[런닝맨] '트와이스(TWICE) 레전드 모음집!' / 'RunningMan' Special | SBS NOW

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Bro, you're too enthusiastic in filming TWICE. I'm so embarrassed, In front of TWICE. You really shouldn't do that, this is your problem. How far were you going to come in. Dude, you were so quiet when there was a bee. He's too bad, really, he's too bad. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. Oh, Dahyun, all of a sudden. Oh, Dahyun, all of a sudden. You smiled at me, You smiled at me. No, she didn't. You didn't smile? She didn't, who would smile at you? Alright. Why are you blushing. If someone's caught, you have to be accurate, What do you mean alright. If Dahyun was caught, you should tell her to come out. She smiled so beautifully, so. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The flowers have bloomed. Hey, hurry up and eat. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. The Twice flower has bloomed. Kwangsoo, out. No, it's not that. Kwangsoo out, He's been continuously eating. Jaeseok is continuously drinking the soup. He's continuously drinking it. We're finished. We're finished. He's continuously slurping the soup. Finished, finished. They finished their food? Oh, isn't this out? Wow, Momo really eats well. Oh dear. When we were young, they sold conch and stuff in paper bags like this. You've never tried it? How do you eat this? Larger part, put the larger part into your mouth. Amd suck it. Try and suck it in. Hmm. It's good. Isn't it interesting? Isn't it interesting? It comes right out, doesn't it? I'm sorry, but why are you smiling all of a sudden. Why are you smiling all of a sudden. They're eating it so deliciously. You've never tried this before? We haven't. Wow, they sold this on the street when I was young. Wow, it's really good. Delicious, isn't it? Hey, if you eat them warm. It takes time. Oh, I hate it so much. Why are you smiling. Why the hell are you smiling. I mean it's Nayeon who like the food, why are you smiling when you're not the one eating it. Can't you show me that once? What? Sana's cheese kimbap. No, this is not the time for that, why cheese kimbap all of sudden. I mean, have you ever seen it? Oh, let's watch it for god's sake. Oh, let's watch it for god's sake. No, right now. It's really cute. No, they have to say hello and so forth. It's really cute. Oh, you have to say hello first. Dude, he does everything his way. Oh, you have to say hello first. Dude, he does everything his way. Come out. What the. Hey. What the heck is this? Man, everyone wants to watch it right now. What's your problem? Everyone wants to watch it. Oh, man. All the staff members are staring at you, too. Oh, are you all glaring at me because of cheese kimbap? You all want to watch cheese kimbap, right? Yes. Shout itout. Well, then Sana, can you show us cheese kimbap once. Okay, please say 1, 2, 3, start. One, two, three, go. Cheese kimbap. Cheese kimbap. Oh, that's great. Oh, I don't know what it is, but it's still nice. So we had a short conversation. What are these flies doing. I mean, they must be crazy. How dare you. Kwangsoo, flies. What are you doing. Let's go with Kim Jongkook. Kim Jongkook? Oh, Kim Jongkook? Kook is hard. Okay. Here we go, Kim Jongkook. Okay, Kim. Kimchi fried rice, I wanna eat. Kimchi fried rice, I wanna eat. Oh, this is how it goes. Jong. Jongkook, I wanna eat with you. Oh dear. Kook. Kook-kku-kka-kka. Kook-kku-kka-kka. Kook-kku-kka-kka. Hey, we can't beat this. With what, acrostic poem with what? Jongkook. Senior, Jongkook. Jongkook. Senior, Jongkook. It's me again. Go do it. Kimchi fried rice, promise me you'll make me one. Kimchi fried rice, promise me you'll make me one. Wow. Dude, I can't believe this. Oh, she's good, she's good. Oh, what the heck? Look at her face. God, I hate it so much. Kkook. Kkook. Oh my gosh, seriously. When Nayeon was doing hers, she was like what the heck is wrong with her, and here she goes saying kimchi fried rice. Kimchi fried rice. Kook-kku-kka-kka. What's wrong with her. Then I'll try it with Kwangsoo. Lee. From now on. Kwang. Kwangsoo falls for me. Kwangsoo falls for me. Oh no, he's already into her. Hey Kwangsoo, you're now. Soo. Suri Suri Masuri Yap. Suri Suri Masuri Yap. There she goes, there she goes. Wow, awesome, awesome. I love this kind of dance. Wow, the song is. Wow, she's so hot. Hey, Momo, you've changed a lot. Wow, she's really good. OMG, OMG. Wow. She's such a good dancer. This isn't the dance greeting, this is professional dance though? Girl, then what can other people do after you. Wow, she's shameless. She says she has to do it alone, alone. Oh, she's really good. Wow, so cool, so cool. She's good, isn't she? She became one with music. Oh my, oh my. Oh, she's good. What is this. No, she's good. That's awesome. It's casual, but sophisticated. Hey, she wants you to come, she wants you to come. Where is she looking at? Where, where? Where is she going? Huh? How many times is she coming out. Jaeseok, she's not dancing a couple dance. Fire. Hey, Dahyun is. Oh, awesome. There's nothing she can't do. She really good. It won't be at anywhere like this, right? No, I don't think so. Where should we go? No, I don't think so. Where should we go? Where are you going, Chaeyoung, wait for me. I'm sorry. Chaeyoung, wait, oh no. I'm sorry. Where are you going, Chaeyoung, wait for me. To where, where, be careful, Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung, be careful. What's wrong? Jingu's coming, Jingu. Huh? Jingu's here, Jingu, Jingu. Are you going to lay your hand on me? Kwangsoo is coming. Kwangsoo is coming. Hurry up and rip it. Run, run. Hey, Chaeyoung. Kwangsoo is coming. Kwangsoo is coming. Did you get ripped? Oh oh, mine got ripped. Chaeyoung deserted me. I ripped it, I ripped it, I'm sorry Sana, I'm sorry. Cabbage Sana, out. It's alright. Cabbage Sana, out. Why. Don't run away, don't run away. Oh, what is it? I am pepper. I know. I'm really pepper. I know. I'm really pepper, really, really. Give it to me, I'm so sorry. Really, Haha. Seriously. Haha, don't do it. Oh, Haha, I'm really pepper, seriously. Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Oh, they are not easy at all. No, please help me. It's all right, it's all right. I ripped it, I ripped it. Hey, her hair, her hair. Jingu, grab here, grab here. OK, OK, OK. Rip it, rip it. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, you can't. We got Nayeon, we got Nayeon. Oh, my hair. It's a mess. It didn't fall off. It hasn't come off yet, has it? Oh, I'm sorry. Isn't it still on? Am I dead? Am I alive? I'm alive, right? Huh? Isn't it okay to stick it on like this? It's enough, put on enough paint. Dahyun, Dahyun's putting a lot of paint. Wow, it's nice. Are you guys dying it? Pretty much? Are you ready? Yes. Are you going for a surgery, Dahyun? Are you going to operate, operate? You should operate, Dahyun. We're the attacker, right? Alright, you have 30 seconds to attack, the attack and defense changes at my whistle. I'm scared, I'm scared. Ready. Let's hang on for 30 seconds, 30 seconds. The attack and defense changes when you hear that sound. Great job. It's slippery. Good, good, good. Good job, good job. You just have to hang in there for 30 seconds. Way to go, Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon, Jeongyeon. Oh, you're almost there, you're almost there. Just 30 seconds, that's not it. Just 30 seconds, that's not it. Tzu-yu, Tzu-yu, she's coming down, she's coming down. Jeongyeon. Just 30 seconds, no. It's in. No. It's over, it's over. No. It's in. No. It's over, it's over. Jeongyeon, out. Jeongyeon, out, come on in right away, Jeon Somin. No, I mean. Somin, send one home. Press it. You just have to hang in there for 30 seconds, just 30 seconds. Oh, great. Oh, great. Dahyun, are you okay? Good defense. Dahyun. Dahyun really brought out the feel of this game. Somin, you're much faster. Get Somin behind you. No, no. Why, why, what are you doing? No, no. Why, why, what are you doing? The paint is on. Hands just go right in because it's slippery. Come on in, Kwangsoo. Come on in, Kwangsoo. You're both good at this. Run away. Run away. Oh, Kwangsoo is fast. Oh, Kwangsoo's here, Kwangsoo. Are we the attacker? Uh-huh. Are we the attacker? Uh-huh. Why are you running away. Run away. Run away. Tzu-yu out, Tzu-yu out. It's scary, it's scary. Dahyun. out. Oh, they're really scary. It's creepy, oh, Jihyo is so scary. OK, let's go, let's go. OK, here we go, Ready, Go. Hey, they're climbing to the top. They're moving up, they're moving up. Wow, Jihyo is so fast. Oh, Jihyo is really fast. Oh, Jihyo is really fast. Jihyo. Oh, Jihyo. You're doing great, Jihyo. Hurry up and go in, go in, Momo. Hurry up and go in, go in, Momo. Go inside, Momo. Get her, get her, go this way, this way, Momo, come this way, Momo, here, here, here. Get her, get her. Oh, got it. Jihyo, out, Jihyo, out. Really, did I get paint on me? Oh, Jihyo was really fast. Go inside. Do I go in? Do I? Ah, do I have to escape? You have to run, Jongkook has to run away. It's time to run away? Jongkook is in the game already? Wow, Jongkook is fast. Attack, attack. Run away, run away. What the, what is Chaeyoung doing. I'm sorry. No. Chaeyoung, out. Chaeyoung is out, Chaeyoung is out. Get her out, yes, great job. Let's go to the finals, to the finals. You're already the last one up. What the, did Momo go in? Hey, drive him to one area. Drive him, drive him, drive him. Oh, Jongkook. If we don't get Jongkook right now, it's game over. Mina, I'm sorry. This is the final round. I'm sorry Mina. Oh, got him. Kim Jongkook, out, Kim Jongkook, out. Jongkook is out. What happened to Jongkook. Great job Mina, great job. Do we attack? Mina, be careful. Be careful, be careful. Mina, hang in there. Oh, she's winning, she can beat Seokjin. Mina, hang in there. Hey, Seokjin. Seokjin is fast. Seokjin is a very fast crawler. Attack, attack. Seokjin is fast. Seokjin is a very fast crawler. Attack. Attack, attack. Haha. Yes, why, get away, get away. Kick him, kick him. He told me to kick you, he told me to kick. He told me to kick you, He told me to kick you. Name tag, stick on the name tag. Hey, time out. Your big toe penetrated. Donghoon, I really had no idea. Dahyun, out. We won, we won. If you touch Tzu-yu. We won, we won. If you touch Tzu-yu. Oh, you got her. She did it, she touched her. Oh, wait a minute. Tzu-yu is not out. Tzu-yu is not out. Why not? They blew the whistle first. Not yet, not yet. Dude, we're not ready yet. We were just talking, Come in when they blow the whistle. Seokjin, why are you angry, why are you angry. Are you gonna be so serious? Why is he so angry? What's this behavior. Oh, you don't have to express your anger. I wasn't expressing anger, I was making judgment, was it out or not. Why are you so angry. You just frowned right now, dude? No, you shouldn't have walked in at that time, you punk. Oh, you don't have to frown like this. Dude, what the hell. Okay, we'll continue. That's right, you shouldn't come in and tag someone when we're in middle of discussion. We have to get to that place first. We have to go up there. We have to go up there. Great job. Isn't that too disadvantageous though? Hey, we can't beat him if he kicks. We have to go up, we gotta go up there. Great job. We won. To the other side, other side, Sana. Hey, Sana, to the other side, from this side, from this side. That side. They're driven. Oh, it's a failure. Was I tagged? No, you weren't. 1 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:39,080 Jongkook. Oh, he's so good. Even Jiho doesn't ride it but Jaeseok rode a plane. Good job. Hey, you're good. Hey, go to that side. You are good. Hey, it's the other way, the other way. It's the other way around. Oh, it's so hilarious. Got them, got them. Got them, got them. Jaeseok, out, Jaeseok, out. This team won. Wow. I won without even going in there.
Channel: SBS NOW / SBS 공식 채널
Views: 4,243,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBS Entertainment, 예고, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 전소민, 양세찬, 런닝맨, running man Preview, Yoo jae suk, Haha, Song jihyo, Kim jong kook, Lee kwang soo, Ji suk jin, Jeon so min, Yang se chan, 오프닝멘트, 런닝맨 오프닝, 광수놀리는재석, 찐웃음, 나연, 정연, 지효, 쯔위, 사나, 모모, 미나, 채연, 다현, jyp, 걸그룹, TWICE, TZUYU, CHAEYEONG, DAHYUN, MINA, JIHYO, SANA, MOMO, JEONGYEON, NAYEON, 비글돌, 예능돌, 레전드, 애교, 심쿵, 예능, 모음, 다시보기, 요약, 하이라이트, 케미, 커버댄스
Id: ww4QfqTR3XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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