Russian Sniper | Action, Guerre | Film Complet en français

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Stalingrad, 1942 Livnev, Terentjev, go ahead! The others, follow me! Come on, come on, hurry up! Quick ! Come on, come on, faster! Come on, hurry up ! Stop, stop! Descend, quickly, come on, let's hurry up! The snipers, one by one! The machine-gunners, to the right! The mine throwers on the left! Battalion ahead! Faster ! - Spread out. - Faster, take cover. Come on, don't fall! Quick quick ! Forgive me, old man. Do you remember well? First the officers and machine gunners. All others last. They're too many today my lieutenant. If they get up shoot the liveliest. Fire only on my command. you have no right only two chargers. Then you decamp. My lieutenant, the belarusian girl is not there. Alesja is over there, I see her. How… she must have wings to move so quickly! It's not for nothing than the Germans nicknamed her "the witch". Hexe. My lieutenant! That's it, they've all arrived. Why don't you shoot? You fell asleep ? War is like hunting. You have to be patient. If we shoot too soon, the machine-gunners will cover us. The orders are clear. We must thwart the enemy attack. You understood well ? Shut up, you two. Battalion in position. Prepare the pomegranates. - Where are the mortars? - Position 10 to 300 meters! Attention ! First Battalion, forward! To attack ! Stand up, cowards! Keep shooting! Shoot guys! Don't let them get up! - A drop of Schnapps? - No, it's fine. Ready to attack! Soldiers! In position. We're launching the assault in a minute. Ready, soldiers? Forward everyone! Fire ! Damn, I hit him! I touched it! We better shoot sparrows. Use up your ammunition... Stand up soldiers, full ahead... Find those snipers! For Germany... Fall back! Fall back! fall back, they will kill us all! Do not panic, fall back quickly! - Those damn snipers! - In position. Yes my Lieutenant! Standing ! Get up, cowards! Get out of your hole! Get up! Take no prisoners. Get out of your hideout! Get up! get up, faster than that ! This is what I do to them cowards! Imbecile! - Fall back! - Russian bastards! Fall back, faster! Fall back! We're off. Alesja! Come on, let's get out before machine gunners open fire! Where is Livnev? Behind, my Lieutenant. He is coming. Hurry up! Where are they at the end? I'm dying, let me know when they arrive. It was minus one! We were just coming to fuck off when the Germans fired. Talk about luck. It's thanks to Yashin! He has a sixth sense. With a guy like him we are safe. What a warrior! He has the build of a Regimental Commander. I always said it. And why it is not, according to you ? - You shouldn't get involved in this. - Come on, answer! You are going to tell us. I am sure that you know the reason. Yashin is mute as a carp. Well… Yashin studied to become a teacher in Kuban but he didn't graduate for family reasons. He signed up for Voronezh Military School. He was the brightest student. He excelled in all disciplines. Then he fell in love of the Principal's daughter. But before the exams... they discovered that his father was a priest... It made quite a story. Principal married his daughter to another man, and he sent Yashin in another garrison. The case was closed, for all time. Dasha! Dasha! Wait a second. - Can you feel my heart beating? - That's enough ! What ? Nothing, I'm looking at you. You have very pretty hands. - Can you feel my heart beating? - That's enough ! Say Nikola... Where did you do your service? You know things... You've been in the Secret Service ? It's been a long time since we is together in the army. And he told you everything? A friend of his served with us. The poor man is dead in three months. It's very unfortunate, he was a nice guy. unlike you, the chatterbox. Soldiers, in line. Battalion, watch out! - Comrade General. - Excellent work, Yashin. - Thank you, General. - Thank you, soldiers. I'm very proud of all of you. Thanks thanks. It's that girl who killed the German colonel? Absolutely. How are you arrived here? And where did you learned to shoot like that? In Belarusian SSR, General. She is a shooting champion. She insisted on serving at the Front. We refused, but... Why have you refused? Sorry. You were afraid German mockery? Yashin was not afraid, he and he did a great job! Are your parents still alive ? I'm alone. My mother, my grandmother, and my brother died in deportation to Minsk. My grandmother lived in the countryside. That summer she was came to visit us. The tanks opened fire on our train. I managed to get out of it. I escaped the machine gunners. And you weren't scared? I'm not afraid of anything anymore from this train. This young woman is cause of death of 12 Germans these last 10 days. Officers and snipers. The Germans have it nicknamed "The Witch". Hexe. It means witch... in German. A witch ? And what kind of witch are you? Whatever I find it very unfortunate than a lady like you had to cut his hair. We need of a woman of your talent. My General, a breakthrough near the cement factory! Comrade General, our soldiers are folded close to the factory. Rinse your face. I again salute your dedication and your courage, soldiers! We are proud of to serve the Soviet Union! We are proud of to serve the Soviet Union! I want to congratulate each of you for the way it went performed the operation. You have demonstrated of courage and heroism. It will be awarded to Private Mikulchi, as well as Lieutenant Yashin, the Order of the Red Star. And for others: the Medal of Valor. Hooray! We are proud to serve the Soviet Union! Hold on, that's personal. It is deserved. Hold on, that's personal. It is deserved. Would you like enjoy it with us? Would you like enjoy it with us? It's nothing at all. Spread out. Mikola, give us a taste, will you? Please excuse me. What is it Comrade Lieutenant? We have to go, the others are waiting for you. I hurry. Alesja, I don't want to... you take initiative. You won't go anymore all alone on the forehead. It's an order. Don't walk away from me anymore... It's understood ? Tell me what I should do, my Lt. You will stay by my side. Never walk away! Always stay in sight. Oh, Comrade Lieutenant. Do you feel bad? Leave us, please. Do you promise to follow my orders? I promise you, my Lieutenant. I will stay by your side. That's all I want, be with you. Hurry up. Put more lipstick on it, and no more black mustache! Hey guys, what are you doing ? Get out of there, soldier! Bunch of morons! - Come on, draw. - Keep on going. You know what scared me the most in my childhood? Say. The stove. The stove that there was at my grandmother's. Why ? 'Cause when I got sick she was lighting the stove. She filled it with straw, she poured boiling water into it… When the wisps of straw were on fire... It was very pretty. I loved watching the flames. - Then she put me in it. - Do you want to laugh? She was doing this to heal me. It was all dark in there, I was terrified ! I kept crying, it was awful. When she took me out I was all dirty... When she took me out I was all dirty... Then she kissed me and she served me a glass of milk with honey. Alright, I'll leave you. Listen, Alesja… I want you to leave the front. You have helped us enough. War, killing people... It's not for women. You have to protect yourself. Leave the front and will help from the back. I will write to you. Are you listening to me, Alesja? - Yes, yes, more red! - Put it on hold! - Follow me ! Why is it him do you watch all the time? Me, for example... I do the laundry very well, I know how to embroider I also know how to cook. I would make an ideal husband! Do you embroider yourself? I would like to see that... I was out of shape yesterday, I'm fell after the first drink... Where is Alesja? Where is Alesja? Well here it is! Livnev got killed! Sashka Terentjev has lost the sight of one eye! - He is alive ? - || might not get away with it. - A sniper - A sniper came to kill us. Where did it happen ? He settled near where we were yesterday. [[ is watching us from there. What are you waiting for ? Move on ! - Yes. - Yes. Can you explain to me? I thought I had been clear. I watched it, I know exactly how it proceeds. Never walk away from me again I warned you. - Let me just explain... - Shut up ! Private Mikulchik, you refused to obey a superior. I am in the obligation to send you back. - For how long ? - Surrender your weapon. U-turn. Walk ! You do not have the right Lieutenant, this is unfair. I will stay here. There's no way I'm leaving. My place is at the front, not in the back! It is no longer worth to send me letters. I will stay here. There's no way I'm leaving. Shut your mouth. The instructor approaches. He limps in his left leg. !! is not alone. - Hello Comrade Instructor. - Hello. who is this beauty who accompanies you? Is it the little Belarusian? It's been a paycheck that we didn't see you. Where have you been? Did you miss us? Hello. It's not a beauty, It's Private Mikulchik! She's a sniper! The best of all. She killed about BO Nazis alone. No kidding ? 50 isn't a bit much? Fellow Instructor, I'm not sure I understand. What use is the lady to us? We've got plenty of shooters here. He is right, Comrade Instructor. You should leave. And take Private Mikulchik with you. We can manage on our own. You have been here for 6 days and it did nothing. We lose men especially officers. You had to unearth this ghost trigger virtuoso. We're doing our best Comrade. But he is terribly clever. Twice we thought we had killed him, but he is still there. Yesterday he killed one of our best men, Sasha Morozov. From the first shot. Well more reason! You will be assisted of Private Mikulchik. You are the only one of your restraint, Yashin. So you will operate with your new friend. Or should I say... your new friend. who is here for lend you a hand. Above all, take good care of her. Private Mikulchik, it's up to you! Where is this bug hiding? Straight ahead, 300 meters. There are two large barrels. In front of the first There is an iron plate. It may well be let it be a post. She changed position in the night. Does the iron move? We must believe… The question is whether… How to dislodge it from its burrow? None of this inspires confidence in me. Look at this, Lieutenant... she teaches an old monkey to grimace. Boris. she teaches an old monkey to grimace. Are you sure Lieutenant? That's a shame. Stop being silly. Sorry, I'll go get it. OK ? Goodbye mannequin with glasses. It's like in the theater or the circus. To be a good soldier it's a bit like being an artist. But no one applauds. [[ didn't take long before shooting. One thing is certain, he is an expert. And that bastard is damn well trained. And that bastard is damn well trained. I saw it Comrade Yashin. For a second he came out of his burrow. What are you going to do ? Start a car with that? We are not pilots, Fellow Instructor. Be nice, ask no more questions. It's just curiosity the livelihood of all snipers. Are you ready Mikola? Everything is ready, we can start. Do not forget : we are not alone in the neutral zone. machine gunners start to move. At least they had breakfast. Bread rolls, marmalade and chocolate. That's why that they move. Rats… We wait. We do nothing until it is in the shadow of the barrel. We'll have a better view of his post. Our optical sights will show. He won't see anything. If he really is an expert, I do not understand why… it also operates simply. Why not have changed position? He is intelligent, it is in its strategy. But he won't make the weight long against us. Where did she go? She disappeared ! Scare girl… Hey Boris. Good luck. Good luck to you. - When I say "three-four". - Heard. So, my Lieutenant? Ready ? My Lieutenant, we have to go. Let's go. Three four. So, did you get it? Right in the target. - Congratulations to the artists. - I felt good. Attention ! Get down! What got into you? Have you lost your mind? I'm sorry, Comrade Instructor. I'll put a bandage on you. He has nothing ? No. Everything is fine. There was another shooter, in a shelter 30 meters to the right. It was |their number one. They got it thanks to the reflection on the plate. The lieutenant shot him like a rabbit! I knew that I would help me today. But I didn't understand. What do I say to the Commander? Tell him that the operation has been a success. And that the shooters are dead. Alesja is even more talented than you, Comrade Yashin. This is a good thing. If you had listened to me. I told you so that she was a witch. Private Milulchik, you have been great. - Congratulations. - And There you go. We could recover the papers of this shooter? What do you think ? It's not a problem. We will look for them. Let's go. Heard. We will go At nightfall. What are you doing here ? And you? I don't know. There is something wrong. Alesja you must not stay here. They transferred me in another division. It has already taken effect. We won't see each other again, I wanted to tell you. Forgive me, Comrade Lieutenant. Enough to ? For refusing to listen to you, and fell in love of you as a girl. You are a girl. Alesja, we we'll talk later. Go find the battalion. I'll join you afterwards. - I'm coming with you ! - Go! Yashin! Go away ! Be gentle… Yashin… My dear, I have only you. I won't be able to live if we are separated. I will feel lost without you. Without you I will be unhappy. I will be unhappy. I want to be with you. I want to stay always with you, be with you. I want to love you. Yashin… Yashin… Alesja? Alesja… Alesja! Alesja! Answer, Alesja! Do not leave me… Alessia, I love you... Yashin. A bit more, and the heart was touched. A little more and the heart was touched. - Nurse. - One minute, I'm coming. Get well, Yashin. Wait, I'll help you. My Lieutenant, my Lieutenant! Are you feeling better, Lieutenant? You freaked us out. Where did you bury her? On the hill. She will be fine there. MOSCOW 1945 - Hello. Mr Osipov? - Yes. - Welcome. - After you. This way please. Maximum speed: 5760 Km/h. It is 16 meters long, and weighs 16 tons. The maximum altitude of a trajectory long term is 90 Km. It is perfectly impossible. - Commander of security, Osipov. - I have been informed of your visit. So is that it? It's an A4 rocket, also called V2 missile... A weapon of retaliation. Hitler was convinced... - that with this weapon, he would triumph. - Comrade Mikhailovsky, I wish we we were discussing in private. Absolutely. let's take a break 10 minutes, Comrades. Absolutely. Absolutely. Take a look at this. Could you tell me if the sketched systems on this document could be elements of V2? Yes, it could. Yes yes… This system is very similar to the power system rocket engine! These documents are very important. Take a look at the signature. - Is this name familiar to you? - Hammerboll. Otto Hammerboll. Hammerboll and me we met at the Science Congress in Vienna in 1932. In Peenemunde… Hammerboll was just working on the aiming system of the V2 missile. He had built its own laboratory on the island, but a bombardment destroyed it. The Germans had to rebuild it on the main island. How did you get that? There is a small island in Prussia and a certain Commander Yashin who lives there would have discovered everything. It is a real treasure that he unearthed. Comrade Mikhailovsky, given the great value of these documents, and since our goal is to use them, we were instructed to surrender in this city of Prussia, in order to shoot some things clear. Alright, I'm with you! But I will have a favor to ask you. I'm listening to you. do you think i can take my assistant, Masha Guseva? She is an excellent technician. She knows German well, and moreover it is also a very good photographer. Heard. Take her. I take responsibility for it. We do not have time to lose. EAST PRUSSIA Three days later. - Hello. - Good morning, Commander. - Hello. Hello. Excuse me. - Ostapchuk! - Yes, Comrade Commander. Take care of these people Do you want to ? Please follow me. Over there, please turn around. Watch out for the steps. Come on kids, let's go. Comrade Commander. - A garrison has been arrested… - Lt. Follow protocol, I'm busy. They were caught again with a can of alcohol. A can of what? Alcohol. - We wanted there to be… - Private Kochubey! - Yes. - Take this can. Open it. Empty it, that's an order. - Thank you and goodbye, Commander. - Have a good day. But it's alcohol Comrade Major. It's a shame to spoil it. Comrade Kurochkin. - Cakes ? - Later ! Enough, Private Kurochkin. Where did you find this alcohol? Wipe your glasses. Hello, I'm Commander Yashin. Osipov. I need you. What is that ? Alcohol! ? Indeed, yes. Confiscated. - Why waste it? - To teach them. It's forbidden. - Did you send the report to Moscow? - Yes it's done. And this is Lieutenant Kurochkin. He found the documents and spotted Hammerboll's signature. - He knows German well. - Can you tell me where? Right here I found them in the castle. You posted guards there? No. There's nothing to watch over there, Comrade Commander. There are only a few items left insignificant, boxes, metal… You know, Yashin, If I discover that these objects have disappeared, it will heat up for you! Sorry. Welcome. Commander Yashin. Nice to meet you. Masha. Guseva. Mikhailovsky. Excuse me, hello. Coming from Moscow? It's--it's a very pretty town. Oh hold! You must be hungry! - Yashin, where is your car? - Just there. Let's go. We will solve this problem later, break up. - Thank you. - Let's go ? See you later. Why are you interested to missiles? Well, I am specialised in aeromodelling. I studied the works of Langemark and Glushko. As soon as I discovered the documents, I went to find Comrade Yashin. The Baron and the Baroness lived in the castle. They loved each other very much. The baroness was a lovely woman. But one day the king came to visit them. || fell in love with the Baroness, at first glance. So he decided to poison the Baron. Who told you all this? Everybody knows it. The Baroness was very sad, and despair. So she committed suicide. She threw herself into the water from this tower. Since then, the Baron has been looking for her in vain. in the basements of the castle. Bang ! Did you see there? I saw something shine. - Maybe it's a drink. - There aren't any up there. How many times have I told you? The left shoulder vertically, under the gun. Release your shoulder strap and bring your left hand to the barrel. My God Bertha, looks like my wife. You have to stop, Karl. Lately… anyone reminds you of her. It's your imagination. My God Bertha, looks like my wife. I knew that sooner or later they would end up showing up here. Carl.… Horst! We're going. At your service. Horst! We have arrived. Let's go, Yashin. Show us this cave of Ali Baba. If I find this lab I promise a general promotion. Where are these boxes? They were in that corner, over there. There were almost 10 boxes. They were there. And where are they then? I do not know. But I'm sure they were there. Unless they were... The low. I do not know. But I'm sure they were there. |here, over there.… Comrade Yashin, are you going to explain this circus to me? It seems that here too, we drink alcohol. Answer me ! The boxes were here. I saw them as surely I don't see them there anymore. That's one thing. Next… As you know, the trauma I suffered only damaged my eyesight, not my hearing. It is therefore useless to shout, Comrade Commander. How ? So it's like that what you really are! Me who believed you just a bit simplistic. But what's going on here is very serious. Your Kurochkin reads Langemark and Glushko, while this Langemark is an enemy of the people! He was tried and executed. - While Glusko… - resumed his activity, Comrade. As for these documents, they are very real. I suggest, Comrades, that we search this place to find these boxes. Heard, let's search this place and find them! Finally seen the place, there will be enough for the day. You realize, Yashin, that if we leave empty-handed you will have to be accountable to the security department and information political police? Get started! We trust you, Yashin. Is it true that Langemark was shot? Yes, it's true. And they arrested Glushko, and Gusev too, Masha's father. My father died in prison. How about we start looking? I find it hard to believe that these boxes could have disappeared. You will stay here. We will inspect the premises. Go see below. What do you think of the Commander? He is both serious... and funny. Fun ? I trust. I know he is telling the truth. At last… Can you take pictures? I will see if I find the documents. I will see if I find the documents. He felt we were there. Don't shoot, Bertha! You're going to screw it all up! You are too slow. Nothing should be left lying around. If you had removed all these things on time, these Russians would never come back to snoop around here. How long do you need, Hammerboll? Two days minimum. I can guarantee you this delay without problem. He's a real dog of a policeman this Russian. I think he smelled something. If this Russian opens this door, kill him. hammerboll, this way. What are you doing here ? I almost killed you. To kill me ? Please excuse me, normally. I told you so ! What habit are you talking about? I would like to know. Comrade Yashin is very sensitive to flash noise. He jumps almost every time. <i>—</i> He was a sniper during the war. <i>—</i> Kurochkin. You can go. At your service. Did you find something? - No nothing at all. - Nope. Let's go. You told us earlier that your soldiers found alcohol. Yes, a full can. Ethanol can be used as missile fuel. Maybe it's a lead. Kurochkin, tell Kochubey and Pristromov to come see me. At your service. I also thought... maybe we can find something in the archives. If this place ever served to build missiles, it will definitely be mentioned there. Who, and moreover, I could give you a hand. It's a very good idea. - She is from Masha, not from me. - Well, we'll go see. I hope they don't come back. Me too. But it would take make sure. And how will you do it? Are you going down town? You're going to get arrested, Karl. I know this city by heart, I was born here. Karl, I better go. You stay here. Allow. Let's go over here. I will drive you to your room. - I can enter ? - Yes yes. where do you want me to put it Comrade Guseva? Put it there, I'll put it away later. And be kind, call me Masha. Heard. You will be fine here. Did Nazis live here? No. It was built in the last century. I would like to change Comrade, I'll meet you downstairs. I will be in the car. She is very beautiful. You are the most beautiful. This girl looks to stare at us. Does it bother you? No. Are you going to the archives? No, I think I'll go later. This is my daughter Anna's dress. That's her in the photo. She is dead now. I'm sorry. No no. You can wear it. On the contrary, I would be delighted. It was her favorite dress. Thank you. Please forgive me for keeping you waiting. you look at me with one of those tunes... What tune? A funny look. I'm sorry. You are very beautiful... - And… where are the archives? - At the mayor. There is a library. Kurochkin will bring the papers. <i>Should we wait for Mikhailovsky?</i> <i>Comrade Mikhailovsky is a very busy name.</i> He always has things to do right, left and besides tonight, he invited me to go out to a pub. At the brewery? Yes. 1645. Well you have to believe that nothing has changed in this castle for three centuries. So ? What did you find? Archives from the Commander's office. || would seem that at the beginning of 1944, the Nazis were still hunting down undesirable inhabitants of the city. We weren't allowed to enter the city without a pass. Want to take a look? Well, and apart from that? Is that all you found? Apparently specialists gathered in the castle. Only Germans. physicists, chemists, mathematicians, engineers. We also found their personal cards. And what have become all these specialists? According to the documents, they were all in town. before our arrival. They have all disappeared. Have you interviewed the people here? Either they know nothing, or they are afraid. You must have scared them off. You just have to know how to do it. Is that all? Yes that's all. Yes. What is it ? The boxes. Those who have disappeared. They were found there. But there is no conduit chimney on this plan. And yet there is a conduit. What kind of conduit? An air duct. But then… what is he doing there? that air duct? without wanting to shoot hasty conclusion, I saw a similar type of chimney. At Mittlewerk… where we built missiles. Comrade Yashin, you will write me a nice letter in which you will explain that your assistant Koruchkin and you sent a whole bunch of false documents in Moscow to curry favor of the authority. to curry favor of the authority. <i>Comrade Mikhailovsky, You told me that…</i> alcohol was used as fuel? By mixing alcohol and oxygen, we get fuel. Dear friends, if i had to send a government delegation whenever a fool finds a can of alcohol or a fireplace, I would end up having serious trouble! Yashin, tell us where your smugglers have passed. Disappeared. They flew away! It's amazing ! Sorry, I'll find them. | I need something concrete, Yashin. Apart from a chimney flue and invisible boxes... You have nothing ! Watch out, Yashin. It could end badly for you. I would have warned you. You hear ? We are not alone. Wait, Pristromov. Come over there. Why ? Come here ! What is all this? It's not these boxes that was the commander looking for? What a surprise… Catch them! Leave that can, Kochubey! No way, are you crazy or what? The Russians will end by looking for them. We do not have the choice. Masha, you can imagine the shock a little that you are going to produce on these poor men when they see you dressed like that? I wanted to be chic today. Well it succeeded. - You look gorgeous in that dress. - Thank you. You're welcome. That said, you're also very pretty without. You talk nonsense, Michael. Say you don't want to marry me... Also know that I am going to betray you. And with who, without being indiscrete ? With Yashin, for example. - Not your type of man. - I want to try. I bet he'll tell you that he only knew one woman, that she left him, and that he never stopped thinking about her. I did nothing and you are already jealous. See you later. Good evening, Comrade Yashin. Good evening. I can ? And Comrade Mikhajlovsky? Don't worry about him. Fine, if you say so. - Where did Kurochkin go? - Faded away. - Where did Kurochkin go? - Faded away. - We have to go. - That's a shame. - We have to go. - That's a shame. How do you say "sorry" in German? Entshuldigung… oh it will be fine! Good evening. - Good evening, Commander. - Good evening. Good evening. Good evening. Instead of courting to someone else's wife... You better do… to continue… your research… I'm in a good mood… Enjoy it. This stuff is strong! It may have been done with your famous alcohol? What ? You like her the little German? I know all the inhabitants of this city. It's the first time I see this girl. My dear Yashin. It's nice to warn me but this young girl is one of us. She told me she was Comintern. I have the flair for that kind of stuff. Health. She confirmed to me what I thought from the start. No one has ever heard. from a secret factory around. Berta! My little Bertha. Bertha. Masha. Your dress is pretty. Thank you. Yashin. Bertha. No touch, no touch, She's mine. What is it, Comrade Yashin? Tell me… I've seen you… hold his hand. She bewitched you? It's strange. She has a callus on her index finger. How strange is that? That's what snipers are. Because of the trigger. Oh yes… It's true that you you know there. It's hard to believe seeing her. Embroiderers also have calluses. We still seamstresses. It's definitely not a sniper. Look at it, frankly. Looks like she got infatuated with the Commander. Maybe she's a seamstress. And why not don't you invite me to dance, Comrade Commander. I am a very bad dancer. I do not care, we'll fix that. Invite me to dance immediately. I command you. At your service. Cheer ! Please excuse me. Well, Masha. It's time for you to know the story of the mysterious Yashin. Michael, stop! BREWERY Good evening. Comrade Commander! Comrade Commander! Wait ! Comrade Commander! Tolja! - Tolja! - What is going on ? Be more clear, finally! Lieutenant Kurochkin... He was shot! - He is alive ? - Who. The ball is close to the heart, but he is still breathing. - Where did you find it? - In the field. We were patrolling, and we heard gunshots. - It wasn't us. - Accelerate. - Sorry ? - What land? - Near the castle. - How far from the castle? About 500 meters away. We fired from the tower. The path of the ball is oblique. Aim for his heart at 500 meters. It is the work of a good shooter. - What a bitch! - Where are you going ? Soldiers, follow me! Stay there, and keep an eye out! - Where is the Commander? - Why ? - Is the German with him? - It does not concern you. - Stop! - He is alive ? Dirty little bitch! Bitch! The girl from the Comintern? - We fought with the Comintern? - The farm ! Listen, Comrade. snipers targeted Kurochkin. He's fine, but two other soldiers have disappeared. The girl has a callus on her index finger. She must be with the snipers. - You could have told me before! - You would have believed me? The Comintern... Fascist bitch! She attacked me in the act! But don't insult the Comintern. So according to you, it would be a sniper. - What did she want? - I do not know. snipers do not work alone. She was looking for something. For sure ! She even forgot his underwear. Get the hell out of me, fool! Give me that. Listen carefully, Yashin. find her, or I'll send you to the Gulag. Have I been clear enough? You know what he you still have to do, Lieutenant! - Yes, Commander. - Round up our men. - Search |the surroundings. - A second ! - If there are more than two? - Never mind ! Execution ! Comrade, there will be unnecessary deaths. Yashin, you are Commander, aren't you? So order and don't bother me! Search the surroundings right now ! We absolutely need an anti-sniper unit. It's your job Commander. Break up! Half turn! Forward, march! Wait. No need to panic Mikhajlovsky with this sniper story. - Masha, are you there? - I am swimming in happiness! It's worth coming just for this bathtub. Finally Stanislaus! Nobody invited you. Just a minute! I believe the minute has already passed. So ? What do you say ? that I am not your wife. That's what I say. - OK. - And apparently... I will never be your wife. We will speak again as soon as we get back to Moscow. - You understand ? - Yes. But Frau Martha gave us separate bedrooms. We'll see you in Moscow, darling. In Moscow ! In Moscow, okay! - Goodbye ! - Goodbye ! Mysterious shadow! It's not nice to spy on girls. Stas? Where is he ? Stas! I am here, what is it? - Did you come down? - No why ? - Something happened. - What ? - Was that you? - I just arrived. I was in my bath. There was someone. However, I did not see anyone. Stay there, please. There is nobody ! What you saw ? There was a footprint right there. There was a footprint. I saw it. Where did she go? A man's shoe. You do not believe me ? - Yes, of course. - Do you think I'm crazy? Do you think I was dreaming? Comrade Yashin. What are you doing here at this hour? I came to see if everything was okay. We just need rest. Without it, ghosts come to haunt the house. Sorry. I wish you a good night. You dreamt. - Everything is fine ? - Yes. Thanks, that'll be fine. You're right. Come, Masha. Let's get some sleep. Come on, come to bed. Hello Masha. Breakfast will be served. Hello. Thank you. Yashin! Did you sleep well ? So come join us. Masha! Your brave tin soldier watched over you all night. - And in fact ! - Yes ? - Keep on going. - I missed you last night. I can enter ? Hello to you. Everything okay in the house? Yes thanks. You will have breakfast with us ? Thank you, I have to join the political police. Osipov wants to search around. So he ended up believing you? - Did you find Kurochkin? - Yes, we found him. You can take my car and discover the region. To change your mind. How nice. What's interesting? If you love architecture, you will be satisfied. Promise me not to approach the castle. - Yes okay. - Count on us. Goodbye. The ghost has not returned? No, but I'm convinced to have seen a footprint. Do not think about it anymore. - And There you go. - Thanks very much. What are you thinking about ? I think of Yashin. And if he wasn't the one what do you believe? I heard maybe it was a sniper. A well-known sniper. And that he had a girlfriend in Stalingrad, who was killed. This kind of story nothing original. Maybe. But... It saddens me. Osipov will make short work of it, you will see. I know these kind of men. Like the one who interrogated me after my father's arrest. We should help him. Masha. What can we do for him, let's see? we should go to the castle. Go please ! - Ask Osipov, he will accept. - Masha! Yashin asked us not to go there. You're scared, right? - Me ? - Yes, admit it. But no. After all why not. Let's go, my little one... Adventurer! Hold me in Your Arms ! - Do you have any matches? - Hold. - Thank you. - You're welcome ! Comrade Engineer, come! We found something. - Stay here. - I'm coming. - Certainly not. - I am coming with you. Stay, or I'll make you accompany immediately. I wanted to help you. If there are things to photograph, I'll let you know. Come this way ! Can you photograph me? It will be a memory. - And There you go. - Thank you. Soldier ! - Commanding officer…. - Later ! - How is Kurochkin? - We couldn't do anything. I operated on it myself. Everything seemed normal, but this morning... You must know something important. The ball that I pulled out bears a mark. - What do you mean ? - It was engraved. Glasses ! There you go, Commander. - My God ! - My glasses ? Commander, arrest the soldiers. There are two snipers in the castle. - They're dangerous. - I don't care about your snipers. What are they keeping there? Mikhajlovsky left there 30 minutes ago, with Guseva. Yet I had defended them! - Take over. - At your service. Half turn! To the vehicles! Walk ! Damn it ! I finally found it, yes! Take it down. - What are you doing ? - I saw something. What do you mean ? You should go see in the gallery, right? Wow ! It's brutally heavy! Stopped ! It's mercury! Put that down. Be careful, okay? Do you want to poison us? But what are we looking for? This. It's understood ? - Understood ! - Go for it ! Fire ! That's enough ! You come with us. Stop Bertha, you're going to waste bullets. Target reached! Who did you touch? I touched this girl. The one who looks like your wife. Witch ! - Snipers? - Yes. And the scientist? I do not know. And the girl, where is she? Answer! This time I will stay there. Where is the girl ? Do not advance! I said stop! Stop! Make a U-turn ! - You are crazy ? - There are snipers! - After the war ? - Step back! - And Mikhajlovsky? - Capture ! You are crazy! We are responsible for it! Advance! Stop, it's a trap! They will die for nothing! They have seen others. Go for it ! They are young. I was in Stalingrad, I know what I mean ! 1942 is already far away, and I know what I do. Ahead ! - We can go ? - When I give the order. Hey, come see! Lucky you! Fight back! Make a defense circle! Take cover! Covered ! Under the arch, quick! - Commanding officer ! - I am hurt ! Soldiers! Fall back! The others fled? No, they didn't run away. They were killed. All those kids, shot. How awful ! Here, I finished the bandage. Poor soldiers, dead for nothing. What carnage! A whole unit wiped out in two minutes! A sniper can perform five aimed shots in one minute. Minimum. So, if we take it into account... In two minutes, ten corpses. It means that they are more than two. Yes, and they are at war. Give it back, it's not yours. Give me that. You are a soldier, not a looter. You are right. Two minutes. Nice work ! - My commander. - Silence ! Let's go ! Advance ! Hurry up ! Get up, son of a bitch! Go on ! They left ? Oh no. They're hiding. They are aware of their strength, so they hide. They know we won't go look for them. stop spinning, you are going to be sick. || call the doctors, to evacuate the corpses. And the snipers, then? A sniper never shoots on a doctor. It is the rule. What are we going to do ? My men will come join us. We will not save Mikhajlovsky without them. - Wait, your men? - A group of counter-snipers. Kleist! Calm down, it will be over soon. We can leave this rat hole. Here it is ! Are you from Moscow, bastard? Answer! Calm down, Carl! Anyway, I'm sure that you are an important person! So leave it, Karl. - Otto Hammerboll. - Mikhajlovsky. Do you remember me ? Is this copy active? Welcome to my lab. I hope you came to see him. You are an expert. So make yourself at home. So take a look. In 1942, the same specimen went into space. What can I say ? Mikhajlovsky.. The Fürher was right. It's necessary believe that our race is superior. You will agree with me? Whoever designed the V2 didn't want not that you make a weapon out of it. We don't care about your opinion! That's enough. Occasionally, you may discuss it with my friend Danst. But I'm afraid that Karl Kleist has not been sent to carry out the Fürher's orders. What do you want ? You see, Herr Mikhajlovsky. We received very specific orders. The enemy must not recover in any case our equipment or these rockets. It's not easy to keep a factory with 10 snipers, especially when the enemy uses heavy artillery. You think my presence will stop them? That'll deter them for 2 or 3 days. It's enough. To do what ? You are too curious Herr Mikhajlovsky. Let's go, Bertha. Pay attention. Sit down. Thank you. You want some ? No thanks. Me, I want it! - What are you scribbling? - I'll show you. With these glasses, you look like a teacher. An exemplary job. Those snipers! The devil take them all! If only we could do intervene the naval forces! Stuck because of Mikhajlovsky. I have to watch the equipment! The documents also like the apple of my eye! Name of a dog ! I don't understand how all of this could have happened. - About like that. - What's this ? The plan of the castle, and the place from which they fired. - The red lines? - The shooting sectors. - And the dots? - The position of the snipers. - One, two… What? Ten snipers? - Yes, there were ten. Good work ! It's from a book on sniper training, written by Morozov in 1931. Looks like the shots can reach the whole area! No, there is a blind spot. There, under that arch. He's there ! !! is here ! Thanks for bringing us. Give me the accordion. Yashin, Yashin! We will meet in A hell of a mess because of all that! I'm telling you. What is that ? These are my men. To your ranks! The sniper group has arrived. Staff are present and operational. under command of Sergeant Major Ignatovich. These are your men, aren't they? It is a fact. Ignatovich is a sniper. Trap specialist. He served in the Finnish campaign. Derugin, sniper, master of hand-to-hand combat. Sergeant Vorobjev, specialist sniper engineering and demolition. Very well. Gentlemen, that's what it's all about. Eliminate the group of snipers that is in or around the castle. They prevent anyone from approaching. It's quite logical. The leader of the group is Karl Kleist. They hold Mikhajlovsky, an expert from Moscow. And the girl who was with him. - She is pretty ? - Avoid humor. - Here is the list. Study it well. - Understood. We are going to need anti-personnel mines. The mining engineers will help us. - If not, tell me. - At your service. Haven't seen you in a long time, huh? Two and a half years. I leave you to your reunion. Who, I checked everything myself. There will be no survivors among the Russians. We'll see. Coffee ? It's true, he comes from Brazil. Thank you. With Von Braun, we dreamed of sending our rockets to the Moon or Mars. You can smile. It seems crazy a rocket to Mars! But this dream made we were denounced, and arrested by the Gestapo. But Dornberg helped us and given a chance to continue. That's what we did, with the greatest pleasure. And now it's all over... Otto! Listen to me, Otto. You must get there as soon as possible. I promise you we'll leave you continue your research in Moscow. - What, at your service? - Yes. So that the rocket belongs to you? No. I have enough to work for others. I achieved all my goals as a scientist. The results therefore have no not important to you? Wouldn't you like to see them? This rocket has only one flaw, and not least. She can't hit her target precisely. The Fürher knows it, but he is not worried. London is a hard target to be missed. Then I succeeded to correct this defect. By experiences in my lab and calculations. I found the way to correct this problem. The only thing that I can't do, is to be able to test my own creation. But deep down, I'm happy about it! Mikhajlovsky! Petja, Boris, stay there. Mikola, with me! Commanding officer ! There is a sniper in the tree, near the river. There's another one at the window. Shoot at the bell. Put it down right now, Bertha. what happened to your wife? She died in the bombings of Berlin. Carl? What are we doing here? We will probably die. This war no longer has any meaning. We should go. Woman's words! But anyway, where do you want us to go? I do not know ! Hammerbol… !! was talking about going to Argentina. Without the documents, who would want us there? Hammerboll only talks about Mars and space exploration. He annoys me and I believe that he is hiding documents from me. But I think he's scared, actually. Everything is fine, there is only one day left. one day and we'll have everything we need. Even Argentina, you'll see. I want you to go see where are the others. I think the Russians will try to take the lab tonight. I'm counting on you, Bertha. There's one under the bridge. How are you, guys? - I'm here ! - Down ! So there's another one, on the balcony. Mikola, are you in charge? Boris! You serve as bait. Petja, you cover it. - Good evening, Commander! - Good evening. Why did you come? I couldn't stay all alone there! I could be of use to you. Alright, but don't you show not until I tell you! What are you doing ? I'm going to swim ! Courage, Boris. You think that they will stop everything, and no one will build this rocket? It will continue but without me. You are young. And you think you're right. Am I interrupting something? He thinks he's right about what, exactly ? Where are the building plans? Where are the documents? - Answer! <i>—</i> Here they are! Pay attention ! We will go together! calm, everything is ready for the explosion. I'll get the plans from this rocket, whatever the cost! Is that clear ? You won't be able to fool me. Gunther, what was it? Otto, you want to destroy the laboratory ? Nobody should only have these documents. No, I implore you! You, shut up! Karl, it doesn't have to come to that. I will take care of it myself. OK. Go for it ! Carl! Carl! They are there ! - The Russian experts? - Yes. Paul! Hammerboll, stick with Russian, I'll come back for you. And don't forget the explosion. Let's go. Boris, put a bomb in the staircase. The others, follow me. The scaffolding. Mikola, take care of the wall. Commanding officer ! One hit will suffice. From here we'll have a good view on the hallway. Go get the matches. Commander, in position. Shoot at my command. - What am I shooting? - The Germans ! - Go for it. - Stop ordering me around! Everything is ready ! A great surprise waiting for him up there! - Will it be long? - Whatever it takes. - And if I need to… - Wet your pants. - Don't talk to me! - Silence ! He tu me. Mikola, the door! Well ! - We were hot ! - Attention ! - What happened, soldier? - What did you do, Commander? - Petja! - Commander, right there… Cover us! No way you die. you must tell us about your clan. It was George. I am sorry. Incredible. This Russian sniper is an expert. He shoots from the balcony. Boris! Take care of the Commander. Watch the balcony. Mikola, there is a sniper straight ahead. The others are placed as on the map. I'll get Kleist. Here you are ! Take that! - Take ! Take this ! - Garbage! Commander, are you alive? Come ! - Do you know how to use it? - I'm not stupid. Follow me. You cover me. I'm going to find it again the sniper shooting at us. Standing. A woman ! Kleist! There's gonna be an explosion, is not it ? Yes. - Why ? - You are right. I can't stop the others. It's all stupid and makes no sense. Get off me! Hands in the air ! Osipov, don't do this! It's Otto Hammerboll! Otto, I would do anything for you. Join us, let's go! No need to be stubborn, you must live! Why do we have to wait for it? One day, you will eventually understand, what I understood. And the pill will be hard to swallow. This is the weapon of punishment. It's finish ? There, we will have seen everything. - Where is Masha? - I did not see her. Let's go. Yashin! You want to see me ? So come here! Where are you hiding, Yashin? We don't move! Looks like I missed you. Finally, it's even better! Come out of hiding, Yashin! Or I start by killing her, and then I kill you. If you show yourself I will not kill her. It would be a shame to damage my wife's dress. I haven't forgotten you, Yashin. I killed a lot of people, but none come back to haunt me. Where are you hiding ? You are a coward ! Show yourself ! Otherwise I'll shoot her! Turn around, Yashin! I want to see your face. - I want to be with you ! - Go away ! - Yashin! - Go away ! You're welcome ! Yashin! My love ! I have no one but you. I'm lost without you. My life has no more meaning if you're not here. I want to live by your side, I want to take care of you ! I love you Yashin! Run! Yashin, are you okay? Are you injured? You are alive ! You are alive! God be praised! How are you, Yashin? Where is Boris? He has been killed. Your guys were good men. I will never forget them. - Hammerboll is dead. - Do you have anything? Translation: Celine Lemoine Subtitling: Avril Vanlerberghe
Channel: Cinéma Cinémas
Views: 47,224,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, guerre, action, cinéma, russe, russie, ww2, Film Complet en français, film de guerre en français, film de guerre, film d'action complet en francais, film d'action en français, ukraine
Id: 7Wg70EJFhB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 35sec (9455 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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