[RUNNINGMAN THE LEGEND] Did you have the first kiss before 20?๐Ÿ’‹ YES or NO? (ENG SUB)

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(#SBS Prism Tower) Wow, what a delicious smell! (An unidentified room that is set within the studio!) (And bear paws) (The third mission will be?) Now, this mission is the "Unanimous OX Quiz, Dangerous Next Room" (Dangerous Next Room?!) - What is that? - Dangerous next room? (Well, what will the dangerous secret hidden in that next room be...?!) First of all, please sit freely on the cushion to the dangerous next room, behind you (freely?!) (The word 'freely' is the most suspicious word) (At that moment, with no fear(?), 2 people head toward the seat near the entrance) Would you like to sit there?! I think something will come out from here (Each person sits on the seat they chose) What is this? I hear something from that room (Everyone is seated nervously) Here are the rules. As we have new members, we are going to give a OX quiz so you guys can know more about each other Between the number of Os and Xs, the smaller number will be the same amount of people who will go into the dangerous next room Then I shouldn't have sat here! You should have told us in before! (We're relieved for now) This doesn't make sense! (The 'Unlucky Hands', please go over there) I thought something good will come out... (I don't know why but I really wanted to recommend it so badly) So Min told me that something will come out from the kitchen! You!! (Seat estate scamming victim(?), Mr. Yoo (Gangnam-gu, 40s)) This is where you go in there! (Inviting him to the dangerous entrance of the next room with an innocent face) Oh, everyone here is from the 'Unlucky Hand' group! (Not surprisingly, everyone around is from the 'Unlucky Hand' group) (However, don't be disappointed, nobody knows what in that next room, yet) Now, in that next room there are dangerous penalties and (All kinds of penalties, that they have mastered during the past 7 years, are prepared) but also, there is a huge prize prepared (all kinds of benefits, from Running Man welfare, are prepared) if you receive the prize, you get +1 point, and if you get the penalty, you get -1 point Also, for those who didn't go into the next room, there is a special chance for them to go in there, after listening to the reaction of the members who are in there (Can trick the others by faking the reaction) So, if everyone of you have an unanimous answer, we'll give you the 'eliminate 1 bag' coupon (Unanimous OX Quiz Dangerous Next Room START!) Now, first question, please answer honestly I've kissed before I was 20 years old (very fluttering first question~) It's kind of hard for me to decide~? One two three (Haha, Se Chan, Jong Kook, JiHyo are all O) (KwangSoo, JaeSeok O / SeokJin, SoMin X) (machine moving) (SeokJin, SoMin X the two people on the right side goes into the next room) (Jae Seok, SoMIn entering) (With a fully automatic system, 2 people have entered the next room) (What will be in that room?!) Aaah! What? What? What? What? That is a penalty (Is it a real scream of penalty?! Or is it a prize but they're just acting?!) Who thinks it's a prize and wants to experience it? That doesn't sound good, it feels... (it feels..not good..) First of all, I heard people in there No one want to experience the room? Wow, it's delicious! - She screamed at first, now she's saying 'it's delicious' - Too late, too late This place makes good cold noodles They're coming out (So... a prize or a penalty?) (Penalty, it is) (colorful) (good that we didn't experience that) (Everyone, Feng Shui(?) is this important) You can't fake your reaction for that! She suddenly said 'it's delicious' (Tasting the hurtfulness of the pegs with her face~) (She even randomly mentioned about cold noodles) I shouldn't have sat here, I really shouldn't have (This is why it's called the 'Dangerous Next Room'...) Now, two of you said X for kissing before 20 years old Seok Jin and So Min Wait, Jae Seok kissed in high school? - When I was in my senior grade.. It's kind of hard to say, because it was during the holiday right after the graduation - Stop lying! (What are you talking about, Mr. Yoo Jae Seok) (flabbergasted) (Pretend to be strong) You didn't do it, but you are just pretending to, right?! - Do you believe me, Ji Hyo? - No! (Disbelief in his memory of his first kiss) (If 6 people are Os, that means...) - HaHa, did you raise O? - Of course - How old were you - I did it very young - How old were you - I was a kiss mania - How old were you Se Chan - I did it when I was in grade 9, I was also a kiss mania (Back then, when love blossomed) I also like kissing Is this a battle?! I was 3 years old! 3 years old! (Don't want to loose) - How about Kwang Soo? - I did it in middle school, grade 7 (You had your first kiss when you were 15?!) You did it in your house, right? Yeah, at home Kwang Soo, you need to apologize, you were too fast That sister was older than me Kwang Soo was so ripe(?) (Ripe(?) = very mature boy) You, bastard (com here!) (I need to be scolded) No, that's not it (It's not like what you are thinking) How about So Min? I was 21 years old, in front of a bus station Oh, so romantic - When the bus stopped running? - Yes, when they stopped running (When there were no more buses and only silence) The guy, suddenly, swoop..! (when the quiet night air was filled with the sound of my heartbeat) (her boyfriend's lips suddenly swooped to her lips) It was very short Wasn't it embarrassing after the kiss? Sometimes it could be very awkward Yes, since it was my first... I heard that you can hear bells ringing and all, but.. (The memory of 21 years old So Min's first kiss at the bus station during the late night was like...?) It was my first kiss... I heard that you'll hear bells ringing and all..but.. I only remember the smell of saliva (#21 years old #first kiss #romantic #smelly saliva) - Hey, So Min, you are too detailed! - So Min, don't say things like that! Please don't break my fantasy! (Her first kiss memory that started with 'the love' and ended with 'dirty') - So, can we change the seat now? - Yes, you can switch your seats - Something yummy might come out - Still, I don't want to sit here Can you change with us? Okay, this time it's definitely a tasty prize, can't you hear them cooking? Here goes the second questions: I am usually the one who gets dumped (Talking about getting dumped after the first kiss convo) one two three Ah, Kwang Soo raised X! Why not? (4 people move to the next room) Ah, what's wrong with you, seriously! (So Min also enters the room) I'm going in there again? (This time, will it be a penalty or a prize?) Wow!! (What is that sound...?!) Now, would you like to experience it? or not? (Dangerous next room...and screaming...) Nope (Raised his hand) I want to try (What is in that next room?) aigo~ (Aigo...?! This reaction...?!) Wow (chi... chicken!!!) (nom) (crispy, golden) (this time is a 'prize') (Se Chan receives +1 point and the chicken) (This time, "getting-fat-alert", it was the dangerously tasty next room) - Hey, Kwang Soo - Yes, brother - I saw you raised X? - Even I know you getting dumped few times (Witnesses coming out) I don't usually get dumped, though (You, sure??) - Last time, my girlfriend cheated on me, so I told her to let's break up - You can that being dumped How is that being dumped!!!!! She's left you from the start She cheated on me, so I broke it off!! (miserable) I found out that she had another boyfriend! (I didn't get dumped.. I was the one who said to let's break the relationship..T_T) Kwang Soo, you were the only who didn't know, that you guys were broken up I know who that person is, but, you got dumped (Running Man supports Kwang Soo's love.. teardrop) - What did So Min raise? - I raised O How many men did you date? Me...3? I had 3 serious relationships So, out of 3, how many people dumped you? Two Why is everyone so quiet all of the sudden? (Oh okay... So Min.. okay...) It's okay, it 's okay... So Min, so you dumped the last person?! That guy cheated on me but I told him I didn't want to break up with him and then I told him to break up Hey, you stop, too (Thought we were hearing the same story from Kwang Soo again) Hey, So Min, you said Kwang Soo was the one who got dumped because his girlfriend cheated on him (Just now.. you said that's being dumped..) - So, that means you've been dumped by all three men? - No, No So Min is the female version of Kwang Soo You and me, we are just easily fooled (explaining) Hey! I also said that, and she told me to get lost (There is one more person.. we need to support...) Don't call me, the guy I dumped, you! (W...who?!) (Are you saying that to the camera man?) Call me! It's not late! Give me one more chance! (loser, loser) - Now, next question: I'm in the top 3 rank for good appearance out of the Running Man members - Isn't this so obvious? One two three (Unanimous) (The first unanimous success. Acquired the dangerous bag elimination coupon) (That question was too easy~) - Honestly, I can't decide on the 1st and 2nd place, but 1st place is Ji Hyo - Yeah! Just tell us what your rank is Honestly, I'm 2nd place! You look like the red-nosed master of <Chi-Kwon>!! That old man doing who does pushups like this? How dare you decide between 1st and 2nd place?! (Can not refute) Okay, I couldn't decide between Ji Hyo and So Min but I'm also 2nd place (Need to stop this shoot) Are you crazy, what are you saying (Snap out Jae Seok..) Are you crazy? 8th place! (1st place for his courage) (Ask my Kyeong Eun!) Leave me?! Saying this again, I am 2nd place Hey, you are uglier than me! (What..?! The standard based on human beings, right..?!) Also, last place, Se Chan (what!) (Except for himself, everyone agrees) You are last place! Seriously? To be honest, I thought it was too hurtful to say that someone is ugly to someone who is actually really ugly, so I couldn't say it, but he is really ugly Without your tall height, you can't beat me Yes, Kwang Soo, know this, I was deciding between you and Se Chan - Ji Hyo, next is Ji Hyo - Me? Say you're 1st place So Min is 2nd place So Min can never beat you, right? (So smoothly, she placed herself to 1st place) What can I do, it's true! (I'm sorry for being pretty (I fully agree) How about last place? Just tell us the last place (1st is Ji Hyo, then the last place is?) Honestly, I couldn't decide between two Who and who? Mr. Yoo and Mr. Yang, it was a close call! I'm sorry but do you hate people with protruded mouth? (It's not because of your mouth..) You, come here! (Ji Hyo, have you forgotten about Kwang Soo?) Look at Kwang Soo! (Master of Chi Kwon appears) He's really ugly now! (I'm last place..?! Can't believe this..) I just got goosebumps. Turn his mic on, he said to himself, "Is it... really me?" (As if, it's his first time in his whole life hearing that he's ugly...) Really, am I...? Am I really ugly, really? (Shocking..) Looks like he mean it! Him and his brother are both crazy! Don't talk about my family!! I'm curious, who does So Min think as last place? Me? I see people in different standards So, who's last place? (staring) (Even though she has different standards, last place is inevitably Jae Seok) No way! So Min is so mean! (Applause for her objective(?) standard) It's a war between you and me, So Min! I'll persuade you! Listen, 1st place is Ji Hyo, right? 1st place is Ji Hyo - SoMin and I are tie for 2nd place - Oh gosh!!! Seriously You want to get hit with my face?! You want me to staple you with my one-sided double eyelid? (A fight between designated last place and self-proclaimed 2nd place) The rest, you guys can decide (After that it's... just this or that...) Hey, Kwang Soo! HaHa's face is super ordinary, you can find about 40% of the staffs who resembles him (that also applies to you~) Someone who wears glasses and has a protruded mouth is just you, Jae Seok (Found his twin in 3 seconds) They're the same! (Jae Seok, who is a bit taller) Isn't he Jae Seok? It is! (This is not it~) Look! (A group of Doppelganger appears instantly!) Wear glasses and hats, then they are all you! (Don't worry, I'm live a happy life) Don't worry! Hey, he is the standard face of Korean men! (Q. Who is Yoo Jae Seok?) The next question: If the apocalypse came and the only people left on earth are Running Man members, is there someone who you would like to date Ah, wait... (the question gets harder every time) Wait, so there is only 8 people left? So, the ugliest person in the whole human being species will be Se Chan?! We are similar! Why me! (Respect) Am I that ugly? (Surprised by the fact that he finds it surprising that he's ugly) One two three (2 people, Jae Seok and Se Chan, to the next room!) It's three people?! It's two, just two (Just come in, since you're already in~) (falls) (dragged~) It's just two! (Free trial service for Wangko) (Wangko automatically won bonus chance) It's just two!!! Please, come out (The next room, this time will be..?) (Hurgh) (We are sorry if you were eating...) Isn't this too mean? They didn't color my face because they said I was already too ugly (Looks like he has already colored himself with ugliness) - It's two people, why did I go in there? - Seok Jin, you look the prettiest What's the point of being pretty like this? - There were two Xs - Who? - I was X - Me too Honestly, because Somin and Jihyo are like younger sisters to me What! If you say that, what about us?! I've thought about this seriously and it was X for me Brother, I bet you are the one who's going to get seduced the fastest out of us all Jihyo and Somin are very attractive, but they are not my style Jae Seok, I can seduce you with just one finger! Hey! You bet! Be careful~ I think if that really happened to Jae Seok, he will be like 'Ji Hyo.. Ji Hyo.. please..!' the whole night Wait a minute, then I have to ask, Sechan you raised O, right? I raised O, I want to meet Ji Hyo (The world ugliest is confessing to the world prettiest...) (Scary just by imagining it) I'm really sorry but I think it'll just be like our seats now The apocalypse came, right? Then you four will be there (can't deny) (What's wrong with us?!) (Prelude to counterattack) Don't say that to me! I'm not one of them, this upsets me Oh, wait! Did Kwang Soo put make up on, too? - Don't we look like a tribe like this? - I'm don't!! (The Unanimous OX Quiz continued) (The points are acquired at the next room) (The one who will be sent to the dangerous tour with the least point will be?!) (Got rid of 1 bag with the '1 bag elimination' coupon) First, one person remove one bag, please Who wants to do it? (So Min gets to pick the bag) (# 2 hours before, at the opening) (Fortunately, So Min removed the 'Travel Alone' bag) (Will she also be lucky this time..?!) (the remaining bags are: Exempt X1, Alone X1, Accompanied X2) (Please remove the 'Alone' ticket) (Picked bag number 2 with no hesitation) This doesn't feel right, for me...? Okay, pick this, So Min, pick this, So Min chose this one! Just not the 'Exempt' ticket (The no.2 bag that So Min chose is..?!) (Accompanying Ticket) (Thank god...) (The remaining bags: Exempt 1, Alone 1, Accompanied 1) (Now the probability is 1 out of 3, the nerve wrecking bag picking gets more intense) (Who will be the first person to go on the dangerous tour?!) (Nerve wrecking, Let's go to the next place~)
Channel: sNack!
Views: 2,320,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment, sNack, running man, runningman, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, running man the legend, legend running man, ๋Ÿฐ๋‹๋งจ, ์œ ์žฌ์„, ๊น€์ข…๊ตญ, ์ด๊ด‘์ˆ˜, ์ง€์„์ง„, ์†ก์ง€ํšจ, ํ•˜ํ•˜, ์–‘์„ธ์ฐฌ, ์ „์†Œ๋ฏผ, running man ep, chแบกy ฤ‘i chแป chi, hot clip, hot, 9012, Runningman 346, ๋Ÿฐ๋‹๋งจ 346
Id: MI8kXDfmpQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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