The Mother of God Destroys Secularism and Feminism

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If Josiah worried more about being a father for his children instead of thinking about what the Theotokos thinks and being chummy with wife-fucker Metropolitan Joseph, he would make fucking father of the year.

I know the man personally. His family is fucking dumpster fire.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

WTF was that? He goes from shoulder pads to the Virgin Mary and then heโ€™s saying women shouldnโ€™t get a paycheck because the Virgin Mary never got one. Unless someone is some kind of artist, billionaire or sociopath (lots of overlap in those last 2 BTW), no one wants to work. We work because the alternative of starving to death on the street is much worse. Like FU buddy, why donโ€™t you follow your own advice and get a real job!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Gfclark3 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So every womanโ€™s true destiny is to be like the Theotokos - a mother of only one child. ;)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Initial_Captain_439 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yea, this guy is a fascist.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/acharnis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's sneaky because he mixes some truth (like how for a period of time women used to belittle other women who chose to stay home, and the fact that there was a period where shoulder pads weren't the coolest looking fad in just my personal opinion) in with...ickiness. That's how he gets people.

Both of those things have mostly passed by now. Staying home with your kids seems mostly respected and often is even seen as desirable now and women aren't obsessed with shoulder pads anymore. (Sure, they look nice on some people.) Working is also respected. That's what women and men all need. Respect.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/notanexpert_askapro ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What happens when a trad manโ€™s wife dies or leaves him? He can financially support himself. What happens when a trad womanโ€™s husband dies or leaves her? She is left unemployable beyond minimum wage jobs if she has been out of the workforce for years AND she must feed her children on those wages. I was a SAHM mom for years and wouldnโ€™t trade those years for anything, however Iโ€™m happy to be in the workforce now. I donโ€™t think either choice makes me more or less holy. But then again, I donโ€™t wear shoulder pads, so maybe Iโ€™m holier than my Great Aunt Ruth. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Squeakmcgee ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 10 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I didn't watch the full video but got a sense of the themes of the points made along with commentary from you all. It really does seem like these people sometimes live in a different world and lack empathy or choose to only see whay they wanna see. Besides the struggles of single mothers having to work and perform labor in the home and take care of their kids, in many parts of the world and in the US, cities where cost of living is so high, it's often impossible NOT to have both parents working to sustain their families. You mix in caring for sick relatives, elderly parents, and finances come crushing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/curiousquestions73 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 11 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is it bad of me to want to be a stay at home dad, wear Lululemon all damn day long, cook casseroles, and give my wife freaky freaky time when she has had a hard day at the office?

Josiah would probably say that's unmasculine of me.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 11 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't understand his appeal, so many people are rallying behind him and it makes me so mad

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CreativeBuddy1817 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 11 2023 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everyone god bless you and best wishes for the celebration of the great feast of the dormition of the mother of god i wish you all a wonderful feast our reflection today is entitled the most holy virgin mary the death of secularism and radical feminism but before i speak a little bit about that i want to just give you an update of what's happening with the churches here in the state of california as we continue this uh struggle against tyranny here you know that a number of our states in in our country have been just egregious in their suppression of religious freedom states like nevada where the governor uh allows casinos to be open at 50 percent but not churches no churches i can't be meeting uh even some churches uh i read about a church that recently that moved into a casino and they were still shut down so casinos can meet at 50 capacity but if the people in the casinos are worshiping god their churches they they can't welcome to nevada uh delaware is another hideous place with regards to the government governmental infringement upon religious freedom there the governor has been very clear that churches can meet for one hour and one time a week thank you very much mr governor but it's the worst here in california as probably most of you know governor newsom uh has forbidden singing and then he has forbidden church services altogether so none of us are allowed to be worshipping in our in our churches thank god uh many many churches are meeting all around the state in defiance of this tyranny uh while this is going on of course our governor is letting out thousands and thousands of criminals some of them very serious criminals and now us pastors are are wondering if it was just uh a preparation uh to clear the prisons so that the pastors can fill them in fact uh in this last week or so three lawsuits have been um before our before our minds and faces one is from a very influential church in southern california a grace community church that has been is pastored by pastor john mcarthur who's a very well-known protestant pastor and scholar it's a large church of six or seven thousand people he's pastored there for over 50 years they after weeks of complying when they believed the lies that we were told uh that the coronavirus was going to be like the bubonic plague and they were all going to be falling over dead and half of the state was going to die um when the people began to find out that that that was all nonsense um they began to come back to church and so they have been worshiping uh and l.a county public health officer uh recently warned them that they will receive a one thousand dollar a day fine and that pastor macarthur could be arrested um the church just recently i think this last wednesday filed a lawsuit against governor newsom we've had a little success uh thus far thanks to supreme court chief justice john roberts who was the deciding vote against religious freedom in the state of california he's he's had a very bad record of late on this subject so we have that going on and uh every day there's an update and the pastors around the state are hearing about what's going on uh in grace community church uh praying for for success and very thankful for the courage uh and the backbone uh of uh that fine pastor john mcarthur another uh place is that that's really having a go at it is pastor rob mccoy uh he is pastor of god speak calvary chapel church up in newberry park just next to a thousand oaks i know both of these pastors and have met them over the years and pastor rob has been very engaged in local politics he was a councilman i used to even enter a mayor until recently of his town they once they recognized that the incredible overreach was going on they began to hold services again and especially when they saw the blessing that our governor gave to thousands and thousands of people to be meeting uh in riots and protests uh across our state uh he uh pastor mccoy began to meet again well he was recently brought before the ventura county superior court where a restraining order was placed upon him by the judge upon him and the first 1000 of his parishioners who would show up that was last week and this last sunday pastor mccoy and his parishioners and thousands of others from from churches across the state who heard about this legal harassment uh if the judge was warning him about uh you know dead parishioners etc uh they all came and defied that order uh and met for worship this last sunday um the judge is now holding pastor mccoy in contempt of court uh and we're waiting to hear today in fact if he will be arrested um or exactly what's going to happen i am noting just as a little cylon mcarthur mccoy evidently the scots are rising and offering us uh some some leadership uh my wife which comes my wife who comes from uh partially scott family we no doubt happy about that so that's what's happening interestingly in both of these cases i've heard from the lips of both of those pastors that in neither church do they have a single coronavirus case not a single case now that is an interesting piece of information uh if this is the bubonic plague uh if this is supposed to kill half of our and if it's as contagious and deadly as we are hearing from those who need it to be such in order to justify these emergency tyrannical forms of government that are going on um it's certainly uh shocking how there could be no cases in two mega churches i find that extremely shocking i also have a large church we've had three cases three cases and in two of those cases they were around many of our other parishioners and no one got it no one and this is months this is after months and months there's a third case uh pastor che on of harvest church in pasadena my hometown this is also a large church and they also have taken legal action so we're praying for some sanity to return to our courts some some sense some measure of constitutional justice of course most of the the cases are asking for just equality just treat us without obvious prejudice and bias treat us like you would treat uh the casinos or treat us like you would treat the big box stores like best buy that's open at 50 capacity um that's the obvious win you would think uh in a lawsuit since since the bias against churches is so obvious uh but of course that's not good enough that's not good enough uh we have special protections as religious believers in the united states constitution that the big box stores do not have so forgive me but equality is too little we need special protection that the first amendment gives us to practice uh freely uh our religious our religion the free exercise of religion is the first not the tenth the first amendment to the united states constitution so this is what we want uh the worship of god is not something granted to us by the state uh the freedom to worship god is inherent in human creation it's given by god himself no man no matter who he is can stop it no one it's a command of god so that's just a little update please uh don't forget us please don't forget us uh as arbitrariness continues to reign out here we still have yet to receive any clarity uh from our governor about what exactly was the number uh since we're at about double the deaths of our bad flu year the year before uh why was it that when we had 70 000 deaths there was no government involvement whatsoever but we have 140 000 deaths now and the economy is destroyed churches are banned and uh all sorts of tyrannical police state actions are being taken so what exactly was it was it 70 000 won that caused the light to switch on was it 100 000 was it 120 000 exactly what is that number of course conveniently it hasn't been told us because as soon as you commit yourself to a rationale for declaring an emergency state then you can be held accountable to ending it when that emergency order is done so what exactly is that number i would like to know i've been asking that question for a long time and hoping that we could have it answered so this can be over okay please pray for us please pray for us out here my reflection on the virgin on the eve now of her great feast of her falling asleep and her son and of her uh glorious ascension into heaven her assumption and deification uh on the eve of this great feast august 15th lekimesis the dormition i want to just pose this thought that love and devotion to the most holy virgin is an incredible protection against the most aggressively anti-christian forces of our time in fact devotion to the mother of god will protect you from the secular spirit and also from one of its most grotesque expressions which is radical feminism both of these are crumbled into dust by devotion to the most pure mother of god and you may say well how is that the case before i tell you how that is the case let me just share this with you in our catechism here at saint andrew we have include as one of the lectures a lecture on the church and the saints and in that lecture we especially talk about she who is uh the most honorable of all the saints the most pure virgin and in that lecture i give kind of an outline to the catechumens many of whom know almost nothing about the life of the virgin mary and by the way the life of the virgin mary is precious to the church it's not something that we know just a few pieces about her history in fact one of the most beautiful books on the life of the virgin mary is this in fact 600 page uh life of the virgin mary the theotokos is published by holy apostles convent out of colorado that's a fantastic text but 600 pages something to learn yes something to learn about the most pure virgin and so in catechism i share kind of the basic contours of the virgin's life and i ask um first the catechumens what they know about her and i give them a little quiz yes a quiz but that's because the church is a school yes she is now she's not just a school she's much more than that in fact there's no end to descriptions of the church because the church sheriff the inexhaustible quality of her head which is an inability to be circumscribed the church is uh endless but i i give a basic quiz uh on the life of the virgin mary to find out where they are so how about you take it right now i'm going to ask you the questions that i ask my cat humans here and i have for 20 plus years and see how you do see how you fare this is a general information quiz on the life of the blessed virgin mary here we go if you have a piece of paper i suggest that you take it out and take a pencil or pen and see if you can answer these question number one of the 12 great feasts of the church how many are devoted to the virgin mary how many that would be four and if you count the presentation as a marion feast five can you name them her nativity her entrance into the temple the enunciation and the door mission and of course if we're going to take that feast on february 2nd the ibapanti the presentation of the lord the entrance of the lord into the temple then you have four and a half or five number three who painted the first icon of the virgin mary that would be saint luke the evangelist and philosopher and doctor and artist number four the day of the year on which we celebrate mary's birth her birthday the most second most important important birthday in the universe september 8th what feast do we celebrate 80 days after this her churching technically her being brought to the temple her entrance into the temple on the november the 21st according to the levitical 80 days rule number six what is the name of the most famous hymn composed in honor of the virgin mary it's the activist hymn when is this hymn appointed to be sung in many of our churches this would be on the fridays of great land in many of our churches number eight of the four church fafs during the year what is the one devoted to the virgin mary called it's called the dormition fast we're in it now the first two weeks of august what is the name of the roman catholic marian doctrine promulgated in 1854 and rejected by the orthodox church that would be the immaculate conception we don't believe in that number 10 why do the orthodox not accept this doctrine we don't accept this doctrine because we believe it actually removes mary from her true position uh having been born naturally as we are the doctrine of the immaculate conception says that she was conceived without sin that she was free of original sin and the consequences of that is that she didn't die um this is quite confusing to an orthodox since one of the central shrines for pilgrimage in the holy land is the tomb of the most pure virgin we believe that to suggest that she didn't have original sin is actually to not exalt her but it is to lower her uh as a model for us since it means that she wasn't dealing with uh the same deck of cards that we have been dealing with and therefore uh her her ability not to sin and her ability to love god uh was more natural to her somehow than to us and that cuts her off from being a tangible encouragement and example to us number 11 what were two of the ways the church's veneration for the virgin mary were attacked in the early days of the church one of the ways was by the false teaching that the virgin mary was not a virgin at the time of giving birth the church has always confessed that she was a virgin before giving birth while giving birth and after giving birth this is why if you look at the icon of the virgin mary there are three stars in her in her nimbus three stars here uh on the top of her icon that show that she was a virgin before during and after giving birth also another heresy was the heresy of nestorianism that implied that the virgin was something like i didn't really offer her her true humanity to christ she was more like a pipe like a tube both of those were an attack on her how was the virgin mary's birth miraculous it was miraculous in fact because her parents saints joachim and anna were past the age of conceiving and god enabled them to conceive through natural lovemaking passionless holy lovemaking but natural to they enable past the time of their for ability to be fertile god enabled her conception number 13 what is the name of the service appointed to be sung in church during the august marian fast that would be the parochial service to the mother of god what happened to the virgin mary when she was three her parents presented her into the temple where she began to live number 15 true or false joseph fell in love with the virgin mary and wanted her to be his wife until the archangel gabriel came to him that is false he was a widower he was an older man he in fact was terrified of the idea of being her guardian he did it for god's sake in order to protect her number 16 what are the names of the virgin mary's parents that would be saints joachim and anna true or false the virgin mary experienced no pain when she gave birth to jesus that is true number 18 how was the virgin mary instrumental in jesus's first miracle if you have watched the video that i did just a few days ago on how the virgin mary saves us and the power of her intercession to remember that she convinced the lord to change water into wine at the wedding feast of cana in galilee even when he didn't want to number 19 what is the greek title we often use in the liturgy for the virgin that would be theotokos that was a formal theological title given to her at the third ecumenical council which is why orthodox christians of all different languages preserve it and use it as a personal name for her theotokos the one who bears god the bearer of god number 20 at what council was the propriety of this title established that would be the third ecumenical council in ephesus 21 which church father first condemned the heresy that mary was not perpetually a virgin that would be saint jerome 22 how is the virgin mary prophesied in the old testament she is found under many many images she is the mountain from which the stone was hewn she is the bull that holds the mana she is the burning bush she is the censer there are so many in fact many priests including myself uh have vestments blue vestments that have uh or or hanging altar vestments that have embroidered into them all sorts of old testament images for the for the virgin 23 how can the virgin mary uniquely help you she can help you as your spiritual mother as the mother of the church with her immense love her great care and concern her healing power her intercessions her ability to inculcate her particularly glorious virtues like faith and humility and to those who are devoted to her number 24 what are some practical ways that we can grow close to the virgin mary uh reading her akathist every day or her paralysis every day or regularly celebrating her feasts with enthusiasm praying to her every single day and number 25 how does the church's devotion to the virgin mary protect us from the contemporary heresies of secularism and radical feminism and that is in fact where i would like to end the great principle of feminine of secularism is that in fact the that's a very interesting the great principle of secularism is that uh it is functional atheism secularism is rooted uh on the idea that uh what you see the material world is the measure of things and the idea of the unseen world uh being the model for this world and governing the purposes and structure of this world and interacting with it uh the kingdom of god and the kingdom of man together is anathema of course to secularism of what is the reason that christians adore and are so devoted to the most holy virgin mary the reason is because of who she received in her womb is because her holiness her greatness is chiefly expressed by the fact that god considered her worthy indeed to be full of grace to receive his son and to be the means by which he would become incarnate this is why the virgin mary is almost universally depicted in icons holding her son often directing us like in the majestic icon of the directors directing everyone who attends to her to look at him and to worship him so the the virgin mary's greatness the reason that she is the most hemmed and most adorned woman in the history of the human race the reason she is so deeply respected and has been a model for men and women forever is because she is the mother of the co-eternal son of god who in the fullness of times was incarnate in her womb and from her to save the human race this is the greatness of the virgin this is the reason that she her great this is how her greatness is expressed and this is the reason that uh the virgin is adored to this day and of course that truth that god has become man in order that man might become joined to god might become deified and become god that is the absolute death knell of secularism the entire gospel uh is uh packed into that affirmation of the greatness of the virgin mary and secondly devotion to the virgin mary is also the greatest snub and the greatest uh revealer of the vacuousness of radical feminism that could be the principle behind radical feminism at its heart as ironic as this is is that greatness and value is male and therefore for women to be great and to be valued they have to take on the male form this is why women celebrated their their abandonment of the home and their embrace of working for equal pay in the workplace as though somehow that was the measure of greatness uh to be able to vote and to be able to act like a man in the public square and to be free from domesticity and from motherhood is supposedly the greatness of women that is a terrible irony uh the idea that is expressed i think most ironically by the fact that women threw off traditional feminine distinctly feminine guard the distinction between male and female clothing is universal uh and ancient and biblical but the feminists threw it off and they began to wear suits but because they didn't have arms shoulders like men uh but they were one to play men then they put on these little ties and they put pads in their in their shoulders of their pantsuits so that they could look proper and didn't just have sloping shoulders what a grief what a grief this is not the christian perspective whatsoever for us the greatest christian who has ever lived is a woman she is supreme over every christian man and over every christian woman she is the model of all monastics monks and nuns she is the one to whom all priests and bishops bow as the model of what it means to be great and to be a god lover she is the the example of a true christian believer and therefore all christians adore her and she was in fact someone who was a mother that's right she had the most influential position she was given to mold the heart the character of the son of god of the lord jesus christ himself motherhood is in the words of c.s lewis the most important of all jobs and every other job that exists every job uh in the public square exists for one reason and that is to support motherhood where the incredible miracle of the reproduction and uh formation of eternal human beings take place the virgin mary will always keep before the face of the church the glory of motherhood which is a uniquely feminine reality it is the glory of all women and she never worked in the public square she never received a single paycheck and she's the most prized woman in the world the standards of radical feminism are bogus and the virgin is the model for everyone god bless you all and keep you and grant you a beautiful celebration of the dormition matristic nectar publications is pleased to present our newest series entitled walk in love an exposition of first second and third john st john the theologian is at one and the same time the church's most profound theologian and her most simple and loving pastor saint john's gospel soars to the heights in revealing profound trinitarian theology saint john's apocalypse pulls back the curtain on eschatological mysteries and the epistles of saint john reveal the holy apostles burning heart of love for the flock and his solid and practical counsel to believers on how to live for the lord these letters move between the dual affirmations of divinity that god is light and god is love and call upon the people of god to embrace holiness and love as the distinguishing marks of christian believers for these and other available titles please visit our website at [Music] you
Channel: PatristicNectarFilms
Views: 29,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John MacArthur, Grace Community Church, Pastor John MacArthur, Gavin Newsome sued, Pastor MacArthur, grace to you, Prayer, praying, how to pray, Holy Virgin, Theotokos, mary mother of god, rosary, Catholic worship of, catholic worship of mary, praying to saints in bible, Patristic Nectar Publications, Patristic nectar, christian vlog, Jesus, Fr Josiah Trenham, Christian Life, Trenham, Orthodox Christian, dormition of the theotokos, virgin mary, Orthodox Fast
Id: J7X1TwsaIN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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