Born To Run Coach Eric Orton: Run Technique (Part 1)

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Here I am in a standing position demonstrating the forefoot strike it's right there I'm landing with my forefoot and then letting my heel come down I feel this is the most important aspect of good running form is where you strike the ground definitely not heel striking so you're striking with your forefoot right there and then letting your heel drop so forefoot or the ball your foot and then let the heel drop so again I feel this is the most important aspect of all running which was why I think it's really not that difficult just take some patience when making a transition to a forefoot strike especially if you've been a heel strike or even a flat footed striker this is a great drill and exercise to help drive home what it feels like to strike the ground with your forefoot notice how I'm just jumping from my ankles I call these ankle jumps and how I naturally just land with my forefoot first and then let the heel drop you can also start to see that even though we're not moving forward here that running with the forefoot strike is almost like a jumping movement notice how all my leg muscles fire again I'm landing with my forefoot firing all my legs that's going to help stabilize my knees my hips which is crucial for maintaining strength remaining injury-free and just being an overall powerful runner years as a coach I've conducted over a thousand hours of personal training events on runners and one of the most common issues I see runners have is glute stability and mainly glute medius stability it's that muscle right there that acts as a stabilizer allowing you to provide power to move forward it's probably one of the most important muscles you have right there and as you drive that knee up you've got to squeeze that glute so I'm mimicking the running gait here to demonstrate will demonstrate more in the part of the video to come but I just wanted to really drive home how important it is so you're driving that knee up something that goes up something must go down and that's that stance leg it drives into the ground fires your glute acts as a stabilizer so you can power forward and most importantly stabilizing your leg so you don't have eggs and pains you don't over stretch your hip flexors you don't over stress your IT band we've all heard that before that's not common it shouldn't be it is common but it shouldn't be okay so work that glute stabilizer right there try this drill at home very hard practice perform to perfect here's another great drill and exercise simply running in place it kind of ties everything together that we're going to go forward with in this video so notice there's my forefoot strike then I let my heel drop and notice how I might I Drive my knee up once you start running that knee kind of drives forward but again notice how just simply running in place almost like jumping rope where you just naturally can't do it wrong can't heal strike just only thing that changes when you move forward as your body angle it's a great exercise all right here I am in action let's put the forefoot strike into action so here I am running down the bike path like I said earlier I think forefoot striking is the most important aspect of running with good form everything starts here everything starts with the feet and works its way up from a strength standpoint and from a running standpoint it's right there I'm approaching my forefoot landing on my forefoot my big toe is acting as a stabilizer which stabilizes my arch and which carries stabilization all the way up through the knee through the hip very very important everything starts at the feet it'll help your tight IT band it'll help your eye tight hip flexors and help really really fire the glutes in a stabilizing manner and creating more power so really really important stay patient that's the hardest part about this it's not not hard just stay patient with it okay in this clip we're going to focus on the stance leg stabilization and like I mentioned in the last clip stabilizations super super important so there's my forefoot strike notice how I absorb the strike with my ankle my knee my hip that's creating stabilization starting at my big toe all the way up to my hip okay firing all the muscles in my leg appropriately they all working together as one creating appropriate stabilization to allow me to propel myself forward so I'm working as one unit in a relaxed manner notice how upright I am not leaned over and not over striding you okay in this clip we're going to continue to take the gate just a little bit further with that stance leg and notice how right there I'm striking with my forefoot but then I come up on my toes but notice how my ankle stays neutral okay they come along again I'm up on my toes and notice the stance leg now is extending straight okay very important that provides power through the glutes all right power into the ground activating your glute to propel yourself forward so forefoot strike into the toes and a straight leg activate that glute and then I'm on to the other side again looking reaching for my forefoot strike and continuing on with my gait now we're going to focus on what it called an e drive the neat drive is what happens to the stands lake as soon as it leaves the ground so instead of having the mindset of taking that foot and pushing back or doing a kick I like to think about driving the knee forward so I like to tell my athlete as soon as that stance lake strikes to ground you should have the mindset is you're going to drive it forward right there as quickly as you can that's where the cadence comes in but it's driven forward have the mindset of driving that knee forward right there and not back behind you everything happens in front of you to think about the drill running in place similar similar to what we're showing right here except we're moving forward now so you're driving that knee forward just like running in place practice that drill do forefoot strike and then boom the Lee knee goes forward right there and left leg right there you wanted to finish up with a little bit of he'll work hills are great for strength training but also practicing good technique in run form it's it's really hard to run uphill improperly err with bad form and out here in Jackson Hole we have a ton of hills so come on out we'd love to see ya on the trails see ya you
Channel: Born To Run Coach Eric Orton
Views: 1,295,300
Rating: 4.9084454 out of 5
Keywords: eric orton, chris mcdougall, born to run, running, run tecnhique, running form, ultra running, scott jurek, barefoot ted, barefoot running, run form, 100 ups, +christopher McDougall
Id: XaYQwq6TnXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2011
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