Rtech Retro Truck Restomods - Jay Leno’s Garage

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Gonna be a no from me dawg. Too tall.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BuckeyeBikeNHike 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone notice the driver side rear door on the 72 (yellow), the trim is not straight? It is sagging in the rear.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zillafreak 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fredfifty 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I mean it stares at handled yeah well the episode of Jay Leno's Garage you like trucks we got we got trucks today we got real trucks we've got one that appears to be a 66 Chevy and one that appears to be a 72 Chevy truck which they kinda are well that's what this is all about there's a company up in Coeur d'Alene Idaho named our tech fabrications they totally go through these this is like the hot thing right now restomod trucks and it doesn't get more much more restomod than these two let's meet Randall Robertson he's the owner how are ya good Owen president of our tech fabrication family business yes it is okay got the kids and everybody involved oh well no not the kids don't they we have families working there but not our own oh okay just my wife and okay okay but that's a family-oriented oh definitely yeah okay very cool so all right let's start out with what we have here this appears to be a 66 Chevy correct it was it was okay so what have you done here we start with just a regular cab and basically we cut it in half we stretch them out bolt them down to our jigs and this one's the prototype so the jig was made off of this one right and then we basically manufacture everything in between so essentially I guess we're kind of a limo company we stretch them so now what is the wheelbase because I don't get any a Chevy truck ever leave the factory the wheelbase is long not unless it was a flatbed okay and that's what this was it started as one the frame did the frame did yeah so and what is the wheelbase it's 175 inches Wow yeah not an economy car parking type of here no okay so you add the rear cab section here yeah you manufacture that or where do you get it well each one's handmade right so yes we manufacture them I'm set up in a way that will build multiples at a time catch you know we'll start by building five cabs right there all ordered people have ordered these and we do we do our work in groups so we'll do a you know five cabs will do you know the rockers and what's that you know we'll do the rockers and everyone of them then we start building the roof on every one of them then we go back and we do all the doors so tell me how this works do I come to you with a donor vehicle do I come in and say I want a truck you find me what is the process most people just they contact us via email very seldom by phone usually it's email initially right and you know really we start by discussing what you want you know what kind of what it's going to be used for I get a great deal of information from them and then I'll go and design it for them um every single truck that we build is designed for their specific purpose it's not that they won't do other things but I make sure that'll do those things right now this originally in 66 or that had the big 6-cylinder Chevy in it or maybe even a v8 right yeah I'd say well the truck that this cab in front end came from was a six-cylinder okay but you know most of the ones that that I get don't even have motors in them so you know we try to get the ones that are already derelict okay now what motor is in this one this one has our Signature Series 550 horsepower five nine Cummins that's a Cummins diesel yeah okay yeah now do you get you here from the Chevy guys hey there's no Chevy engine yes I do I get it a lot me too you know Mike might come back to that is there's a couple first off the Cummins is American made motor the Duramax is a Japanese motor oh so you know the other thing is is in the Duramax is going to be the only other alternative for a Chevy in most people's eyes and we actually have one of these that we're building that's identical to this a little bit longer because we have a Texas Longhorn version but it's getting a Durham accent now when you go with the Cummins diesel is that a brand new Cummins diesel is it a donated from another truck and then you go through the motor how do you do it I buy up as many of the drive trains as I can mostly from dodges you know because they pretty much already came equipped right we disassemble everything everything's inspected and then we go through and we do a really high-end rebuild okay you know fortunately on the Cummins a lot of the parts are actually original Commons parts because they don't need to be upgraded right you know now when you get up to a 1500 horsepower then you have to do some different things and what performance modifications have you done to this this one our Signature Series 550 horsepower gets a cam it's a basically an RV cam a little bit more lift the head boat it gets head studs instead of the head bolts or and okay the the head we basically go through and put heavier valve springs I like to port and polish them on a diesel that's not necessary right but in my head it is you know it's just cleaner let's take a look under the hood see what you got here you bet okay these turbo charger is that that is a BD supercharger turbo turbo charger yeah okay this turbo charger unlike most trucks doesn't have a air-to-air intercooler pretty much on all of our truck especially the 50 series because the the intercooler won't fit in the front right so we go with a liquid to air intercooler right and with that we can actually control the temperature of the motor in the wintertime where as air there you can't control that temperature it's just cold so and it gets cold up in Idaho yes it does nice now this piece looks like a custom piece it is a little bit of style here yeah and I wanted to style it a little bit I didn't want it to look just you know I wanted it to somehow flow with the with the gallic itself the body style so in it and it technically does help cool all you have here this looks like a fuel filler yeah this is something we started doing on this truck and this is where you actually fill it up fill the tank up the dealer but the tank is in the back yes it is 60 gallons okay so you probably get another five yes yes you do okay all right Wow 60 gallons so you can pretty much drive quite a ways with that yeah I I drove that one has a 60 gallon tank and also I drove it from Fort Worth all the way to Vegas without having to stop for fuel stop but it wasn't for fuel I might how many miles is that oh jeez I'm 556 I think it's more like 800 Wow okay all right Wow okay you know the Commons comes with a fan that's you know clutch fan that's on the motor right we we do away with all clutch fan you know we go to electric so again we can control the temperature of all Jack's okay so okay so the clutch fan shuts off over 40 miles an hour and that's how you catch it and you've upgraded modern yeah yeah I'm breaking it what do we have a break front disc brakes the the brakes are basically the same spec has a Chevy dana 60 right although I've upgraded the rotors we have them drilled and slotted but other than that the configuration is the same as a stock Chevrolet so that you can actually go out and buy parts at a any parts house anywhere in the country if you have great problems okay and you add the four-wheel drive correct on this we have to because the the c30 and that's what chassis this is built on didn't come as a four-wheel drive right not when we do make our modification to four-wheel drive we've never been accused of under building anything so it is very stout and I love the color this looks like original 66 colored immediate a color combination the white is a blue and and this Chevrolet only that is a set of one okay the gentleman that gave this to me is a really good friend of mine he's an icon in the Chevy business the CTN world right and yeah he he loves the truck so much he said hey here you go oh thanks whoa all right very nice let's see what else I guess we can we can shut that shut that if I can reach it I can't imagine parallel parking this well yes it takes a couple couple shots but obviously power steering and booster brakes and all that everything okay yeah air conditioning as well very good air condition yeah yeah okay very nice very nice I mean it's what is this way you know eighty three hundred pound now full of fuel eighty three hundred pounds okay and that's a substantial chassis I'm guessing that chassis forty five hundred pounds it's a one ton free honks oh yeah you know drums in the back yes I prefer drums for a tow vehicle yeah why is that more contact surface yeah you know you'll you'll notice that most of the big trucks semis and stuff they still use drum brakes and there's a reason for it there is more contact surface right I got you okay yeah well very cool I mean obviously the chrome work is all very nice and modern lights modern you know these LED lights are something that I just this is the first truck that I've ever put these on I've never liked LED lights on a classic truck yeah because all the funny looking silly lights and everything that are associated with it but these actually to me look so good on a classic and yet there I mean there you can actually see going down the road right it's really important so now every truck that we build gets a set of machine now this have normally been Chrome and a few things but you've done it in the silver with well very nice they were available in chrome white or silver okay and I didn't want too much bling on the front of this and you got the double wheels in the back are you outdoor Wilson and how many speed transmission it's a five speed by the Envy 4500 of five speed okay you can take that power out definitely yeah it's the only manual transmission that we put behind it okay all right now let's go to this one now this was it appears to be a 72 my close one yeah it actually started as a 69 70 but because I wanted to actually change the door panels to the 72s because it only was one year for that that door panel I decided just to go and make it a 7200 okay at that stage with game you can do that okay and you've added these little turbo diesel yeah yeah a little touch they're basically the same motor as this one yeah this is more of a just a stock version we're just about to strap in a thousand horsepower twin turbo into this really literally when we get back to the shop okay this one's actually going to be revamped different suspension different steering they both have oh they both got the moonroof deal right so you pretty much put every option available on me yeah you know most of the bells and whistles that we're used to these days and the new things we're new trucks we can provide them yeah we so you get the classic look with with the up yeah okay not even sure how you getting this thing you know well they look at running boards yeah they were a necessity because I I didn't really think that this truck was gonna be this big when I started out and it just ended up that way I couldn't get in it I literally had to crawl in it and yeah and it really into that so okay most of the trucks that we build need something like this so that's another option that we put on our trucks and you've got its four-wheel drive on the fly so you can go to two-wheel drive correct okay and that what you do normal Road use just save gas and everything okay yeah very cool I I can't imagine this thing eating be put in four-wheel drive very often how does it get so much traction already yeah I would think yeah okay actually it's six wheel drive and then yeah I love the interior and interior looks that center console they didn't have that in 68 no they didn't that was something I thought up you know I wanted to do something a little unique but not you know strange so I walked up to one of my best fabricators I explained to him what I wanted and I explained to him how I wanted it done and I pointed to a hood night I said I want you to make that whole thing out of that hood right so it's actually me from one of these hoods oh so it's still yeah oh no it's this steel Wow oh yeah I've never really been like I said accused of under doing anything so it's it's it's a heavy truck so these probably run what about 250 yeah yeah they start for you know about a hundred and fifty but really that's a such a base truck most of the people that order these trucks they want a beautiful classic like this with all the bells and whistles right those generally start around two hundred and go on up to but I imagine somebody like the regular guy who wants to have a truck with the power a lot of times when you buy these super cars they sell you the fitted luggage and all the effort things you don't really need you can you can you can just get the mechanical upgrades can't you okay okay the only one of you want very nice okay these are literally hand tailored to the customer each one is uniquely different I mean this must be quite a shock to Chevy geyser because first of all this never existed in nature at any point with this cab before especially the for dog and it's the longest wheelbase I've ever seen so it must it must get all the looks and it's the shows and things that well this weekend we came down here for a Chevy only truck show GM only and it's you know it's 650 Chevy or GMC and you know we won the whole thing oh that's great the neat thing is and it's with this truck also but anytime we take our trucks to a show I love watching people walk over with such a approving grin yeah you know they're so it's like yeah oh you get this one yeah well go have on those 60 series just like that you know yeah I guess you know like I have my stupid tank car over there you said it and every card yeah my cousin bought one of those back in the day it was really funny there's more rope well very cool now can we drive what this one seems like it'd be the most fun to drive yeah this one can take us for a drive alright and it's a manual 5-speed all right let me get a stepladder and we'll we'll give this a shot all righty howdy boys it's art 1400 foot pounds that's the turbo idea whistling yeah power than it yeah yeah yeah it really does Bigelow to have a people got it it's simple is exactly you're saying I don't really believe it for what I designed this truck for I don't really think it needs anymore we can build them with more torque and more horsepower but for this I'm good put a little itty-bitty boost gauge right next to the wipers there that's an eye test it is I want to didn't really want again strain gauges everywhere so yeah trying to keep it original looking this one is my personal truck so let's see a Fresno truck yes it is this is the prototype right and I always get the prototypes that's a hey you know this ones I've done a lot of stuff that a lot of our customers probably wouldn't want us to would want to pay for was this Chevrolet yep yep it was a option back then yeah aggregation trucks is pretty rare back yeah well you know because you think of an air conditioning back in the day was usually roll it down 25 percent of the price of the vehicle yeah oh god was $3,000 air conditioned was a $600 option man there's a lot of money this is a you know standard equipment on all of our trucks we put the aftermarket air system in them yeah there were a big areas this is actually old air okay you can't say you can't see over other traffic that's cool do have another gear I know radio huh yeah you know that's actually the Bluetooth fits the aftermarket it looks like it so we call the bells and whistles and I have a hidden satellite system sounds against that kids in the back of the who's that kid that literally is a shape of a gooseneck you know and then you know your specific here and then I'm going to tow a vintage race car of some sort behind it to the show I haven't decided whether I'm going to do a sprint car or a dragster of that yes just eat four or five sixes you're going to build one I just buy the race oh no I'll building just post in front of its building yeah yeah yeah I remember when I was kid going to Lyons Motor Speedway oh sure man that's what they were racing back then is the you know well 1960 late 60s that's what they're running and he's coming diesels are pretty maintenance-free yeah they're bulletproof no and really it's all in the fuel the valvetrain is so strong really the only like I said I do like to port in politics I'm just because I like I'd like him to be clean the valves a little quicker so all you have to do to the head and then you get stock Pistons so the folks that you have a laziness well I'm sure they have you know probably kicking themselves for it but I'd like to think that they they like the work I've done when I build these trucks I really do try to convince people I'd like it to look like GM Manor right right now and and what I can achieve that I've yeah this will go to Siva this year now somebody wants them for the gas issues we've built that sure we offer not to me people want the original motors that came in these things most of them are the Cummins we've got a couple Durham axes we have a supercharged 50 series suburban the most popular motor yeah they get pretty good mileage what is your rear end ratio do you know yeah it's 4/10 in the back don't really have anything in the front it's just that's all think we need it as the Deena 70 rear axle dual rear axle and the Dana 60 dual front axle I like to put the 205 transfer case and just about everything we've built they're just indestructible Doosan the dap tation it guarantees that we have something that's going to be reliable meanest tears it handles it very nicely up you think she doesn't a regular truck you wouldn't know you're in a yeah and our 50 series trucks you know the Duke same thing well you're the first person ever driven in southern myself and I got to tell you you're doing well I was like a stink yeah you like they personally know some of our clients do ask us for an automatic and because of the horsepower that we you know we put we end up having to build high-performance automatics usually it's going to be like 47 r8 you know which is the non electric 15 or at Duramax I'm sorry the Allison yeah they're good they're they're big that's all I got the tank right if the devil overdrive yeah but even the palace that we have to build it you know it's a very durable already yeah but when here when you're putting 14-under the torque a little tough on gotta fund after yeah it is having the modern comforts to that a brand-new windshield - oh yeah these original seat rails you know in 1966 the buddy Puckett was available on up to 68 in the Chevy trucks yeah so this is an actual original buddy bucket that we reupholstered the back bench is an original that we've taken all the springs out of and put the metal the flat metal in and made all of the foam so these are very comfortable looks classic but still comfortable but clutch and very progressive very nice no no chattering no and you move with what 1,800 pounds 8300 game yeah the full tank 60 gallons its yeah yeah well Randall thanks this has been something different you know we get a little tired of supercars all the time so they you know it's fun to have super trucks and it's amazing the the interest that means is huge it is making a ton of interested people going to your website checking out that's what this this YouTube show is all about you know everybody knows we're forward to Chevy and Lamborghini are but sometimes you're looking for the guy just doing something a little bit different they got their own shop and working with friends and family to build vehicles like this one at a time so Randall thank you man good job you bow to you nice work thank you [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 1,559,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chevy, diesel, truck, Randall Robertson, GMC, General Motors, lifted, lift kit, turbo, torque, 4x4, super truck, made in USA, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle, ford, corvette, tour, dodge, lexus
Id: lim4sV9kJ5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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