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I could do the intro like that I could be puzzle I could I could be I could be a good thing so hello everyone I only came in peace but welcome to another episode over dragons Rises look at what you also refer to me as Brad Eva Dragon Master because did did he conquer or speech a greatness has this beaver managed to over seed right there word no he did not tame dragons and have it a complicated experience though he went on a farmville simulator and made them in there so I hope you guys have a lovely day there if you're not well it will always get better especially if I talk to you for your headphones in and let me yell ng is this will keep you a little better is that or a pushover yeah either way it's gotta be a fun day today so it's a lovely day outside but I cannot let I have gotta close the curtains because it's too blinding what is fun to light god it's a lovely day outside but down carnatic so I've actually just traffic recording this oh not so long ago I realized that the babe my audio was recording at all and this is after eight lip that's the second false thought like I clicked the first time didn't record and I was like oh my god I call that started recording again and the same bloody thing happened he can ridiculous anyway Christmas has been out on an adventure and he did manage to bring back two golden I managed to stop the video he's only like two minutes in and I realized oh wait it's not recording fantastic anyway so we are back here today we got loads of things to do go with awesome episode so yes I just started going over what had changed between episode 2 and this one it's the three so I managed to get storms like and and Knobble grunted Fishlegs is dragon and i upgraded his Hut and that changed so the dragon now lives there instead of it being a regular dragon here what I also realized is that there's a bunch like all the Vikings of hearts on the shield as well as the sheep so like mute I think that's a Valentine's Day event tortoise piggy so I maxed out on would not fish I think I've got to yeah we was there we sure was upgraded the fishes look at all those a mission that's my ball now the dragons have more room to work at a sawmill on a shot good work son we're off next time you're not leaving I tell you all we got is the pride of Berk just kidding oh when you insult me how dare you I have to get out of here for a little while I hope toothless is ready for a little exploration come to this is level 10 search for whispering death at the bottom two times so don't even have to find out constituent so we do have quite a lot of fish and also since I've I've upgraded my wood stock and also the fish place the harbor yeah I think that's it we can send it to dry oh I can't scroll and also special dragons that's interesting so we're going to send them both to go collect fish will they clash are they both going to do the same diving they do that's awesome so we got now two Viking boats they're fishing as well as we have two Vikings are chopping wood in fact actually no there isn't any chopping wood that's because there's nothing active I get it but because we are maxed on would been click on her house and get the next one so now instead of the dragon being there it's over here instead awesome we also have this the mystery pack and unlike drastic park builder it seems like this is actually quite a um a big deal I think what the mystery packs are just be popular it's like now you might get diet or whatever but the thing is you get DNA and you can sort of by dinosaurs there however with this it uh it seems like this is actually quite a big deal let's open it are you ready I think you can load the stuff so yeah you get like fighting stuff so we got another gronckle another monstrous nightmare whispering death which is what we're trying to find and then you get these so a hundred fish oh no thunder would a collection item three ruins and Dan runes awesome and then the choice of course to spend money on the game if you really want to which you don't really want to do so we'll collect that wood and we'll send you off again and I realized in the first episode I call this thing a hangar oh how oh we can put dragons in the hangar I thought it was good it you know it's Swedish or Norwegian you know it's like oh good oh good I didn't realize this being an idiot and I called it it's a hangar jigs on a hand come anyway we managed to get this dragon which I think it's quite a rare one what is it what it's even called a rain cutter so can we place you should be able to place the rain cutter okay so there you go so if we zoom in really close to what you are and at level four it seems like a regular dragon actually that's quite interesting now because we need permission I'm sorry sorry may I'm gonna put you back in the hangar so it's gonna be running joke board and then you can go get more wood or Theo off your pop also we need oh that's why we need a speed toothless thank god he's still here so he needs to get some level anything so level 8 2001 Oh new dragon unlock you unlocked a smothering smokebreath all the lots of the egg looks awesome so now we we need 900 wood we'll send you off the train will probably speed you up actually or should we we do have some dragons coming back with fish are you done now it takes about a minute to be done however you almost be done so what missions do we have a stirred have you seen fish legs which fish fingers not for a while he's been doing more research for a book of dragons said meatlug and Fishlegs on a journey finish a journey with Fishlegs and meatlug so that's kind of the same thing right so I think oh he's just done collecting that's awesome so we'll collect that and yeah because we upgrade them they can actually be something junior but I'm from school so journey here dragon's edge usually it cost new rules but today it's costing nothing which is good oh wow it takes five seconds read up he goes is he gonna come back no he's gone forever Viking law 203 meatlug and I were in the hot tub when I heard a low Rumble I thought it was meat local civic but the sound was coming from the sea I looked over and saw a giant wave headed for oh it's like a story okay inspect the wave would collect everything I think collect everything obviously oh oh is that good the odor is spinwheel do they do good or could've Gwen on manga am i okay do they do a wrong choice or a right choice okay in real in back again oh oh I got apples I can't leave everything to get ruin so I got Apple tonight I don't even know the way I figured it dragons cup live but there are a lot of things on Dragons edge that card anything with no wings is coming with me make your choice Fishlegs all rough and tough I don't understand Fishlegs can't fly I'm guessing hospitals the dragon so we'll take Fishlegs woo oh we got a guaranteed egg and it's free awesome what the hell is that thing looks really cool another Dragon Rider who who are you oh hey I think I know who this is I am da da da da wait da da da totally where did he go I think you mean she what's wrong hiccup you look like you've seen a ghost yeah I'm not sure what I saw a stirred I just need some time sorry if anybody is watching this now call Astrid it is funny joke okay like Jurassic Park its ass in the Dave game is to get everything's ready my head okay let's talk for a while we are no less let's let's talk while we build place a weather oh hold the phone please tell me haven't maxed out on would fish Galax know we didn't awesome you saw another dragon rider who was he I don't know why why we're already assuming it's a guy here I think some feminists would be pretty annoying I didn't say it imagines anything maybe he has something to do with the museum dragons on the other hand a dragon thief I think we need a help so we follow it I think we follow the storyline of of the second movie yes instinctively meatlug and I flew home can do it okay continue I think I've got the car all right I whatever I choose I then have a chance of winning whatever's I like we land I get to take three things back with me okay we reach my head I started to feel selfish that I came here first now that I'm here I make the best of it make your choice ah me looks things check the area a lot meatlug thing okay um if we get 600 fish that's great because we maxed out on fish but if we do the 150 room then we've got a guaranteed rare pipe which I've never had before okay it's like looking at pisode of all life gamble let's see if we can get the of the pack worst comes to worst we get fish we've already got an egg so that's always back okay what we're gonna get who's it gonna be oh we got the pike awesome we got a dragon we got a plaque and we got apples who's an apple a day keeps the strays away bad dogs oh no oh please don't get the Apple oh the rat Michael do oh and oh that was awesome I was wrapping all the rocks but look ma meatlug needed when I saw the Book of dragons I brought a sari IFRIC I'm Dyslexic I'm sorry I forgot to pull it home to hide it from the twins at least something besides rocks will be safe so we got a rabbit Yeah right like awesome I want that dragon it looks awesome like a chameleon and I don't think we've got a dragon I don't think so look what we got a tooth you got more of those horn things 500 runes collection and oh my god we over bullhorn that looks awesome oh we could oh it's like an insect it took the back of insect were the wings come out mmm Drupal whom I brought along the Molalla I look cute right I'm gonna dinner awesome that was longer than I thought it's great to be back oh well I'm gonna max out on fish and wood anyway you're back hiccup we're looking for you how are you Jenny oh good is that one of his stuff again oh yeah okay so we need to find something to spend our fish on I'm guessing the rumble horn is uh a good dragon it's a it says rare however I think we should feed we need to be troopers to level pan don't worry but I kind of need to find something to spend my wood on food please no not that one oh do they have the dragon on the side if it is build no okay interesting interesting there's got to be something I can I mean we didn't even need to hatch Drive anything I can hatch it I think so dragons we've got one owned okay not owned flexible searchable ah interesting okay well we do have like a thousand rules now which is awesome is anything in here like upgrade upgrade your meat hole to increase your Viking limit max 200 sorry 20 when I get a hundred four you need three dragons to level ten okay right so we need to basically we need to feed our dragon so I'm kind of I'm going to speed up reduced by 20 minutes oh hell it's watching video then okay one room I'm fine with I saved age basically so it's always level 2 oh that's right he was training now we can go and get the M my god that looks horrendous it's like some leech with wings right well let's hold on know where you are level 10 on you so yeah we can surge this time so those are the eggs that we have a chance Oh what's this join what does that mean dragon Raiders monthly subscription oh no oh no exclusive new big buffer buffer Lord get early access to events get four bags and exploration get more sports in your hunger what spot stick god damn it upgrade to a gold mystery pack and get more Odin coin interesting so we get that huge dragon instantly 9:49 a monthly subscription oh no it's just probably like the drastic world isn't there it's probably worth it I mean if you don't want it you don't have to spend money and of course but I got a feeling that this probably is worth it I don't know your buffaloed 9 pound 9 pound we get a gold mystery pack now we get more spots in the hangar get more well no well not do it just yet no but I think that's probably worth it how'd you get back onto that if you wanted to oh look you can trade in coins so this is VIP points basically and you can trade them in for different packs classic pack gold pack or you can trade it in for certain dragon tough wing or grapple grounder okay well I think I'm going to send you off I was just kind of curious to see what else there was oh yeah we want to come from the horn you guys want something for women so maybe rumble horns not too epic you see you get four bags though but if you have to pave rooms then there's no point full team you know r14 spine you may as well let's bring it back straight away twelve through let's see if we got it okay one two or three ah thousand fish oh it was wasted oh yeah that was open uh oh you need to be trained to you oh nice look you got rainbow wings and everything okay let's train you for 750 let's collect your wood we can't do anything with you right now let's get you you can go always know you need training as well why does everything need for oka let's speed up five that's fine let's do you and then now you can get fish and food so sorry fishing wood six minutes is it worth it what can you be sent off to do I mean what Woody Allen's right let's look at the missions what do we need find words for 10 minutes with monstrous nightmare which i think is you yeah but we haven't leveled the world so that will cost 400 wood Academy's busy right now trainings out rumble growl or whatever it is so will speed that up will put you in and collect you Tiana oh my god your level seven awesome so let's collect some like I want to be a graded but we need 15 Vikings and we can't do that unless you've got the Town Hall of prayer and we need two more dragons level 10 so tell me what you go get food what we need is stick that's what we need so we'll collect those 300 odd fish you'll never find actually aa new ability journey awesome can we go to free journey with you cálmate it costs runes that I'm a stingy buggers too perfect right let's send you eight minutes to get all that fish like how much fish do you get yeah quite a bit okay you get fish well I believe you you can also get fish like everybody's going in fact oh you're not even listening awesome I like this dragon I like the designs it's very like stylized very character caricature I like that so I love this game I can't wait to like work out more we need it oh that's right sorry recall is like a die sell that back in here to open rule we got more monsters nightmare to upgrade another gronckle 12th grade a snaffle fine woo that must be the red one okay let's look at that dragons that let's upgrade the ones we can do I can do it too we can do so does it cost anything it cost card that's all that's good okay we'll do that we got ten so an extra X mu naught naught speed defense special attack and have mostly helped I think this thing monstrous nightmare has loads of hell so upgrade again to make it level three it's a bit like a clash Royale and you have to get the cards and then abraeve them except it isn't cost anything once you've got the cards that's it that's awesome okay let's upgrade you as well so you'll get oh my god you've got loads of health never mind that other one awesome I guess you are level three so seven three five again what if you have seven one sorry six one three so yeah gronckle is way better in health but probably not a tax they do you want to tag and you have 43 tax so you're the hitter gronckles a healer use a little tank look at all this other stuff oh my god it looks awesome they're all these are the Dragons the Boneknapper the storm cutter that cloud jumper fan cook okay so we can do some battles we got we got awesome awesome new air dragons to play with so let's do this I'm excited let's go I'm sure we're going to transform now that we've upgraded to dragons by two levels waiting for challenger don't you love it when you do this it's not a real person but you know they have to pretend it's like knowing you know working out the search processes generate the ball there you go guest number nine thousand seven hundred seventy two oh my god this thing's got armor on oh they are level threes okay right let's um let's see what do we want to kill don't kill a gronckle it's either the rain cursor oh it's Oh times up I didn't even do it oh I didn't even realize the last time fooled okay well never mind let's get our taco but let's kill this thing honey where's the time I didn't see the time at all tried to kill it kill it - so let's put like you know what we're okay we'll just keep on killing this thing that's okay that's okay plus one ball what you're gonna do are we going to something oh okay right should we do the flamethrower oh no it's not a flamethrower it's like a bird okay truth is I don't think he's gonna kill him now one more hit though and he's gone yes wacom hey oh oh my god this thing's got boosted attack how did that happen I don't like it now Cooper's up the attack could be good right down down his attack awesome awesome okay and you just just like him welcome with your big no Polly bobbly tale oh my God he's gone full-on full-on boss oh no oh God Jesus that's the low damage Oh hold on we've already got extra attack dies right all up to him now let's put his attack down get rid of that boss oh you're too slow another watch just go next oh yeah okay you're gonna go full since it kind of heal up what we've lost the dragon fantastic oh yeah let's just do this one and then get a speed-up oh we almost went it when again oh no it's gone it's something right okay I just media room black awesome gronckle to the pipe well good job 30 cops beautiful I had a pack awesome I wonder why we got it oh that's why because we've got to open it don't we I was like oh we just got a packed over right now but now you've got it you gotta open it a bit like the chests in clash Royale so we need two more victories to get a chief Park but that was really close actually just gonna for like that I've got a lot of stuff to do on Berk Fishlegs can you help me with a few things often labelled your complete three journeys with any ranger oh oh any riders sorry okay so if that's the case then solid do be minute journey booster ward an exploration 5000 routes well you use what you think I'm made of room cost enough okay right so let's see the you up to level 10 well the thing is though I know I get a feeling but it's going to be better dragons out there like in late-game and I'm putting all my fish into these guys but right now it's more it worth it because these guys are really going to help me out right now so we'll keep get hope greater Fisher let more dragons at this location oh okay oh you're still going how many fish do you have ever done good Wow okay well speed you again one more feet and you should be level 5 God we got dragon coming and going which way everywhere got you to collect wood you could collect what were you doing your lazy phone get there can we upgrade no we can't surely afraid need 50 Viking so I think that's probably the next meet hole upgrade I think we'll probably get 15 Vikings I'd say so there we go that's one journey back what did we get fish please oh you know what rural dude that's awesome yeah I'll take that okay off for another journey go on not the seven-hour one Jesus do that 103 off you go he does actually go all the way out the map I have followed him he just buggers off right so what to do well all you guys are gathering you are sleeping leave one more and then I'm guessing level 5 you'll probably need to Train and that's good because then I can use my wood for something so how many dragon level 8 level 7 level 4 level 4 and level 6 maybe we should have grade stormfly yeah we should have great stormfly meatlug because they're unique dragons and not these guys screw those guys they don't need fish you're almost done you got 172 oh you are you autumn basically uh so come on to one there we go okay flex all that fish and eating you oh you need to train 1200 I've got a wood that's bad so I go back again when you'll need to go away one more time who don't know how that is no I do not want to buy that egg I'm all right then you're for another minute and that should be it other quite another one cover the new training academy of crete so amazing you're really surprising sometimes yes I do you can pick your jaw off the ground now make up have three dragons at level ten so that's like the same mission and upgrade the wood stack which you've already done so when we get that mission completed we're going to be able to get the meat haul to the next level and then do loads of other things as well so complete three journeys with any riders but oh it's not oh it's not that juni he means oh you mean this journey okay let's see what we get so oh and it takes two hours ludie Nora okay beautiful how much is a 38 Oh No okay so these guys how much is our speed up for speed up by 20 minutes yeah I'll watch a free video go on uh no I'm not passed these low schemes of Jen bloody adverts outta me oh no videos available Oh fantastic rate well I guess we'll speed up so let's oh we can't even feed you can we put you on a journey for how long that's gonna take 16 hours good god okay well you're not coming back anytime soon if that was the case I'm surely then should you guys we've already got through this level ten so we don't need to worry about that so we should already just put them on a real long journey should we go for the cévennes nightmare seeing is that's the most expensive and there's a chance of us getting it you know I'm maybe and should we go for the hundred and five rune you know what yeah I'm going to do the one hundred five rooms off you go get three dragon eggs that would be amazing and what is that sheep doing there by itself Oh some lonely little Valentine's Day sheep so um Rach you quite close to upgrading you so there you go level five probably should have done that but does it matter I should level up these guys because they're probably a lot cheaper but if so I think that's gonna have to wrap it up for this episode which is kind of sucky cuz no it's not really oh we got a collection did we do one oh we did hold on 400 word awesome doing trading those together would cool okay I didn't really know that's how that work do you have another one mm oh so these items that's what they use for is just trading in for the collection but we don't have any other one we've got one of that we've done the hot gold the horn thing but we're going to do yeah could something like what why I really need to happen is just to get a neat hole and the next meet hole that I can upgrade the food stocks upgrade the log stacks and then I can just sort of set these guys off all the time so in between this episode the next episode we're probably going to do then the next seven hours or however is wait for EM truthless to come back hopefully we'll get a new dragons from that keep on sending gronckle on that off to just get word send off the monstrous nightmare to keep getting fish if there's any other dragons is lying about like you you can get fish as well so we'll have four thousand fish four thousand wood and hopefully don't because I'll feed them as well we'll get them to level ten I'll like a whole doll get one of them to level 10 so we don't accidentally do the mission off-screen so if you charge us video guys please like until next time I'll see you later all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 448,354
Rating: 4.9041409 out of 5
Keywords: dragons, how to tame a dragon, dragon, dragons rise of birk, rise of birk, all dragons, play through, walkthrough, gaming beaver, app game, dinosaur game, episode 1, part 1, luida, toothless, guide, best dragon, strongest, cheat, help, dream works, fighting, battle, duel, dragon duel
Id: ivk239ZjT2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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