Running the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim (Shorter Version)

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last june i had the opportunity to run the grand canyon and i wanted to make a video about that and share some of the views and the experience with others so that hopefully it might inspire someone else to make the same trip it's an incredible way to spend a day whether you're hiking you're running whether you do the whole thing or just part of it it really has unbelievable beauty and it was a real pleasure to spend a day down in the canyon this video is actually shot over two different trips the first trip unfortunately didn't go quite according to plan both of them occurred in june of last year it was over 100 degrees on both days and it is something certainly to consider whenever you're planning your own trip we had one of our crew members who ended up having some mild heat exhaustion and dehydration issues so it's something to consider i ended up recording two different versions of this video uh one's a short one's a long one this is obviously a short one i try to just condense down everything into just kind of the most memorable or the most beautiful shots uh try not to talk nearly as much in the shorter one the reality is there is so much beauty down there that it was really hard to choose and chop this down so if you have the time i would certainly encourage you to wash the longer one one thing to note is i had gps watch issues all day long and so it ended up stating that i had run much more than the 47 miles which it actually is so that's one thing whenever you're watching if you're paying attention to when i'm talking about mileage i didn't realize until much later that i was having those issues one more thing before i go i just wanted to say thanks so much to path projects if you don't know path projects they in my opinion make some of the best running apparel that i've ever used they make shorts shirts liners hats and other accessories by far my favorite items to wear whether it's on short runs or long runs or events like this and i can't recommend them enough i'll include a link below also their website is and thanks so much i hope you enjoy if you have any questions or if i can be of any help feel free to leave a comment i'll make sure to get to all of them that i can and thanks again for watching almost two and a half miles in and these are starting to get pretty spectacular as you can see wow this really it's tough to run because you kind of can't really get much of a rhythm and for me if i put too much pounding on these downhills my quads my calves will be cooked by the time i get to the turnaround this gives you an idea of the switchbacks coming up so definitely a little bit of walking in here not so much running but something beautiful this is definitely a section that will remind you to have your toenails cut uh as short as possible because even with going up a half size and shoe you still feel your feet kind of banging up against the front of your shoes that's where it just came from and uh yeah starting to warm up a little bit probably getting into the 70s and uh starting to see the sun peek through a little bit starting to see people just saw a ranger got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that's a snack on six and a half miles about an hour and 50 minutes or so absolutely beautiful this is actually surprisingly dark see if i turn this off i can barely see anything [Applause] and once we get out have this amazing suspension bridge every step along the way mile 7.3 two hours and 10 minutes in starting to really feel like we're in the canyon now uh lots of runnable trails mile 7.6 [Applause] it comes out real easy like crystal clear we are at phantom ranch three hours and 11.6 miles we're starting to get a little bit of elevation gain starting to climb a little bit doing a little bit of power hiking when i can or walking when i can't power hike you can see it is lush down here of course we're near the river but you know knowing that we come from that just rock and dirt and dust and then down here you've got just this beautiful lush greenery um really seems like two different worlds only a couple miles apart there's cottonwood and there's one more spot there's water available right now it's the last one running and make sure to fill up there because it'll be the last opportunity before the big climb it's a rare kind of runnable section closer to the north rim pretty soon here we'll be doing nothing but climbing so take advantage of it a little downhill running in make up a little time we'll boost the confidence 4 400 feet of ascent 23 miles and 6 hours 15 minutes now at the super tunnel in the last two to three miles of ascent at the north rim and certainly feeling it um it's no joke trekking definitely a huge plus and make sure i have lots of water a beautiful view from the north rim descent starting to get a chance to see the the views that i guess you could say were earned on the way up we are on the downhill at the north rim it's much more pleasant than the uphill i might say and uh yeah much cooler as well oh man this is unbelievable unbelievable i think this is what they call the box at least it feels like it starting to learn what this uh desert heat is all about apparently it's around 112 today in the sun and tell you what you start running for a little bit and it feels like the heat just kind of constricts your breathing they're the horses of phantom ranch phantom ranch is that away and just now getting to the right angel south kaibab trail split this is the bright angel trail it's the silver bridge and then of course the river what an amazingly beautiful way to spend the day still on bright angel and i have to say it's almost like the views just keep getting better as i go and it looks completely different than kaibab like so much different that i feel like i'm in a completely different location 14 hours and 26 minutes in and this is extremely lush like just unlike anything else i've seen all day just as luscious can be and again towering over us huge slabs one thing i noticed on this section of bright angel is it is very stuffy feels like you are in a tight closet absolutely zero airflow just stagnant air so definitely something to be aware of i'm going to guess we got to climb all the way to the top i'll just hope that is not a fall summit that would be a bummer well bright angel started down there not long ago came all the way around and now we're up here i'm gonna keep going up this way so whatever i was thinking about it being gentle i may have been incorrect very beautiful but gentle is not the word i would use for it just left the last stop for water indian river maybe and uh saw a deer coming right out that's what that was apparently i have four and a half miles left is currently just shy of 15 hours which should put me at seven o'clock or just before i think if i can get done by 8 30 should still have daylight or at least a little bit enough to hike in and in theory it should only get cooler from here so the final push here it is almost looks like i'm in a valley surrounded by just big old slabs of rocks so somehow another i think if i'm not mistaken i got to get to the top of one of these to get over so only one way home that's up up up up and away on this trail there are a ton of deer it's probably the seventh and eighth deer or so i've seen since i got out of the last water spot slow and steady trying to visualize how this goes up does seem like a lot of feet in a pretty short period of time
Channel: Jason Cohen
Views: 816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Run, running, marathon, ultramarathon, grand canyon, training, healthy
Id: E3VvXqkQ05k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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