Russian Navy Found Something Deep Underwater and Don't Know What It Is!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] the Cold War was raging at the end of the 1960s and dangers for both sides of the ruthless and frequently invisible war lurked in the skies on land and underwater one particularly strange underwater phenomenon attracted the attention of the Soviet Navy's high command this mysterious phenomenon was discovered in the late 1960s Soviet nuclear-powered submarines encountered strange sounds emanating from moving objects at great depths listening to underwater sound is known as Hydra acoustic monitoring and Soviet monitors heard the strange signals that resembled frogs croaking they dubbed the objects cavity and the term was officially accepted in the soviet navy's documents Dracut in russian means to croak it was the Soviet Minister of Defence Marshall and Ray Antonovich Gretsch Co who ordered the creation of a special research team by the intelligence Directorate of the Soviet Navy to investigate various paranormal phenomena such as the kuvikavi sir a gag or guy ovitch goatish cough a Soviet naval commander during the Cold War who oversaw the expansion of the Soviet Navy into a global force and at the time was commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy and Admiral of the fleet of the Soviet Union spared no effort in research into this phenomenon that obstructed his Navy's operations consequently in the USSR a special top-secret research program into the quackery phenomenon was started in the late 1960s it lasted through to the early 1980s but it was not the only unusual underwater phenomenon of interest to the Soviet Navy the commander-in-chief ordered a series of oceanic expeditions to research the quackery and other phenomena Soviet offices in the top-secret naval research program performed their duties eagerly they were well educated and highly professional people they continuously visited different Soviet fleets and collected all available information the cavalry were found to operate as far away as near the Philippines and in the northern seas close to the USSR but they were most active in the Atlantic Ocean one such expedition in April 1970 involved the Kadett on Lap t'v a reconnaissance vessel codenamed SS V 503 this was precisely at the time that a Soviet nuclear submarine the k-8 perished in the North Atlantic the reconnaissance ship which was participating in a secret mission stopped its sonar operations rushed to the submarine and was able to save many of the crew it is believed that the cavalry had a particular interest in nuclear-powered submarines as discussed later however the cavalry research program was stopped abruptly when the phenomenon ceased to bother Soviet ships on special missions in the Atlantic Ocean so what were they a small Russian newspaper published a very interesting article in its 8th of August 2001 issue the author was a retired Soviet naval officer and Submariner who had also been a senior officer in the main staff of the Russian Navy he was the first former Soviet Navy officer to reveal details about the cavalry he said that the gist of the cavalry phenomenon is similar to the UFO phenomenon many have witnessed mysterious objects but no one has been able to prove their existence other former Soviet military officers and researchers came to reveal more information in the following years about this very unusual phenomenon among them is the last commander-in-chief of the Soviet Navy and president of the russian union of submariners admiral vladimir jonathan who commanded the northern fleet between 1977 and 1981 he stated that the instruction regarding UFOs and us owes written for the Soviet Navy as part of the Soviet Union's highly secretive set coeur MO UFO research program which functioned between 1978 and 1991 was not unique to the USSR the Americans had similar instructions to collect information about anomalous paranormal phenomena Admiral Chan Navin knows that for a fact vladimir yuryevich ajaja a prominent personality in the history of Russian UFO research has been at the forefront of investigating us owes unidentified submersible objects when his urge to research and discuss the forbidden subject of UFOs got him fired from his job it was the Soviet Navy that provided him with employment much more suited to his interest in paranormal phenomena were the cavalry made in the USA America was the chief suspect as the origin of this because the Soviet Navy surmised that its vessels were encountering an advanced u.s. submarine tracking technology rear admiral now moth believes that the cavalry were u.s. navy sonic underwater boys now more points to SOSUS an acronym for sound surveillance system a chain of underwater listening posts across the North Atlantic Ocean near Greenland Iceland and the UK it was operated by the US Navy to track Soviet submarines in the Atlantic and other oceans not everyone in the Soviet Navy shared vladlen now Mull's conclusions according to Captain regime of a Soviet officer involved in the research that Vaccari possessed amazing maneuverability they could move at speeds reaching 150 to 200 knots up to 370 kilometers per our remaining at nose angle in relationship to a submarine another former Soviet submarine er who calls himself Dima recalled that the cavalry were heard differently aboard submerged sumps one time he heard something like a purr rushing about outside the submarine the estimated speed of the object was close to 80 knots sometimes he felt but did not hear a sound he describes as whooshing Wars as if somewhere close something huge had rushed by something obviously that was not alive on occasions something small would lurk around the sub and there would be strange lights Dima mentioned that the guys who had served aboard the strategic Soviet subs as people who value their secretiveness gave some semi mystical status to this phenomenon in their conversations on the contry the guys from the multi-mission subs treated that Vaccari with rather cynical humor saying that playful lobsters were fornicating sona stations working in the direct listening mode registered sharp changes of bearing in relation to the objects in the active mode they sighted objects up to hundreds of meters in size but only briefly Dima added that while on the surface he had never seen or heard anything about the quackery he said he thinks that the experimental manned submarines we know today are not even capable of matching the speed of the objects according to Admiral anatoly Alexandrovich comma Ritson chief of the main directorate of navigation and oceanography of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation the Soviets tried to locate and detect the crockery formations with their acoustic stations sometimes after moving through an area of kavacha reactivity soviet submarines would return to base only for their crew to discover that their subs rubber surfaces were covered with some biological mass this mass would emit light for a long time but under the sunlight the luminescence would eventually disappear on the 30th of July 2009 the main staff of the Russian Federation's Navy issued a statement that there are no official documents on encounters between Soviet ships and submarines with unidentified objects the source in the Russian Naval Command said that rumors may arise because commanding officers of ships and submarines must report all objects that cannot be classified but are observed visually and on radar screens in such cases schools of fish floating rubbish and natural phenomena can be mistaken for UFOs in Russia anything related to the nation's naval intelligence and counterintelligence files will not be declassified any time soon the reasons are obvious this information pertains to Russian nuclear submarine cruisers routes and as such is in direct relationship with Russia's security hence such data will remain secret probably forever it's been over 20 years since the disintegration of the Soviet Union and still very little information about the crockery has leaked out even those who have researched the phenomenon have very different opinions as to its nature apparently the phenomenon is not being researched officially at present but there are those in Russia who are dedicated to finding out the truth about the mysterious cove a curry [Music] you you
Channel: Matrix Wisdom
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Id: RJoh-92QCeU
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Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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