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(run run run) (Suddenly he's on a treadmill in a gym) Go away you, @#%! I'm seriously going to kill you, Jae Seok! Wow, look at San (Trying with the orthogonal method alone) Oh oh oh!! (Soapy Slope Climbing.zip) (This program contains indirect advertisements or virtual advertisements.) Now, the first six people, please gather here (The last mission for the prophets of the end of century) (Millennium Hang Out) Fighting, Se Chan, should I go first? Wow! Bro! It's slippery~ Hey, this is slippery How can we climb this up (It's more slippery than they thought) Can't we hold the side bars? You can't but if the mission seems too hard to complete, we'll let you hold them later (We'll let them hold the side bars later) PD: Also, there are towels on the mid-point Using those towels is our first tip to you (Go on top of the 1st slope and there will be towels there that you can use) PD: Now, the first team to stick both names will be in 1st place (At the very top of the slope, there is a NAME TAG ZONE) (If a team gets to put two name tags on the NAME TAG ZONE first, they will be the winner) - Ji Hyo, Arin - Fighting, fighting (Last chance to both win the prize and find out who the prophets are) (1R START) - Impossible, impossible, - PD: You can't hold on to the side bars Woooahh Woooahhh!! Wow, this is, wait a minute Hey, this is (sliding down) You can't even start off here (Even the Year 1999 kids can't make it through) Yeeyaa! (thump) This game is so fair (A fair game which physical ability doesn't matter) (run run run) (Suddenly he's like on a treadmill in a gym) No matter how strong I try to run with my thigh muscles, it doesn't work Push her! Push her! Push her and support her (collapse) How do you go up this (Everyone is just screaming at the start line) (The gym buddies are re-trying to start off again) It's working, it's working - Hey, this isn't possible - Brother, just one more time, once more (Did more aerobics exercise and failed) (Then, Ji Hee is holding on to the plastic sheet and climbing up!) Good job, Ji Hee, nice, do it, do it (Almost at the 1st peak) Ahhh!! (Capturing Ji Hee) (Another gym-lover who is fulfilling Ji Hee's unaccomplished dream) (grasp) Who is this… (Arin, who is hanging on to an uncle who's in a different team) (The game is starting to get messy...) (Then!) Wow, look at San (He is showing off the orthogonal method alone) Oh oh oh!! (Unfortunately, failed) Wow, San is good - Ji Hee, hold me and climb over me - Wait a second lol Climb over me, Ji Hee Ji Hee, hold her and climb over them! That's right, that's right Ah, Ji Hyo! Someone is pulling me from behind... (chaos) (Ended up doing the superpower show by himself) Ji Hee, come up, come up (Climbed up to the base camp in 1st place) Hey, someone from our team go up there too PD: Now, everyone We'll allow you to use the side bars (Allowed to hold the side bars) Hey, San, why do you have to do all that to just hold on to the side bar (He did all those hard moves but couldn't go far up) You're letting us hold on to this?! (Slippery slippery) You are letting us hold on to this? Hey, you mister! This is more slippery (Climber Kim is going up for the peak) (Falling back down?!) Woah hey!! (Just before falling off, he managed to stop himself) That was a close one He did it (Finally, San has succeeded to hold on to the slope) (But immediately pushed off) (Sly as a fox, he pushed San away) Brother~ Hehehehehe! Oh, how am I supposed to do this... (Ji Hee is climbing back up slowly) She did it Stop her (Both members of Team Yellow has arrived at the end of the 1st slope) (yayyyy) We did it I should've ate more just now... Wow, this is so tiring (Everyone is tired from this uneasy climbing of the Soapy Slope...) Hu...! (High-energy idol, who is still pumped up) Wow, he has so much energy~ He's running the entire day But, this team... Why did you only send Arin and Ji Hyo - Shouldn't one of you have gone out there - Right, we should have (Just observing their little sisters trying hard to climb up the slope with their arms crossed) (Instead of the two elders, Arin is trying her best) Oh, Arin is there (Two sisters of perseverance, Arin and Ji Hyo succeeded to climb up to the 2nd floor) (However, Jong Kook has climbed up to the peak first) PD: Ok, Jong Kook has arrived (If Ji Hee comes up, Team Yellow will be 1st place) Teacher Geum! Stop Ji Hee! Sister Sister Sister!!! Pull her back down!! Rippppp (Ji Hee's name tag fell down the slope) Thank you You do the same, you do the same Push Ji Hee down (Ji Hee is fighting with the just-arrived sisters at the 2nd floor) (While all that's happening, San also arrived at the 2nd floor) San, San Throw it away, that's right (The physical fight has started) PD: Se Chan, what are you doing by yourself lol Se Chan, what are you doing Captain Um Hong-gil! Captain Um Hong-gil! (Captain Um, who met a very difficult mountain) (With his ugly exhalation, he's trying to climb up the slope) Hey, this is so cool! Captain Um Hong-gil's partner's name is San! (Mountain in Korean) Wait for me, San! (1 minute until the game ends, if it ends like this, Team Yellow is 1st place) - I'll just go with blocking the people! - Okay, block them (The team that has the most team member at the 2nd floor will be 2nd place) - PD: 40 seconds left - Hey, San, hold this for me (Captain Um made a rope) San Hold it (Caught it?!) (What will Team Green's result be..?) (Failed to climb) 1st place is Jong Kook's team 2nd place is Ji Hyo's team 3rd place is Se Chan's team Did Se Chan do his best just now? (He failed his attempt at the every end) I think he can climb that up but he didn't... Bro, you try it I even tried so hard that my mic broke (People are suspicious of Se Chan's failure...) - Jae Seok and Jong Kook for our team - Jae Seok, Jong Kook - OK - OK Fighting! - Kook Jong, let's just make at the beginning - Okay, okay (Eyes wide open) START Riiiipe (Starting 2R with So Min's foul) Ah, good (thump) What's going on, So Min (Wait a minute) (thump) (Lots of dirty players are attending this round) (going under) So Min, So in (crashed) - Hey, be careful, why are you going in there (So Min is finding a path where there is no soap water) So Min, that's not allowed, So Min (No one is playing this round's game with just) Ah, she's so smart (That moment, Jae Seok is quickly moving forward) Hey, hey, hey, him, him San, catch Jae Seok! Hey, both of them are climbing up (Jong Kook and Jae Seok are leading) (Jong Kook arrives at the 2nd floor) Hey, Kook Jong! Hold me! (With Jong Kook's help, Jae Seok also succeeds) Ugh... Urgh... (Elderly who climbed up with so much effort is sent back down) I was almost there... Ughhhh!! Wow, he's going up even higher! (Jong Kook has arrived at the peak 1st place again) How do you climb this up We can't loose like this! What is this! HaHa - Who's the one who said we were doing everything wrong - Hold on to my leg (Jae Seok, climbing up the thick leg rope, reaches to the peak) It's over, it 's over... (With a fantastic teamwork, they are the 1st place) PD: The 2nd place is not decided yet, 2nd place (But, there's still 2nd place left, to fight for) - Good job - How did you do it? (Seok Jin is starting to climb up again) - Too slippery - Wow, Seok Jin is good Ahhh... Arg... (A climbing course where you need to breath heavily) Are they both drunk Looks like they are going back home drunk (A scenery of two fathers who are trying to get back home after drinking) Mister~ Did you drink a lot? Wait a minute... How did you get up there (With tenacity, the elderly has reached to the 2nd floor...!) How did he get up there... How on earth did that elderly get up there? (Mysteriously strong) (Then, the elder has dropped the rope) Hold it!! Please...! I'm holding myself with my chin (I can catch it...!) Brother, since we are 1st place (The 1st place team was watching that moment) (twitch twitch) Oh oh.... Oh oh!! Sorry, brother Hey you SEE... (Soap water sliding kick) (With the joke of the 1st place team, their dream has been crushed once again) I really slipped and fell (Sincerely apologizing while trying to hold on to his smile) Hey, do you know how hard I tired to get up there!! No... I slipped, I slipped, I'm really sorry, bro Yeah, I think he's being really apologetic, too (Jae Seok is crushing the elder's dream once more) Ah, Jae Seok, gosh I'm all out of energy now Hey, what are you, a slug? Oppa, I want to go forward, but I can't (Slug Jeon, who inhabits in the starting line) PD: Now, 1 minute left (Before the time ends, as many teammates need to be on the 2nd floor) Hey, HaHa, the one who goes up there now will be the 2nd place No, HaHa (Show off San arrives at the 2nd floor first) Go away you @#%! - So Min is going - So Min is coming, So Min is coming (Slug Jeon is moving forward little by little) Elderly is coming up lol Hey, the elderly is coming up to catch you (Elderly climber still hasn't gave up yet) So Min, look behind you, the elderly (Both members of team Green has arrived at the 2nd floor!) Jae Seok, that, I'm really going to kill him! (The game ends) 2nd place is San, So Min, Se Chan (2nd place Team Green/ 3rd place Team Blue) (Now it's time for HaHa, Seok Jin to get the penalty) (Penalty set by the members: Experience the soapy water slide in various postures) (Told them to choose their penalty, but they've decided a more annoying and humiliating punishment) (They were excited and enjoyed the penalty while the others splashed the soap water to them) Goo job, everyone (Thank you to the '99s' San, Ji Hee, Arin, who helped us save the world from the 'End of Century' Apocalypse)
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 5,595,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #런닝맨, #Runningman, #예능맛ZIP, Runningman, 예능맛ZIP, 런닝맨, 유장꾸, 양세찬, 김종국, 이광수, 지석진, 유재석, 하하, 송지효, 전소민, runningman, RunninMan, SBS, sbs, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, Ji Seok Jin, Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Haha, Gary, Yang Se Chan, Jeon So Min, 예능맛집, 런닝맨 레전드, 벌칙, 미끄럼틀, 최신화, 다시보기
Id: G9mIP4l4s9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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