Rumi Quotes - Overcome the Illusions of the Matrix | Sufi Meditations on the World's Fleeting Nature

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foreign [Music] of your souls oh go in Yonder Direction for there lies your Open Country this world is finite [Music] that other is infinite image and form are a barrier to that reality from These Foolish children [Music] X Out the carcass of this fleeting world so finely that with it he buys from the 200 rose gardens by Magic he produces such moonshine that by means of his magic he carries off from worthless folk a hundred purses of money their eyes have been sealed by a mighty in enchantment so that they have sold such a precious Pearl for rubbish this Pearl is superior to put worlds the highest success belongs permanently to him who does not take the bait and sees the danger of imprisonment in the Trap how excellent are two Noble and Discerning eyes that preserve the body from corruption [Music] beware this worldly Empire is a Talisman and a Dead image I has led the foolish astray from the right path it appears to wink the foolish have made it their support and have put their trust in it [Music] all the pleasures of this world are very delightful when viewed from a distance before the actual test seen from a distance they appear like refreshing water but when you approach them they are a mirage the world is a business hag though by reason of her great blandishments she displays herself like a Young Bride heart by her robe which is mixed with poison have patience for patience is the key to Joy her bait is visible her trap is hidden at First Sight her favors seem sweet to you no one looks back and regrets leaving this one what's regretted is how real we thought it was how much we worried about phenomena and how little we considered what moves through form why did I spend my life denying death death is the key to truth [Music] no one who has passed away from this world feels sorrow and regret and disappointment on account of death no but he feels a hundred regrets for having missed the opportunities saying to himself why through seeing double did I make the lifelong object of my attention those Phantoms that vanished at The Faded hour the grief of the Dead is not on account of death it is because as they say we dwelt upon the phenomenal forms and this we did not perceive that those are a mere form and foam and that the foam is moved and fed by the sea [Music] when the sea has cast the foam flakes on the shore go to the graveyard and behold those flakes of foam then say to them where is your movement and gyration now sea has cast you into the crisis of a deadly malady in order that they may say to you not with their lips but implicitly ask this question of the sea not of us how should the foam-like phenomenal form move without the wave how should the dust rise to the Zenith without a wind foreign the dust namely the form perceive the ocean of Creative Energy the bird is flying up high and its shadow is speeding on the earth flying similar to a bird some fool begins to chase the shadow running after it so far that he becomes powerless not knowing that it is the reflection of that bird in the air not knowing where the origin of the Shadow is shoots arrows at the shadow the quiver is emptied and seeking to shoot it the quiver of his life became empty his life passed and running hotly and Chase of The Shadow but when the shadow of God is his nurse it delivers him from every Phantom and Shadow the shadow of God is that servant of God who is dead to this world and living through God lay hold of his skirt quickly without misgiving that you may be saved at the end of the last days of the world natural beauty is a tree limb reflected in the water of a creek quivering there not there the growing that moves in the soul is more real than the tree limbs and Reflections we laugh and feel happy or sad over all this try instead to get a scent of the true Orchard taste the vineyard within the vineyard the man said to him o commander of the faithful how did the Spirit come to the Earth from above how did the infinite Bird go into that cage Umar replied God recited spells and incantations over the spirit when he recited spells over the non-existences which have no eye or ear they began to stir because of his spells the non-existences at that very moment are dancing joyously into existence [Music] cops which are phenomenal forms lest you become a Carver of idols and an idolater abandon the cops namely the phenomenal forms do not Tarry there is wine in the cup but it is not derived from the cup there is spirit in the body but it is not derived from the body open your mouth wide to The Giver of the wine when the wine comes the cup will not be lacking God said oh Adam seek my heart enthralling reality take leave of the husk and outward form of the Forbidden wheat [Music] other than God Appears to you it is the effect of his illusion and if other than God vanishes from sight tis his Awakening [Music] I traveled from town to town but I haven't seen a city like the city of love at the beginning I didn't appreciate the value of that City and because of my ignorance I suffered very much in Exile I left the land of sugarcane and kept eating grasses in the pasture-like animals why did I prefer meat and onions Mana or Quail like the people of Moses anything I hear in this world besides the sound of Love is nothing but the noise of drums because of that noisy drop I dropped from the universe of wholeness to the world of the temporary the vehicle which you will curse in the end saying you resemble a flourishing City but you are really a ruined Village curse it now while it still appears to you like a city an order that ultimately you may not have to unload in the wilderness curse it now when you still possess a hundred Gardens lest you become unable to renounce it and become devoted to the wilderness [Music] suppose the Empire is the Empire of the West and the east since it will not remain deem it to be as fleeting as a lightning Clash oh you whose heart is slumbered know that the kingdom that does not remain unto Everlasting is but a dream [Music] give us patience and generosity and Clarity to see through the images that appear there is a wonderful world of God don't look for it in this imaginary world for even one moment God is the only Confidant for this world patience is the key to suffering everything good or evil comes from the causer oh Father causes and means are nothing but a phantom that has materialized on the King's Highway in order that the period of heedlessness may endure for some time do not suffer all this anguish for the sake of mere forms grasp the reality without suffering headache on account of a form please you've heard the line this present life is a play thrown off your clothes and the fun of living they floated away in the wind and now you're scared while it's still day I've realized that men are thieves and that most of life is wasted half and looking for a lover and half and worrying over the plots of our enemies the former Desiring carries off our cloaks and the latter anxiety takes our caps yet we remain completely and obliviously absorbed in our play it's getting dark death is near leave the game saddle the horse of remorse and catch up with the thief get your clothes back [Music] hold to the reins of love and don't be afraid hold to the real behind the falls and don't be afraid you must know that the Beloved you seek is none other than you hold to this truth and don't be afraid [Music] foreign
Channel: Echoes of Wisdom
Views: 6,945
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Keywords: Rumi, Matrix, Sufi, Sufism, Gnostic, Esoteric, Religion, Quotes, Religious, Islam, Muslim, Jalalladin, Mevlana, Enlightenment, Dunya, Duniya, Maya, Philosophy, Spirituality, Self-Discovery, Life Quotes, Transcendence, Spiritual Journey, Overcoming Illusions, Divine Love, Poetry, Persian Literature, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Wisdom, Inner Peace, Meditation, Mysticism, Religion and Spirituality, Soul-Searching, Universal Truths, Mindfulness, Conscious Living, Awakening, Motivation, Mystic, Theology, Divine, Love, Poem
Id: idPVVzGW2is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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