Russian Religious Paintings in 1900s - Salvage Hunters 1109

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[Music] ecclesiastical locations are place as Drew can often pick up items with huge historical Providence and he's received an invitation to visit a cathedral 280 Mi North in Edinburgh Edinburgh is renowned for its Rich history and Georgian architecture in the heart of the city is St Mary Episcopal Cathedral boasting stunning Neo Gothic features the church is run dayto Day by Vice provest John [Music] mlui he's hoping that Drew takes an interest in some of the treasures they're looking to clear out of the cathedral's Vault Sam cathedral was built in 1879 and was was completed in a short space of 6 years although one or two of them major features of the building were added later the two distinctive spires in the in the west side of the cathedral which can be seen from every corner of the of the city pretty much it is in fact the biggest religious building built in Scotland since the Reformation many of the the features you can see of the cathedral are part of the original design like the high altar the the organ the woodwork the building is full of ecclesiastical pieces with great Providence as they've been long associated with the church we're off to meet John and they've given us a call they've got a few things they want to want to clear out cuz this sounds really old F sounds like the start of a joke they need they need money for the church roof ad and brazo we've been there we have they let you out we haven't really had the the pleasure of dealing with an antique stealer here before and it would be really interesting to see what what what what an expert ey can can tell us about about some of the items that we have here hello welcome how you doing nice to meet you good to see you how you doing I'm John I'm John good to meet you thanks for to Cathedral my pleasure yeah this is huge yeah it's quite a space an amazing space is I have to say that this is one of the grandest relig buildings we've been asked into to buy things from it was designed by one of the absolute preeminent architects of the time Gilbert Scott a genius an absolute you know an absolute design genius it's incredible one man's vision and this pure reformed Gothic taste that the building is in the excitement of finding new things and learning about new design and and and who designed this and who designed that and how is that manufactured it keeps me fresh it really does I love doing it a few things to show you in here so we have a few pieces in the in the safe here okay if I P this open for you fear is damaged but it's um it's ornate crucifix but as you can see it suffered a fair bit of damage over the the figures come off this is a this is a rather interesting historical P JY it was donated to the cathedral by former Bishop of Edinburgh oh look at that it's a very according to the description on the back it's a rather ancient icon of um It's Not St George look like him it's it's one of probably one of the military Saints from the bantine period oh hang on got a name up here me St Demetrius maybe yeah yeah we're not quite sure exactly who but the inscription on the back bought from a Russian Church during the Red Revolution in 1917 by a Greek Merchant it's all a bit sketchy isn't it very sketchy very [Music] sketch antique dealer Drew Pritchard is at St Mary's cathedral in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh there's always been a trade in ecclesiastical artifacts whether they are religiously important or from my side of things decorative and useful he's been shown to the building's Vault by Vice provest John mlui where he's found a piece of Russian ecclesiastic Art and is seeing if there's a deal to be done his face there look at that face there you can see the Lance coming through there for which reason we probably wouldn't want to have it on show but it's uh precious um yeah I mean I think we need to look into that um given it's given it Providence and being donation from a former Bishop but yeah if it comes on the open market I'll definitely be interested okay we'll Sly be that because it's so but yeah you need to check that you can we would if you can I will okay well we might go look into that at the moment they don't know whether they can sell it so I don't want to get involved in it just yet if and when they do sell it I hope they call the Russian ion may not be for sale but if this is typical of the historical items down here Drew's expert eye is bound to spot other antiques worth bidding on these are rather nice like the Finish to them so we have um a pair of these ones in memory of Margaret Alice daughter of njba wed up January 1920 it's really nice it's quite nice it's just a flower v um but of good shape and then there's a pair there is an inscription in full on the base of one of the vases and in part on the other the inscription tells you of the story of the piece why it was made so the nice decorative piece with a little bit of History this is a an applied finish right right and then this got sort of a very very beautifully done puta infill see it yes yes it do this pair of lacquered brass vases dates from 1920 and carries a dedication in Memorial of a local rector's daughter the sides were hand pressed and worked before being soldered to the base in a style common to the period in need of minimal restoration work they could be worth around £250 I think the most I can give you for those would be I think I can get just over 200 quid for them yeah um maybe 250 so I would give you 150s fair is that one all right that seems fair to me okay thank you okay they're they're nice little things you know nice things the size really makes them and if you imagine them in a in a middle of a big kitchen table with some white flowers in they'd look really beautiful Drew wants to head back up to the Nave where something caught his eye on the way in so you've got these chairs here yes and these here yeah tell me about these These are lovely well they are they're they're quite unusual AR they I mean I I actually don't know much about them we certainly we would be prepared to part with a couple of them but we we do use uh we use I'm trying to find a maker mark on them cuz I'm thinking put these together there's some something there isn't there is that a signature there put my glasses mon there you go MC SMC SMC Mar's Cathedral I think you might be on something there yeah they're nice aren't they the more I look at them the better they get actually so they're surprisingly comfortable they are really comfortable end up doing this cuz they they're so tactile yeah prise surprise some chairs have caught my eye they're a different design for sure the the x-frame and the bass and everything I really like the bass um the armrests and back uh rest are they're a bit chunky they're not quite as stylish as the rest of the chair but they sort of work very nice modern light color to them as well uh with a nice perfect provenance they even got it stamped underneath the altar chairs were commissioned especially for St Mary's Cathedral and date from the 1960s simply constructed of beautiful light oak they were used every Sunday for priz two of the 12 chairs are for sale and as a pair could fetch around £600 so I'm thinking £300 for a pair and I'd be happy that's fair that sounds fair yeah they are com see we sitting them every Sunday so I can vouch for their comfortableness having secured two pieces with with excellent Providence it's time for Te to load the van there is an enduring appeal for ecclesiastical antiques the one thing that you do get from buying from these ecclesiastical buildings and from churches what or whatever it is is you get perfect Provence if you've got the piece that is designed for that building initially I've enjoyed showing the guys around and uh speaking a bit about the about the building and its history and and all it's always great to discover some new things about some of the some of the features of the cathedral and to learn a bit bit more about about some of the some of the objects we have here it's been it's been a really good day really enjoyable it was very reassuring that that that Drew gave us a a very clear um understanding of of of why he he gave us the the price that he did for each of the objects not bad that's Glasgow Scottish that Ed was like a little bit more like this it was a fantastic day you're going to have this accent all the way back [Music] why now these were made for these were made for the cathedral oh I love they're marked underneath St Mary's Cathedral all right paid 300 quid for the pair it's is quite unusual to come back with items that have been specifically made for that church Cathedral whatever um it does happen and this is the proof that sometimes their items are surplused requirements that we love really really nice pair of um large flat flower vses I like those aren't they good gav just wipe their face please just don't like the color I like the color I think the color is the best bit you got to imagine them in in A nice bright white kitchen full of flowers they look fantastic so give them a wipe and get them straight online that was all we got from there really that was the lot [Music] h [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the military Saints from the Byzantine period but go hang got a name up here me St Demetrius maybe yeah yeah we're not quite sure exactly who but the inscription on the back bought from a Russian Church during the Red Revolution in 1917 by a Greek Merchant it's all a bit sketchy isn't it very sketchy very sketchy [Music] yeah antique dealer Drew Pritchard is at St Mar's cathedral in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh
Channel: Antiques Hunter
Views: 27,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antique, vintage, retro, Salvage Hunter, Antique Shop
Id: ZkwSl538zm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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