RUNNING FROM AN EVIL HAG - Project Nightmares Case 36

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hey guys it's John and today we are playing project nightmares case 36 Henrietta Edward this is the demo for an upcoming horror game that is not publicly available the developers sent me it directly to my inbox so I'm not sure when or if it will be publicly available for you to play yourself but the developers do have a patreon I'll link that in the description and they also have an official web site project nightmares calm you can see it's scrolling along the bottom so let's go ahead and check it out this is a game that is procedurally generated and that seemed interesting to me everything we know about case 3:6 has to do with henrietta kedward apparently she was the evil old lady of the town her data were buried very well the people of project nightmares found a mysterious doll with a strong evil energy the man the store told them that he got that doll in a forgotten town in the south that's not a lot to go on hello that's not a lot to go on a forgotten town in the south how are they supposed to find it based on that information also what is project nightmares find the door that protects the mysterious evil energy okay so are we in that forgotten town in the south I don't know how we got here but let's just go we got a candle so we can see what's this henrietta ked words diary confession for the one who reads this is my confession maybe with time could understand what happened to my life i will try to explain everything since my adolescence i felt that i was different from the others an early age i discovered that certain subjects were forbidden to ordinary people more so for a woman after reading a book about witchcraft I felt curiosity and uncertainty about the occultism not only because of history but also because of knowledge about the mysteries of this world as my life past my passion for sorcery began to flourish how a simple mixture of substances can change a life is incredible and so it was ok thanks Henrietta for that enlightening bit of info so so she's a witch game looks really nice just aesthetically I really liked it I liked the blurry hand I don't know if that's just a camera effect or if my hand really is blurry that'd be a bad situation blurry hand ok there's a phonograph in their music box interesting dishes I don't think the dishes go here don't those go in the kitchen I think I can pick any of this up huh I'm guessing one of these was the favorite child but I don't know which one I'm so sorry I caressed his face I didn't even know that what's gonna happen okay let's keep going I like that the Waypoint is an arrow oh okay I guess this is a dead end can I hide in the cabinet I hope nothing's coming after me we'll go this way you know I hate to say it but there's a window right there you could just shimmy on out of here you wanted to so everything from now on anything it happens it's your fault for not leaving just so we're clear on that huh who freakin lives here they're messy oh this is the exact same cabinet we found earlier some mannequin hmm oh dude let's go in here I'll never mind that's fine then I don't want to go in there anyway try it anyway this looks interesting got a corpse bride up here looks like she was queen of something at some point maybe a Miss America winner with the red sash holding a fan are you getting hot oh you can run but you can't hide in every ritual or spiritual invocation a Magic Circle assault is traced that's what that is this serves to protect people from evil entities since they cannot cross it to chase away a spirit just toss a handful of salt easy just keep salt in your grimy little hand at all times you know maybe we should stay on this side of the barrier look at all that salt hey I've got salt with me at all times what the what oh I can't go back there's somebody up there they turn around though do you think that's Henrietta Edward what an awful last name I want to she had a brother named Edward that would be truly cruel Edward Edward sounds like the beginning of a nursery rhyme dude I hear footsteps what can I leave don't come here don't come over here [Music] nice she's so happy she ate she like tore up my throat okay we'll try again is this is this the same thing yeah it's her diary she labeled it confession twice just so we wouldn't get it twisted okay you know what that's different let him go off last time where is it oh [Music] it's appear I'm keeping my eye on you all right okay so I guess this is part of the procedural generation that we're seeing here wait this is already open it was already open what somebody's been doing here previously was it me I think it retains my progress it does okay so we know which way to go and we know what happens when we cross the salt barrier so maybe we'll go like the other way away from the salt barrier this time it's also worth knowing you cannot sprint because otherwise I'd be running all over the place in there do you think that old hag who worked my throat out doing that was Henrietta okay I like how that gets the heartbeat racing for this guy but the the evil cannibal hag doesn't okay that's where we went last time we're gonna go this way this time he was perfectly calm when she came racing around the corner it's a button I saw this in one of the other ones but I didn't press it I don't think you can press it that's okay I just like to keep bloody pictures of people in my nightstand where's this light coming from oh cool same same type of thing hmm does this open you think no it does not they really like that corpse pride they've got her picture everywhere I like how they I like how they reach out their hand like that it's like they're feeling really nostalgic about that picture ah my first love how I how I missed the because let's go back oops let's go back let's try to avoid Henriette this time what was that just a random event why would you ride your tricycle into the corner here follow me can't follow something that's not moving dumbass okay here we go we go to the left go back up well hide behind this I wish I could extinguish the flame so that she can't spot me as easily and she really bumps around doesn't she dude it sounds like it's back there just keep going forward red this isn't red let's keep going this way aha look at this what's this we did it find the key that opens the door with the Ouroboros symbol oh no she definitely heard me find the key where do you suppose the key is do you think that's procedurally generated I'll she's right there dude oh don't go this way please oh this is open over here again I'd be sprinting right about now go go go go go pass the salt ha ha ha you cannot come after me Henrietta is this this is a different area right I think it is it is ok I think so anyway yeah okay answer it it's not plugged in is it they never are I mean can I I think I can interact with it I think it's just gonna sit there and ring it would call this old broken-down house excuse you somebody's gotta clean that up you know can open these up okay we get yeah we got we gotta look for a key so that's we're looking for now I know because before it was just like why am i opening these drawers there's never anything in them at least she's like confined to that salty space you know huh face in the window damn hello where'd you come from bye-bye don't come after me now okay it looks like there's something over here actually feel like a keep hearing things behind me oh it seems to be the Ouroboros doors key ah we have found it use the key to open the door good thing I checked these drawers okay so you taught me to go back there what's this is it literally a heart oh the strange statuette it looks like an ancient god it's Cthulhu right so we gotta go back in there we got to find the salt I saw that I saw that from beginning to end shut up candle lights wavering I believe it was here yeah yeah here's the white glow of the salt okay here we go now I I can't remember where the door is I I left because I think she's like right there we're safe behind the salt barrier yeah yeah I hear oh yeah sorry not today freakin leave okay so I think yeah she's right there I think it's this way but I can't really remember I think I go to the left here yes here it is got it it's probably gonna kill us anyway but let's try it use the key is key Wow she took that really hard hello okay okay so that was the end of the demo [Applause] [Music] you know not bad so yeah project nightmares case 36 I don't know how they're gonna make a full game out of this if it's just a procedurally generated hallway find the key to the door type of thing thanks for playing buying the demo you helped us finish his development buying the demo is a demo for sale we are working to make project nightmares a tile that would live up to the horror genre remember that we were only to be working on this Ignacio and the Claudio so yeah that was really good for something made only by two people that's not bad at all I I really like the design of things I like that it's not just a bunch of pre-made assets at least I don't think it is because like I remember seeing the doll anywhere before and I remember seeing those two monsters they were before so I assume that they're custom-made for this game and if so that is a plausible by itself on its own so I like that about it I like how the game looks I think it's got the look down I think it has I think it has everything it needs aesthetically I think they've got that part done it's cool where I struggle a bit to complement it too much is on the gameplay which this is just a demo but right now it was just walking around hallways key hunting which isn't bad for 20 minutes it was about how long I played it yeah 25 minutes I don't mind doing it for that amount of time but if this were a full experience a full game and it was multiple hours long you know two three four whatever it ends up being I think I would definitely want more to do and that's not to say I would want more items to find or anything I I think what this games missing for me right now is like a unique gameplay mechanic or something special to it that you can something actionable that's special to it I'll give a good example so one of my favourite free indie horror games is a game called notes of obsession and I played it several several months ago really great title made by a small team and one of the things that made it really enjoyable was not only that it had a good creature it had nice graphics it was very nice aesthetically but it had this music box as its core piece of gameplay and you would use the music box to find hidden symbols and that gave it the the umph that it needed something unique to the gameplay and I think that this game needs something like that I don't think it should be anything like it's a special camera and when you look through the camera usually things that aren't there when you dog the camera because too many games are doing that crap so I don't have any specific recommendation as to what it could be but it definitely needs that if it has and it's able to you know keep up a good story pacing throughout a multi hour experience I think this could be something very enjoyable and definitely above average so it's intriguing for now but again we've only played 20 minutes of it so once again if you want to contribute to the developers patreon I help them out with developing this game I'll leave that link in the description and let me know what you thought about project nightmares case three six in the comments the lightning strikes a little too often on the menu very very small criticism it's only because I'm sitting here for minutes on end monologuing but yeah let me know what you thought and I'll see you in the next video think critically [Music] you
Channel: John Wolfe
Views: 220,242
Rating: 4.9590807 out of 5
Keywords: Project Nightmares, Project Nightmares Case 36, Project Nightmares Case 36 Henrietta Kedward, Project Nightmares gameplay, Project Nightmares demo, Project Nightmares jumpscare, Project Nightmares horror game, Project Nightmares game, horror game, scary game, John Wolfe
Id: PnH5Ai6QieA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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