RTX 3090 KINGPIN.... This should be illegal...

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so this is how you properly show take note people uh no seriously so i gotta get some stuff done today tomorrow from the time we're filming this i don't know exactly when you guys are gonna see this video um steve with gamers nexus and i are gonna be doing the finale of single card overclocking for the whole rip gn rip j which is funny because he didn't really show up to the fight he got he got busy with like work that matters not the superficial look i'm faster than you at port royal i guess he was ripped from the start but anyway i'm gonna be heading to ebj's office uh we're gonna be doing our overclocking using kingpin cards just like we did last time the difference this time around is obviously with everything going on um he's gonna be remote live streaming in from his studio in north carolina because i'm local to evga i'm going to be at their studio um socially distanced inside of it anyway so i guess i'll be kind of by myself if something goes wrong i'm just going to be like i don't know what to do um last time vince was there to hold our hands vince is also going to be there kingpin if you know vince's is also going to be there via live stream from taiwan yeah so i need to prepare my system now though because i'm like unlike last time where they flew steve in and i drove in they had systems ready to go for us and we had to like draw letters to be able to pick a card because we had three cards there there was like a good one a medium one and then like a dud this time we just have what we have we were each sent a kingpin card who knows how these are going to land but i also have to build my own system so we've got a secret sauce 10 900k i guess this one's good up to like 5.7 gigahertz yeah i don't know i mean that's what they say anyway by they i mean intel they sent it to us but steve has one as well because because we know we're doing this on intel platform um which all this was planned before amd i don't think 5900x would honestly have helped with single card it's sli where you can really start to bottleneck things they sent him one as well i don't know if he's gonna be using that one but that's what we've got so i've got to build the system get the bios updated on this get the our operating system installed which this contains a very stripped down lots of functionality turned off yadda yadda version of windows 10 which again when every point matters that's what we do and i've got some secret tuning i'm gonna do but i think i'll go ahead and take you guys along for the ride on some of the secret tunings that we do to try and get more performance out of these cards because like i said by the time you guys see this video there's no way steve could have seen it not to mention steve already knows this stuff or at least his hair does and i think it whispers into his ear what he's supposed to do while he's overclocking is his hair is just like hey he's probably go turn tifa down steve doesn't know what he's doing it's actually the hair okay whatever let's go ahead and do this this is my first time actually using the z490 dark uh i've used the dark boards for other things oh it's not on there anymore that's right we unretired it because we ended up going back to the x299 platform with the 10900xe which is funny we started getting amazing scores with that and then everyone seemed to suddenly stop using the 100k and they started using 10980xes it's almost like we uncovered something there i swear to god this is not an evga ad i promise they have that we are not being paid we are not sure hey first of all you pointed at this when you're sure okay there's a good chance of killing this okay with condensation bad voltage like if i don't know what i'm doing which people would arguably say i don't there's a chance it could die second of all i've got to cover it in vaseline shut up the the point being uh it was supplied for the competition and that it could very well die and then when we dump the competition the the condition of which we i get to keep it is not ideal in terms of being used in everyday scenarios i think i will test the dishwasher thing though with it being a bear and put it put it in the dishwasher to clear all the vaseline off you use the vaseline to protect it from um condensation and such but anyway so the dark board what i started to say when i was like this isn't an ad i swear i'm a huge fan of evga's bios because kingpin has a big hand in a lot of that uh kingpin antin who's his like counterpart his partner in crime there there's a lot of simplification and things that just hey these make very little difference to the overall performance of some of these overclocks so let's just not put this in here in the menu and i'm a fan of that whereas asus don't get me wrong asus is also very very capable it's usually evga and asus going back and forth on who has these leaderboards kind of really over complicate a lot of the bios and such so that's why i like the evga stuff because it's dumbed down for an idiot like me so i can just turn knobs it's been so long i was like what is that it's been so long since i've seen an old school flexi sli ribbon and i was like what is that so i gotta put the little standoff thingies in here which is fun they're just like regular standoffs only they're just like you know the guy that's just a friend versus you kind of a thing and i'm gonna use my ifixit to do that and this is where i get to give you a special message so forgive me for the shameless like read here they sent me an email about uh their holiday like promos that they got going on right now and i want to screw this up because if you guys aren't aware the very first ifixit kid i ever got a couple of years ago was actually given to me on father's day by my wife and since then i think you guys have learned that we absolutely love our relationship with ifixit let's face it we used explosions how could anything go wrong there's a lot of stuff happening here and i don't want to get it wrong so ifix it's actually giving you a price reduction for the rest of the year all the way through the end of 2020. so the rbt ultimate ifixit kit you can get 50 off that's actually this guy right here this is the one that's got like all the big tool kits and stuff in the bag and all that um i've since taken a lot of it out it's exploded because i've got ifixit kits literally see i've got ifixit kits in reach of wherever i'm at that way i literally just where's my fix it and be like there it is a classic oak toolbox is thirty dollars off you can get ten dollars off when you buy gift bundles or the pro tech plus mm november 21st to the 28th so that's gonna be the black friday stuff free shipping on orders over twenty dollars ten dollars off the pro tech ten dollars off the manta and then december 13th through the 20th free guaranteed shipping when you buy a pro tech there's a lot of stuff going on here so i'm putting links down below we'll put the whole promo down there if you are anything like me or let's say you've got a husband or a wife that's anything like me and they are just hard to buy for trust me when i say a tool kit you can never go wrong and if you go well they've already got a toolkit they don't have an ifixit they don't have tool kit i'm not going to call it shameless plug over just plug over because ifixit is amazing and if you've never used i fix it then you just are missing out but i've got to go ahead and get all these little standoffs off or on so rather than bore you with this just we'll just use the fast forward button also too you might have noticed i'm wearing some new js two cents merch got our new logo it's got a back print and if you guys want to learn more about it there's actually a link down below for the uh this is a very limited drop like it's a limited drop anyway there's a link down below you guys to sign up to learn more about like when the drop starts if you guys want one you can get one if not perfectly fine too remember go buy an ifixit kit though that's more important so this now looks like the closest evga granted video i think i've ever done but again it's it's evga's competitions i was watching a vice group garage last night but he's like why is everything creaking this car is creakier than bob barker's back [Applause] they're reproducing now don't stab the board stop doing that that'll make steve happy it doesn't matter it's still above the pump like way above the pump this is a problem this ram has been through hell and back and still survives and it's the same rim that we still currently hold second place on sli this trident z will not quit it's 38 66 megahertz which doesn't sound like a lot because we have 5100 dimms over there but the thing is i don't know what it is with these particular modules they will overvolt and overclock like crazy more importantly the timing we can get such tight timings on these that that is where so much of our score was picked up and improved and that overclocking video was like we're gonna do some secret stuff and i'm not gonna share with you was literally the timing tuning that's not news anyone that does overclocking and understands port royal and the way that these benchmarks run that's not news but it is news to the masses i'm sure let's talk about uh ram timings here for a second because i know people get caught up on the whole megahertz thing the megahertz should only be looked at as your bandwidth but the timings are more important because that controls your milliseconds in delay did i say milliseconds yeah you did oh yeah nanoseconds but believe it or not nanoseconds are everything when it comes to compute so let's do the math here if you want to know which ram is faster and the reason why you show these timings i feel like we need to do a dedicated video on this by the way i've put off talking about timing for a long time because i don't want to confuse people but i think at the end of the day this is what people need to understand you might have ram like let's let's let's calculate the latency of this ram so the first thing you do is you take the cl number which in this case is cl18 sounds kind of slow right so you take 18 two thousand two thousand is the multiplier that you use for that and then you divide that by the frequency so if we divide that by 3866 that's 9.311 nanoseconds is the latency that you can basically just use that as a calculation factor at that point so nine point three nine point three one one that's our speed of this ramp now if we bump up it leaves cl18 where it's at we bump it up to let's say four thousand now this ram will go up to about 4 200 but the timings then have to loosen because the faster you bump up your ram the more uh sensitive timings become in that they will start to introduce memory errors won't always crash but you'll get memory errors causing really weird things so 4 000 let's do it again so 18 times 2 000 divided by 4 000 so now it's just nines you can see we just chopped 0.311 nanoseconds which really doesn't seem like anything but trust me that matters however what i'm able to do with this ram is i can leave it at four thousand i can go from 3866 to 4 000 but i can get the cl number all the way down to 12 with these so if i do 12 times 2 000 divided by four thousand six nanoseconds is what i'm able to get in terms of latency with this ram so these crucial ballistics right here these are the like fastest modules in the world these are 5100 megahertz cl 19 dimms you might be asking yourself why we're not using it but i'm going to show you right here how the math would compare so this is 19 times 2000 divided by 5100 that's 7.45 out of the box if you can run the xmp the problem is and i still have to get on the phone with them they said they helped me tune it i have not been able to get anywhere near these speeds on my system because you can't just with these kinds of numbers you can't just turn on xmp and have them go there's tuning you have to do to the internal memory controller on the cpu and that's going to be um well there's cache tuning you've got to do on there there's obviously going to be other voltages that you have to control for the memory controller to get anywhere near that and i'm just sort of shooting in the dark i don't know where i'm aiming on any of that stuff so i did say they would help me get these ram modules up and running but i already know what i'm able to do with these and like i just showed you we got down to six nanoseconds um i want to try these out later but i know this works and i have time to screw with this right now i've got to get the com this stuff up and running in a way that i know that i can use it so just a little quick lesson there regarding ram timings the difference between that ram and this ram though is that ram out of the box xmp is 1.5 volts which is a lot higher than the 1.3 you typically see but again 5100 megahertz that's a very fast speed that requires a lot of voltage to do it i use 1.8 on these let's just say i'm bringing all four even though i can only use two because every time i plug these in and apply those types of voltages i firmly expect them to die so this is the kingpin card and yes there's some dents and stuff in the radiator this is not brand spanking new this has been you know this is like an early sample kind of a deal we're going to play with it like this with this cooler just to kind of see what it does i'm just curious as to how this compares to our custom bios for the win3 that we have and then we're obviously going to have to take the cooler and stuff off of this to prepare for tomorrow's ln2 because although this is impressive this is what's going on it this guy right here yeah yeah you did the lifting of the overclocking let's go one of the things that makes this different than other cards is the fact that this card has basically uh provisions on here to remove all the fail safes all the voltage limitations the power limitations you could literally burn this card to the ground if you turn off all those safeguards and do that don't do that though no idea what this card costs i'm a little worried i don't even like the idea of abusing it like i do with these this ln2 stuff because i do like collecting kingpin cards i've got one of every generation from the 700 series and up just now i'm actually using them for what they're meant for now i know this is the part where people are going to be like jay why are you using a save to drive just use m.2 this is the secret and i'm not letting you guys in on this well i am i guess the secret is in kingpin's patented overclock sata cables so you want to use sata when you're doing these types of overclocks because the extra bandwidth you get makes this faster than any raid m.2 you'd be surprised how much setup takes place in the os to get maximum scores as well we've showed this a million times so on on nvidia if you go into 3d settings and then you come down to performance or to power management mode prefer maximum performance is what you want it's going to be on optimum power optimal power by default and then you can come down here to um texture filtering quality that'll be on height on quality by default put that on high performance you hit apply on those and then come over here and then do use my preferences emphasizing performance make sure defender is off no antivirus running no updates automatic none of that stuff so one of the first things i like to do actually is just load up the card max out the fans because remember we're not going to be using the fans on this um it's going to be ln2 cool and what i like to see is what is our voltage doing look 1093 millivolts that's already higher voltage than we ever had on our further one three card so what i want to do right now is i want to see where it will crash at these temperatures because remember one of the things that we've learned with these overclocking competitions is stability and core clocks scale with temperature you can get way more core clock out of a much colder core with the stock voltage than you can uh with higher temperatures so right now where we may crash at 45 we won't crash at 20 and that's something we learned with the ice bucket stuff so i'm just i'm really excited to see how this does under full load with ln2 with voltage control which is something i have not had with the other card let's go 125 let's just go for it oh crashed i wouldn't expect this card right now out of the box with this water cooler to match our custom for the win three bios cards with ice water so our previous score was a 15 652 which took ice bucket and custom this and that and custom making blocks and overclocking of cpus and all that where do we land on our first run without doing anything really 14 990 okay not bad because i don't think we even pushed this clock as as far as we could anyway this is the crap we go through if you want to see how it turns out for me then go check out evga's live stream invitational overclocking where steve and i go head to head and we'll see whether or not this crap ended up making me a stud or a dud also go check out ifixit's thanksgiving and christmas sales
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 772,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 series gpu, 30 series video card, nvidia, rtx, nvidia rtx, rtx 3070, rtx 3080, rtx 3090, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia, is the 3080 worth it, is the 3090 worth it, is the 3070 worth it, should I buy a 3070, should I buy a 3090, is nvidia worth it, how much is rtx 3070, how much is 3080, how much is 3090, how much does a 3070 cost, how much does a 3080 cost, how much does a 3090 cost, best video card 2020, best video card 2021, 3090 benchmarks, benchmarked
Id: hhgS85ejnvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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