Ruined Underwear

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hey everyone god bless you i have a reflection for you today that i'd like to entitle ruined underwear you may say father why are you calling that this reflection ruined underwear well i'll explain that in just a second before i do i'd like to say just a few words about why most of our patristic nectar films don't have the comment button open and so we don't solicit comments i've been asked this quite a few times over the years and i just want to say a brief word about it one is a very practical concern and that is uh moderating comments addressing comments uh is a great labor in fact when you do as many reflections as we do there's a lot of comments that come in and we don't have the staff at this time to be able to address the comments maybe in the future we will but we're not going to launch something and not do it right a second concern is a spiritual concern and that is one of the realities of our information age in this age digital age is that there's far too much chatter and there's a lot of talk uh i was recently on a zoom meeting with our parish and the chat was open and there was some benefit i guess in having that chat when we can ask questions but we also we we say things and we make comments in that digital forum that we would never make face to face this is why there's so much rudeness and acrimony and insensitivity in uh internet internet communication especially social media communication text type dumbed down communication it's just bloody dangerous for people who care about their souls to be always thinking when they watch something that they need to comment why would you need to comment usually if you're trying to learn something or or why not just be more careful and allow there to be a larger time between what you think you should say and actually saying it you know i was taught by my spiritual father many moons ago whenever i felt like i had to say something to wait if i had to write an important letter or something to wait and wait three days and then if i felt the same way send it with some sort of distance from the emotion unfortunately the modern forms of communication this texting and this uh chatting don't provide for that kind of reflection so many people end up saying things that they really should never have said that's not to say that there's not a proper use of comments maybe there is and maybe though there's a way that we could uh here at pnp in the future utilize this function but don't know what that is yet so ruined underwear why in the world uh have i entitled that well today is the feast of the holy prophet ezekiel one of the great prophets of the old testament and uh in service for prophet ezekiel uh our priest here father assistant priest father thomas hernandez gave a great mini homily on the prophet ezekiel he really inspired me he shared with the congregation that was gathered for the service of vespers for the prophet ezekiel last evening that he really loved the prophets because they were so bold and they were willing to say things even when it was unpopular or when they would be seriously chastised or punished for saying them that's how much they respected god's truth and the word of god that had been given to them and isn't that the case they say so many true beautiful things and one of the things that the god has asked the prophets to do is to say things and express things that are often often embarrassing and would bring great negative response the prophet jeremiah for instance talks about ruined underwear yes indeed in a very unique way this is in the 13th chapter of the prophecy of jeremiah and god explicitly tells jeremiah to take a pair of elastic waistband some sort of elastic loin covering and to take it to the euphrates river and to place it there in the rocks under the water which the prophet did and then it's the scriptures say that a long period of time passed and then he went back he was told by god to go back and get the underwear out of the euphrates which he did and to discover that it was now ruined that in fact it had no ability to function and this image that god gave the prophet jeremiah this show and tell so to speak is a picture of the people of god at the time who had become absolutely worthless they were designed like the elastic band to cling to god but uh in their interest in the world in their submersion in the sea of life they had become completely worthless because they no longer clung onto god this is the message from the prophets and it's a message that i bring to you also today today our value in serving the kingdom of god completely flows and is built upon the foundation of our clinging to god with our thoughts and our strength and our mind and our heart loving him with our whole being is clinging to him and if we stop doing that then we deny and do not fulfill the essential calling of what it means to be a human being and to be called a christian in the service of the church so i wish you all to be elastic and to hold fast to god lest the reproof of the prophet jeremiah apply to us god be with you patristic nectar publications is pleased to present a new 11 lecture series by father josiah trenham entitled the gospel revealed an exposition of saint paul's epistle to the romans this most famous of all saint paul's letters is a majestic proclamation of the christian gospel a gospel described as the power of god revealed from heaven for the salvation of all who believe the great apostle sets forth the dire need of all human beings for god's saving work in jesus christ as well as the majestic fruits that attend faith in the lives of christians here in 16 chapters saint paul expounds many themes that have captured the christian imagination for 20 centuries now available at
Channel: PatristicNectarFilms
Views: 6,380
Rating: 4.9661732 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Ezekial, Ezechiel, Jeremiah, Jeremiahs underwear, Euprates, Prophet Jeremiah, Relationship with God, Message from the prophets, Clinging to God, Holy Prophet, Holy Fire, Father Josiah Trenham, Father Josiah, jesus christ, Patristic Nectar Publications, Trenham, Orthodox Christian, christian vlogger, orthodox church, holy orthodoxy, ancient christianity, orthodox christianity, Theology, Bible study, Christian podcast, Josiah Trenham podcast, bible study
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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