Run Free - The true story of Caballo Blanco - FRAGMENTS ONLY

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while they're at war we come together to make peace here in the bottom of a canyon all right you guys we write in peace see out there Maria runs on Keys runs in peace it's inspiring we just heard that there might be up to 500 runners for the race which is enormous and that makes me really happy it's very good yeah we got good friends on the starting line as well so yeah so yeah just looking forward to there the struggle and the dust and the sweat and pain um all that should make it a good day in the mid-90s I ran with the robbery in the lead bill 100 mile race in Colorado after that race I began to come to the copper canyons it was kind of my inspiration of my motivation to begin to come to the Canyonlands I took out a notice at a public radio station in Boulder Colorado that I was looking for coats and sweaters to bring to the high mountain village yogeeta were my reverie friends that I ran with lived and within a week I had 400 quality coats and sweaters that I put in my camper truck and I drove down to the copper canyons and that's how I first became affiliated with the copper canyons he was searching for something himself he was kind of searching for an identity or that thing that he really wanted to to do I don't feel like he felt he belonged in Colorado or and you know after his his his boxing career I think he just wanted to find something to do and he also wanted to find some peace and when he finally came down here he found his identity you know and and he loved the guitar mara but he also loved just running through the Sierra alone and so I think he was you know just like any of us I think he was searching searching for something within himself after spending a week there I had heard that the deep canyons bought the bailiffs in particular were really warm and subtropical climates and lots of traditional were a marine lived down there so I set off in my truck and I headed for block kapila's this is my house up on the cliff all the locals call my house else table a caballo Blanco the stable of the horse and it's kind of a stable it's pretty rustic of course making it up the trail is another adventure give me a tour okay well there's the one of the guest bedroom the windows the Kabyle bed the caballo stove the bottle left in my life would you stop is stashed inside of here my personal items we just took a about a 13 mile trail dirt run out to the rememory village of Machu yo soy el caballo Blanco kawaki vamos hacer la carrera ultra vason or ek Robi are not Karen pinche turistas pero yo cureless were Emery you'll Carol Quatro Santos corridors Quattro cientos garner doors yo quiero total cigar Lomita para correr Skagen are what who Kawara who co which which a good stuff yes it's a lot of work it's a lot of work for one guy I've only seen a little bit of it I've only been here for a couple weeks and it's a lot of work there's local aspects you know like local government local people who helped organize that he needs to orchestrate you know there's a lot of logistics then all the traveling around is parts of it is him going to to local officials as well and asking about you know how are the people doing are they having proper food are they being fed what's going to happen with the runners coming from the hills to the villages do they have places to stay do they have places to sleep will will the encampment here be ready what's it going to be like how how are the people going to be there are they going to be comfortable he got a ton of blankets just that's one example you know just to distribute to the people to make sure they're they're not cold you know when they get here and so on so he he organizes every single aspect of that single-handedly car morons are necessary super athletes is maybe born to run refers to them as their humans just like us that don't train for races they they live running on a daily basis and have been doing that for centuries running is important to them because they've always lived in the boondocks and I've always lived in very remote places and to get around and to chase down their goal turd go turds and it's just the natural thing to do we all used to be very good runners all of us all all cultures are just the most of us have forgotten how there are every still live closer to their traditional a little closer to the earth that they live closer to their genetic memory if you will and they run and it also brings the material gain of the village the traditional ball race the Rara heat Berets it's all about bringing corn and material goods gain back to the village you you they live with money running is at the center of this culture and that's an amazing it's a beautiful and it transpires through them and I think this talks a lot for the running people of the world they love to run for the pure love and joy of it and that's what caballo was trying to continue is to make sure that they held on to that when the book came out Paul's were coming in to him please come and speak to our running group or here there and everywhere I was all over the world I think he realized that you know this was an opportunity to to reach out and talk to more people about how things really were in the canyons for people what these people are really like because you know that they were attending to be caricatured in the medium various forms and he liked to talk about who these people really were I think he felt good about how much people responded to what he was doing and created almost like a family around him that's part of it but part of it is that Mike really found love here in the copper canyons I'm just known as la mati pulse' the butterfly goes through a big metamorphosis in their life they start off in wrapped up in a deep cocoon suffering in darkness and loneliness and despair at times yet somehow they see the goodness of life and the goodness of others and the goodness of just beauty around them and they break out is this beautiful butterfly I'm flying among and touching those who they meet with some sense of happiness it no matter how tough things are in life or how slow you are in your run or whether you think you can take that other step you'll find your strength and just the simplicity and the beauty of the butterfly Maria was able to be there for him in ways and enjoy him in ways that I I don't think he's ever experienced before the very first time that I came to Colorado to run with him you know was right here it is fun I laughed so much with him to me he was always just Myka um the times that I did call him caballo was when I'd be so proud of him or he'd be running a race and I'd be like whew caballo Blanco and he'd be like please don't call me that he didn't want to be a star or anything like that but I would remind him that you know what it's important I think it's important that there's good images if you out there people are interested in you and then each time he came he would say listen you know let's go do some photography and he would he'd be reluctant he didn't want to do it need to say no and then wake up in the morning and say let's go for a run bring your camera the image on the cover of the book Born to Run was the silhouette the blue sky and the first time I saw it I was in a an airport I'm not sure I was going but walking through an airport and it was a book bookstore and there's a one of my photographs on this big stack of books but they had removed Myka I didn't do that they did I'm not sure why they felt that it looked the composition was better with one figure instead of two I would think that he would be offended that he wasn't included because he knew that he was in the original photo and then then here it comes published and he's not in there that was kind of a weird deal he's been depicted as a lone wanderer of the Sierra Madre the lone wanderer of the High Sierra and for him that expression to him meant that he was like always wandering lost without a purpose without a vision that's how he would internalize it he said I'd rather be known as the lone dreamer because I always had this dream and I thought it would work and it all come came together and you know he always says it's a beautiful thing so he still was a dreamer after the book came out I mean it I think for him he never gave me the impression that he had changed the environment around him probably had changed you know I think armen around him was maybe too intense for his own liking at times and at times it wasn't he stayed true to who he was and that was never gonna change regardless of the book and he was going to make sure of that without Micha having a vision for how it should be there's no way I could have been that way no matter who was there he set the stage he educated people and everyone together created this wonderful event that just kept growing maika trues body was found Saturday in a remote area near New Mexico's Gila National Forest he had vanished four days earlier heading out for a morning jog the cause of death is unknown he was 58 years old thank you for loving me people say well he died what he loved doing and I don't like that expression I just know that he lived what he loved doing if he couldn't run he wasn't so happy he just he always had to be out there not because I have to run to be in shape to be a better athlete it's like it this is the way I pray this is my meditation this is the gift that I give back to God and Mother Earth by blessing her pathway with my feet and that's the gift that I think we should all appreciate together to remember Micah the ramree are coming in bigger numbers and ever before and because they know that it's a memorial for Formica it's not just to run running is a small part of this story it's just the people be cool to each other be nice and create opportunities for people to do good and that's that's a caballo Blanco way you can just keep bringing people to this race and the family keeps growing we're we're very tight even if we've never met really it's about the people and the family and the perspective of what's important in life and it's it's this you know hanging out and with the amigos and amigas and having fun and a lot of hugs and mas locos we're creating peace and we're creating good things and that's all we can do is do what we can this this race event is an example of that
Channel: Vesst Che
Views: 205,502
Rating: 4.8978829 out of 5
Keywords: Ultramarathon (Sport), Micah True (Athlete), tarahumara, Caballo Blanco, ultra, running, mexico, copper canyons
Id: eDB89xcLCOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2015
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