Russian gender: words with Ь in the end

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Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel, my name is Alina and I'm your Russian teacher here. Today I want to discuss a very important Russian topic, the most  important Russian topic - that's our genders. How to identify the gender of Russian nouns with  soft sign at the end. I'm sure you already saw   these words and you don't know how to identify  the gender of these words. Today I'm gonna give   you a few tips how we can remember what gender  it is: masculine or feminine. And now let's start! In this video I won't be talking about genders  in general, how to identify the gender of other   Russian nouns. Here we'll be talking only about  soft sign and words with soft sign at the end.   The general rule you can find in my video in  udemy course. There you can watch it for free if you open my course by the link that I leave you  in description of this video. And there you will   find everything you need to know about genders in  general. I talk about words with soft sign at the   end in that video too but there I'm saying that  usually we need to remember the gender of words   with soft sign at the end. Today I want to give you  a few tips how we can remember the words better.   Because we do have some rules about this topic. So  in reality it's not that complicated and we have   some logic even here. And now let's look at these  little tips that can help you. The first one. Let's talk about masculine nouns. Before I should tell you that words with soft sign at the end can be   masculine or feminine, they never are neutral. So  here it's 50/50. And now let's look at the words,   at the masculine words. All words that ends in АРЬ, ТЕЛЬ will be masculine. Usually they are professions, such professions as:   воспитатель, учитель, преподаватель, строитель, аптекарь, библиотекарь, руководитель, писатель, секретарь, вратарь. All of them are masculine. But some of them that end in АРЬ, ТЕЛЬ, they are not professions but they are also masculine. Such words as: выключатель, зритель, основатель, победитель, покупатель, посетитель, свидетель, читатель, календарь, словарь. All these words are masculine. And the  second group of masculine words these are our months. So all months with soft sign  at the end and other ones that don't have   soft sign at the end, they are all masculine  in general. Январь, февраль, апрель, июнь, июль, сентябрь, октябрь, ноябрь, декабрь. All of them are masculine. Ok, that's it for  masculine and now let's look at feminine words. All words that end in ОСТЬ, ЕСТЬ will be feminine. Жидкость, радость, новость, скорость, специальность, свежесть. Then three words that end in ЗНЬ. Болезнь, жизнь, казнь. Also these are feminine. The next group will end in СТЬ. Власть, грусть, кисть, кость, часть. Than a few words with СЬ at the end. Запись, подпись, роспись. The next group will have ВЬ at the end. Бровь, кровь, морковь, любовь, обувь, церковь. Then two words with ПЬ at the end. Степь, цепь. And last one with БЬ at the end. Дробь, прорубь. That's it. These are little tips that can help you to  remember some of the words, if they are feminine or masculine. The rest unfortunately we need to learn by heart. We don't have any endings, any suffixes that can help us to identify the gender. So you will see now a few more words and you will need to remember by heart, if they are masculine or feminine. That's it! I hope it was helpful and now  it'll be a little bit easier for you to know what words you see, if they are feminine or  if they are masculine. I know it's not that easy   to take all these words and to remember all  of them but try to do it step by step. Try to take first those words that I gave you with  the endings, with the suffixes and then you   can take the words that have no logic, that  you need just to memorize. That's it! Thank you very much for watching, subscribe to my channel and learn Russian with me!
Channel: Lina's Lessons
Views: 760
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Keywords: learn russian, russian language, Lina’s lessons, russian grammar, russian in english, easy russian, russian collocations, russian words, russian lessons, learn russian online, russian vocabulary, russian, study russian, learn russian fast, russian course, russian for beginners, listen to russian language, russian genders, soft sign russian, how to learn russian
Id: I-sRbnoHZh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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