RTX 4070 SUPER vs RX 6950 XT vs RTX 4070 vs RX 7800 XT - Test in 20 Games
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Channel: PixelBench
Views: 2,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4070 super vs rx 6950 xt, rtx 4070 vs rx 7800 xt, rtx 4070 super vs rtx 4070, rtx 4070 super vs rx 7800 xt, rtx 4070 vs rx 6950 xt, rtx 4070 super, rx 6950 xt, rtx 4070, rx 7800 xt, rtx 4070 super comparison, rx 6950 xt comparison, rtx 4070 comparison, rx 7800 xt comparison, rtx 4070 super test, rx 6950 xt test, rtx 4070 test, rx 7800 xt test, rtx 4070 super test 1080p, rtx 4070 super 1440p, rtx 4070 super 4k, rtx 4070 super benchmark, dlss 3.5, 1440p, 4k, vs, PixelBench
Id: CBocYq3gp44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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