Rusty Axe Restoration. FarmCraft101
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Channel: FarmCraft101
Views: 679,315
Rating: 4.7705841 out of 5
Keywords: axe restoration, antique axe restoration, tool restoration, rusty axe, how to restore an axe, hand tool restoration, restore axe head, axe head, old axe, vintage axe, repairing an axe, axe handle, old axe head, hatchet restoration, ax restoration, restore hatchet head, rusty old axe restoration, perfect restoration, rusty tool, polishing axe, axe restoration asmr, antique restoration asmr, axe mask, leather axe mask
Id: eYlWHcN5iAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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