[RUNNINGMAN THE LEGEND] What happened if JIHYO and KWANGSOO wrestle each other🥊 (ENG SUB)

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(Dangerous family's 'Family collapse' Pick the Radish) Pick the radish? It will be played as a team match of 4 on 4 (4 teams : 4 teams divided and will play two matches of a team match and a representative match) (Rule - Defense team will be lying with their arms crossed in a defensive posture) (Rule - Attacking team will come out in pairs of two and pull the defending team off the mat to PASS) After the the pair pulls out someone, the next family team will come up and will pick the radish The attack and defense team will be played in turns and the team who pulls out the defense team the fastest will be the winner, each team will have 1 PASS chance The winning team will get the prize of 10,000won and a family exchange chance (If you win, you get a family exchange chance?!) Exchange? Do we need to exchange with person who has a lot of money? (It's a chance for them to be teams with a family member who has the most money!!!!) Until now, our partners were guests, but today my partner is my "real family", how am I suppose to "exchange" him? Isn't this weird to exchange real family member? (Are you going to aim for the prize or to keep your family) So, we need to split up the team now, the two strongest, Jong Kook and Wook Min will do rock paper scissors and pick (Which family should I team up with to win~?) Heavy person! - How heavy are you?! - I'm 100kg Wow, you don't look like that (Looks like he's 100kg of muscles) - Hyang Ho and Wook Min are same weight - Oh, really? - My brother is also 100kg~ - No, I'm not that heavy~ I'm 96kg haha (4kg lighter) (First team choosing match) (Winner of rock paper scissors, Jong Kook's choice is) Kwang Soo~ (First, we'll pick the heavy and tall Kwang Soo & Hyang Ho team) (Happy, Satisfied) He's strong~! (Then our family will...) I pick HaHa (Wook Min's pick: sly king & big king combination, HaHa & Geun Sir) HaHa is easy to pull off (He's the hole in that group) If HaHa gets loose, then it will be easier to pull everyone off Rock paper scissors! He's so consistent lol (Thanks to Wook Min's consisted 'scissors', Jong Kook wins consecutively) My family is a warrior(JangSa) family - Where did your family do business (JangSa)? - Well, here and there (like it) I'm not... not the kind of person who goes under someone's team (but if it's you...) Okay! (Agile grasshopper and former merchant(?), Jae Seok & Seho chosen) I choose Seok Jin Hey, their line up is already a mess (3rd rock, paper, scissors) (Scissors again, rock again) (Why am I keep doing scissors?) He's so stubborn ㅋㅋㅋ (Jong Kook team's last choice is Se Chan & Na Eun) (A pretty intimidating lineup for that team...) (Both team completed choosing their teammates) (Try pulling us apart, we'll try to defend) (try to solve, I'll defend) (About that? Kook-security came to check up on their defense skills) Ouch, brother!! We're on the same team, why... (Practice is like it's real, Kookie's Spartan education) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! (If he's being like that to his team then...) (goosebumps) (First team match, Jong Kook's team will be defense and Wook Min team will be offense) (Laying down~) (As if they are one(?) even when they are lying down) We need to stick closer (Stick closer then we'll live, separate apart then we'll die) Na Eun, they let you there cuz they gave up on you?! No~ (We all have a plan) Time limit is 5 minutes. We'll count how many members are pulled out after 5 mins I'll pull him out (Looking at the defense team and planning their attack procedure) (The final weapon, Wookmin & Geun Sir, two aces in one team) Ok, we can do this! (8 radishes of Jong Kook's team, defending themselves like a iron gate) (How many radishes will Wook Min's team be able to pull out) (Come as you please) Fighting Fighting (Pulled out or stay together) Let's stay together!! Ready, start (The first runners on the attacking team, Jihyo & Somin) (Attacking Na Eun at the corner) (grab) (Running Man always plays with a fair play mind) (Sorry) (So Min changes her strategy, attacking Jong Kook who is protecting Na Eun) (Bite) No biting!!! (There were no progress until now but) Did it, did it! (Go away, you radish(?) leg) (Ace MungJi, collapsed the iron gate-like defense) (Ji Hyo make their defense weak and So Min pulls them out) (Touched outside the mat!) (Na Eun OUT) (1 point earned, MungDol sisters played as the perfect duo) (Agile pair, HaHa & Sung Moon) (Concentrating their attack on the corner side) Put it on the ground!!!! (While HaHa hold on to Jong Myung, Sung Moon touches down) (Jong Myung OUT) (Next attacker, Seok Jin & Soo Yong) (Se Ho, hold on tight) (Giving up the grasshopper) (It's better to give up a radish that has no more hope) (Pulled...) (Is this the end?) (The survivors will try our best to keep surviving) (Jae Seok OUT) (Wook Min & Geun Sik, here to take care of the big radish) (Attacking the ultimate Jong Kook) (Dragging him with rhythm) (He is being dragged?!) (That's so cool) (Jong Kook is about to get out) (grasp) Let go!!! let go!!! it hurts!! (After Jong Kook's last desperate resistance) (Successful touchdown off the mat) (Jong Kook OUT) Hey, why did you throw me out!? (Did I?) (Currently, Wook Min's team earned 4 points) (Ji Hyo & So Min Pass, due to time limit, only the male attackers will attack) (This time going for Se Ho) Nyaaaaaa!! Ddait!! Hooook!! (Is it a zoo here, I think I hear animal noises lol) (Rip) (If you pull like that...!) (Showing his flesh) (A sudden exposure scene) (torn apart) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! (Flesh screaming) (Summer is the perfect time to wear off-shoulders) (grasp) (Holding on to Hyang Ho) Wow, they are strong!! (Less than 1 min left) Aaaaa! Kwang Soo, don't press down your right leg!! Kwang Soo, Kwang Soo!! (Kwang Soo is pressing down Se Chan's private part(?) not on purpose) (At that moment, the offense team changes their target to Kwang Soo) (If you pull him like that, I'll die!!) (Take them both out!!) Take them both out! (Come here, you!) (Taking his clothes off~) (This time, back exposure) (Pulls) (Wedgie Attack) (Miracle on a rainy day, a rainbow on Kwang Soo's back... haha) (Touching Mother Nature BOUNCE~) (Both struggling on top and on bottom) (Jong Kook's team having a hard time, crushed(?) Se Chan and exposed Kwang Soo) (Still not coming out!?) (Whole body defense of Kwang Soo using his long legs to hold on to all the radishes) (Attacking Se Ho who is barely hanging on) (struggling) Ah, his leg is too short, it won't reach! (Almost there) (10 seconds before the time ends) (Can the remaining Radishes survive the last 10 seconds?!) 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Jong Kook's team, succeeded to defend 4 people) (We did all we can...) (A place where blood shedding(?) fight happened) Wow, where did it(?) go up to!! I had a colonoscopy in my undie!!! It almost came out of my throat!! Hey! You did a good job, good job (Undie(?) Passion Respect) Who's is this? It's mine, most of the fallen off things are mine (drops) (Undie(?) terror) (War symptom: your pants drops even though you take few steps) What are you doing! (Unintentionally, summer is the season of exposure(?)) (embarrassed) Why did my pants stretch so much!?!! Seriously, why are my pants like this!! (Defense King Lee Kwang Soo, puts everything(?) down on a single Radish picking match..) My pants were staying still, why is it suddenly dropping down!!!!! (Jong Kook's team, 4 got OUT and 4 survived) (Next, a team match switching offense and defense) Ready, Fighting! (Wook Min's team is defense, and Jong Kook's team is offense) One two three, fighting (Can Jong Kook's team pull out more radishes than Wook Min's team?) (Pulling out Radish Group match START) (First runners of the attacking team, Se Chan & Na Eun) (Aiming for So Min radish at the corner) (Touch down) (So Min OUT) (Next, Jae Seok & Se Ho attack) (Seok Jin OUT) (Next, Kwang Soo & Jong Myung attack) Come here! (Jong Myung is boldly aiming for Wook Min) You did it, Kwang Soo, pull!!! (That time, Tiger's brother, Jong Myung is lowering his body) (Grabbing Wook Min's leg?!) (Pull) (Wow!! Touch Down) (Like the older brother, like the younger bother, Muscular brothers pulled Wook Min out) (Wook Min OUT) (Next, Little tiger brother and Taebly is here to attack) (They are finally here) (Going to make this radish field a disaster today) (They are here) (Today the radish field will turn into a disaster) (First to sacrifice(?) weak Gaonashi) ( Soo Yong, outbuffering 98%) (The only thing he did was resist 1 time and scream about 3 times...) (Soo Yong OUT) (Now, only 1 min time limit left) Oh, Geun Sik is strong! Pull them all out! (Geun Sik is hard carrying) Hey, if it's hard, just pass! pass!! (Jae Seok & Se Ho duo attacks again) (Currently, earned 4 point, same as Wook Min's team) Start! Leg, leg, leg! Aaaaaooooaaaa (Sudden counter attack(?) during their vicious attack) (Se Ho was attacked by someone) (Extreme Occupation: Running Man Family...) (After all the hardship(?) while attacking) (Attack SUCCESS, Ji Hyo OUT!) (This time, Kwang Soo & Jong Myung duo) Hey, Jong Myung! Oops, Jong Myung brother!! (Called him with no respect because he was too desperate) (Kwang Soo & Jong Myung friends(?) successfully worked together to attack Sung Moon) Next is Jong Kook! Kaaaaaa!! (Let's go home Geun Sik) (Chun Sung Moon, Park Geun Sik OUT) (TIME OVER) (Team match result, Jong Kook's team 6 points, Wook Min's team 4 points) (Each team gets 10,000 won, Jong Kook's team who pulled out more radish wins) Seriously, not joking around, but Geun Sik hasn't won not even once yet (Icon of a loser(?)) (A list of stories about Geun Sik's failure(?)) He didn't do well for Jae Seok's game! The thing you want to eat the most is? Grape (Sigh... One day, I will...) (2R 4:4 Representative Match Ready) (Defense Wook Min team's rep: Soo Yong, Wook Min, Geun Sik, Ji Hyo) Hey, this is a good tactic (Learning from their lost of 1R, new tactic for the defense) (We need to stick together to live) (Attacking Jong Kook team's reps: Jong Kook, Hyang Ho, Se Chan, Na Eun) Fighting! (First runner, Ms. Na Eun & Commander) Ready, Start (Jong Kook's team attack START) (Starting to separate Soo Yong, the outermost person, first) Hey, hold on with your legs! Hold tight with your legs! (All of them being dragged by Kookie's super power~) (Holding on to Soo Yong's pants and pulling with his full power) (Pull~) (Scared) Soo Yong's pants is ripped! (Kookie's claws ripped the pants) (All of the sudden Soo Yong is OUT) (Next attacker is Kwang Soo & Hyang Ho) (Concentrating their attack on Wook Min as they chant) (Kwang Soo & Hyang Ho's teamwork made him OUT) (Jong Kook's team is back to Kookie & Naeun's turn) (Remember just now?! Pulling out Geun Sik again) (Still surprised by his unbelievable power even after 7 years) (Trying to pull out Geun Sik & Ji Hyo as a whole lump) (If I get pulled out like this, we'll all be OUT) (MungJi escapes right before getting OUT) (Next attacker, Kwang Soo & Hyang Ho) (Long time no see, sister) (Hello, Kwang Soo) (Today’s main event) (Showing all kinds of skills) (Spectators are having fun watching them) (MungJi, giving a special head massage for her little brother) (Expressing with all of his body) (Hyang Ho shyly pushes Ji Hyo with full power) (Will she get OUT by the strength of a 96kg?) (She dodged it!) (Wonder MungJi!) (Dodging the risky attack, she's now pounding on Kwang Soo) (Save our Kwang Soo) (Hyang Ho, shyly attacks with a back-hug) (Kwang Soo, (if you don't want to be bald) let's go together) (Wonder MungJi OUT) (The game is to pull out the radish not to pull out my head off...) (I'm sorry Kwang Soo, this is real life) (With Ji Hyo's moves, Wook Min's team might get to win) (Sung Moon, be careful, your sister is really good at fighting...) (Wook Min team's record, 2mins 2sec) (Now, Jong Kook's team is getting ready for defense) Ah, everything hurts from my head to toe (Side effect of MungJi's powerful head massage) (Is this...) I think I'm bleeding from head to bottom (Today, we have Dr. Kim Jong Myung here) He's really good at stitching Can he also stitch this..!? (Thanks to someone's brother, my pants got ripped..) (He doesn't even have a stylist here today) He has no stylist! (Only has this one pair of pants, he needs to go home like this) His belt is also torn!!! Jong Kook!! (Why did you do that?! You ripped his pants and his heart(?)) When he goes back home, he needs to sew it and wear it again! It's a trend nowadays to wear ripped jeans! I was going to rip my jeans, too~ (The generosity of a wise man) (Fashion leader, Soo Dragon) (Taking off his limited edition jeans and instead, wearing a colorful working pants) Hurry up and go change, I think that'll be better Don't go back there! (Why... go behind the screen...) Noooo!! (Soo Yong was really a great brother...) (Moreover, he was a great fashion leader.. -little brother Kwang Soo-) (Catching everyone's sight) (Perfect in any kind of pants) (Fashion leader SD) Take this with you (Don't forget your limited edition jeans) (Soo Dragon, lost the game but won the fashion) (Thanks to Kwang Soo's play, Jong Kook's team also won the Representative Match) (Group Match 10,000won & Representative Match 10,000won, Jong Kook's team will receive a total of 20,000won)
Channel: sNack!
Views: 2,694,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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