Rubik's Cube Magician That SHOCKED Simon Cowell on America's Got Talent
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Channel: Magician's Got Talent
Views: 13,460,234
Rating: 4.8730226 out of 5
Keywords: Magicians, Magicians Got Talent, Rubik's Cube, Rubik's Cube Magic, Magic, Magic Tricks, Magic Tricks Got Talent, magic tricks america got talent, Rubik's Cube Magician, Magic Genius, Simon Cowell, shocked Simon Cowell, magic shocked Simon Cowell, America's Got Talent, America's Got Talent 2016, America's Got Talent magic, best magic, best card magic, card tricks, card tricks america got talent, Auditions, america's got talent magic, illusions agt, AGT
Id: -8SUYy3x3_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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