Run Windows, macOS, Android, Linux simultaneously in same PC. Possible??

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hello everyone this is kedar here from how to guys this video is gonna be really epic as we are going to try something really useful i get this question frequently can i able to install all the operating system in same pc at the same time and i'm talking about all the operating systems like windows linux mac os android and all the operating system running parallelly in a same pc at the same time and let me tell you guys i did lots of experimentation to do this also there is a harder way and easier way which was quite surprising so sit back and enjoy all the experimentation i did in order to run all the operating system in a single pc and without further ado let's get started now with the help of virtual machine you can run pretty much any number of operating system onto a single system but clearly that's easier said than done to set up a single virtual machine i need to tweak with lots of settings and parameters in order to get a single vm up and running so looks like this one is really inefficient way what you need is a one click method to open up any operating system and what if i tell you there is a way with one click you can open up any operating system just like that so maybe if you want to test a small little feature in a particular operating system or if you want to run windows or mac os side by side that kind of things you can do with this one and not just two if your pc is capable you can run pretty much all the operating system side by side with this one i think this is really cool to even just try it out so without further ado let's get started the method i am going to show you will run highly optimized desktop virtual machines for linux mac os windows or pretty much any operating system in just two commands the original objective of the project was to quickly enable testing of linux distributions where the virtual machine configurations can be stored anywhere and no elevated permissions are required to run the virtual machine now quick emu is a wrapper for excellent qemu and this one automatically does the right thing rather than giving you all exhaustive configuration options so you can really install any operating system in pretty much one click quick emu is available from personal package archives for ubuntu users and to install quick emu and all dependency you can run few commands in your terminal so here i have copied the first command i will open up the terminal and let's copy each of the command in our terminal link to the github page for quick emu project is given in the description below so you can head over there so one by one i have entered all three commands the first command is to add the repository then second one is for updating it then third one is to quick emu installation okay so now that our quick emu installation is done now we will proceed further for quick gui installation then here again we got three commands you can put this one by one in your command prompt first one adds the repository then second one updates it then third one is for quick gui installation and that's all you need to do now you can simply minimize all this and we will go ahead and open up our quick gui and here it is up and running now let me tell you this one makes your job really simple before we start i'm a big fan of dark mode i will turn that on can set your language over here and here you have only two options you can create new machines or manage existing machines so first let's create new machine then here we got three options first you can choose your operating system right from the list so it's really simple to install and the operating system collection goes on and on right from the linux mac os ubuntu all the linux distros even android then we got kali linux garuda linux and i'm particularly interested to see how mac os runs that's gonna be really interesting one anyways i will not take much of your time and let's move forward now all the tests i am running on to my ubuntu 21.10 version so i will recommend you to install this ubuntu desktop version and with that being done let's continue installing all the operating systems so first i installed pop os and many other operating systems but first let me show you the pop os then we got android 9.0 and popo is did worked out flawlessly i'm installing it i already tried installing bunch of the operating systems you can see those already here you can see this is lubuntu bionic and already i'm able to use the machines without any problems and while we are installing pretty much all the operating systems this one really catch my attention which is mac os and all the versions are available like big sur catalina and even the latest montre is also available now i tried installing basically every version of mac os starting from the catalina big sur monterey but sadly none of them worked later on i found out my ryzen processor is causing all this issue or maybe it's my tiny little 8 gigabytes ram now i booted up my intel system and let's see whether the mac os loads up here or not so let's open up mac os bixer whoa we are getting something guys whoa i did not thought even the installation screen will open up but you can see mac os bixer is installing without any problems looks like you need intel system to get your mac os up and running that was brilliant so while the installation is going on i will install some more os and get back to you now strange enough while installing windows 10 i got this error a really long error if you got the same error don't worry i got the solution so here you can go into the input here select usb device for redirection and then you can select whatever usb keyboard that you have plugged in and then you can able to press the keys so here you can see i got this keyboard so let me select my usb keyboard and let's close this in order to restart your vm there is no physical power key so you can press ctrl alt or delete and just like enter keys rapidly to boot up your windows installer and you can see my another installation is still in progress still i can able to access my windows installer that's great it took a decent amount of time to install the windows but here it is you can see up and running and it is working perfectly fine going into the settings this one is utilizing 4 gigabytes of ram and i'm using my 8th gen i3 cpu running at 4 gigahertz now at this point of time i installed pretty much all the operating system that i frequently use now let me boot it up all the operating systems and we will see is it gonna be too much for my tiny little 4 gigahertz i3 cpu and with 16 gigabytes of ram how much operating systems can be able to open let's see so at this point i realized like i can open up how many os that i want but can i really able to see all of those in one screen and can my brain handle all those operating systems at the same time maybe you got perfect reason to open up lot of operating systems do let me know in the comments down below so i hope you found this video helpful make sure to hit that like share this video subscribe to our channel and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: How To Guys
Views: 1,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creating a virtual machine, windows virtual machine, linux virtual machine, linux, install virtual machine, create virtual machine, how to install virtual machine, virtual machine ubuntu, ubuntu, how to create virtual machine, kvm, kvm virtual machine, kali linux virtual machine, virtual machine for linux, quickemu, how to install macos on virtualbox, macos monterey virtualbox, qemu tutorial, virtual machine, virtual machine windows 10
Id: IBqIwcD9NjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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