Rules of the Road Review | Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook Full Review

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let's do a review here oh it's a big Shack - yeah do you ever get shocked on your sailboat all day on those dry days oh yeah really some days when I'm on my boat everything I touch zaps me you get on those dry days like you put a sail up and then touch something metal and it zaps you all that static of it going up the mast and everything or you you take a sail down and let it run between your hands or something and touch something and it zaps you okay so what what was this demonic rhyme over overnight rooms for sale plus some okay and the nstead foot ah what's the word not on their career now under command what is the definition of not a under command mechanical problems propulsion good through some exceptional circumstance mechanical problems for some exceptional yeah the definition says through some exceptional circumstance she can no longer maneuver as required by the rules can therefore not stay out of the way of another vessel and then restricted maneuverability no teja maneuver day and that one said are the vessels work right the nature of her work from the nature of her work she can't say either neck the way of another vessel and this F fishing vessel engaged in fishing and what was the definition of that one have you hear that limits maneuverability good that yeah that's the main premise apparatus which restricts maneuverability and in the definition they list three things that restrict newer ability that argue that restrict newer ability drawing us yeah nets lines of trials right and Charles and trolls way different I'm definitely one of my students say got 350,000 pounds salmon in one net you could that's what means it was another yeah and that would restrict maneuverability wouldn't it he said it almost capsized them once oh and it random aground once they were in the same boat the / same boats oh so they have a big net and then they put a dinghy in the water what do they call a skiff called the Skip put a skiff in the water make a big circle or he said they had a Cala copter even helicopter would spot the salmon and they the same and run along the shoreline at a certain depth and then they run into rivers so the helicopter tells them where they are they get there their skiff puts down the neck and makes a circle in the Sam and hit that net and start you do a circle and then they purse the bottom and they bring it in and I have a whole school of salmon yeah pretty cool I think those fisheries have you ever seen that on the Discovery Channel the per saying boats they have a fleet of them and they open the fisheries for like 38 minutes it's and then close them and they catch like 4 million pounds of fish with the whole fleet of boats herring and stuff like that I'm pretty cool FRS which restricts maneuverability so sale provided that it fitted with propelling machinery to not being used so that means what does that mean about a vessel to be classified as a sailboat you have to do what yeah just under sail over sir you have to be under sail under sail only and the P our power what's that broad definition of a power during vessel any vessel unnerving a group of ocean yeah propelled by machinery and the s so you play seaplane what do see planes do in general do ya in general see planes right hand yeah they stay well clear oh yeah in general we're navigating on the water they stay well clear of everybody but if there's situations where risk of collision does exist they abide by the rules in general so well clear what odd in this all what does this standpoint overtake you good overtaking what are the de shapes for not on a command I got two balls longer ball and they shape for restricted lon diamond Waldo closed ball diamond well fall down and bomb and fishing two triangles apexis together good and if you had gear extending out horizontally over 150 meters you have to to a texas on the side of the nets are are close thumbs up to fishermen ok what's your angle in a sailing vessel also being propelled thumbs down thumbs down this is she good okay and how about a vessel at anchor what's the day shape the ball and a vessel of ground 3 balls 3 balls and how about toing toing astern greater than 200 meters diamond and how about a mine clearance vessel never really let out look the flagpole those were likes though you have the three green lights mm-hmm there'd a shape is similar oh there's a mm-hmm there - a like this Coffee boss what about what if you have a ram vessel at anchor with day shapes would you put up if you're a ram vessel vessel restricted in our ability to maneuver due to the nature of your work at anchor will you put a ball above the ID yes so be it okay so they don't have to be above each other you J both symbols yeah okay and a dredge so well dredge is the ball diamond balls tribute Paul diamond ball okay come back and then on the dredge side you have two diamonds no you have two balls good where an obstruction side that's obstructed two balls and the clear side is two diamonds good okay good now I'm madder than a cave and vessel what id likes does it have three wrecked large constrained by Draft has three red lights construed so they restricted the ability to move new movie to it lives and restricted so not under command red over red Oh captain's wake and ruin my captain is dead did I don't wear red my captain is dead and that's some people take it very literally it's not really that literal it's just saying not saying your captain's dead or your captain's not aboard it's just saying human you're broke down you haven't a mechanical malfunction you're having some exceptional circumstance it's not allowing you to abide by the rules care who's rich immersive right like that guy in Italy yeah whoops two miles off course yeah you have a vessel that's like 1200 feet long why would you be up by the beach I mean yeah I could see if you're in like a sunfish or like a sailor you are cruised by the me to say hello but go see if he calls off the death helping passengers off and just happens to fall on a life raft lick boat is that one has been wet but it's wild when it happened I was teaching the class in New York so I'm good watching it I was the first one to comment on one of the news articles okay so red over red my captain is dead my vessels not under command through some exceptional circumstances right right what about what what are the lights for vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver due to the nature of her work red word rude red white red captain making bread and a vessel trawling green overboard good Green over white giant night and what about other forms of fishing river board red over white other forms of fishing at night and if your gears out over 150 meters horizontally what color light white Lloyd a white all around light the side of the restriction good and what about a vessel under sail they may run these lights and their masthead Rover Group right over green I'm a sailing machine but they cannot run red over green at the masthead if they do what with their side lights and stern line draw record if they combine it with their side lights in student life good and a tricolor can only be run by a vessel under a sailing vessel under 20 meters what color is anchor like all-around white at what length do you get a second anchor like if you bet 50 meters and there are different heights right where's the high one in the bow and the low one mister in the stern if you're a ground what lights through floors red red red constrained by red a ground diagram 44 Oh to read and then you're angry right right one or two whites and two Reds shallow-water ahead how about mine clearing what color how do you yeah you said this one earlier what color likes does mine clearance vessel have green words green green green in the same pattern green green green danger extreme okay how about this random vessel how would we like this up the ID portion is portion well the idea is red white red red white bread captain making bread and then the very boy then anchor okay how about the trench well the idea is red white red-white-red kept making bread the that side obstruction side to read right over bad day and clear sighs way over why don't we have a green on the green good excellent Wow I need to do some study yeah it doesn't come quickly yeah well we'll go through this by Banj today we'll go through this again let's look at let's keep going with let's look at tugs and toes let's look at towing Stern so we have two in a row 3 row and or in row and these one of these referring to two in a row three and rail foreigner oh sorry surfer target 12 right the size of the tug in the toe and what lights are they referring to mast headlights yes so white lights for 225 degrees good so here's two in a row tugging at Oh how long is the tug and how long is the tow 50 meters less than 50 meters or some 200 meters in less than 200 meters so how many masted lights does it have two two two in a row and then what does it have in the stern overboard good yellow over white towing a stern at night okay let's look at three in a row how long is the tongue and how long is the towel or some 50 liters less than 50 meters and tow greater than 200 meters so what does that mean about we need a diamond shape where it can best be seen and how many mastered lights three three one two three in a row and in the stand - I'm struggling yo good tow light over a steering light also yellow over white towing a stern at night four in a row Victo Dig Dug Victo citizen 50 meters greater than 50 meters and the toe weirder than 200 greater than 200 meters so we need a diamond cuz we're over two hundred and four masters four-masted lights three in a row forward and a bathtub and higher than the four over 3/4 okay so in this vessel comes right at you it looks like four in a row looks like corner oh we have one two three and a bathtub in higher than four and when she turns off to one side we have one two three a bathtub and higher than the four good and then they all get side lights right side left side light side light side left side lights dive lights staring my experiments they're mine look we all get yellow over white times turn at night yellow over white going to stern at night good I got remember four in a row the aft mast yeah because he's greater than 50 meters so three in a row means you're towing over 200 meters of Stern second mass had a bathtub and rough good let's look at Oh has your phone dying is that my phone that was your phone today I have full reception I was picking up my phone was telling me the weather in Manton Michigan week across the lake huh it's so weird if I call someone right here and then I walk over to the windows in that other room it'll drop my call and pick up another tower and I'll have to call the great people back huh this whole area right on the border of Wisconsin is canceled I'm down to one bar right this is that weird okay so let's look at how else do we tell we can tow astern that's what everybody thinks of towing right or we can we can push ahead right right or tow alongside and then these this is page 62 and 63 and these are divided into n line and and termination oh and we have pushing ahead and towing alongside bears draw these pushing ahead or towing alongside whoo that's a weird toe it's alright okay what do these have in common what lights did it each one of these impoundment well they have a side like okay yeah voice meaning by Todd like to row two in a row good so let's put that in Ollie's they all have two in a row for a tug of the tow and that's two regardless of sart's - right silence right three red port wine goes down the throat that is a saying that's the old saying so port wine is red and when they say goes down the throat the part of a gaff rig schooner the attaches to the mast is called the throat oh this work and it's on the port side okay traditionally they rigged on the port side yours hooniverse pierce destroying off look out it was alive was a really good experience to go on at schooner when I was younger no I think I was there twelve and thirteen and a little bit when I was fourteen put a hundred days I want and it just it all stuck in there you know maybe not right here okay how about these two good now what about what is different about these where are there more lights well in one has the yellow special flashing very good special flashing in the bow how often is a flash 22 just under 20 is flashing right right so special flashing or slaughter spray and you find a flashing light on a hovercraft in 9 displacement mode okay good where else are there yellow lights on these in one the toes there's two yo two lights I'm just stir yellow over yellow I'm a pushing fellow okay now you're a national already here okay now international they have to yo 20 months - don't they know they just have works during lives good just white stand lights all around and ever be on the barges - correct well if you're alongside if you're a long side because if you're pushing ahead we wanted to be barest yeah good and they recover and again on page 62 and 63 there they are all laid out for you oh there's an interesting question that you end up coming across somewhere along the line that says it says who can run restricted in their ability to maneuver lights a vessel pushing ahead a vessel towing alongside a vessel towing astern or all of the above restricted ability to maneuver mm-hmm oh none of the above the first one was trying it out mm-hmm the second one was alongside and last one was toning the staring yesterday we said unless it was other circumstances tugs are under normal ability to maneuver right unless they're classified as a tug and tow which are severely restricted to deviate from their course so all of these vessels could run red white red captain making bread vessel restricted in their ability to do ability to maneuver due to the nature of their work right they just have to fit that definition so if this guy is severely restricted and his ability to deviate from his course okay so they may or may not be restricted ability to maneuver right lot of things on what they're doing right so these three vessels for these three vessels right if it said a vessel is pushing ahead on open water it's a power driven vessel or a vessel pushing ahead is severely restricted in its ability to deviate from its course that fits the definition our vessel being pushed ahead in a vessel pushing ahead are severely restricted to deviation if I ever stood for it revered requirement right so if you come along across the question that says which one of these vessels could run that or which one of these vessels could sound a danger signal right right they just have to be doing the right work good yeah there is a tricky portion right because he starts thinking you like well we didn't learn about a restricted vessel pushing ahead a restricted tug in tow pushing ahead yeah but it's possible it's possible to be severely restricted to deviate from your course due to the nature of your work good good general portion took getting close to the port and this memo right in a harbor for example mm-hmm would it put up the our a.m. lights our day signals or just get out channel 16 and do our security rights care today experience get a my ETA at this age navigation or this hazard to navigation is such that I wouldn't want respond back to me if you have to same ETA because I'm the only one that can fit through there we're at the skid through there so that's an excellent question a vessel may go from toeing on open water and start to go into a restricted water and say listen out there I could turn I had hundreds of thousands of head thousand miles to turn here I can't turn I can hardly slow down because I'll get run over by my toe so now I am severely restricted to deviate from my course that's a very good point and so he could run boats through yeah mm-hmm long as he fits that definition and I think when it comes to inland tugs I've heard some people that have quite a bit of experience on the Mississippi say and just here in Chicago a little bit inland on the river system said when they go down most of the barges go from point A to point B back and forth and back and forth and back and forth so they really know that section of water and they have they talk to each other and they all know each other so they kind of have codes of conduct some people can maneuver better and some people can't maneuver as well and they talk to each other well I'm really heavy this week with ingots and I need my room so and based on that I'm guessing that I guess I'm kind of assuming some of these tugs and toes always have their lights on and some almost never do right there they're restricted depending on how long they are and what they're doing so they're all working they all have the option of putting that up there a little cup of coffee yeah that sounds great so let's define all these legs I think we have them down pretty well but we'll look at okay let's let's look at sidelights how many degrees do side lights cover 20 double head to 22 and a half degrees of fe be good what should be 112 and a half right one hundred twelve point five degrees and from right ahead to 22.5 degrees a bath the bean and I'm the port side what color is a side light right right and on the starboard side green green good from right ahead to 22.5 degrees of bathtub et that's textbook okay let's look at a stern light um two hundred and is 67 1/2 degrees that lives 67.5 degrees from right astern to either side oh good so total how many degrees is it 135 135 degrees total and the definition is from shine over the arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed to show the light from right astern to 67 point five degrees on either side that's how they define good and we covered both from right astern to 67 point five degrees 67 point five times two is 135 they always say and so fixed is say it covers the arc of the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right astern to 67 point five degrees on either side but that's just the verbage right okay let's look at a mast head light before we look at a mast head light let's look at a light very similar to a stern money it has the same characteristics except it's yellow what light is that - like towing life yeah same characteristics of the stern line except it's yellow and those could be on a mass at the stern correct yeah the stern of a stern of a tug might have a mast and it'll have a tow light in a vertical line above a stern light yellow over white towing a staring at night and again this is from the from the back this is the steering of the rest there's no restriction on height is zero that's a funny question because and how high would you want to put it but there's no written death there's no written restriction on the height of your towing light in your stern light in the book now does it have to be above if you're if you're enjoying our Stern does they have to be above the barges you're torn the book says a towing light in a vertical line above a stern light so they need to be on you can't have one over here one over here they have to be in the same vertical alignment and there's no restriction it doesn't say at least three point five meters high and not less than one meter high and so it's open right so if you have a barge towing behind you that's loaded up high and container ah you don't have to see it astern large because of Irish ancestry annoyed that's one story that's a really good question and I think you make a good point because the barge has its own Stern line and once you get off to the side you'll see the other tote you see the tug but I wouldn't doubt that in the annexes there is a portion that says you're towing light and your Stern light need to be visible within these parameters so maybe if you have a short barge or tall barge it might change that's a really good question well I was thinking about pleasure goals most of them unloaded about a lower transom mmm-hmm your joy so I did not going to be able to see them right good yeah and there's an exception for that in the rules that says if you need to tow if you need to tow someone in need of assistance or in distress if it's not practicable for you to run the lights defined by rule 24 or towing then you don't have to just you can tell the person in but you can't make a business out of it I asked the emergency right yeah towing my Stern line let's look at masthead light mast-head life where does that shine forward 225 degree or 225 degrees 22 and 1/2 degrees of Bath's of being on each side good so it says the definition says a man said light is a white light that shines over the arc of the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to twenty two point five degrees on either side so good we got that covered they like to use that twenty two point five and it just helps them define the arc that covers which direction that arch covers because they K could say covers an arc of 125 degrees or 225 degrees but we're off to the side but it's from right ahead of twenty two point five degrees about the beam now they narrow it didn't I okay and then we have two more special flashing in fifty one special flashing this one what do we know about a special flashing light 50 just Soviet times really flash is 50 to 70 times per minute what's your look TLO see the bow and it must be seen through 225° good so as much as 225 degrees and as little as a hundred eighty degrees this is the one light where they kept in the old light patterns the old light patterns we have 90 degree side lights and 180 degrees stir in length and for some reason this special flasher is says at least 180 from right ahead - at least the beam and not more than twenty two point five degrees of F the blue they allow 180 Zoroaster and I am it makes the definition extra long it's it's rule 21 it's yeah rule 21 a special flashing light means a yellow light flashing at intervals at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute places far forward and is nearly as practicable on the four-and-a-half centerline of the toe and showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon a not less than 180 degrees nor more than 225 degrees and so fixed is to show the light from right ahead to a beam and no more than twenty two point five degrees about the beam on either side of the vessel one thing I could think of if you have a tall barge and you mounted it in front of the barge it would have no choice but to cover only 180 but that's that's kind of you don't have to mount another bow most likely it's going to be on top that's one of the lights I really wonder about why why did they keep that 180 degrees this we're now the old sidewalks used to be a 180 degrees they used to be 90 all right right yeah so they take a look like right and then it's turn light but I mean think about overtaking situations if you're not sure whether you're crossing if you're a little bit of bafta beam you're in an overtaking situation all of a sudden there's a definition at night you could see the stern light but neither of your side lights well now we're in completely pretty much in a crossing situation and we can only see the stern okay so special flashing light 50 70 times it's yellow it covers at least 180 not more than 225 and then we have a flashing light flashing and this one is how often is it out in twenty two hundred and fifty years of 120 under 20 and it's what color is it or yellow there's all around yeah it's all around they don't really in the definition it's a short definition it just says flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency of 120 flashes or more per minute they don't define its color they don't define its arc of visibility so give your work like that yeah a distress signal for inland rules is a high intensity white light flashing at 120 flashes per minute so a pleasure leg is used only have a seat plane and a hug crap and non displacement oh yeah hovercraft and non-displaced remote and we'll look at dredge pipelines that have a flashing yellow light visible all around the horizon good so let's let's modify this a flashing light flashes a hundred twenty times a minute that's what the definition says sometimes the rules are so specific in other times that's that's a big definition I mean how how big is the light how how long can you see it from what color is it where is it mounted what arc of the horizon doesn't cover all these things they defined in the others lights they left out a flash so we cover mast head light side lights turn light towing light all-round light let's look at an all-around light is it all around all around all round like an all-round light these are I are these are our ID lights then it says means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees it's a 360 degree like and it might be white yellow red green black oh there what oh my first page is San Fran a book I can't have this I was hanging on by a thread good these are the definition of lights look at um rules 13 14 and 15 overtaking head-on and crossing whoops overtaking rule 13 so we have two vessels and rule 13 says notwithstanding anything contained in rules for through 18 no one impedes the overtaking vessel right so one cycle alter course is star ruin and pass over here and also for support we were finally passed and cleared any subsequent change in bearing between the two vessels won't make this into a crossing situation there's no getting up here and say all right cross an eye on your starboard give way know until you're finally passed and cleared so if we can't tell let's define an overtaking situation first coming up on a vessel more than twenty two point five degrees bath the beam that is at night you'd only see the stern leg of that vessel but neither of your side lights right and if you're not sure whether it's an overtaking or crossing situation what do we assume we're treating overtaking so head-on situation room 14 the very first part of a head-on situation says what says what do we do in a head-on situation signal signal and it's so standard operating procedure is dressed for trip or passport to four alter course to starboard passport to port what's the maneuvering signal you would sound to alter course to starboard so you pass port to port one short blast one short port to port family just like other focus out of focus there we gain their focus now we're focused if we can't tell whether it's a head-on situation or a crossing situation what do we assume your assumes gonna assume it's head-on let's get a crossing situation crossing so vessel one vessel to which vessel is the stand on vessel crossing situation or so to vessel two is the stand down and vessel one is the give way vessel one needs to avoid crossing ahead of vessel to right if the circumstance is the case event and best and the stand on vessel does what with two horses food yeah maintain course and speed the stain on vessel in a crossing situation should avoid altering course half a boy altering course too poor for a vessel yeah which they say the stand I invest on a crossing situation shouldn't alter course the port because the stain on vessel in a crossing situation is discovered though getting a head-on collision good let's look at action by the giveaway vessel in action by the stand on vessel it's the next rules in this 16 and 17 all right so what's the action by a giveaway vessel what do you do if you're a giveaway vessel boy to stand on vessel right stay out of the way we're one of two vessels is to give way the giveaway vessel just thinking when they stay out of the way they alter course and speed they stay out of the way avoid crossing head and crossing situation but the giveaway the stand on vessel when does she take action there's a parent of the giveaway good very good it says we're one of two vessels is keep out of the way the other shell keeper courses feed the ladder vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her maneuver alone as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action compliance with these rules went for many cause the vessel required to keep her course and speed find yourself so close the collision cannot be avoided by action of the giveaway vessel alone she shall take such action as well best age to avoid collision a power driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in accordance with subparagraph a to of this rule to avoid collision with another power driven vessel she'll to circumstance the case admit not all before support her vessel on her own ports we just said that this rule does not relieve the giveaway vessel other obligation to keep out of the way good right so now that brings us to rule 18 which is responsibilities between vessels and we say covers over night rooms or sale plus supper these are responsibilities between vessels right a power-driven vessel gives way to everyone above it not on command restricted fishing sailing sailing gives way to not a command restricted and fishing fishing gives way to not under command and restricted and in general seaplane stay well cleared they have very few rights it's plain not a boat but if risk of collision exists they abide by the rules good and we looked at conduct the vessels and restricted visibility rule 19 let's look at rule 20 we read rule 20 rule 20 application this is Part C lights and shapes rule 20 application rules in this part shall be complied with in all weathers the rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to sunrise and during such times no other life shall be exhibited except such lights as cannot be mistaken for lights specified in these rules or do not impair their visibility or distinctive character or interfere with keeping of a proper look out the lights prescribed by these rules shall if carried also be exhibited from sunrise to sunset in restrictive visibility and may be exhibited in all other circumstances when deemed necessary the rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day the lights and shapes specified in these rules shall comply with the provisions of annex 1 to these rules do you remember the annexes we had an Amana crime for the annexes oh I remember screen ok what's at the bottom mm-hmm your sphere we said see fine here a scrip scribble zero same screen so this said n X 1 and X 2 and X 3 and X 4 these are visual signals fun fishing in close proximity here audible signals are doable audio odd screams distress signals and the annexes go much deeper than this but this is a this is a rhyme that helps with the basic first for these annexes go very in-depth let me read you a short excerpt from annexes because you can see how yeah this is annex one continued anytime you see there's these interlocking asses oh they look something like that these are the CFR oh okay the Code of Federal Regulations that's where these annexes are coming from so eighty four point two three years ACF art yeah I mean these are going to give you all the decimals or what a gong should sound like the decibels for what a whistle should sound like what a bell should sound like how intense should a light be how many lumens they are the boundary of the area for each color are given by indicating corner coordinates which are follows so if you wanted to build a navigational light to specs you'd go to the annexes you know if you want to make sure that this light you are using fit the definitions of these lights let's say you're building a boat you need to put lights on it and you didn't want to go buy it from West marine you have to build it you could come in here and get of all the formulas and all the coordinates and intensity of light the minimum luminous intensity of light shall be calculated using the formula I equals 3.43 times 10 to the 6 times T times d squared times K to the negative D okay sure whoa so now are all physicists so those are the annexes but sometimes the annexes will read through an annex here pretty soon page 173 that talks about dredge pipelines it really comes in handy and we'll look at that we're going to start going through the all the diagrams the light diagrams the situational diagrams one of the light diagrams a very last light diagram is a dredge with the lighted pipeline with a break in the pipeline that you pass through and another light so it's kind of complicated but we we look at it and read the annexes the annex that covers it on page 173 and it says well the break in the pipeline should be lighted by red buoys not with a meter between them and the bottom one as highs the yellow of the pipeline and just it gets real specific will read over after my dad all right what are those stuff you want to take a small break for a second okay sound signals Oh but my crew is proudly upside down oh all right set up sound signals starts at page 115 Part D sound and light signals rule 32 definitions the word whistle means any sound signaling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts which complies with specifications in amp annex 3 to these rules the term short blast means a blast of one seconds duration the term prolonged blast means a blast of from four to six seconds durations rule 33 equipment for sound signals a vessel of 12 metres or more in length shall be provided with a whistle and a bell in the vessel of 100 metres in more length shell in addition be provided with a gong the tone and sound of which cannot be confused with that of the bell of the whistle Bell and Gong shall comply with specifications in annex 3 to these rules the Bell or Gong or both may be replaced by other equipment having the same perspective sound characteristics provided that manual sounding of the prescribed signals shall always be possible a vessel of less than 12 years in length shall not be obliged to carry the sound in signaling appliances prescribed in paragraph a of this rule but if she does not she shall be provided with some other means of making an efficient sound signal so now we're on to rule 34 manoeuvring in warning signals so when power driven vessels are in sight of one another in meeting or crossing at a distance within half a mile of each other each vessel underway when maneuvering as authorized or required by these rules shall indicate that by this is where we say one short what's one short corners alter course to Star Trek to shorts or alter course to port three shorts mister staring propulsion or reverse and at least five short and rapid blast danger danger I don't understand your intentions or I don't think you're taking enough action I still might hit here one prolonged blast vessel underway in restricted visibility right that is true a power turn vessel underway making way in restrictive visibility what does it mean as far as maneuvering and warning signals oh you're right um leaving the berth good or leaving birth or nearing a bend with an intervening obstruction that you can't see around and as far as inland rules go if you make this maneuvering a warning signal to another vessel and they agree they give the same signal bad if you sound one prolonged blast when you're nearing a bend with an intervening obstruction and there's someone around been that you that's being obscured by the obstruction they sound the same thing good anyone can sound a danger signal maneuvering and warning now let's keep going and ordered all of these signals may be supplemented with the light you can't use just a light but you can supplement these signals with a light very certain are correct synchronized right so at night if you're giving these you can do your light too and they can see your light synchronized they might be a little off because light travels more than travels faster than sound way faster good here we go okay they make distinctions between head-on and overtaking and in the rules head-on the inland rules show intent and this is international but it's easier to remember so head-on I intend to leave you on my port side when I alter course to starboard overtaking ultra course to starboard I intend to overtake you on your starboard side good and then me back then here it says page 119 paragraph H at the very bottom a vessel that reaches agreement with another vessel in a head-on crossing or overtaking situation as for example by using the radio telephone as prescribed by the vessel bridge to bridge radio telephone act is not obliged to sound the whistle signals prescribed by this rule but may do so if agreement is not reached then whistle signals shall be exchanged in a timely manner and shall prevail okay which brings us to rule 35 sound signals in restricted visibility okay so we are going to write her new monogram again over night rooms for sale plus supper which one of these vessels sound one prolonged and too short so yes sailing up to not owner coming in one furlong too short which of these horrible is ready so any of those right now I'm coming in restricted whether under way or a tanker sailing fishing whether underway or a tanker won't prolong too short so when the rule says it it specifies restricted in fishing as giving one prolonged too short and restricted visibility even when a tanker a tug and tow they sound a tug sounds one prolong too short also if practicable immediately following that the laugh last man barge sounds one prolong and how many shorts through three power driven vessel power driven vessel underway making way sounds one for one prolong underway making way and if they're not making way to go to prolong not making mat making way all these vessels are underway but a power different vessel gives a distinction between underway making late and underway not making way when a pushing vessel and the vessel being pushed ahead originally connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a power driven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in paragraphs a or b of this rule so composite pusher sounds up as a power your vessel okay so what type of signals IDs these are whistle signals right for vessels underway vessels underway with one slight exception of underway restricted and fishing whether underway or a tanker and everyone else at anchor must use the Bell bells and gongs how often I be sounding two-minute intervals and not more than two minute intervals all right let's look at sound signals of vessels a tanker and a ground so what was the definition of underway not anchored now to grow now attached to any shore structures good not an anchor that made fast the short not a ground we are underway if we fit that definition so these vessels we have these are vessels which do not fit the definition of underway these are vessels not underway because they are anchored or ground right so you just said they make bells and gongs we make bells and gongs at what intervals five your intervals at not more than one minute animals women one minute for Spartans after us so if we are at anchor and we are less than 100 meters what is our anchor signal ah this is where you have to fire a bell for five seconds five seconds of rapid ringing of the Bell and if you are over 100 meters and that anchor what's the signal Rehberg ringing was gone rapid ringing of the bell for five seconds in the fore part of the vessel followed by rapid Gong of the Gong in the after part of the vessel for about five seconds what about all ground very similar here a ground less than 100 meters what do they make through those strikes rapid ringing through bell rings three distinct strokes of the bell followed by rapid ringing of the bell followed by three distinct strokes of the Bell and over a hundred meters of ground three distinct five seconds rabid three distinct plus five seconds gone good three distinct strokes of the bell followed by five seconds of rapid ringing on the Bell followed by three distinct strokes of the bow in the four part of the vessel immediately followed by five seconds of rapid Gong of the gong in the stern of the vessel of s let anger and a vessel aground may in addition sound an appropriate whistle signal what is that whistle signal one short one for long one short very good namely three blasts in succession one short one prolonged and one short blast excellent I can't think of many other sound signals that we make those are sound signals maneuvering and warning signals and these are and then we had sound signals for vessels under way and these are sound signals for vessels not underway good all right let's look at the lights of an anchored vessel and a vessel aground so a vessel less than 50 meters an anchor how are they letting some 50 meters one or out white one all around white light over 50 meters at anchor 2 or our white highest one is above high white light in the bow low white light and stern and if you are over 100 meters at anchor how are you lighting how about lower the stern the sticklers high white light in the bow low white light and stern plus the working lights or equivalent to illuminate her decks all right a vessel less than 50 meters around how is she lighted - rip - red red over red and the white or a white all round if she is greater than 50 meters of ground how she lighted right over red red over red I working the bow highlight in the bow whoa wait motor and the stereo one or one or two whites and two Reds shallow water ahead downstream - into each other good so inconspicuous sore partly submerged vessels or objects being towed inconspicuous or partly submerged see if we'd spell it in nice with us think it's big this partly submerged submerged deep or inconspicuous objects so the first one it's less than 25 wide and less than a hundred long how do we light it white or white light all around to mark its length good if it is greater than 25 metres wide and less than a hundred metres long how do we light it or furnish clothes we light its length Oh yours ain't too big its breadth provided that if it's multiple objects they're all light it is one object and then if we are greater than 25 meters wide greater than 100 meters long how do we like this Wow and stir again good then either side equally spaced equally spaced we never go more than a hundred meters between our lights that mark the length we're very concerned with marking the length of this vessel and the breadth of this vessel provided that if it is multiple objects it is all lighted as one big yeah and one day shape if you're over 100 meters yeah what's that called diamond dark diamond shape where it has to be seen good I think those are the last lights partly submerged or inconspicuous object okay let's do a review of the diagram
Channel: US Captains Training
Views: 537,349
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Keywords: US Captains Training, captains license, mmc, boat captain license, captain license, online captains license, uscg captains license, rules of the road, colregs, navigational rules of the road, uscg, rules of the road review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 47sec (4847 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2012
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