Ruger GP-100 .357 Magnum

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yuck old obsolete revolver what a chunk of iron oh well of course that was close maybe it has potential oh that was double action I mean a goat double action okay you know who it is it's Hickok 45 fooling around with another crit vulvar this time a Ruger GP 100 with a three inch barrel yeah I was bad-mouthing the thing there but you know me I still like a revolver it long range short range it will still do the trick even with a three inch barrel this is again the Ruger GP 100 you don't see these with three-inch barrels very often and this one actually belongs to a friend of mine the same friend Dave who let me the Ruger Vaquero he's really a Ruger guy has some Smith's too but I had one of these in fact I think I had one first this exact gun and he really liked it so much he bought one and then an interval I traded my for something else or sold it you know how we gun people are but I had one I kind of miss it and asking if I could borrow this to just do a video because it's one of one of my favorite guns actually I've never had particularly in a Ruger lineup so three-inch GP 105 had you don't see many rubber revolvers I know it's not because I've never owned them let me close up can get a good look at it there the I've had the Alaskan a bit of whatever it is a 2 inch barrel and 44 Magnum I've had this gun in a 4 inch barrel hammerless model I've had Red Hawk well back in the 80s I had a Red Hawk at a 5 inch barrel 44 Magnum what else Vanderburgh I had a 4 inch 44 Magnum I guess it was a regular maybe it was a Super Redhawk it was came out a couple years ago the grip never didn't feel exactly right to me and didn't have any replacements at the time and they may now but I've had several of these so I know I do have a lot of Smith's and I shoot Smith's most often when I shoot a double-action revolver but nothing wrong with a Ruger they're built like tanks you know they really are and this little gun is definitely a little tank I mean that thing you could use it for a boat anchor and it's just tough it really is it absorbs recoil pretty well for such a short barrel and one thing that attracted me to the three inch barrel was the fact that it is built so so heavy I mean it's a thick little little love I was think of a tanker it's a bulldog it's just a tough little bugger got a lot of metal in it but it's not excessively large it's just built really really strong and does have some weight so even with the three inches probably it's palpable to a four inch or maybe even a four and a half inch say a tape frame and a Smith or something because it's got some weight to it and the other thing I have to admit I like about Ruger and I didn't realize it for a long time but their action double action is pretty nice just about everyone I've had he has a really smooth right out of the box double action and just before it breaks there's a little stop or a click there so you really almost can fire a single action without touching the hammer it's just a interesting action that I've noticed over the years this one's the same thing right here and feel a little click boom so you almost not even have [ __ ] if you wanted so 357 Magnum very popular gun the GP 100 you're used to if you've seen it much probably in a 4 or 6 inch configuration this gun is kind of a counterpart to the Smith line the 686 through the 586 which I guess is no longer made the hell frame probably this and the L frame Smith over the last 20 years I guess it's been around that long were the most popular 357 magnum revolver I remember my father-in-law when he was living he wanted a good pistol he didn't have a handgun of any kind I guess and one Christmas he wanted a handgun and we ended up all getting him he wanted actually he wanted a GP 100 he specified what he wanted and as a six inch barrel just like this there a gun just like this with a longer barrel so nice gun 357 can't go wrong with that caliber if you like a revolver at all if the again it I've gone through some of us before you can see 357 Magnum you can see 38 special which I don't have with me out here it's very versatile gun you can shoot some really hot 357 magnums in pretty heavy bullets if you want to 180 I think even 200 grain bullets you can shoot some lightweight 125 grain bullets and 38 special so very very versatile nice nice caliber and a nice gun many of us have been shooting for several years have these be hard to find someone's 40 or 50 years old it's been shooting a lot that doesn't have a 357 Magnum around somewhere so now what I'm going to shoot I brought this out right I'm about out of 357 and that's about it right there in a couple of boxes here and there when it was loaded I have been bad I have not reloaded any I used up all my powder I'm just going to switch powders and I'm kind of investigating what powder I want to use and bullets them so I'm about to launch into a new 357 reloading project been putting it off and thinking about it I've got a quick lesson from about out of ammunition so coming to load all that grass up this winter with something okay so let me take a few more shots here now these I'm loading a very moderate loads you can probably tell there's nothing really hot that's what makes this gun fun and I had some speed loads I tossed around there's one and I don't really need them I'm not going to do a lot of speed shooting here but I will load that so I have it on me revolvers these wonderful planters they're just or for any purpose Under the Sun actually but they're especially fun to go out to the range or the shooting table and just maybe some ammo or pocketful ammo and shoot them the labrats doesn't go flying all over the place revolvers have any kind of good for woods walk type shooting I know a lot of you don't get that opportunity but hate to rub it in but you don't lose your brass when you're out there or walking them through the woods come back with every piece of brass you fired okay let me just take a few more shots here see how it goes now since this is not my gun I just spotted that other speed loader since this is not my gun I have all kinds of alibis don't I terms of not shooting it well belongs to my buddy he was out shooting this weekend and he left it here he has a different grip on his other than that it was just like the one I had alright let's just take couple shots here play a little bit this holster by the way is his holster it's made by Black Hills leather it's a paddle holster slips down inside your pants there and a pretty nice little holster he really like as you can see revolver will do just about whatever you need a handgun to do it's just you don't have 15 rounds or 17 rounds and that sort of thing and those are fairly like kicking rounds so you know pretty pretty much fun to shoot doesn't really hurt you to knock you around you can shoot these all day long let's try a couple of these warmer ones these are factory rounds I picked up just for the video these are pmc 158 grain jacketed soft point rounds let's take a few shots with with those noticed I put my speed loaders in my pocket normally if you're in a gunfight with a bunch of terrorists you're just working on getting that gun reloaded you see me on the range something like I catch flack it's funny people think it's horrible that I throw magazines around you really can't hurt them block magazine especially then most of this equipment but when I know I'm going to be reloading a magazine or one of these I try to stick it in my shirt pocket or something by can so don't go fishing for while the camera is running right okay let's just take a few shots these are going to be warmer stick these somewhere I'm obviously oops not geared up for competition I'm just out here fooling around they make little ammo pouches for these that you can put on your belt and really be combat-ready right turn the knob they're falling out on me there now just put it right there okay oh well we've got this hot mo let's see what we can knock down if we can hit anything this little bitty three inch barrel right interesting sheets above point of impact I would expect it to shoot low with those rounds let's go on out through that far Pig I'm gonna have to hold probably right on the base of that target okay if another Pig let's go high okay it's pretty hard 357 magnums no slouch at all no slouch at all all right not bad not bad let me take couple more of these light rounds those are sweet they're uh they're pretty warm and they hit those animals pretty hard it's not a 44 magnum hot 44 magnum or 45 70 but it has quite a little punch to it there and again you can imagine why I was attracted to one of these a few years back in a three inch barrel I just like short barrels and you know again we're shooting out there at 70 60 80 yards and occasionally hitting something and you know it's just not that big a package you know it just goes to show and this is fixed sights by the way now for fixed sight you know that means not adjustable for those of you who are not not accustomed to gun talk but you notice looking down that sight it's really not a bad cut you get a pretty good sight picture for a fixed sight and you don't have any sights on the back of that frame sticking up and your way Hank - hang on things it's a pretty smooth package dehorned as they say so let's just so we got some normal loads here let's just play with right here those are fun to shoot and you can shoot some 38 special on this thing that if your gun will hardly move so let's just kind of wrap up with a couple of quick ones here is my cam got two bad guys are out to get me here they were out to get me but I got them first right so nifty little revolver the GP 100 Ruger you know it's it's just a little tank very well-built very strong very good sights in a three inch configuration one thing I didn't tell you is this gun actually comes in a 327 federal Magnum I noticed I don't know if it comes in a three-inch in that new caliber or not but it does come in that caliber but mostly we think of 357 Magnum when we think of a GP 100 because that doesn't come in 44 or anything like that so the GP 100 Ruger in a three inch gun just a nice little configuration if you can find one so hope you enjoyed seeing that little thing take a few shots or more maybe take a few shots with this little thing and we'll see you later life is pretty good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 913,510
Rating: 4.9384933 out of 5
Keywords: Ruger, GP100, GP-100, .357, Magnum, revolver, double, action, stainless, firearms, gun, shooting, bullet
Id: iq3UdULuqt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2010
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