Rust Removal Vinegar #304 tubalcain - compare to electrolysis

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how would he once again is tubal-cain also known as mr. P 2 2 2 and this is machine shop tips number 304 entitled rust removal using vinegar well in some of my past videos I discussed electrolysis and rust removal by that method and take a look at tips number 301 fairly recent video on electrons electrolysis rust removal but I am constantly criticized by people saying why are you using that complicated method just use white vinegar to remove rust so that will be the subject of this video today so let's get started you may have watched one of my videos several years ago entitled tubal-cain buys an Atlas lathe at an estate auction and that was a two-part video you can go back and look at that if you want but at that auction I bought this Atlas worktable it was mounted on the the Atlas lathe but actually it's meant really to be used on a drill press and there's little vise jaws here that are adjustable and then a two-axis table here to position the work well this thing was kind of rusty still is for that matter I never have gotten around to restoring it but this cast iron table is a bit rusty and it's rusty from being stored in an unheated shop unheated garage so we got rust on both sides I've removed that off of the base here and this is the item that I plan on cleaning up the rest of it at a later time I fully realize that in 15 minutes I could have this fully cleaned up with little Emery cloth and probably not a whole lot of work but let's let chemicals do the work so I'm just going to soak this in vinegar and this will take several days I believe so the video we'll be taped over several days now I took a baking pan here since my wife doesn't make brownies anymore for me and you know what I just don't care for brownies at all unless they got pecans in them other than that I would just soon feed them to the birds gotta have pecan not walnuts but be cons so here's one of her baking tins that I have absconded with some time ago it's a bit rusty as well so perhaps I will be killing two birds with one stone it pays to buy the best now I'm using some blocks of Steel here to block the table up off of the bottom of the pan so so that this isn't setting on the bottom of the pan because I want to remove the rust there as well and this is painted I did blow this off and clean it up a little bit but it was very very dirty from years of neglect and the purpose of well I'm going to lay it right in there and cover it with vinegar I've got a piece of threaded rod with a nut on the bottom and top just loose but just allows me to have a handle so I don't have to get my fingers in the vinegar all the time and what a nice fit that is it's a 7 inch table must be about an 8 inch pan that doesn't happen very often the only thing is my blocks have raised it up so high that the vinegar is going to run over so I think I'll try to find some blocks that are just a little bit lower these are one-inch I didn't want to use aluminum or some other material because maybe there's a reaction I do not know I didn't want to use wood which I got plenty of because it would float away on me each time I lifted the work off it so let me dig around here and see if I can find something just I'd like to use plastic actually but I don't that thickness I just wasted 15 minutes of my life and I don't have that much left anyway I cut some plastic to the right height thickness 7/8 and you know what it floats so that was worthless I did a test in water I got to learn something about specific gravity I guess so then I came up with a brilliant idea of washers which I and I got a million of them so there we go ready to add the vinegar now let's take a look at this vinegar which is less than three dollars for a gallon kroger brand as if the brand matters and it's already been reduced with water to five percent acidity actually probably reduce it with water to cheat us that is they watered the stock remember that back in grade school and they talked about that and there's a picture a white man with a white child in a field of lilies quite romantic and a salad here we go with a vinegar now smells got a good like the kitchen just enough to cover it natural this table is not level well that comes almost to the brim and you don't only use this much perhaps a little more than a quart I should have bought a quart which costs almost the same as a gallon by the way all right now this has to sit I don't know how long some people say two hours I don't believe it I'm going to cover it as such to prevent odor now as I told you this is May 2016 and today's the 11th I call it V day for not victory but the vinegar so I'll look at it again tomorrow and we'll evaluate it day by day for as many days as we need and maybe it'll only be maybe it'll be done on the 12th but remember if I had used Emery cloth over my workbench I'd already be done but it would have taken a little elbow grease all right I'll see you tomorrow all right Here I am but it's actually two days later today is the 13th that was gone all day on the 12th so it's been sitting for two days the cover here got all kind of wetting and wilty but let's let's take it off and see what we got Wow what a mess and look it appears that the the pan has leaked so I'm going to have to solder that up with some good acid core solder get it back in the cupboard upstairs before my wife makes the next batch of brownies and I guess instructor not too take them at higher than 400 degrees because I think that solder melts at just a little over 400 so she'll need to bake the brownies it at 350 but what a what a mess we've got here look at this that's the rust so I'm going to pull it out of there I'm going to take this over to the sink actually and pull it out of there because it's going to be a mess and rinse it off and we'll see what it looks like here we go I got it in the sink let me get this pan out of here so it's out of the way is it illegal to put vinegar down the sewer utter loss is enough but not too much particle matter well I guess the ruse okay set that aside until I use the lid solder on it it doesn't look that good let me use hot water here on my finger nail brush oh that's someone home when you scrub just a little more I got some spots right here but I wonder if that had been sticking out of the the vein vinegar a little bit right there where it was rusty it was just a little bit more to it then I'm going to neutralize it I don't know if that's necessary but I'm going to neutralize it with some baking soda and then I will take a scotch brite to that surface and see what it looks like this is lukewarm water with baking soda in it to neutralize the very mild acid you know they try to pretend they're armed and Hammer with their color don't they from a distance it would fool somebody okay here's the work and a scotch brite and I don't want to use too much of elbow grease because if I'm using an awful lot of elbow grease I might as well have just used Emery cloth to start with but you know what it looked like to start with when I unveiled it an awful lot like the electrolyte the business end that's just as messy with those funny stains are and it this I don't know if it shows up in the video or not but it's a very late gray remember this is cast iron I don't like that one wonders if he'll have to put it back in the vinegar overnight all right I'm going to do a little more touch-up off-camera you know what I got to admit I'm really impressed it's still warm because I used hot water and then I blew it also would dry fast and I do believe that I need to oil it right away now I don't know if that's rust or dirt in there but it but this is a painted surface perhaps I should put it in again overnight but if I do that'll be off camera look at how nice and clean that zero witness mark is I did use a little wire brush looks like a toothbrush on his brass bristles in the slots both ways I use no abrasives on this other than that scotch brite that you saw the green is scotch brite it looks almost like a sandblasted surface so I do not think I'm going to use a Emery cloth or anything I'll buy more oil it right away here so we don't get any flash rust but I'm loving this I got to admit that I'm Vai by electrolysis you know what I probably saved 20 cents worth of electricity as well need more oil in that I'll work that down in there a little better I'm going to oil this also pick with that balmy paper towel three and one used to come in a little spray can you remember that but I don't think that's on the market anymore these are the little hardened pins that Atlas uses on the lathes and the whole the milling attachment and so on that go in these holes and fit into that round of tail and then of course there are cap screws there and I had those in the vinegar too when they look pretty pretty good all right let me have a few more minutes on this I'm going to oil all of this and be right back alright I'm very satisfied with this for 50 cents worth of vinegar and very little elbow grease I've got a finished table however I have a lot of work to do on the rest of the device and I don't know if I'll film that or not but doesn't that look nice and I I did clean these up on the lathe and so we'll put that project to rest I hope you like this and it would be interesting for me or someone in the future to do a comparison of similar pieces of rusty pieces one in the electrolyte and the other with vinegar and then people have talked about that molasses method as well which I've never used and I may experiment with that hope you liked the video but one more thing I want to show you don't go away I had the hunger for a meatloaf tonight and my wife started to make once you bought the hamburger and everything she said I can't find the casserole Pyrex have you seen it and of course I said no what would I be doing with your Pyrex so if I'm going to have the meatloaf tonight I got to get this back in the kitchen here I'll sneak it into one of the cupboards honor but a week or so ago I put other items into vinegar one was one of these railroad gauges that somebody gave me and these were shown in my what is a video not this particular one because this one was fairly rusty and I'm going to that's been in vinegar I'm going to clean this up just a little bit here in a minute off-camera and I'll put a still of this before I put it in the vinegar and then I had a couple chisels oh that doesn't look good does it oh oh that's all going to come off see DASCO chisels and before I put this one in at look pretty much like this one not bad but rusty not good so let me clean these up in the sink real quickly see although that rust came off and we'll see how those look I'll be right back this is what that Pratt & Whitney gage looked like a week or so ago and this is it now I take it back this isn't a Pratt & Whitney but it is a railroad gage four wheels or axles or something couplers so that turned out nice and similarly look at how nice that chisel even though this is a piece of scrap iron looks pretty good doesn't it's a desk oh well I hope you liked this video and I hope that my meatloaf doesn't taste like vinegar and I'm most satisfied with this give me a comment if you liked it if you don't like it don't say anything and there's been too much swearing in the videos lately so I to take those comments and I immediately delete them so please don't talk dirty and this is tubal-cain saying so long for now and be sure to watch my 700 other videos you
Channel: mrpete222
Views: 254,964
Rating: 4.9289088 out of 5
Keywords: electrolysis, atlas lathe, bridgeport mill, machine shop
Id: B4TlkLnmpgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2016
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