[RUNNINGMAN] How many cars do you have? Can't count. (ENGSUB)

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It feels like we're going into a fancy restaurant. (They finally go into Manny's house.) - My goodness. - Gosh. - My goodness. - Look at that. - My gosh. - This is the living room. - Jae Seok. - Hey, take a photo. - Don't touch it. - This place is crazy. Don't touch anything. Can we keep our shoes on? It feels a little... This is a lot bigger... - than how it looks on the outside. - Right? I think it's because of... (Manny's house is safe from burglars.) - My goodness. - Gosh. - Hello. - There's something you like. This is crazy. - Look at this. - Take a photo. Hey, look at this. - Look. My gosh. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - Let's take a photo. (The champion belt and gloves overwhelm them at the entrance.) - Hi. - Hello. - I'm Manny's manager. - I see. - Manny's manager. - Please come in. - Are you the manager? - Yes. - I am the manager. - I see. This is so cool. (They take photos with every step they take.) - My gosh, look. - Gosh. (Taking a selfie) - My gosh, look. - Gosh. My gosh. - Seok Jin. - This is the living room. (A living room to greet guests) - Gosh. - Take a photo. - Don't touch it. - This is crazy. Don't touch anything. - Can we keep our shoes on? - Hello. It feels a little... (The place is full of sophisticated props.) - Hey, this is... - Gosh. Hey, this is Chanel. Really? - Hey, this is Hermès. - Is that Hermès? There are Bearbrick toys. - What is this place? - This is really nice. - It's really nice. - Don't be so pathetic. - This is his wife. - This must be expensive. - It's Chanel. - It's his wife. And this is the young master. - Young master? - The young master is here. Do you think the young master is a good boxer? Hey, there's a basement. It can have a basement. - There's a pool in the basement. - I know. I saw that. - Hey. - There's a swimming pool. (They can find a swimming pool when they go down the stairs.) - What's this place? - There's a swimming pool. (Rest) (Leisure) This place is crazy. Jae Seok, there's a buffet. My hands itch. I want to touch things. Hey, this is... (The bike thief is itching to touch the valuables.) Don't touch anything. You'll fall under suspicion. We will have our bags checked when we leave. Hey, stop being so unsophisticated. This is Versace. Don't be so pathetic. - You know, we're... - He's the one who's being pathetic. The house is really nice though. The ceiling is high. This is a lot bigger than how it looks on the outside. In here... Is this where the house owner sits? - Don't be so pathetic. - Is it okay to sit here? - Of course. - Is this for the house owner? Let's just have a seat confidently. - Manny would be... - Sit here. Seok Jin, that's pathetic. "Have a seat confidently?" It's not like Manny is... It feels like we're the owners of this house. - That would be amazing. - It looks like we're the owners. It doesn't look like your house at all. We could only fake it if it were an adequate size. - But this... - It won't seem true at all. Seok Jin, you could also live like this in old age. Remember how Seok Jin said we should be confident? Check out his hands. (Cold sweat) Why are you sitting on the edge of your seat? - Well... - He's super nervous. - I... - Also... - He's more nervous than anyone. - It's uncomfortable. I didn't want to seem arrogant in Manny's eyes. - It's why... - But he's younger than you. - And here... - Yes, but it doesn't seem that way. I'm not that fascinated by being in the house of someone rich. It's fascinating because this is Manny's house. - Of course. - Right? - Manny's the coolest. - This means a lot... - because it's Manny's house. - Exactly. - He's one year older than Haha. - Also, this house... (But then) - It's the young master. - It's his son. - Then... - Is that his son? - Hi. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi. We're Running Man. Come closer. - I'm your dad's brother. - He looks like Manny. - Come over here. - Hold on. - You can come here. - He takes after Manny. - Come on over. - They look alike. - He's adorable. - He looks like Manny. - They look alike. - Hi! - Is he the youngest son? - Hi. - He's adorable. - He's just like his dad. - He's the youngest. - They look alike. - He looks like his dad. - Right. How adorable. - He's so cute. - He's leaving out of embarrassment. - He's leaving. - He's shy. He looks like Manny. Now that I think about it, this is their home. - Right. - That's right. - He lives here. - He seemed at ease. - His house. - He lives here. - His dad's friends are visiting. - Of course. It's like this for me, though. I'm happy to have been invited here, but the flight home will leave me more in vain. - We'll feel that way. - Let's check out the bathroom. Is it to the left? - Sure. - The bathroom? Korean people. (But at that moment) (Manny Pacquiao appears along with his bodyguard!) - He's here. - Seok Jin isn't here. - But Seok Jin isn't here. - Manny! - Manny! - Seok Jin isn't here. (They welcome each other wildly without Seok Jin.) - Manny! - Hello. - Manny, hey. - Hello. (It's nice to see him after half a year.) (World boxing champion Manny Pacquiao) Please tell him we'll see him again if we ever visit the Philippines. (The boxing hero told them to tell him when they visit.) (Manny kept his promise.) (Ryan Bang who hosted the fan meet will translate.) - It was exhausting, wasn't it? - Hi. - We appreciated your hard work. - Long time no see. How should we sit? Shouldn't he sit next to Manny? - Right. - You can sit next to Seok Jin. - Right here. - I can't believe it. - I... - Come on. How are you? - How have you been? - I'm fine. We're also joined by Ryan Bang today. - Exactly. - I feel reassured. First of all, I want Manny to know... that we didn't expect him to invite us to his house. We didn't think he meant it. (Translating) Yes, I invited them for real. He absolutely meant it. - Thank you. - Thank you so much. - Thank you. - We really appreciate it. - We absolutely appreciate it. - Thank you. Please tell him the house is lovely. - That's right. - Is it really that nice? - Absolutely. - It's incredible. Please tell him that it's grand. - It's good. - We knew Manny was rich, but we were all surprised. Please tell him that. Why are you translating in that way? (Translating) (What?) - Don't exaggerate. - Hold on. - Don't exaggerate. - Seriously? - Don't go over the top. - We weren't that bad. - We never sounded like that. - Come on. I thought he was telling a children's story. He exaggerates when asking questions too. My translation is perfect, though. Aren't I doing well? He just said I was doing a good job. We met Manny back in Korea, - but today... - Something's different about him. - He seems different. - Tell me about it. He shines even brighter now that we're in his hometown. - Do you think I lost weight? - Do you think he lost weight? - Yes, he did! - It looks like he lost some weight. Did you deliberately lose the weight? - Training. - He's training right now. - I see. - No wonder he's been packing. - Exactly. - When did you touch him? Earlier. - Hi. - Hi. - Manny. - Hello. (Rubbing cautiously) They're saying your muscles are firmer. So he's been training. His expressions seem more natural, - and he seems to be at ease. - He seems more relaxed. Your smile and your vibe seem more relaxed... than how they were back in Korea. - Ryan. - Yes? You seem to be adding a lot more to what we said. - Well... - Are you not? - I'm trying to be thorough. - I see. - I want to be sure he gets it. - That's right. Can you ask him about us, then? How does it feel to see us again? I'm excited to see them all again. - He's happy. - Really? Can you ask if he remembers punching me? (It must've been a fun memory.) He loved it. It must've been fun for him. Check out that smile. (Last October, episode 626) - What... - Nice! (Jong Kook was blessed with Manny's colored punch.) He loved it. (The punch left them both with fond memories.) - Check out that smile. - Ask if he remembers the punch? - Jong Kook... - He remembers being punched. "Do you remember punching me?" - You... - You seemed happy to be punched. - You were delighted to be punched. - How is that a happy memory? I don't think I've ever asked that before in my life. "Do you remember punching me?" It's not like him to have this be a fond memory. - Maybe he could punch you later. - What an honor. Could he also punch me later as well? I can't. - He can't. - Why not? Let me give them a tour of the house instead. Rather than punching you, he'll give you a tour of the house. - Really? - Hold on. - Ryan. - Yes? Having Ryan with us today... - is... - That's right. - It feels nice. - It's more enjoyable. - This is great. - They're happy to be here... and to have me here as well. - This is great. - They're happy to be here... and to have me here as well. He's translating a compliment that was meant for him. (Translating a compliment made toward him) He translated a compliment that was meant for him... even when it wasn't necessary. - I like being complimented. - I see. Now, this. - It's for his wife. - This is a gift... for him and his wife... - we brought from Korea. - It's a jewelry box. I highly appreciate it. - The pleasure's ours. - I highly appreciate it. Manny is a lot like me in a way. - Right. - In what way? - He's ripping the gift wrap. - The way he's ripping it off? - It's mother-of-pearl... - It speaks to our tradition. (A gift that embodies Korean tradition) Please be careful. (Hurry!) Isn't it beautiful? Isn't it beautiful? - Gosh. - My gosh. - It's beautiful. - It was handcrafted. - It was handcrafted. - It's stunning. - Isn't it beautiful? - It's a jewelry box. And also this. It has his name. - Manny's name. - It has his name on it. - There are seals as well. - We had the seals custom-made. - How does one unfasten that? - What a meaningful gift. That's great. Jae Seok, you seem like his personal assistant. - By his side... - But Manny is younger than me. - It suits you. - You're like his assistant. It suits you, though. - Manny is younger than me. - It suits you. The assistant is unwrapping the gift for him. Why are you unwrapping it for him? - It's a new type of unboxing event. - Right. - This is also pretty. - That's stunning too. It has Manny's name on it, right? - It's a seal. - It's so beautiful. - It's my name. - Manny Pacquiao. Manny, do you like it? - Thank you. I appreciate it. - Thank you. - Well... - He's grateful. - Thank you. - Thank you. Anyway, how about that tour of the house? (It's time for a tour of the house.) - He wants to give you a full tour. - But... the house is like a resort. (Translating) - I love his reactions. - How can one explain "resort"... that enthusiastically? - It's like a resort? - How? They're saying that it's like a resort. The size of it is just big enough. - He says it's of an adequate size. - What? - He says it's of an adequate size. - What? - How big is it, though? - But it's huge. It's 1,500 square meters. It's 1,500 square meters. Did he say 1,500 square meters? Did he say 1,500 square meters? - How big is his main estate? - Did he say 1,500 square meters? His main estate in General Santos is about 20 times bigger. (That house is 20 times bigger than this place.) - How can one get around? - That's 30,000 square meters. - His main estate? - His main estate? What are at this main estate of his? How much does a square meter go around here? Stay put, will you? Let's finish asking him this first. - I just... - What does he have there? A man-made forest, a man-made river, and a cave in the basement. He has a cave in the basement. - What does one do with it? - Is it a theme park? - What's in this cave? - What do you do with it? - I have a shooting range. - Could he have a water coaster? - He has a shooting range. - A shooting range? Could he invite us over some time? - That's enough. - Stop that. Stop forcing it. Next time, we'll... The next time you get together, he said you should meet at his shooting range. (You should meet at his shooting range.) (Manny, the man who takes initiative!) - Okay! - Manny, really? - Next time? - Really? For a two-episode show. A house that is 30,000 square meters... - is big enough for a race. - A two-episode show. - Manny... - Our third installment? He might ask to become a member at this rate. Manny isn't just joking around. - Because... - He meant it. He invited us here the last time he was on Running Man. - You're not joking, right? - No. He says he doesn't joke around. - Exactly. - He doesn't joke around. And he keeps his promises like a real man. Let us promise him something too. The next time he comes to Korea, Seok Jin will vacate his house for him. The next time you come to Korea... Seok Jin will vacate his house for him. (Ryan translates without hesitating.) Don't tell him that. The next time you come to Korea, Seok Jin will vacate... - his house for you. - Don't tell him that. (The offer was made to the man who keeps his promises.) - He's a man of his word. - Don't tell him that. - His house is too small for Manny. - They said... They said you shouldn't stay at a hotel when you go to Korea, but stay at his house. (The Korean culture of helping and inviting each other) He asks if it's okay to stay at his house... - with about ten more people. - Of course. (Manny's team will be a large group.) - Then Seok Jin will stay out. - Oh, I see. - Yes. He'll empty his house. - Right. - Then Seok Jin will stay out. - But his house would be too small. - That will solve the problem. - But... - if Seok Jin stays out... - Seok Jin will stay out... - while you're staying at his house. - Yes. He loves the idea. - Problem solved. You stay out. - Okay. - Stay at my house. I'll stay out. - Seok Jin is excited. - Right. He's serious about this. - Yes. - That's great. I like the idea. - Seok Jin will stay out. - Yes. Deal? Okay. - Yes. - He said, "Deal?" - It'd be so funny if that happens. - Then could you ask Manny... - Yes. - to show us around his house? - He asks... <i>- Manny Pacquiao's house</i> <i>- Yes</i> <i>We're at Manny Pacquiao's house</i> - What? There's a basement here. - It leads to the basement. - We'll start with the basement. - Right, the basement. - I've been wondering about it. - Oh, my. I can't believe I'm here. - It must be before he got married. - He started his personal broadcast. He started his personal broadcast. Haha. Okay. I'll do better than him. Hello, everyone. - I'm at Manny Pacquiao's house now. - Oh, my. - Now, let's take a look around. - It's so nice. - I see a fountain. - Oh, my. He has... - a garden down here too. - There's a terrace here. - Hey, there are fancy carps there. - Fancy carps? Oh, my. - I'm amazed. - Isn't that Nemo? (The wide-open tropical garden) - What is it? My, it's beautiful. - Oh, it's a mini bar. - What is this? - Hey, there are fancy carps there. - Fancy carps? Oh, my. - Right. He has fancy carps. (Manny's personal garden, the lungs of the 1,500-square-meter mansion) (And inside the house...) - What is it? My, it's beautiful. - Oh, it's a mini bar. - This is his basement? - I guess Manny comes here... - How nice. - I'm amazed. - This is awesome. - What is this? - Oh, is it a mahjong table? - It's amazing. - This is like a museum. - Exactly. - So this is Manny's game room. - Right. - Yes, it's his game room. - He must play it with his friends. - Oh, my. By the way, Manny... - Oh, it's a mahjong table. - There's a bar here. - It's a bar. - This is a home bar. - That's the legendary... - Manny is a legend for sure. - Yes. - Indeed. - It's like a museum. - I feel so honored to be here. - It's a great honor for all of us. (Manny leads them to the next space.) - There's another living room here. - That's right. (The music room) It really is like a museum. He's a legend. - What is this place? - This is... - It's a playroom. - There's a karaoke machine there. - A karaoke machine? - Yes. - He has a karaoke machine here? - It's a karaoke machine. (The home theater with a karaoke system) - A karaoke room? Oh, I see it. - Is this a singing room? - A karaoke room? - It's a karaoke room. - So this is... - Oh, it's a karaoke room? - This is an audio-visual room. - It's amazing. Right. He can watch a movie... - He can watch a movie here too. - and sing karaoke in this room. - Look at the speaker. It's awesome. - He has everything in here. - Right. It's really awesome. - It looks like a utility pole. - It must have good sound quality. - Is this a speaker? - No. Look to your right. - Oh, you mean, this? - This is a speaker? - The one that's taller than you. - Look at this. - The speaker is taller than you. - It's taller than all of us. - Not all of us. - There's a swimming pool outside. - Right. I really like... - that swimming pool. - It'd be nice to be here... - with the doors open. - This place is amazing. - Look how the water falls. - "Look how the water falls?" - That's so funny. - Guys, be cool, will you? But it really is amazing. - Let's check out the swimming pool. - Okay. Let's go. - Manny is... - My gosh. - It must've been a long time. - Exactly. (As you open the door, you can hear the refreshing sound of water.) - Okay. - How nice. - Oh, my. Look at that. - Hey, over there. - Look over there. - It's a nice swimming pool. - Jong Kook, I found something. - You did? Really? (However...) - There's a punching bag there. - Oh, my. - Jong Kook. - My goodness. There's a gym here. - Oh, my. It's a home gym. - Nice. - It's a home gym. Hey, Jong Kook. - Hey, it's a home gym. (This place will mesmerize Jong Kook.) (The personal training gym right next to the swimming pool) - It's nice. Hey, Jong Kook. - Jong Kook, what do you think? - It's his personal gym. - Awesome. - It's amazing. We should film here. - It's his personal gym... (The place is filled with the traces of the boxing hero's training.) - Oh, my gosh. - It's his personal gym... - We should film this place. Oh, my. - Oh, my gosh. - It's really nice. - Look at this. - Hey, this is... - This is Manny's punching bag. So Manny swims there and then works out here. - This is amazing, Manny. - And he can swim again... after sweating. It must be nice. (It's only a 10 seconds walk from the swimming pool.) (The happy gym lover) - I mean, Jong Kook... - Oh, nice. - Jong Kook always asks... - Awesome. our staff to prepare a pull up bar on the filming set. - Exactly. This is really nice. - Oh, my. (He's absorbed in it.) Jong Kook. (He's absorbed in it.) (Chuckling) - Is this what Manny uses to train? - He practices punching. - This is Manny's punching bag. - Right. (Exclaiming) - He's the best. - Can you show us a little bit? - Right. I'd love to see it. - Manny, can you? Just a little bit. - Can you show us, Manny? - I want to see him hit that one. (Tapping) (He showed his fatally cute punch.) - Manny. - That one. Hit it fast. (The next target is the speed ball.) - He's joking around. - Show us how you hit it fast. - He's just being playful. - Like this. - Yes. That's what we wanted to see. - Who will do that? (The tourists can't take their eyes off him.) That's amazing. (Hitting fast) Well, you know... - There's a basketball stand there. - Oh, my. - Nice! - That's good. You're doing well. (They forgot about the tour and show off their skills.) - That was good. - Can you take a photo of me? With Manny's punching bag here. (The guests are having photos taken to save the memories.) - We all look pitiful. - Let's go. - I should take a photo here too. - That's good. I'll take it. I'll take a selfie in the gym. - My gosh. I'm so excited. - Let's go. I'll take a selfie in the gym. - Hey, let's wear his gloves. - There are many gloves over there. (They take photos at different spots.) - Let's wear his gloves. - There are many gloves there. No. We should join the others and shoot the show. Let's go. - Let's go. - Okay. (The tourists who fell behind left to find the tour guide.) I want to jump into the swimming pool right now. (There's always someone who stays behind to take more photos.) I'm so excited. - I really like this spot. - While looking around his house... - I want to lie down here... - I know. - with a cold drink all day long. - It'd be nice. - Of course. - You're a homebody, so... Oh, my. Here we can see... - Manny Pacquiao's carps. - Hey, guys. (Why aren't they coming?) - Everyone. Who's that? - Yes! - Hey! - Hey! - Come here. - Hey. (Mr. Ha got caught going off on his own.) - Why? - Don't go off on your own. - Really? - Can someone hold a flag? - Hey, this is a group tour. - Hold a flag for us. Make sure to keep the rule, okay? I'll be watching you from behind. - A global star is different. - Thanks. - Let's go to the kitchen. - Oh, my. - He's different. - Yes, because he's a global star. - Oh, my. Hello. - Hi. - Hey, the chefs... - It's nice. - He has several personal chefs. - Really? They're all his personal chefs? That's unbelievable. Oh, my. Manny. This is your car? (Next up is what Manny would want to brag about!) - Oh, my. It's a Rolls-Royce. - It's a real Rolls-Royce. (The new Rolls-Royce that Manny bought recently) - It's a real Rolls-Royce. - Rolls-Royce Phantom. - It's a Rolls-Royce Phantom? - Oh, my. - How many cars does Manny have? - It's a Rolls-Royce Phantom? - How many cars do I have? - This is his garage. - Did Manny ask him the question? - He asked how many cars he had. - Just in Manila. - Really? - He doesn't even know? - He has nine cars. - Nine. - He must have a lot of cars. He has nine cars in Manila. - Then what's the total? - How about in General Santos? - General Santos... Can't count. - Does he have more than nine? He said he couldn't even count the cars in General Santos. - That's so cool. - Indeed. Good. - Anyway, this must be the best one. - This one. - My gosh. - I want to steal this emblem. - I want this emblem, Haha. - He has more in General Santos. - My, look at this. - I want this emblem. He has nine cars in Manila alone. - Nine in Manila alone? - Yes. Nine in Manila alone. We asked how many he had in General Santos. - He said he couldn't even count. - He said he didn't know. - Really? - Why did you buy a new car... when you already have many? Because new models keep coming out. Because new models keep coming out. - Oh, my. That's so cool. - Indeed. Because new models keep coming out. - Oh, my. That's so cool. - Indeed. - Why? What's the matter? - I'm just amazed, not jealous. - Why? Right. - I mean it's so cool. "Because new models keep coming out." - There are no other reasons. - Exactly. - That's what he's like. - My gosh. I'm amazed. - Isn't he so cool? - Of course, he's cool. - It's cool that he can say that. - Sorry? - Right? - I mean, it's a Rolls-Royce. He was asked why he'd bought it and said, "Because I could."
Channel: sNack!
Views: 6,131,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS, sbs, Entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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