Russia. The Oldest People In The World

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[Music] Moscow a building on the B skaya embankment two steps away from the Kremlin the Monumental block of flats was built in [Music] 1931 this historic building hosted the upper crust of the Soviet state the political party officials celebrities famous per performers writers and scientists today one of the oldest citizens of Moscow is welcoming guests to his apartment in this legendary building Dimitri safonov born on the 12th of October 1909 in 2014 a former diplomatic official Dimitri safonov celebrated his 105th birthday his unusual apartment in the very center of Moscow is the starting point of our scientific Journey around [Music] Russia I'm ver Mis a doctor of biological sciences senior research scientist at The Institute of General genetics I'm 34 years old ver Mis the doctor of biological sciences has been interested in the questions of longevity since she was a student it is clear that everything is born and that everything dies this is naturally indisputable but why is it particularly 100 who imposed those limitations how can we extend those borders that is the question Nikolai Petrovic dein a genetic scientist said that human beings are not limited to living for 100 years they could even live up to 350 I think this film will help me primarily to to systemize my questions somehow to give answers to some and Poss formulate the rules which will help me personally to live [Music] longer Dimitri safonov lived 90 years out of his over a 100 years life in the cities as a teenager he fled from his village to Leningrad then he found himself in Moscow he graduated from the Balman Technical College on the day when the second world war came to the USSR the 22nd of June 1941 a year after the victory sephon of started his service in the people's kamarat of Foreign Affairs I worked in the USA in the Secretariat of the United Nations organization and in England and I opened embassies in three countries in Africa the first IET embassies in two of those African countries Uganda and Liberia I worked as an ambassador 5 years in each the centenarian retired in 1977 this honor diplomatic official is still a very welcome guest at ceremonial receptions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs people often ask me how should I live in order to stay alive for as long as you have I usually answer that I've never followed any special rules moreover I did deviate from a healthy lifestyle quite a bit for instance I smoked for more than 30 years I also drank but I always knew when to stop I never drank too much or ate too much everything in [Music] moderation Dimitri tried to stop smoking a few times but he only succeeded when he was 59 after 20 years the Kremlin doctors issued their verdict a heart valve [Music] replacement when they first diagnosed me with this they said it will last you forever however I wore it out and they had to insert a new one saying well this time you won't need to have it replaced for sure but I had to have it replaced the third time and recently the fourth time this time I think I will suffice to the end the issue with a heart valve is the only serious health issue the 104y old man has there are no other serious diseases in his medical records even the 10 years he spent in the hot climate of Africa did not affect his unprecedented [Music] health I am a knight of the great Award of the liberation of Africa MH do you remember when you received this award sure I do was around 1975 in 1975 1975 a good memory as a prerequisite for a high quality life almost all the participants in our scientific Journey demonstrate brilliant long-term memories at the age of 100 Dimitri is no exception I remember it very well the way the first world war started we lived on a farm there was a threshing Mill nearby all of a sudden we see someone Galloping over from the neighboring Farm approached our threshing Mill and my grandfather asked him what has happened he said the war started and then someone started howling not crying but howling which only happens when someone dies when someone Close to You dies I'm sorry to keep you 104y old man remembers events which happened 100 years ago with ease it is much more difficult to remember the recent events at an old age a gradual deterioration of neural connections usually leads to a decline in short-term memory let's do a little test I will say a few words and you will try to memorize them and then repeat them okay if there are not too many of them no not too many the first word is pencil a pencil the sun sun a tree tree a picture a picture a poacher a picture picture a dog dog have you memorized them yes then I'll ask the next question let's do a little test the following questions are meant as a distraction where are we now where are we yes we are in simovic street number two wonderful what is the date today uh if I'm not mistaken it's the uh [Music] 24th which day of the week is it today Friday okay let's now try to go back to the previous question and remember the words that what you repeated after me a tree sun [Music] picture I can't remember the others that's okay 104y old man managed to remember three words out of five according to Medical standards this is a satisfactory result for an 80-year-old man one word seemed to be difficult to him initially picture however in the end he remembered three words out of five including one of the words that was difficult for him I think it is a brilliant result for a 100y old old person human memory is unique it allows one to feel special forgetfulness deprives a person of their identity a forgetful person becomes disoriented dependent on others a longest living person from Moscow Dimitri safonov has come up with his own way to keep his mind fine- tuned at the age of 85 he started writing his Memoirs at the age of 990 he mastered the computer by himself he published his first book at the age of [Music] 93 Bes you have to have a good memory to start with in order to write Memoirs when you are 100 years old there is one more important thing you have to have an analytical mind in order to describe everything to present it and turn it into an accomplished piece of writing to dat the centenarian writer has written 10 books containing his Memoirs and reflection Dimitri is not planning to stop either he works on his computer without taking a day off a few hours every day I am not tired of living it's probably because I always have something to do it not only keeps me alive it inspires me I am far from thinking that some Destiny is ruing my life I am more inclined to think that it's the destiny that is dragging behind me I am making my life the way it is and my destiny says I've been working beside you all this [Applause] time people sometimes ask me if I ever get bored never even at night when I am falling asleep my mind is always busy with something an engineer by education diplomatic official by occupation Demitri safonov refers to his literary work as the vaccination against [Music] aging the relationship between work and Longevity is currently the subject of scientific research the statistics accumulated over half a century allowed scientists to draw a startling conclusion it turns out that creativity prolongs life we have analyzed longevity and found out that classical musicians live longer 40% of heart players live up to the age of 90 this is unusual isn't it the reasons are not yet clear we are trying to discover them social recognition is also important we can say that honored artists live longer than those who do not get recognized by the general public actors who were awarded an Oscar in America live longer than those who were not Professor Vladimir anisimov is a recognized Authority in the world of gerentology he is one of the experts of the UN aging program there are a lot of theories related to aging but they all boil down to two basic hypotheses the first one is the accumulation of faults because the longer you live the more your body tissues and systems from molecules to the entire body become worn out and genetic factors which Define your lifespan and Longevity around 35% is explained by those factors the rest is defined by the environment including the diet the location circadian rhythm daylight patterns and so on light pollution is a scientific term coined in the 20th Century City night life and 24-hour lighting impact human health negatively those factors destroy the normal hormone balance receptors generating melatonin are affected the most 70% of this hormone is generated at night Inc complete darkness is insomnia an issue then no it's not insomnia it's just one of the components insomnia is also bad people who work in shifts have a higher rate of cardiovascular disease diabetes obesity and cancer the experiments conducted in this laboratory showed that a deficit of the night hormone rapidly decreases the life of the test animals the introduction of products that contain melatonin is one of the priorities of applied gerent [Applause] ology according to statistics the number of centenarians have increased why does this happen because living conditions are improving preventative measures contribute a lot people are much more into exercising than earlier they eat better foods are more selective an educated person will not go and eat junk food the level of Education plays an important role educated people live longer people who achieved a lot say Noel Prize winners live the longest today we can not explain it but this fact deserves scientific [Music] attention a high level education is characteristic of the City's population a good example is St Petersburg around 40% of the population are University graduates the Lipan of the northern capital is 3 years longer than the all Russian index the average Lipan here is 73 1/2 years there are 306 local centenarians which contribute to this High [Music] Mark yes I found a mistake I have to insert a letter here one letter is missing and one is extra formation of an embryo there you go corrected Olga does not hear or see well those natural ailments do not prevent her from continuing her life's work her official retirement happened in the 1960s but even now the embryologist has not left the science my name is Olga ianov I am 100 years old Olga Ivanova has always lived in cities she was born in St Petersburg before the Revolution she spent her childhood and teenage years at the Black Sea Coast her earliest memories go back to that period back then we lived in eor creia Nikolai thei and his family came there we lived in a beautiful house with the Terrace by the seaside and we knew that he was going to pass by our house we went out onto the Terrace jumped and shouted hooray clapped and watched and indeed he passed by our house but naturally I didn't really see [Music] him I only saw women wearing big white hats there I remember it though very well she remembers her life very well not only does she remember her childhood well but her entire life the phenomenon of Olga is exceptional she's never stopped her scientific work she works two to three hours a day at the computer Minds you and even after those 2 to three hours at the computer she continues to train her brain and memory by playing solitire soliter which was introduced in the 17th century is a card game where luck plays a big role Professor Ivanova keeps a big number of intricate solitary combinations in her mind this game is a way to distract herself and to train her mind I doze a bit after lunch and then play Solitaire to wake up and then I can work a bit more I really want to finish and publish what I'm working on now now that is it's probably vanity maybe no one needs this work but you know I just want to do it there are a lot of long living people among scientists why is that it is because their minds are always fine-tuned they read all the time they learn new things they always have a meaning for their lives it is as they're racing through this life because they haven't learned everything yet haven't yet understood all there is to understand have not yet resolved all that needs to be resolved in order to leave this fascinating elderly lady is an exceptionally multifaceted person she's an author of a monograph about mythical animals she also illustrates her own work okay so I'm going okay okay Mom I'm going this way you can do whatever you want yes we will do what we want I will try not to pay attention to you the 7-year-old son of Olga is her support Mikel followed in his mother's footsteps he's been working in the field of biology all his life [Music] mother I normally wake up around 9:00 a.m. we have breakfast we have lunch at different times this depends on my son he's got things to do this that and the other usually around 400 [Music] p.m. and we have dinner around 900 p.m. what to do that's the way I walk Olga doesn't eat much more than anything she misses communication with her colleagues and daily walks in recent years her have been failing her she moves around the apartment with the aid of a special [Music] frame another Russian centenarian who lived a fascinating life is preparing to celebrate his birthday around 1,000 12 km away from St Petersburg vasap I am 100 years and 11 months old [Music] so kov chapet previously a restricted access city with a population of 75,000 people in Soviet times important strategic nuclear and chemical industrial objects were located here a huge chemical plant located at the bank of the vatka river is still in operation when basili was born neither the plant nor kov chapit were established yet I've been working at the plant since 1929 then I left I never worked on a collective Farm I had a lot of different jobs I was a general laborer then studied to be the assistant of a train engineer and a mechanic and I also worked in a mine at the Ana suen mines in Siberia vasili was born in southern Siberia he endured a lot of hardships during his long life in 1920 I participated in the hunger strike in 1933 1934 we were given 400 G of bread so if you ate it all at once you would have to wait 24 hours to get another 400 G in December 1941 the military unit of a sergeant cpov was sent to the theater of operations from msk the destination Leningrad villy defended The Siege City from the first to the last day of The Siege he was wounded four times during that period and twice it was a close call the Germans fired mortars at us one mine exploded close enough that I was wounded the wound was on my bag I had 18 stitches there all along my back but didn't reach my spine so I was lucky and it ended well good day V good day good day Natalia how are you I am well let's take a look let's do that how are you doing do you feel dizzy so so I felt a bit dizzy in the morning okay but now I'm fine okay please get undressed vasili vasili moved to kova chapit in 1947 today he lives in a five-story block of flats in an ordinary one-bedroom apartment dep he's been carrying yet another reminder of the war for 70 years now here he has a bullet he has a x-ray here can you see this is a bullet most probably was a sniper I think it was a sniper because the bullet went into my chest and flew out here my whole arm didn't function the bullet was found here I was a gas how is that that possible the bullet of the finished sniper does not bother the veteran at all his only complaint is bad eyesight your blood pressure is 120 over 80 what is it 120 over 80 okay okay this is excellent yeah sure it's good blood pressure your sugar level is in the normal range your pulse and blood pressure are both fine your lungs are fine too thank you I wish all my patients were like you thank [Music] you [Music] one more fascinating fact is that at the age of 101 vasili does not need any assistance he is completely independent 24 hours a day his son two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren only come here to visit him I do everything by myself and I provide for myself and support myself completely I do shopping cooking washing my things and clean the floor all by myself I am thinking to myself why would I ask someone it's good for me I'm doing some exercise keep myself mobile which is important in life you may well ask why he's living so long firstly I'd say good jeans secondly it is necessary to follow the right lifestyle [Music] it's not possible to check the genetic background of the kova chapit centenarian today his mother died at the age of 55 his father didn't make 40 dying from typhoid both of his brothers died during the [Music] war what could have caused the longevity of the male part of the civil of family is a question which will remain unanswered vasili was the youngest in the family he never smoked and never drank alcohol finally retiring on pension at the age of 80 he continued to live according to the principle always keep going his daily routine is to walk for 1 and A2 kilm to the Eternal Flame monument and back home I walk in Winter 2 of in Winter or two it's very rare that I won't go I always go vka is nearby you know vatka yes I sometimes sit there or go to look around and that brings me joy such great joy you can't imagine my entire body is one with nature over there there are cars the air is different there where the buildings are when you come here you feel it the air is different it's purer the centenarian from kova chipet is exceptionally fit for his age he is one of the most active characters of the centenarians rules of life that is why our expert ver Misa was able to conduct the most surprising research of the project the impulses that come from the brain occur there through certain synapses through nerve endings over time the number of those endings decreases and that's why one's reaction becomes slower that is why it's very important to appraise the reaction of such a Physically Active centenarian his coordination basili we will play a little game now okay I will throw a ball at you and you will throw it back to me shall we try yes got it then catch it and now throw it back wow great can you imagine it the eyesight the coordination he's managed to appraise the distance between us at his age and caught the ball and he threw it back to me after each throw the distance between the expert and the centenarian increased at the last stage it was about 2 m great at the age of 100 when all processes should be slow when it's difficult to walk to sit to do any other action he was catching a ball from a large distance vasili yes even at 100 years you managed to play with the ball very well I realize not everyone can do it at my age certainly oh yes but you can yes I am still okay you're still going strong aren't you yes the exceptional physical condition of vasil calapa at a 100 years old is a genuine phenomenon hundreds of gerontologists are studying such phenomena all around the world but they haven't yet managed to find out the genes for longevity in the DNA of the centenarians a good night's sleep is the foundation of a healthy life vasili calapa from kova chapit has been following this rule for over 100 years his Day always includes an after lunch Siesta as soon as I've had my lunch I drop on my bed and sleep like a baby sleeping guys is very good remember it when you feel peaceful when you feel well and have slept well you don't need any doctor one more commandment of the centenarian is to keep your temper in check sometimes people argue over nothing for some petty reasons and feel anxious it's not good we all have nerves from head to toe that's how it is you have to keep calm walk away shrug it off don't get involved it is better that way the owner of this birth certificate has lived a life full of hardships today is life is not easy either the life of a pensioner in the Russian Province thanks to his nature self-discipline and wisdom he has approached his centuries anniversary with a mindset which is very unusual for his age V silly calap of of 100 years old is a happy gol lucky guy without any special education he managed to create his life to listen to his body in such a way that he lived to be a 100 I think he'll stay with us for many more [Music] years [Music] according to statistics the average lifespan of men in Russia is 66 years old of women 76 the woman who lives in this old building surpassed that limit over 20 years ago Malik I was born in 1913 the birthplace of austa is about an hour away from kipet slot is considerably older than its industrial neighbor this location was first mentioned in the second half of the 15th century the father of gusta bought an apartment in this Merchant's house in the beginning of the 20th century as a successful manufacturer he managed to provide a good education for his [Music] children I worked as a quantity surveyor and Economist in general I helped everyone who needed help austa worked at the local fur Factory baa for over 30 years it's about 3 km away from her house she walked to work every day until retirement where do you go by bus you have to [Music] walk look around I've always walked i' leave my house and walk to [Music] Bela walk walk walk walk that's it [Music] in 2010 austa damaged her leg very bad now she can't walk despite that the 100-year-old woman continues to keep [Music] fit what exercises do you do first of all like this wow then like this 10 repetitions wow wow I'm a little despondent now before I was okay I see have you always exercised every day alusta is a native of the kirov region that is why finding the proof of her extreme age in the local archives was rather straightforward confirmation is one of the major problems gerontology is facing we need the ninth shelving unit this is ours it's almost like a submarine that's right [Music] yep the Public Records Office of the KIRO region is one of the biggest Regional archives in Russia over a million historical documents are stored here the oldest birth certificates to be found here date back as far as 1742 austa entry 20 number born on the 16th of November 1913 christened on the 19th of November in the village of K peros her father M Malik a farmer his wife Lydia both are Orthodox aradi please tell me what are those books those are registers of births marriages and even deaths they came in duplicate one copy was given to the church the other was passed to the city of vatka to the vatka consistory those registers survived almost entirely since the middle of the 18th century moreover churches gave us some of their books to store in our archives as well despite confirmation of longevity is one of the key issues because a lot of things can get in the way of finding out someone's true age documents can get lost people could alter their age for some reason in the end longevity is a subject of Pride for any location in a country as a whole the authenticity of the information found in the archives is beyond a doubt the genetic scientist Misa does not have a single doubt about the extreme age of this centenarian This Old House with a Russian stove is the final stop on our journey the scientific Journey around central Russia is drawing to a close it is time to finalize this expedition of the centenarians rules of Life rule number one always move forward don't stop walk as much as possible it is the easiest and most most accessible way of exercising rule number two don't ever stop intellectual activity any type of it solve puzzles play solitire write poems or just write down your memories fill your life with meaning and rule number three sleep enough and don't overindulge yourself when it comes to food the expert made her conclusions the search for the rules of healthy longevity continues the next participant in our project will explore the mountainous regions of our [Music] country
Channel: Science
Views: 36,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, science, russia, centenarian rules of life, how to live to 100, centenarian in russia, russia centenarian, longevity, old age, longevity diet, how to live longer, live longer, how to be healthy, long life, science of aging, health science, healthiest diet, why do we age, how to live forever, reverse aging, slow aging, education show, live to 100, live long, extend life, how to live 100 years, stop aging, aging, how to stop aging
Id: N-V7bhPKGy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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