet it's a good one why do this score stop making jeff write good songs if you're never gonna actually use them really thought-provoking lyrics which is unfortunate because again i'm having a hard time understanding casey throughout the song it's an oddly ominous and haunting sound to end the volumes finale credit music but it's so laden with provocative imagery that it helps you end the volume wanting more the eerie bridge is perhaps the most memorable part of the song as the rest while catchy ends up feeling a bit generically villain rock certainly more memorable than die but not by much score great song if you like making theories conclusion a more juniper inclusive soundtrack with three songs being explicitly about the b team which is fine since they weren't featured in any way with the first soundtrack however that compounded with dye and sacrifice being villain oriented and all her days being a personal not ruby song and our title team ends up feeling kinda shafted eleven total songs three that are remixes slash acoustic covers of old songs two villain songs three juniper songs one team coffee song one personal to jeff song leaves us with only time to say goodbye for team ruby which kinda blows also the order of the songs is so bad you're really gonna sandwich the slow emotional all our days between [ __ ] boop and caffeine the album constantly makes major shifts in tone causing the whole thing to feel very incohesive overall score much like with how you can compare volume 2 with volume 1 they've clearly improved in some places but is not as overall enjoyable as was previously done do you believe in destiny [Music] jeff is completely [ __ ] incomprehensible this faux screamo is bad a vocalist should still be understandable when doing this style of song and he's not casey fares much better since she gets to do other non-screamo lyrics but overall the song is very hard to understand the lyrics are really clunky and wordy the bad vibes tone is at least conveyed setting the atmosphere as it introduces each episode for volume 3. it's a cool rock sound but it just can't convey anything with these lyrics and vocals score would be better as an instrumental only [Music] jeff's vocals still suck from shadows proves that he can sing this shitty screamo thing he's trying to do is just not working and again compounded with his overly wordy lyrics and ridiculously fast paced tempo and the instruments in the back doing their best to drown out the vocals this song is the embodiment of all the worst elements of rwby's soundtracks like despite explaining the baddies backstory you can't learn any of this lore without googling what the actual lyrics are and reading them it's an exciting song for emerald and mercury to fight to but without the fight to supplement it this song is just noise score just [ __ ] chill out a white song going a bit further in depth with her relationship with her father and how she's grown with her friends kind of weird to have it played during ruby's fight against auburn i feel it would have worked better during the crown winter fight either way casey is much easier to understand than the vocals have been for the soundtrack so far though i wish the vocals and backing instruments weren't all at the same volume level it's an empowering song score probably the most de facto fun weiss song [Music] this plays after team sun's fight in the tournament when the boys are dancing while it could be interpreted as sun addressing blake it's more sort of just a background pop song the kind of music that would be on the radio in a cartoon the song equivalent to potato chips it's pretty generic but jeff's doing much better acting as the vocalist here than he has been score team sun should get an extended dance performance to the song made to fit the party girl vibe of the song's namesake neon ends up being just as enjoyable as the cast it's played for in the show the use of trumpets are fun and punchy while also alluding to flint it's excellently self-centered and antagonistic translating neon's insult tactics into music beautifully casey is easily understood for the whole song too allowing the listener to actually appreciate the lyrics score the best girl in the best episode gets the best song [Music] another song about weiss's struggles in the schnee manor it just ends up feeling unnecessary as it's my turn already did this mirror mirror part 2 is just repeating the same message as a different song on the soundtrack but really slowly it feels less like part 2 to mirror mirror and more like it's my turn but more and sadder it's doing nothing new in terms of characterization and while i appreciate the slow yet punchy sound it ends up feeling wasted on a song with no clear point score should have kept the beat but not made it about wise a stronger better planned out version of what sacrifice was trying to do unfortunately the same issues that plagued most songs on the soundtrack can be found here casey and especially jeff can be difficult to understand at times and the instruments and vocals are all the same level making it sound like they're fighting for your attention [Music] it's an oddly energetic song to start off the finale's credits with as it moreover gets you ready for more to happen rather than ease you into the end of the volume score easily the best villain song so far jeff wrote the song in tribute to monty after his passing and it's really touching unlike with how all our days fared i feel the piano is much more reserved on this track and casey is able to properly convey the soft tone intended it's simultaneously mournful and thankful and the smart use of building instrumentation clearly gives the impression that jeff cared a lot about the production of the song the ending is quite abrupt but i wonder if that was intentional as the final song to round out the volumes credits it wonderfully allows the viewer to reflect on not only the volume they just finished but life in general score simply beautiful conclusion i found myself wondering if the production of the soundtrack was troubled of course monty's passing undoubtedly affected jeff and casey but moreover i wonder if they weren't given enough time to work on this one the muddy lyrics the noisy mixing these feel like the effects of not being able to iron out all the kinks in time i'll also note that jeff's love for a slow dramatic bridge becomes blatant by this point as about 11 and a half songs so far feature this gimmick it was old back in 2016 when this soundtrack was released and it's still old now overall score unfortunately ends up feeling rushed out for most tracks well i guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm originally written for the beacon dance arc this song's tone is odd it's so upbeat sounding for detailing such difficulties all without an ounce of dramatic irony it's played weirdly straight and ends up conveying an oddly disjointed atmosphere acting as volume 4's op the slow bridge is totally unnecessary and just ends up killing the pacing for nothing [Music] honestly the bridge feels like it could have been a totally different song casey still has to get incredibly wordy lyrics out while getting swallowed by the guitar score aimless and powerless like a lost bird [Music] blake finally gets another song after getting nothing beyond from shadows back from volume one i don't know how to explain this but casey and lamar's voices just like don't jive together for me and i can't figure out why when they sing together they bleed together it doesn't sound like a duet it sounds like weird auto-tune and jeff's caterwauling near its conclusion is just asinine sounding like a kid trying to pull the attention back onto him [Music] it's really not expanding on blake or sun in any way and it's easy to forget that it backed their fight on the boat the instruments are still too loud and jeff's trying to make them both sing way out of their range score i wish i liked this more than i do [Music] [Applause] it's just so hard to understand jeff i'm trying i really am it's the same as it has been hard to understand scream sung lyrics aren't enunciated properly and the instruments are too loud it does fit the intense tyrion vs crow fight it backs sounding angry and worn down but conveying a tone and coming up with a melody aren't the only things that go into producing a good song score honestly fun to listen to if you're feeling stressed [Music] [Applause] on the soundtrack album it's also listed as mirror mirror part 3 which makes sense because it's the exact same song and dance we've already gotten three times already for weiss in terms of characterization and lore it's identical to it's my turn in mirror mirror part 2. casey does a very good job at the opera sound in the beginning as does jeff and then the guitars kick in and it becomes identical to seemingly every song ruby produces anymore generic butt rock stripping the song of any unique sound at least i can understand casey this time well during the verses i can score it's like if mirror mirror was trying too hard [Music] reserved simple thoughtful it's like a drink of fresh water on the soundtrack casey sounds totally in control of her voice the instruments for the most part know how to stay in the back it works so well during both ruby's letter writing and when yang and weiss reconnect this song sounds the way friendship feels and i absolutely love the use of violins here score honestly good for you to listen to when you're feeling stressed [Applause] [Music] pretty weird to kick off the finale's credits with an explicitly yang song when she arguably does the least of the girls for the volume i feel it would have worked much better backing a fight not to mention that it hypes up yang's reservations of putting on the new arm and her ptsd in a way that's never seen in the show regardless it's punchy and energetic not just a generic rock song but rather one that has life in it score the punny title was already enough to make me like it [Music] this was made for the game grim eclipse so it's nebulously even canon the eerie vibe that starts the song swiftly gets lost in the same generic rock sound that takes it over and again i find it incredibly difficult to understand jeff's singing score its title is latin for freak of nature and that's the only worthwhile part of the song [Music] jeff's attempt at writing a fun bouncy love song it's significantly more successful than the similar not fall in love with you this song was also not requested by rt and as such didn't have any creative consultation on it with jeff meaning revealing the idea of blake and yang being a couple through the song was most likely not the intention in fact the only reason bumblebee made it onto the soundtrack is because an injury delayed to the soundtrack's release giving jeff time to compose the song and i'm happy about that because i think this is one of the funnest songs jeff's written it's a delight to listen to even if you prefer black sun as a ship cute lyrics energetic melody bubbly use of synth score the best part of blake and yang's relationship conclusion so clearly i think they fell flat in the first half of the soundtrack however bumblebee's inclusion is eye-opening as it shows me that jeff makes really great work still as long as it's a project he's interested in of course i don't know the guy personally or how the production of these soundtracks work but knowing that jeff made arguably one of my favorite ruby songs without rooster teeth's request or permission makes me wonder if that's why so many other songs end up the way they do with the overly wordy lyrics and too loud mixing i'm not trying to imply jeff doesn't care about his work but i think it shows when he's not as interested or invested in a song also minor thing but i feel like almost every song on the soundtrack has the exact same drum beat overall score at its best when you're totally not paying attention to it you're letting that boy make a fool of you by this time casey was just about 20 years old and while she was an impressive singer back when she was 15 for the first soundtrack you can really tell that she has improved and become a professional she has so much more control and power that she lacked back then as for the song it's not doing much more than being enthusiastically hopeful which works for being the volumes op jeff's also pulled it back with the guitar making for a much more cohesive experience than last volume's opening score good coming home from work or class music [ __ ] i hate this song it's all over the place aimlessly throwing new instruments and cadences at you just to drop them immediately despite the barrage of fast lyrics ballistic percussion and out of nowhere horns it's just boring it all sounds the same all at the same level of too much despite the message being yang is a badass it has no power and is easy to forget and ignore in her trailer where it features bored that's what i feel listening to all this aimless noise score it's like if i burn was bad the path to isolation subtitled mirror mirror part 0.5 on the soundtrack which makes sense because again it's the exact same thing as every other weiss song weiss has five songs now all telling us the exact same thing they all also end up feeling like jeff's just trying to do mirror mirror again they all follow the same slow at first and then kick it up a notch with some rock but none of them have come anywhere close to being as good as weiss's first song write something new for her already score just watch groundhog day instead while jeff's tendency to be overly wordy hurts the impact of some lyrics this is overall easy to understand and to a great effect listening to the story of ilia's parents pulls you in and really makes you listen and think jeff's singing is also much clearer though the bridge does see him go back to that scream in place of a real belt thing he tends to do but overall the song's a delight it stands out from the crowd with its unique use of drums and bolsters ilia's characterization in a fun way score should have been used more in blake's trailer the worst song jeff's ever produced starts slow for no reason does nothing but draws out the runtime without adding to the overall composition instruments are way too loud casey and jeff sound like they're speaking gibberish for most of the song [Music] stupid edgelord lyrics that just talk about death rather than actually expand on the women fighting in the scene the songs featured in boring almost non-existent melody score a complete waste of time subtitled from shadows part 2 i don't know why they didn't just go with the subtitled name it's about the white fang starting over with ghira taking its lead again also so i get that i've said this a lot this video but i really can't understand these lyrics i'm trying so hard i really am i can't hear them it's like they're speaking a different language i want to understand them i want to know what they're saying without looking up the lyrics to read but i just can't beyond that it's a forgettable song no hook and again no real melody score blake deserved a better from shadows part 2. that matters another song about bumblebee i dig the slow vibe it sounds like a song that could be sung in a smoky underground bar or something i do wish casey wasn't stuck in these high notes the song has like no range it's not really revealing anything new to the audience either moreover just repeating what ying's already said about blake but it's cute and it's nice to listen to score jeff's done more to try and establish bumblebee than anything in the show ever did conclusion honestly much like volume 5 its soundtrack is pretty disappointing not only is it the shortest soundtrack so far but it's just got no life it sounds like jeff was bored making these songs won't have any real composition to follow he's not experimenting with his sounds i've spent a lot of my time re-watching this volume over and over for reviews and yet this is the soundtrack i felt the least familiar with real talk i was looking at the soundtrack listing and for the life of me i couldn't remember anything about all that matters or this time and really other than the triumph none of these songs are memorable and the only reason i can remember the triumph is because i had to listen to it at the beginning of every episode overall score it's bad this is how the war begins strong instrumentation of the song it's the catchy guitar and synth that definitely sticks with me but unfortunately as is so often the case the lyrics are difficult to understand and have a weak melody it's not even saying anything with its lyrics either it's kind of just like we rule score just watch judgmental critter's ranking of the openings so you can see the synth boards scuttle across the screen that she edited still hard to understand that should just be a given at this point honestly though i think this would have made for a better opening song than rising it speaks on elements explored in the volume setting the tone better for the stories as they unfold it's also a bit languid for being the backing track of the argus train fight switching them would have been for the best in my opinion score the sick nasty instrumental after the bridge is better than the entirety of the vocals [Music] a song detailing neo's history a bit it's perfectly edgy enough for backing the fight between her and cinder though the lyrics are hard to hear during the show's combat as casey is getting smothered by jeff and the drums and of course ends up struggling through this tempo and it's a shame because this is interesting character building we're missing out on though perhaps the worst part is the fact that this character building is trapped in supplemental material like the soundtracks and books score needs salt it's bland i wish jeff was clearer the song fleshes out adam's weirdly nebulous history and yet i'm sorry but jeff's singing sucks on this track i don't want to be mean but this is bad not only is he as incomprehensible as ever but like he's not even holding the notes or following the melody well [Applause] i wish it sounded more like the grungy punk sound we'd heard in from shadows this song is bad one of the worst i've heard score it's a glorified guitar solo [Music] starting with a childlike pop goes the weasel sample is baffling so for this video i've refrained from looking at lyrics while listening to the song so as to see how well the vocals are easy to understand on their own but for this one the pop goes the weasel bit was so confusing that i decided i had to read the lyrics as i went to see if that went anywhere the songs just filled with cheap shitty empty references to a bunch of different nursery rhymes it's basically just references unconnected in any way they're so clearly grasping at straws for these lyrics it has nothing to do with cordo despite being named after her and playing during the kids fight with her it's just so lazy score i don't know lamar's rapping was good i guess incorporating adrian cohen to imply both blake and yang are speaking is neat it's a shame then that both women are still difficult to understand i've never had this problem before like i don't have bad hearing i usually am able to understand lyrics and songs including fast raps or throaty grunge and screamo i wish i wasn't encountering this problem so much here because these songs usually are tasked with doing characterization that never gets properly done in the show if this is the only way we'll be able to hear blake and ying's thoughts on this topic then let me [ __ ] hear it it plays during the finale credits and it's doing nothing special there score adrian's voice is pretty this is another song detailing jeff's feelings about monty's passing this one though is less mournful and more celebratory of the man and it [ __ ] rules the mixing's excellent case is clearly understood throughout and she now has the pipes to be able to truly belt out lyrics in an incredibly powerful way [Music] the song builds really cleanly giving you the same heart-swelling action you'll find in disney movies or old pokemon soundtracks i will say that the pacing of the hook feels a bit off though our bodies weak and breakable our spirit is indomitable the syllables just don't jive and it makes the chorus feel a little herky-jerky beyond that while i like the idea of it being used during the scene where ruby activates her eyes against the leviathan i don't feel the song was used well rather than just playing the on the nose there's a light that shines and its power is mine section of the song i think it deserves to get played out in its entirety score deserves to be listened to while you're giving it your full attention another song detailing how much pira [ __ ] loved john it's a sweet sentiment if a bit repetitive as this topic is the only one featured for pira's songs unfortunately while it makes sense for its place in the show to be during jean's slow walk into the graveyard to peer a statue it's really soured the song for me it makes me think of what i consider to be the worst scene of the volume i wish i found it more emotional but i just end up bored listening to this score hey at least i can understand the lyrics for this one conclusion this has got to be the worst soundtrack so far barring the two slower songs each track on this album sounds [ __ ] identical the same ass tempo same tone same impossibly difficult to understand lyrics jeff sounds bored here like it feels like he's not trying aside from indomitable each song sounds like the equivalent of homework finished the night before it's due overall score i'd rather eat dirt to you it's general a fun upbeat song that ends up referencing the first volumes op quite a lot it ends up feeling like the girls are reflecting a lot on their story so far which is kind of weird since like this isn't the final volume or sees the kids in a particularly reflective story well i also think the message of trust love is quite apt for the show it's a bit weird to act as this volume's opening simply because it's not particularly connected to the trials seen here regardless casey sounds confident and while i don't love jeff's trust loves during the chorus even he seems to be pulling it back to be more understandable score good commercial music another very positive song it sounds like team ruby are having a great time with their new gear and new aesop friends as the song plays during their landing strategy honestly i wish the song got more screen time perhaps getting to back a fight it's really boppy and cute casey sounds like she's having a blast and so does jeff with the backing instruments score deserved to get a sick fight this song and the fight it plays under are some of the biggest reasons i found myself caring so much about ironwood honestly hiro is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to explaining the general's motivations which end up being ignored by the writer's next volume it's punchy it gets your blood pumping caleb's performance on vocals blows me away especially the heart-wrenching beginning to the track my only real complaint is that the bridge ends with a non-rhyme but hands down this is my favorite song on the soundtrack score iron daddy that 80s montage sound fuels me [ __ ] it's so damn upbeat and it's the perfect song for the kids job montage to be set to the guitars practically laugh out the notes played it's a more jeff heavy song and while still a little tough to understand at points he's much more reserved than the last soundtrack producing a more cohesive product score i hope the soundtrack to my life is this fun it's probably not the pseudo 80s pop vibe continues into the song that plays during robin's election party and more notably reno norah's jeff's composed this alongside aaron reilly and while i can't be quite certain on how she participated i can't deny that the synth-heavy bleepity-bloopedy sound is very unique amongst ruby's soundtracks and beyond that the composition of the melody the way the song is paced is also noticeably different let's get real ends up feeling so unique that it helps bolster the returning topic of nora has a crush on ren score belongs at a roller disco so this song has four vocalists casey adrian aaron and don m bennett elm's voice actress because of this i felt it pertinent to watch a video of the song with the lyrics clearly designating who's singing what lyrics uh and my verdict on that idea is that the ladies all sound the same i mean they're all good but i wish they were more easily distinguishable especially since this is the first time it's implied we're getting all four members of ruby singing together the fast tempo and overall message fits pretty well for being played behind the aesop's fight but beyond the four vocalists gimmick it's kind of basic score better teamwork than we've seen from the in show team rwby another song that plays during robin's election brew haha this time it's a disco jam santee c being featured on this track adds a lot of soul to the lyrics in case he's able to match his enthusiasm really well lamar's rap break is also just as enjoyable as the first as in chorus despite the disco influences it's perhaps the most modern sounding ruby song i've heard it's got a funky groovy tune with real fun utilization of horns and bass i guess my only real complaint is that it doesn't really have anything to do with ruby score honestly this could just be on the radio casey composed and sang this one it plays during ozpin's speech as oscar's falling which is news to me because i never paid attention to the background music enough of that scene to realize it even had lyrics ospin's talking too much if they wanted to highlight the song he should have been quieter regardless i think casey is a stronger lyricist than her dad but i can't deny that his melodies are more thought-provoking at least compared to until the end however the smarties of piano and overall performance she does convey the sorrowful haunting vibe that i think she was going for score don't listen to this if you're going through a breakup oscar's theme and the song that plays during the volumes final credits it caps off the volume real well touching on a main topic discussed during the finale it sounds quite a bit like a ruby song especially near the beginning which i think is a fun connection the explicitly angry feel of the choruses is also very thought provoking though i don't know how much i like the guitar solo here i'm not sure if it's adding anything to the composition score this song makes me wish oscar got to do more conclusion i'm glad that it seems jeff got out of whatever artist block he'd seem to have for the last two soundtracks this soundtrack has some of the most diversity of the show rivaled only by the first one not only adding new vocalists but having more composers and just branching out to more music genres helps the soundtrack from all sounding the same like how had happened with volume 6. it's a bit weird that so few songs are explicitly about an event or character opting to instead simply voice an emotion from most of them but that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad just a bit unexpected i do think there's a problem with the order of songs i would not put hero between touch the sky a brand new day it's way too much tonal whiplash i would instead suggest swapping its place with celebrate but overall i'm delighted that the songs weren't just fun to listen to but that jeff's learned not to drown out casey's vocals anymore i could actually hear the lyrics again overall score it's a fun soundtrack even if you don't like ruby do not fall still pretty difficult to hear at times casey's singing is nice even without being able to understand her at all times it's awfully melodramatic which does fit the overall gloomy-ass tone of the volume perhaps i'd like the song better if i wasn't distracted by how the heroes are in such a melodramatic mood because they are the ones making enemies out of all their friends it's also kind of boring like it just goes without feeling like it ever actually starts score the show's bad writing is what hurts this song the most [Music] uh we've heard this before right like this is just an amalgamation of other villain songs like sacrifice divide and all things must die [ __ ] it kind of sounds like armed and ready too [Music] and despite the ballistic pace and tempo this song also is just a bore where's the hook hell where's the damn melody overall score jeff's running out of ideas [Music] baffling that this plays during the shitty fight between juniper and ironwood like nora doesn't even do anything special in that fight why play a nora song the verses are back to being impossible to understand and again it sounds [ __ ] identical to everything else jeff's written since 2017 [Music] when your nora song sounds the same as the hound song you're doing this wrong score no identity this isn't a song it's a transition this doesn't belong on a soundtrack are we gonna put nora's i'm queen of the castle i'm queen of the castle on the next soundtrack [ __ ] [ __ ] gore i think the video on jeff's channel of the song having over 9000 views but only 464 likes should tell you everything you need to know jeff's lucky we can't see the dislikes anymore this is another amalgamation song wings all our days forever fall if jeff's just gonna copy and paste his old music for soundtracks hire a new [ __ ] musician what happened to all the other people who worked on volume 7 soundtrack huh at least they actually wrote new stuff overall score boring and useless it's trying so [ __ ] hard this song sounds really ingenuine like jeff's just going through the motions oh it's a sad song start slow small percussion make casey riff too much to imply emotion like we've heard jeff make this kind of song so many times now that again it ends up feeling like a paint by number song i will say that it's a nice production casey's easy to understand the mixing's actually good i really like the sparkly sound of the song has i guess this being penny song is pretty fitting since the main way i to describe it is that it's nice but overly manufactured score too wooden needs to become a real boy still this was made by casey's band okay goodnight it wasn't made for ruby it wasn't made with ruby in mind it's just an okay goodnight song that they decided to put into the volume and it [ __ ] slaps [Music] [Applause] like i'm not saying it'd go into my top 10 ruby songs but it's leagues better than 99 of the [ __ ] we've been stuck with that just made for volumes 5 6 and 8 the guitar is weighty and imposing casey's vocals are clear and haunting the only real downside is that the song got shafted by playing during one of the shortest shittiest fights of the show overall score just let casey make the show's music from now on jesus conclusion this is hands down the worst soundtrack this shows had only seven songs and they only got to that many by inserting an okay goodnight track in the nothing that was the truth but [ __ ] even with only five songs a soundtrack can still be good if he actually writes some decent music jeff doesn't sound bored anymore he sounds like he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's just making the same generic crap with a different vague title over and over like i'm gonna play different songs here listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] they sound the same right okay good night rocks harder than jeff ever has [Music] and the only worthwhile thing on this shitty list of songs is that it can be an introduction for people to check out casey's infinitely better music than jeff's overall score jeff if you're sick of working endlessly on music for a show with no plot and characters that don't grow just quit honey i suppose i should figure out a conclusionary statement here but i don't think people are going to like it but speaking honestly i really don't think each volume should be getting its own soundtrack it totally worked for volume 1 where the trailer songs and their alt versions was basically a full playlist already add in the op and final credit songs and you're good to go but for basically every other soundtrack it feels like they've been pushing jeff too much so many songs sound lifeless so many songs sound like homework this yearly release means very little time gets to be given to any song and it's forced jeff to prioritize quantity over quality gotta make 8 crappy songs that he doesn't really care about instead of 4 great ones that he's passionate about i think it's telling that the songs i considered some of the best were the ones that jeff made on his own without the direction of miles and carrie jeff is a better musician than most of the songs would leave you to believe and it's not fair that he has to lower his standards so much for the show's ludicrous release schedule incorporating more musicians to help fill out soundtracks is a great idea not only to help give some variety to the soundtracks but also so jeff isn't wrung out like an orange every year to shift over to the subject of the songs i wish we got more songs dedicated to our heroes or more specifically for ruby [ __ ] rose weiss and yang especially have gotten tons of songs each and blake catches up to them with all the shipping tracks she gets the baddies usually get one a volume juniper probably get one too some songs are just nebulously about being cool but ruby just as ignored as she is in the show red like roses parts one and 2 have been the only songs explicitly attributed to the main [ __ ] protagonist of the show and that's stupid sorry for being blunt but it just is if we're going to get literally 5 weiss songs all about how mean her daddy is and blake can get five songs about how much everyone wants to bone her how come we can't get one [ __ ] more song about our title character about her eyes about her mom about her fears about her determination [ __ ] it could be about how much she likes the color red yeah make sure to do a dumbo song about cordovan's mech wouldn't want to spend any of that time exploring the protagonist actually i realize i've gotten a bit aggressive here i did mention earlier that music can be important to people and it is red like roses parts one and two are some of my favorite songs the show has produced i want to have more songs to love like those and instead we're stuck with a million identical tracks where jeff's incomprehensible and the lyrics are about [ __ ] anyway i wish i was happier with these soundtracks of course i seem to be in the minority here every time some musician reacts to a ruby song they cry and talk about how it's the greatest thing to bless the heavens tons of tweets and posts on reddit say [ __ ] like the soundtracks are the only good thing about the show anymore or whatever and i'm just like are we listening to the same song here i'm glad others get to have a better time with these soundtracks but i also can't help but wonder if they're letting their passion for the show or a blind love of jeff williams paint those opinions i certainly know i'm more forgiving of mediocre music when it's performed by my favorite band either way ruby's music has certainly found its place in lots of people's hearts myself included i know this conclusion ended up pretty negative but i do want to mention that the songs i liked i really like it's perhaps why i became so disappointed i know jeff can do better than this and i look forward to when he's given the opportunity to get to do that again shut the [ __ ] up listen to this part it's the best part of the song right here [Music] i hate you and i hate the bands you like [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Twiins iink
Views: 54,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rwby, soundtrack, sound, track, music, red like roses, jeff, casey, jeff williams, casey williams, ok goodnight, williams, score, cool, sad, funny, ruby, rose, twiins iink, twiins, iink
Id: m9iP4cHv880
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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