Rule the Waves 2 | Japan - 05 - The Rising Sun

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welcome back everyone to let's play rule waves 2 as Japan episode number 5 and in the last episode I'm sure you well remember we were in the middle of this battle the battle which is going very well for us so far we'd already encountered a battle previously where they only had two battleships but that one was nighttime right away so this is the the nice one and we have an opportunity to launch some torpedoes here I believe just no solution huh well it's really the knee what's your name Ichi Basu has you in range ok and the Mikasa from the ship in line fire which I've been looking at this is a little bit more believable to me I'm still flabbergasted but the previous one but that's fine alright let's see what happens weird it but somewhere here that's a good sign I think that's focus on looks on pace to be a hit friendly ships in line of fire and then not friendly ships in line fire which is good times portside is expended okay we already plunged basically and this one has not she doesn't have a fire station quite yet ok fair enough still landing good hits we have one 12-inch gun hit this time who was that on yeah that's this one here which may end up taking a torpedo as well let's slo-mo it oh yes we got one not only that but the Mikasa is really in prime torpedo launching prime torpedo launching position as well I think we will turn away we've already gotten the hit that we wanted the this one looks like she's on fire no she's just bellowing a lot of smoke I'm gonna send the house aghori off to the east just in case this fiddle Spock peels off that way hopefully we'll be able to sneak in an extra tour Peto or two I don't know how this is all gonna work out alright well we can't cut back though cuz we'll just take a torpedo so charge will steam ahead okay now that that happened now we do have to cut back holy cow the Mikasa has really shown her full vengeance a huge broadside five 6-inch guns oh but she's also had her bridge destroyed so just as she's lines up the shot just as she captain just says the captain gives the order to fire look I don't want to write the role play but it's writing itself right just as he's given the order to fire he himself the whole bridge is blown out by one of the medium guns from yeah from the one who he's firing yet so it's to just facing them just a true showdown a duel had the Aichi yeah cuz we don't have anybody ready for that kind of maneuver and now we also probably launched some torpedoes on this side since we used our portside previously and true this is as we expected the we can launch a couple more and then honestly we want to cut back to the west again because this fiddles Bakht when they was not already taken in torpedo it's our main target now that we already had some yes - - I mean not really but so this is really truly the one that we want and I'm still gonna let the hostage go chase after this other one I think she should have the wherewithal the means to do it oh wow that's a lot of hits we are already not targeting this vittles bak and I don't know why sometimes the game things that you've sung something and will start it'll stop targeting it I don't know if that's the explanation here it would be wonderful to land a torpedo on this other vittles bak we're at least landing a lot of 6-inch guns yeah this one is slowing down a lot the house of Gauri has portside one available and then we'll swing back on the starboard side so you guys are relieved of your pursuit try one more you guys okay good I'm glad that we're at least putting some guns on this thing to make sure that it is being attacked I think that you have a worse chance of hitting when you are being attacked that's it looks like the perfect position to launch torpedoes the game agrees and then we'll we'll peel away here that is a third torpedo oh my that's that's a lot all right the Robo suta who's actually taking some fire here let's uh let's see if she can get a torpedo in port side both are available we'll close in a little bit first cut back a little bit that should be good angle might not be says is out of our probably it's too far yeah we need to turn back to our starboard a little bit more she perfectly negated my ankle I wish I could be that good alright I'll see Gauri come back on your starboard yeah she's dead in the water is she on fire no she's just dead one down one to go I'll try to MIT micromanage bolt now so the Robo suta is taking some hits here let's bring the H in let her launch her torpedoes yeah oh wow okay that's the hi Gauri doing terrible things to every single gun had just hit but we already strongly believe that this one is going down so okay just hold fire for ten minutes and make your way this way would you think about knowing that is just that we don't have to keep checking on the top okay good sometimes the AI has an affinity to reacting to torpedoes and if they do in this case it'll be fine since look at that they were right on cue it'll be fine because then at least they'll give our battleships a chance to catch up which it should in this case do we'll go up to normal speed normal speed seems so quick suddenly want one - stay on the her north side but I failed at that it's alright the road was suta actually this is this looks like it could be a good angle you can see she just launched it forward because the torpedoes are so slow at this point - barely I mean they're actually slower than some ships like destroyers right now well back in position those so the rota sudha has done her job she's pushed them back into the waiting arms of our battleship line who are not waiting not hesitating at all immediately destroying this thing ohm and the damages that's a lot of damage she's on fire which is the worst thing that can happen one of these ships probably the worst thing I would say at least besides the torpedo hit so with uh we've demonstrated all the horrible ways the battleship can go down one torpedoes and tube by fire probably no reason to get so recklessly close I just kind of want to end the battle but let's not risk our let's not risk that which either let's get that as a quarry to come in here for the honor of the Emperor Emperor not it's not because I'm nervous about these ship ships getting hit okay I didn't even have the opportunity to do so so that's obviously gonna be a pretty stupendous victory the first big the first real battle of this war even okay well that should help a bit we've commissioned five more submarines the invasion has been defeated as expected they scuttled on their AMC's we didn't even think about doing AMC's I probably could have I am now going to should I start invading why not I think all our ships are probably not happy to be there anymore now they're they're actually not complaining okay fair enough let's let's do an invasion of our own and if they don't have forces in that area to challenge us even better they're not challenging us here we can't reach the invasion targets yeah the only place where we need ships right now is the place where we want to do our invasion we're stuck in an infinite loop here unfavorable weather understandable let's maybe move some of the destroyers which have hopefully by now worked up thank goodness by the way thank goodness that these are medium range so let's move a couple of these in preparation of the big fight and by big fight I mean on land at this point the big invasion small engagement it's better not be with my Corvette though okay wow this might this is my favorite kind of battle right now anything involving the boy Chi looks like it's a bust [Laughter] I don't know um I was a battleship out here kind of funny the way the BAL generator worked sometimes there was never a chance in hell that we would have discovered each other oh well I guess it keeps you on your toes oh oh we've invaded okay well here we go please please please yes ship design we've taken control this is hell hell of a turn oh my goodness okay well just immediately now there's nothing else we can do let's send our ships home cuz there's no invasions of what can happen now nobody's in the range of anybody so everyone's going home that's not true though ouchies gonna stay round for fun Wow Northern Europe no whoa whoa that's it yeah so we're doing well but that's a little aggressive a little bit too aggressive I'm gonna leave whatever else we have there as well cuz I think we're just waiting for the war to end now I don't think there's anything else but you can happen the Germans probably aren't even trying to challenge me well they have seven battleships I mean four more under construction and trying to make up for a lot of the damage we've done and we're really waiting for a battle cruiser which is why I've held off but nice to know six we did 80% I'm kind of doubt I kind of don't think Benjamin Magnus actually did 60% technology that series moves seem to move exactly on pace and I'm actually feeling at this point the 80% progression he supposedly did 60% progression but that that moved I think he made a mistake or the game didn't record it cuz this feels a lot slower nobody's getting good stuff but in that series we had quality one six inch guns in like three years so um we'll continue to choose this because it should give us better victory points and that's perfect large territories consider war reparations was that mean six points okay so do we want to take anything else this is a pretty interesting question I think the answer is actually no and this is one of the little secrets to rule the waves to that not a lot of people know a lot of the people who are experts no but if you're if you want to maximize your budget which I think we're gonna try to do is Japan especially because I'm seeing that we don't have that much of a budget as a day colonies are not as effective taking colonies despite the fact that yes invading them and doing all that stuff is great it's fun it's fun to see your flag appearing in new places you get more money though if you just choose war reparations instead of territorial exchange so if we choose nothing here which we'll do I don't I think we can just invade these at another time that's my plan tax it oh wow okay well I guess the value zeros will take because they're free but we'll leave the marshall island and then the rest these points are going to be given to us in budget i have not selected any possessions all right it's not the way I see it that's not the way the game seeded so just forget that ever happen that never happened I don't know what you're talking about so we can always get the Marshall Islands later it's probably on the unnecessary the fact that these have zero value is well hey I mean we're setting up our empire this is so cool it's kind of like World War one esque the fact that this just happened because this is what happened World War one I mean these territories were taken by the Japanese through war with Germany we had didn't we didn't start off with a Russian war that would have been the true history progression so okay so the budget being Mithen that big of a drop of the budget in fact we are over I kind of want to build some more submarines cuz they just got a submarine hiccup and we're definitely short so we go up to forty nine forty six point nine so this next one should be over fifty which is when I I finally get comfortable but you could see how effective they were in that last war they they well they torpedo battleships twice and that was helpful I guess that's really all they did but it's fine so let's look at the foreign tons requirements just so I know mm here and five thousand there which by the way can be completed I think three of these are gonna let work already in the South Pacific an actually move everybody else out of the South Pacific I think I'll keep two destroyers they're just for fun okay and then Southeast Asia only has one light cruiser that's all that needs I guess five thousand right so that's fine okay understanding three centerline turrets we really would like that thank you scientists the sooner the better and we're not down below half quite yet so let's maybe invest some more money into expanding bases especially with all this stuff we have a value in there so we have 20 here we have 60 so let's improve this base very good just spend some money get it out of the way somebody's just rolling off the top yards okay what does that mean now 500 so we need a light cruiser which I just don't have any technology for it yet okay new docks have been completed so we'll just immediately bump that up we have huge dock sighs so kind of the funny thing is about slowing down tech progression is it doesn't slow down the dock size it's a little bit a little bit weird well us geez okay thank you we know Saba Kazi has been commissioned so that's the new one this is the British or German light cruiser cursing gun monies oh okay well it's a not important research just the incremental one percent ton of savings three more destroyers being commissioned who was it Italy stupid Italy okay so we're under the 50% mark but now we have a positive cash flow so it's time for us to figure out what we want to do next how many submarines are we going to be up to 55 that's a good number we'll probably commit to that I think we'll go with another 12 and that's probably all of them that I'll build for now oh there it is thank goodness let's go right away and see what kind of guns we have wait a second we haven't gotten any guns hmm three 11-inch guns I mean three pairs of 11-inch guns I guess we can make it bowel Cruiser okay let's make it a battle cruiser so our first ship it's a little bit weird but our first dreadnought it's gonna be a battle cruiser I mean the HMS dreadnought the original battle cruiser sorry an original dreadknot herself was very fast what 24 knots I think was it 25 so she was a quite a fast so I'm gonna do this it's gonna give me something I can't use what the hell is that I'll have to probably cut away so I can bring up my ship name list as well the Congo which is like the perfect name by the way oh yeah this is so weird we're gonna have 25 22,500 okay so this is probably what I'm gonna end up doing something like this although I don't like this I will put it hell what does that look like yeah this is the problem ELLs in the middle so let's try to put it actually dead middle midship we'll move that funnel then okay it should show me what you funnel I'm moving right it's probably this one good okay that makes sense to me having it up there so that's fine I don't want to do too much work on those super structures so besides whatever the name I need to give it let's try to give it a lot of 6-inch guns yeah actually we're we're doing okay on this oh my goodness no we're not Wow this the secondary armor was so heavy there my goodness I really want hired belt armor two point five to one point five eight 11 two point five two that all looks good to me torpedoes actually are kind of useful maybe not this many though just just a pair the three inch so the secondaries this is a good thing to add later I think I'm gonna take them off for now and it looks like I'm gonna end up taking off even otherside of 6-inch guns good I would like a little bit more honestly I would let me I would really like to get to nine point five how much do I have to sacrifice to do that a lot all right I'm gonna have to stick with nine I don't I don't see any way to do it unless I put duct extended down to one that's probably still better I think it's still better okay I think we'll do this and now we can put this up to 110 do the 11 which kind of should be pretty fast firing so we have central firing that reminds me by the way we need to refit all our other ships as well so we have to be a little bit conservative about how many ships were going to buy right now feels like it's okay I guess I'll bring the conning tower up a little bit now just so it's not a total embarrassment Oh interesting it has to be exactly the same with the belt well that's that seems fitting gonna leave it down actually so that we have enough room for okay yeah actually you haven't to leave it at 88.5 so that we have enough for director firing so eight six inch guns 6 11 inch guns this is gonna be like a true original battle cruiser and by that I mean a ship that was meant to destroy armoured cruisers is not going to be a ship of the line what did we go with here we cut we so there's like so many different design philosophies when it comes to battle cruisers the British would have said lightly armoured heavy gunned that's not us the Germans would have said heavy armored light be gunned that's also not us because we're gonna have heavy armor so we're in the middle we're in this weird zone where it's just we're this battle cruiser is neither of those two it is a super armored Cruiser battle cruiser is a super armored Cruiser it's just an up up scaled armored Cruiser slightly better it's definitely and I think it's gonna be fun to have this around 25 okay so we are capable very capable of making this into our CV conversion as well which I honestly the thing is I don't I don't like to game the system too much because it feels so nice when you just naturally stumble upon carriers and we built this naturally but it also very actually be a good carrier so now just let me give it a second so I can get the mean okay so it will be the Sakurajima sakoda Zuma just have to double check for the umpteenth time but I think we're okay okay so it's gonna take four months this gives us four months before something better comes along and we also as I was already mentioning we do need to refit these ships for a central firing which is not gonna be a problem I don't think there's anything else we want to do obviously we're not able to so we're not able to change the guns but I think you can oh oh that's right Oh hooray oh this is this is good this is gonna be extremely expensive all our money is now gone sorry just want to make sure that that's the correct the correct one and it is alright we will rebuild these it's gonna be four months of pure pain it's gonna take us down to like 20 so we're gonna have like one maybe two of these battle cruisers at least at first but I don't want to do i I'm in max a bit but I want to do that I kind of like the idea of doing things a little bit more realistically in this case what that means is not building for ships exactly starting all in the same day finish you know as like so unusual for that to happen usually a class will have several built over the course of you know they're not all laid down commissioned on the same days so not typical so this one's already been refit I mean I know it has thank-you note too so we've got quality zero six inch guns pretty quickly and you guys are already yeah because our set oh that's right they still need upgrades they need they need central firing especially the ohe so then we need to leave somebody in Southeast Asia for a little bit let me just verify what was that again 5,000 okay that's not bad we only need to leave yeah how many of these I can probably cover them so this is uh before so another four should be another 24 this should be enough I just need to wait one turn because the C for colonial service means that their tonnage should go up by like 25% when they're when you're being considered for foreign stationed requirements they act as a bigger touch even touch this hash to find an engineer qu and Borneo that will install a pro Japanese regime they are waiting for your approval somehow I have a feeling that this is not going to work but that's okay it didn't give me an option did it for West for Cameroon or Southwest Africa when we had the territory I wonder why do you need to be with him a certain radius or something mm-hmm okay anyway we're not doing so great I also want to these are actually not not cheap no there's supposed to be a lot cheaper we don't need to worry about their maintenance those we're gonna mothball yeah mothball we're going to mothball probably just gonna go reserves for everything else yeah we'll just go reserves 4.6 4.5 did not did not work who's not ok you guys can go home we'll save us a little bit more money and then what how many do I have down there I have four which is 1800 and we need 2000 so yeah that should be should be enough one of our cruisers is run aground we'll just do this demand that they release the ship and send a strong squadron to underline the point we're expecting lots of tensions the board NATO group never came back okay defensive minefields all right so I think this is good to go Sakurajima Sakurajima dude we have we've done anything I can't remember we had any technology researched you know I'm just gonna go ahead okay let's rework we don't do anything if we don't change anything I think it's fine though then there's no harm no foul we just hit this and go and rebuild it like this and suggest and how we doing now Wow okay we will build one the only one of her type that could not have come at a better time this is all happening very fortuitously Samoa okay well we guess we'll do it wow it worked Wow okay well that's great boy look at lost chapping these flags done we've done a really good job so far I mean looking a lot of it has been rng this game is you know orangey paste but the fun of it is still designing things designing ships all that that's that doesn't go away regardless at the R&G and this was just so important France is hosting something well we go for the win cuz I don't that would not be honorable to finish second which I guess is gonna create tensions with France okay main battery wing target turrets yes W that one might actually I think we're okay I'm from an a SW standpoint for now at least looks like the budgets gonna be okay France doesn't look like they cared that we did that I thought England actually or Great Britain actually went up but I don't remember that might not be true two more months before we can build new docks with the great threat from Britain rising the hawk party manages to pass a bill authorizing additional funding for the Navy spectacular there's been a rebellion in the Falkland Islands what do you recommend I really don't want first of all I don't think I want to go to war with the British they already have a battle cruiser in service okay it's a - that's actually pretty cool that we both chose to build battle cruisers first they didn't build a dreadnought either they have 36 battleships are you out of your cotton-picking head what the heck's going on here that's it they only have nine times almost ten times our battleships yeah I don't know about you guys but I somehow think going to war with England right now would not be a good idea we could help Great Britain root out the rebels that's interesting I think in a very rare moment I'm gonna walk the middle line and those of you who have seen my series before you must realize how rare this is I I just don't often walk the middle ground but I think I'm going to hear ok unrest is actually for the people are not happy ok let's you know do that build bigger docks we've almost got to the point where we're neutral and budget and how are we doing a ship this is the one rare time where we could accelerate this ship and nothing bad would come of it you must are we doing I didn't know Japan do they have undeveloped shipbuilding I did not realize that I only know that because I went to ships under construction I saw 30 after several months have already been spent and it should not take this long but it does for undeveloped shipbuilding and turns out yep we do we do have that we are afflicted ok well I don't know nothing else we wait wait I never liked cruisers I don't need oh yeah no I do I do need to bring these guys in because we have to give them central fire Inc and that's gonna be a bit expensive but it needs to be done I thought I did the math did I do the math wrong no I didn't I just was doing it for the wrong number okay well let's just turn Oh G on forestation 9000 that's that's all that's pretty much everyone we have so let's actually the Corvette's what the heck is this Maiden's up to here Oh cuz they're mothballs that's right but seven okay so active fleet let's turn these guys to reserve fleet actually no I'm gonna get these two how many do I need I'm shy like 4,000 likes I actually do think we're gonna need all these just 12 we don't need 12 3,600 that should be enough yeah let's move this money to Southeast Asia oh my gosh look at 50 million normally doesn't mean much 50 million is half our yearly budget that's insane the people are nuts fifty million has been collected by popular subscription to finance a new battleship if you do not build a battleship you may become the focus of some displeasure well look my hands are tired we're just half oh my goodness it's gonna take so long for it to be built but I think we just I think we just double up on the one we already built we have not developed any new technology since I don't see any reason why we wouldn't just get the just another one of the same thing and I do like to have more than one ship I always like a sister ship so we have the tour Oney welcome to the fleet oh my gosh I don't want to go to war with Great Britain game I don't want to go to war with Great Britain international force yeah let's do that okay well I'd better than going to war with Great Britain hey I mean they just have so much stuff it would be very hard we're not yet in position to challenge them and I like that I really like that there's you know some kind of we have to you know there's a bigger person in the room than us you know if you play even as jerk I mean if you play is Germany even France you can probably go toe-to-toe certainly the United States or Great Britain you can go toe-to-toe with anybody in the world it's kind of fun to play you like the Italy's the Japan's where it's not you have to kind of dance around your foe the austro-hungarian hungries we probably do need to put these ships in reserve though because this is just getting very expensive and what the heck are you doing okay active fleet and please move back to Northeast Asia and all of these guys are going to reserve fleet which is just these two I guess so is everyone else yeah okay that's fine so at least we don't have to worry about foreign stations yep that's satisfied even though I took the day off we're good so when these guys come back I will be putting them into reserve okay France not my favorite but let's do it I'll take Gerber and has completed ship twin turrets now that was clever why haven't we thought of that we can now use main battery wing turrets well that means we can build a semi dreadnought if we want but we already have three center lines why would we do that we wouldn't just a reminder to myself that you gumo is our short-range so if we want to move them around before war we have to do that well before war guys all to preserve save us just a little bit of money yeah we have a lot of submarines that's good at risk okay just do it we're technical technologically backwards a strong arms industry is the foundation for a strong Navy okay I'm pretty sure France is not gonna get anything from us but we will take advantage of it so thank you France and we're not doing too bad we're only down to minus 2 million with 40 in the bank we're being praised I mean this has been a win-win-win oh my gosh speaking of win-win-win oh my gosh yes yes in fact I don't know why I didn't do this before we probably should be spying on the US I guess I don't really want to go to war with them what's their ship status it's at they're only at 21 no but they have 18 armored cruisers oh my gosh what is wrong with Great Britain what they've just gone nuts oh because historical budget of course the historical budget just gives Great Britain such a it's such an enormous lead it does feel more like historical though you know when you play the game budget especially if you play with the game budget as Great Britain that's just insane that's it's the hardest hard mode um yeah we can go to war with Germany can we can go toe-to-toe with anybody we're probably Great Britain and the u.s. oh wow they've declared independence fantastic still not rooting for a great for the British yeah well anyway it's 41 minutes I guess we'll wrap this one up here things are looking good the sun is shining on the Empire of the Rising Sun Sun boy that could have been said so much better but yeah I mean these are really they're really looking up for us we have a lot of new territory that of asset that has been acquired and the one war some events Admiral tour Togo has really brought Japan into the international realm of focus people must be talking about how Japan defeated Germany and how they're taking over all kinds of places all over the Asian mmm like we have South Pacific that all over this Pacific oh we did take Borneo Wow okay well oh shoot before we go I need to make sure that we're protecting it's gonna be expensive but I think it's mandatory I did not realize that we actually took it now just one for the ones that are only worth zero points cuz then I mean we're spending more money than more making on them but I still wanted to defend them with at least one and what else did we get you know you were the original yeah this is this one holy cow how did I not notice that and the small okay good it's worth a point so we'll give it at least one 6-inch gun all right these are this is so weird we we really are now we just need to take care of Hong Kong and all of Southeast Asia just kick the French out we need to defeat the Russians that's for sure but Wow things are looking good-looking very good and I'll leave them here until the next video so thanks for watchin thanks for joining and until the next one take care
Channel: TortugaPower
Views: 8,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Ship Design, Naval Simulator, Naval Combat, Rule the Waves, Gaming, World War 1, Fleet Combat, let's play, lets play, Strategy Video Game (Video Game Genre), Tactical Command, Tactical Wargame (Game Genre), war, Budget, Management Simulation, Royal Navy, Jacky Fisher, Fleet in Being, Dreadnought, Tirpitz, Rule the Waves 2, Rules the Waves II, Rule the Waves Gameplay, Naval Fleet Management, Carrier Task Force, Japan, Imperial Japanese Navy, Nihon Kaigun, Admiral Togo
Id: T4igXgnVXlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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