Ruger LCP II 380ACP: The Best Deep Concealment Pistol?

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[Music] welcome back everybody as you guessed we are going over this pistol right here this is the Ruger LCP 2 it is obviously a very small gun designed for concealed carry chambered in 380 acp I do have a full review of the original one that we're gonna get into here in just a little bit as well but the Ruger LCP to my opinion should probably be called the Ruger LCP 3 because the original actually had a pretty major overhaul after a few years so it came out I think in 2008 and it really did regardless of what people think about it revolutionized concealed carry at the time so a lot of folks simply aren't gonna carry big guns this was a reliable gunner at least the original one was a reliable gun that you could easily slip in your pocket and almost forget was there and then of course if you needed it a gun is definitely better than no gun so a lot of people got their concealed carry permits carried those guns the same with the M&P bodyguard but on the original ones the ones that came out 2008 there's a couple big problems with it so the sights were really bad and the trigger was atrocious I mean the trigger on that thing is I had the original one that then I had the revised one the trigger on the original one was like legitimately 14 or 15 pounds it was just insane and it made it very difficult to hit anything outside of you know 10 yards with it just became quite difficult and the revised one which is the one we're gonna show you here in a second that we have they reduced that down probably to around 9 pounds 10 pounds in the trigger pull and they improved the sights as well however they called it a rolling change and I'm generational difference this is definitely a generational difference so let's get into the details of it here and sort of walk you through everything that's going on moving on to the details of the pistol we'll start here with the magazine's they do drop free as you can see they're six round capacity it does have this little finger extension on there and it's textured to match the grip as well which is different than the original ones but the big difference is it does lock the slide open on the last round that of course is nice for a number of reasons but let you know your gun is empty which is you know good information to know if you find yourself on a two-way range it also allows you to use your slide stop or slide release lever to reload so you can you push down on there or you can just run the slide either way get your gun back into action with some fresh ammo in there so the original mags will work just fine we're gonna get into mags here in a little bit more detail later on they'll work just fine they function just fine they just won't walk the slide back so there is that if you have a surplus of them you can still use them and they function just fine continuing up to the grip one big difference is the texture for sure this script texture has a lot more both in the front in the back and the sides than the original one did and it also has somewhat of a swell here let me kind of move in hopefully my camera will focus but there's a little bit of a swell there on the back portion of it now that does increase the diameter of it are the width of it I should say over the original gun for sure however it's much more comfortable people with normal size hands and then with people who have large hands like I do it makes a substantial difference in terms of controllability of the gun and just comfort when you shoot it the wider a gun is back here at the rear where it actually mates up with your hands the more area there is to distribute the recoil energy across so it just feels like a softer shooting gun and it has less of a kind of like a thunk when it hit when it fires I should say magazine released there is on the left side as it comes from the factory it is not reversible so that's something that some folks don't like you can see there on our magazine it's only cut for one side so take that for what it's worth we're getting some waves kicking out from a boat that just went by it's actually kind of rare here but there is that we already touched on the slide stop slide lock it's not a overly large you know button or control so I have never actually did it accidentally and that is a big thing for semi-auto guns a lot of folks who use a high thumb's grip can accidentally do that speaking of high thumbs grip let's talk about that as you guys can see there my hands are big and my thumb will actually come out up front of the muzzle with 380 if you do this ask me how I know if she do this you're not actually gonna blow your finger off like you could but like a 44 magnum in front of a a cylinder or something like that but you know I don't let you know gives it a little sting so just be cognizant of that if you have big hands try to keep that phone down there when you're firing with both hands continuing on up we do have that pin that you have to remove to take it down I have a full video on disassembly and cleaning lubricating and reassembling the LCP pistol nothing's changed there it's a simple process not really a big deal you don't have to pull the trigger some folks do like that our trigger guard they're relatively large for a micro pistol so if you live in an area where you're gonna be wearing gloves concealed carrying that's definitely an advantage however one of the biggest advantages to the LCP to over the originals is the trigger that you see here so it has that blade style trigger like you would see with a Glock so that is an additional stay Pia drop safety to it so no matter how hard I do this it's not going to actually the triggers not gonna fall however it is a hammer fire gun but it shoots and feels like a striker for a gun so for those of you guys who are used to like a Glock seven peas those sorts of things it's gonna feel very similar and the trigger pull weight on it is excellent so it breaks right at six pounds you guys can see we have that take up there then you kind of hit a wall it's pretty predictable it's six pounds it's crisp the reset is long though if you guys are you know reset junkies and that's where it resets again predictable wall break and reset just like that it is not a trigger that if it was on like a full-sized strike fire gun and that I would say it's an excellent trigger I would say it's an average trigger however on a pocketable micro 380 it is a fantastic trigger it's the best one that I think I've fired to date prior to that I would say it would but in the car but this one in my opinion is better than the car it's not as smooth as the car but in terms of predictability and being able to anticipate the break those sorts of things for accuracy which typically you don't have on a micro pistol this one simply is the best that I've used in my opinion anyway continuing forward of the trigger guard we do have those fronts for Asians up there on the front for those of you guys that like to do that for whatever reason we do not have a light rail as you would probably expect on a pistol of this size however there are companies that make lights that you can mount on there as well as lasers and in fact there's actually a holster for them as well that's one of the advantages of the LCP 2 over some of the competitors out there is that there are a ton of accessories for this gun so that certainly is a good thing moving on I've testified you guys can see on this one we have some finished work that's because of as of right now we put 600 through it so we're out there using it carrying it those sorts of things but it does have good serrations at the front and the rear so for those of you guys who like to do your press checks you can easily do it here with this pistol the same on the rear it's not difficult to run the slide compared to other small pistols right so a lot of people look at guns like this and gecko my wife girlfriend mother whoever who's not an experienced shooter that's the great great gun for them well it might be if they need a super compact gun however you know something like a shield 380 easy for example it's gonna be much easier to control fire manipulate etc than this but for a micro compact gun it's very easy and no issues there as far as that sights on the pistol good for a gun of this size but I think they could have been better so at the rear here we have our serrations square notch everything's good there it's a no snag type design so don't plan on doing any one hand manipulation with this gun it's probably not gonna happen and I think where they kind of missed the mark on this one is the front sight because you know typically if something snags it's gonna be your rear sight especially if you're drawing from a pocket and the front sight is just black serrated site as well that's built in which is cool again compared to the earlier one which we'll get into that in a minute it's better but had they at least added some color maybe even a white dot something like that I think it would help with accuracy in terms of quick target acquisition for most folks anyway because a lot of folks our front sight focus that's how they train so I think it could have been a little bit better there but it's not terrible at all in sides it looks pretty much exactly like the original LCP we have our two and three-quarter inch barrel out there this one actually has a crown at the end of it I'm not sure it's gonna really aid in practical accuracy for folks however you know good on them it certainly isn't gonna hurt anything at all got one in the pipe and six in the mag of the XTP bullets which is my preferred 380 self-defense round outside of that I kind of just go ball but we'll see I'll run [Applause] as I discussed earlier this is essentially a Gentoo of the Gen 1 so this has the revisions with the improved sights again versus the Burberry role models and mean on 15-pound trigger on there otherwise it is a Gen 1 Ruger LCP so comparing the two side-by-side the slide release side lock lever on the gentoos much better it's much easier to use however the biggest thing you're gonna notice is that it is a touch thicker right so it's a small gun without question as we'll show here in just a second but when we're talking about these micro compacts that most people are going to put in a pocket or use for very discreet carry like the other day I had a doctor message me and say hey you know I want to carry a gun because I work in a hospital and there's a lot of freaking crazy people there but it's against my policy I'll get fired if I carry one what gun do you recommend this was my answer like you can carry this in a number of ways that no one would ever ever know regardless of what body position or clothing you end up wearing so to that and that little difference does make a little bit of a difference depending on how you use it so there is that but yeah the texture on there again it's just better the sights are better really it's a upgraded pistol from a shooting experience in every way with the exception of that thickness again when you fire them back-to-back the thinness on this one on the back strap there it definitely focuses a recoil a little bit and it's not that it's a snappy pistol it's not 3ds not bad but for folks who are recoil sensitive which I think a lot of people looking at this probably are it may make a difference a lot of folks like the comment in the video before they watch the whole thing which is totally cool but I'm sure right now in the comments section there's a bunch people saying I pocket carry my hawk 43 or my shield or my PPS or whatever I don't know why I would have to go to an LC P if I want a deep pocket carry gun well again there's a substantial size difference in weight to the LCP here the thing weighs 10 ounces unloaded which is crazy so there you guys can see the thickness and that's the thickest part there on that back strap it's still thinner and then the Glock 43 the same is going to be true there on the slide as well as the length as well as the weight so in terms that in every way possible it is absolutely a smaller gun and of course the Glock 42 is a touch smaller than the 43 but essentially the same size so can I shoot a Glock 42 better than I shoot this gun yes however I still shoot this gun much better than I do the original and then the original Gen 2 I feel a little bit better so etc it is a you know sort of a moving goalposts in terms of shoot ability while still maintaining that really really small pocket carry type of gun there's just a couple other things I want to touch on here before we close the video one of them is gonna be holsters one nice thing is that the Ruhr does come with a holster so ships with this one here from the factory as you can see there it is a pocket carry designed holster this piece of sort of like rubberized material here I'm not sure what it is is designed to stick into your pocket material and that way when you draw you come out just like that it does work I've not had an issue with it to date however this is the one I personally recommend it's a dis antis it's fantastic for pocket carry I've tried them all this ones they're just the best of my opinion they don't pay me anything they've never sent me a holster I don't think anyway not that I can remember but this is the g3 size and again if you have one of these with and you want to add a lighter Lee's or anything like that they make pocket carry holsters those as well of course there's plant inside the waistband holsters out there for them as well lots and lots of options again for accessories with the LCP - moving on to magazines this is our Gen 2 mag here and as you guys will see the box back as it showed on the last round as it's designed to do anyway and it only comes with one of those so that is a downside to the pistol if you're looking to pick one up however they're really readily available out there for them this one is a you know Gen 1 LCP you guys can see there will not block back on the last round then an interesting candidate there this one is the CPD magazine see products order mag you'll see it labeled both now this one here what's weird is if you go to their site they'll say it doesn't lock the slide back occasionally it will but not always not reliably anyway so just take for what it's worth these do come with both a flat base plate and an extended one and we'll talk about that here in just second let's see if it locks back it does this time again it's not reliable don't count on that don't count on it walking back each time now one thing I want to talk about what we have the magazines here let me grab that Jen to one year and so again like we mentioned a few hundred rounds through the gun however we had two malfunctions that are not done malfunctions in my opinion their shooter induced malfunctions so what was happening was what had happened was basically with the extended piece on there this happened both with the Gentoo mag here and then additionally the CPD mag that I have that has a finger extension on there so as we grip it my I guess that'd be my ring finger there is putting pressure like that on it right so when that was when I was firing and this only happened two handed as well I should mention that didn't happen when I was firing single and basically I think the downward pressure that I'm putting on there with that extension as well as my thumb's forward grip I think I was putting a little bit of pressure on the mag release and that right there would happen where it just barely comes out of insertion [Music] and basically you get a failure feed because the mag had dropped down that happened twice once with each mag again I think that's a shooter problem it never happened when I was shooting with a flat base plate so that really leads me to my conclusion that it's just me doing it so for carry wise for me personally 100% without question it would be carrying with a flat base plate because I don't really don't think with my hands anyway and it could be different depending on you that little extension makes much difference when shooting this post so if it didn't for me anyway at this point we've covered everything important with the exception of price in my opinion so this one here I think MSRP is $349 however this one was sent out by the folks over at big data unlimited big thank you to them so they sent this one out for the review if you guys don't know they're sort of everyone says the Costco for guns for you you can become a member and then they sell things below map pricing which is nice and on certain things they just have absolutely the best prices on the internet without question but they do have a 99 cent trial membership if you guys just want to get in there and poke around and see what's going on there will be a link pinned in the comments or in the video description depending on where you're watching this but regardless like I said MSRP 349 on the LCP twos you'll generally see them under three hundred dollars I don't know that I've seen them below 250 who whereas on the original ones which are still being produced I should point out those you can find if you like you get really good sale or something you'll see them around $1.99 so plan on paying 75 ish to $100 premium for the LCP - is it worth it I don't know I can never answer worth questions because that's subjective to you as the purchaser however for me it totally would be I think it's a again a product improve done in just about every way it's a size difference for me with how I dress it simply doesn't matter so and I think just again the upgraded sights the upgraded sugar etc make it worth it for me now let's talk about this gun just as it kind of like a broad should you carry this gun right it's the answer in my opinion is yes 380 acp is for me anyway my personal minimum caliber that I will use in any self-defense situation would do I prefer a nine-millimeter for you know stopping a threat sure however a pistol run still piss around period in terms of stopping threats so you know good luck with that it's not it's not the best at it that's for sure however 380 with modern loads either like I said earlier the XT PS or even some of the like a flat nosed ball would they do okay if you look at the data you know it's certainly better than a sharp stick that's for sure and having six plus one of it not super great you know because a lot of times the gunfights people like to pull that trigger really fast however one benefit is the spare mags are super easy to conceal as well so it's really easy to throw a spare mag in there and if you need a little bit of extra capacity now again would I be more comfortable carrying something ten plus one fifteen plus one yes however am I more comfortable carrying this and not carry on going a hundred percent I think that's really where this comes into play for example my sister-in-law last week we were hanging out and she's she walks a lot right and she were Geauga pants so she was asking me for tips ideas etc to carry because she's out in the middle of nowhere in the country doing this and so basically I was like looking at her setup and the way her yoga pants worked they had built-in pockets and I'm which just about happened to be holster size for this gun so for her to put it in her pocket now I typically do recommend a holster if you're gonna go in pocket carry but for those because it was almost literally a holster built into her pants for the gun for something like that I mean it's just it's huge to add that ability to deep conceal really anywhere like I said the doctor you can conceal it if you're somebody who just won't carry around a bigger gun the hope the world would be a much better place if all the good guys out there had an LCP in their pocket I've said that before when talking about jframe revolvers the same is true here you know is it the greatest threat stopper if you're going to stop Johnny jihad who's on a shooting spree in the mall no it's not right you definitely would rather have a Glock 19 or something like that however it's light years better than nothing or the gun that you left in your car because you don't want to carry it etc so I think we've beat a dead horse on that but there's new folks of the channel here be video so if you're new here by the way hit the subscribe button if you like this type of video so I can present that information whenever we're talking about these types of guns so that's pretty much it thanks for watching if you haven't subscribed like I just mentioned go ahead and do that hit the notification bell as well if you're not seeing three to four videos a week here on the channel and you've done all that make sure you sign up for an email list you can do some Facebook page you can also do so at my website under the sign up tab on each additional if you have a question that we didn't cover here in the video or you know just on a different topic in general the best place to reach me is over at my facebook page shoot me a message I get back to everybody over there sometimes it takes me a few days but here on YouTube and elsewhere that I post videos I don't always see your messages whereas on Facebook if it hits my inbox I do see it again sometimes takes me a little bit so that is the best place to reach me additionally should this gun go on sale Facebook is where I'll post the sales so you guys can get a better price on it and additional my same is true in the email there's a good price we'll send out email I only send one email a week at most actually as I'm filming this I haven't sent one out like two and a half weeks I need to do it need to get off my butt and make it happen but regardless guys thanks for watching by protonating everybody the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 85,807
Rating: 4.9631801 out of 5
Keywords: ruger lcp, ruger lcp II, ruger lcp 2, best concealed pistol, LCP 2, LCP II, LCP 22, ruger lcp 22
Id: IMiFezhHnHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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