Runescape Creator Reveals New Game - Everything You Need To know About Brighter Shores

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guys this is not new RuneScape content this is a brand new RuneScape like game made from the original creator of RuneScape let's get into it Andrew go along with his brother Paul crafted the early days of RuneScape and founding jagex but Andrew left jagex in 2010 well after a decade of Silence we finally understand why we've sort of known that he was working on a project but we didn't really know what that project could be obviously we were all speculating it could be like another Runescape or it could be a completely different thing but as you can see by some of these screenshots it looks like RuneScape but another version of RuneScape it looks honestly pretty cool obviously I'm a nerd to these type of games cuz I love RuneScape I've been playing it for 15 plus years you know the game play looks identical to RuneScape I think it's his signature style it obviously looks like RuneScape but you would sort of expected to have a similar look to RuneScape rather than something else I honestly appreciate the look that he's going for here brighter Shores is a set in the world of Adria at least I think I'm saying that correctly but I did Google translate and that's how she's saying it this game is grid based just like RuneScape so it's all tiles you can even see on this game playay how profound the tiles are compared to RuneScape you could actually click on it and know oh I'm on this tile so what's different about brighter Shores than RuneScape obviously it has a similar style a similar feel a similar look honestly but this is what's going to set it apart there is going to be a heavy emphasis on Crafting allowing players to truly immerse themselves in the world I'm not sure if this means that we're going to be able to craft literally everything we need I think that would be an awesome game mode I know that we're always getting drops in RuneScape but I think it would be really cool if you have the ability to craft all these crazy items yourself but it would obviously cost resources also a change in the game the skills are not actually called skills they're called professions these professions include Fisher forger Chef wood cutter Miner Alchemist stonemason mer merch and blacksmith but the team does promise many more in the future the team at Finn research say the game will be constantly expanding with new content being released in an episodic format noting that each episode features its own unique side quests professions and lands as well as advancing the central story rder Shores is going to be free to play but there will be a premium pass my guess is that this is basically just membership you'll be able to have unique character name exclusive armor dies the ability to change names and player toplayer trading so player-to-player trading is not going to be in the free version of the game my guess on this move is because of the bot problem you saw how quickly people are botting in the old RuneScape the RuneScape classic there was Bots already in that so he's very careful about it now there's going to be three character classes like they have in World of Warcraft like they have in Diablo like you could be a rogue and all that stuff in those games the classes for brighter Shores are going to be called cryonite Hammer Mage and guardian Gower aims also minimize the grind often associated with MMOs offering players a more relaxed gaming experience so I'm wondering if it's not going to take as long to level up or maybe even get loot I'm not sure exactly how he's going to go with this but some of the screenshots show levels going above even 200 so I'm very curious on that for me being a Skiller really in RuneScape this is very exciting to me cuz I'm like I don't have that level cap of 99 you're telling me I could go even above 200 and who knows how far maybe even to a thousand that's what I'm theorizing or even past that I mean I don't understand why there would be a level cap at this state of technology I understand back in the day there might have been some spaghetti cat that it couldn't go up to a certain number I'm not sure exactly the logistics cuz I'm not a computer scientist but for people like me that just love seeing the number go up this is going to be a great dopamine release I'm also very curious on how the class system will actually work it would be awesome if it worked like every other MMO where it's like you got the Healer you got the Mage and like there actually was some sustance to choosing your role I think it'll add another element of Team based strategy rather than just okay we're all going to wear the best gear or whatever you know so forth I think it would be really cool to see how they Implement these skills I mean the guardian would be pretty cool if it was a Healer or if it's the actual tank um we'll just have to see Andrew and the Finn research team have developed its own engine and programming language for this game it's called fin Forge I don't feel like this is that common anymore because I know like the big studios like the frostbite engine and all that stuff some companies are going to like the Unreal Engine or just any other engine that's already pre-built but this could be pretty nice in our favor because they could add whatever really they want because they've created it from the ground up the big question here is when does this game release it's actually releasing this year in quarter 3 which is in a range of July to September so we could see this as early as this summer I'm super excited about the potential of this game because if it comes from the original creator of the OG RuneScape the thing that started everything for everybody getting scanned for their trim their whatever I believe RuneScape really needed some competition in this space they really have been the only skill based game there isn't many games that have this many skills and you could put that many hours into you I know that this is going to be probably a more relaxed version of RuneScape where your levels are going to go a little faster but I'm sure there's going to be plenty of bragging rights in this game as well that's honestly why I like leveling because it's like oh yeah I wasted all this time clicking a tree and now I have this cool Cape that is the coolest thing to me and I hope they continue that in brighter Shores let me know what you guys think about this do you guys think brighter Shores is going to be the RuneScape killer or you think it's just going to be mid let me know in the comments down below if you made it this far in the video please subscribe for more brighter Shores content I plan on making this a regular series whenever brighter Shores news drops so please drop that subscribe until next time God speed
Channel: SEPH
Views: 7,786
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Keywords: BrighterShores, RuneScape, AndrewGower, BrighterShoresGameplay, BrighterShoresReview, games like runescape, skills like runescape, new runescape, runescape creator, Runescape news, Brighter shores news, brighter shore, Brighter shores, Brighter shores gameplay, Brighter shores skills, everything about brighter shores, Skilling like runescape, Runescape like game, brighter shores classes, brighter shores skilling, brighter shores level cap, Andrew Gower, Gower new game, All skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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