r/StoriesAboutKevin - She Fell in LOVE with a SCAMMER...

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today subreddit is our slash stories about Kevin don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called Kevin is a master of day to day life vol 2 well some people okay maybe just use your old you're asked for another part of Kevin's mischiefs part one is just called Kevin is a master of politics and is riddled with spelling errors and of course I can't let my only fan down quick side note I actually read that story a while back on voice II here so check it out as I made clear in the previous post my Kevin is not really educated and gets most of his information from Facebook posts or other stuff and in general has not always the best of ideas today I will focus more on stories out of day-to-day life in just a few anecdotes from his political mastermind this time with less spelling errors or not the comment section will judge me first of all some short ones Kevin once heard you can clean up vomit stains in a toilet with red wine don't ask me where he got this I never heard it myself the tried to clean out my toilet with my red wine literally 200 euros down the drain when Kevin is at my house i lock my wine away kevin got really wasted once and on the way home fell over he didn't know where he was so he called some friends to pick him up which turns out to be somewhat of a difficult task when they asked him to describe his surroundings he just told them over and over he could see the moon and the stars they found him laying in front of his house it was summer so he was not in danger of freezing to death he thought he could lift the Maypole on his own the Maypole is a decorated tree trunk around 20 to 40 meters in heights and definitely too heavy to be lifted by one single man well he dropped the thing off its poles and destroyed the ornaments the May Festival was delayed by a month so they could replace the damage he once broke his by playing football nothing interesting just a casual accident but didn't want to miss any parties since walking was too exhausting he decided to drive around with his scooter at this time we were in 9th grade around 16 years old well it turns out it is quite difficult to drive with a plastered foot and he crashed and broke the same foot twice when the plaster was removed he was ordered by the doctor to relax the foot for a few weeks and don't move too much so Kevin fired up his scooter crashed and broke his foot again while on holiday in northern Italy he suddenly was convinced he could actually speak Italian while in reality he just pronounced every single German word in a stereotypical Italian accent first we thought it was a joke but he did this for 3 days straight he would just walk up to some poor salesman in a store and ask him wait is it spaghetti or casually ask strangers for directions maybe it was a joke but he clearly missed the point when it stops being funny as an expert for beer Kevin wanted to brew his own one he forgot the brewing kid with a beer in his garage while he went climbing in Peru for a month midsummer the walls of his garage are still sprayed with the exploded beer and it still smells like rotten vinegar after four years kevin sometimes tells us about his newest sexual adventures they all sound completely mad a few months after I started a new job a co-worker introduced me to the podcast my dad wrote of the video of an adult variety if you don't know it what if I are you doing here reading this garbage go listen to this podcast and I realized that Kevin sex stories are literally just slightly altered episodes from this podcast so yeah Kevin thought the completely obscure sex stories from Belinda blinked are somewhat believable to this day he denies knowing the podcast or the book in school he tried multiple times to convince teachers he is not smoking a cigarette with the cigarettes either still burning in his hand hidden behind his back or in front of him on the floor the really surreal thing about this story is that it worked once probably because the teacher was too stunned by this mad lead Kevin and just walked away after Kevin finished job training he claimed to have a scholarship for one of the most renowned tech universities in Germany some friends of mine studied economies at this university at the time and nobody really knew why Kevin made this ridiculous claim and we thought he just made it up to be the center of attention for the evening after some time arguing how he actually managed to get a full scholarship despite being completely unqualified he didn't even have the required graduation he proudly showed us the letter with the scholarship it was an invitation to one guest lecture for the graduates for the job training for accountants in our state this happened literally the last night we had a grill party and we have currently around 38 degrees Celsius in Germany and it is unbearably hot so Kevin thought he could quickly install an air condition units in his house we were having the barbecue at a friend's garden but wanted to go to Kevin's afterwards since he has a cool party room in his basement he and another friend left early and went to his house to install the unit he apparently just bought this morning didn't help that his friend is also not the brightest and often encourages Kevin to his stupid deeds so around 10 p.m. we arrived at Kevin's and well there was no air conditioner just a huge hole in the upper basement wall a lot of debris and since the light was burning bright a lot of mosquitos turned out Kevin just ordered an air conditioner and for some reason he expected the delivery on a Friday night so he thought it would be a good idea to prepare the hole in the wall so now Kevin will have a hole in his basement for a week or so since the thing gets delivered next Wednesday into longer stories to round it all up Kevin lived for a long time with his parents not because he couldn't afford to move out but rather because his parents were about to move out when his father got his pension also he was not very good at taking care of a house by himself so like three years before his parents moved out and five years after we have graduated from secondary school ryoshu ala in German he wanted some free space from his parents and decided to build a cabin in his parents garden the thing when finished had around 48 square meters two stories heating a real bathroom and kitchen for around 28,000 euros costs for construction or paperwork not included we didn't really question this plan since Kevin tends to talk a lot but in the end often does jack crap but this time he was determined he actually knew he needed a building permission from local authorities and actually went to the offices in sots a building permission and told us this was a safe thing and bought the materials for around 20k at the beginning of winter so over winter all the stuff was stored in a rented storage facility and when spring came the authorities denied his permission and Kevin sat on 20 thousand worth of materials Kevin somehow managed to get a refund he still lost about 12,000 and was the next month busy starting a petition to overthrow Chairman construction authorities the thing never went online so to this day the general German population is repressed by mean construction regulations once we were on a ski trip in the mountains and since kevin is actually quite agile in the mountains he is an excellent climber and skier one of his actual talents we got up on the mountain planned our route and agreed to stop on every crossing to make sure nobody gets lost it's really hard to find someone or your group again in the German Alps since phone reception utterly sucks in this part of Germany Kevin as the best skier of our group quickly took the lead and rushed down the track when I reached the first crossing on a ski track nobody knew where Kevin was he definitely had saw in the crossing and for some reason had decided not to wait but since we had planned the route in advance we just continued and hoped we would pick up Kevin somewhere well we reached the end of our planned routes and he was nowhere to be seen so we tried to reach him via smartphone and through awful cracking noises from the bad reception he told us he was at lift number 5 on the other side of the freakin ski resort thinking we all were right behind him for half an hour we agreed on a meeting point on top of the mountain but when we reached the place kevin was not there so we called him again and found out he was still waiting at lift five in the valley so we drove down there and still no Kevin he claimed he was still at the lift but we couldn't find him and when we asked to describe the lift he described a completely different location well to make a long story short we searched for him and this unmapped lift 5 since it was not the lift in the valley turned out to be the lift 8 nearby our parking lot he didn't wear his glasses the freaking idiot drove without his glasses half blind so he couldn't read the correct number and didn't bother to ask anyone else where he was or told us the parking lot was right next to him he was pissed that we had left him alone ok this Kevin is ridiculous but you should really be careful with the ski resort signs because you can get yourself in a hairy situation yeah bad idea just get this man away from civilization just put him on top of the mountain ok he's obviously really good at skiing and it's always sunny in philadelphia taught me about mountain rules so he should thrive up there this story's called just realized I work with a Covina and it sucks today it hit me I work with a Covina this woman is not someone who does stupid crap some of the time and is otherwise a normal rational human being no she is a true Covina one of my co-workers pointed out that she would qualify as a female steve urkel complete with the annoying voice in laugh I have so many stories but don't have the time or pay to list them all here so the following is a highlight reel of the crap that she has pulled so where we work as medical coders we all use Microsoft Excel as part of our job this is just the way that our facility does things due to the volume of cases that were being seen by our providers at one facility our boss said to save time only verify that a progress note has been written and put down the evaluation or management code that the provider gives you and move on to the next patient this sounds simple and really difficult to mess up right she manages to screw this up constantly how I do not know but she does my poor co-workers who get text from her on a regular basis about changes that get made want to strangle her at this point mainly because her texts are convoluted and messy containing way too much irrelevant data with not enough relevant data the other day she wanted to make some eggs for herself in our company microwave now considering this is Covina we are talking about this is a disaster in the making she decided to make the eggs and a small mug the eggs exploded so now the entire office smells like undercooked eggs we are in a small space Open Office plan so if someone brings anything in that smells everyone will be smelling it so now in addition to being unable to cook eggs in a microwave correctly she does not clean up her mess properly just a quick swipe with a dry paper towel and back to her desk with her undercooked eggs she goes the microwave was not cleaned properly by her so when the next person used the microwave the office started smelling of eggs again one co-worker whose job does not include cleaning had to clean it up during the day and he gave it a good cleaning another co-worker whose job also does not include cleaning had to go over and get some Clorox wipes from our supervisor to clean the counter and Keurig machine that is right there our cleaning crew who comes in after we leave had to deep clean the microwave by scrubbing it down with Clorox wipes wiping that up with clean water in microwaving a wet paper towel to get rid of the odor of eggs because it was baked into the microwave that badly she got into a minor fender bender in the morning on her way to work a couple of days ago what she says happened is that she was stopped at a red light in the person who was in front of her back top and hit her she claims that she normally stops at least a car lengths behind people and the one time she doesn't she gets hit oh and the way she was describing it she made it seem that the entire front of her car was gone or her car was totaled you can barely see a scratch on her car I know this one is not particularly Kevin like but it is more of a demonstration of her personality and she is now claiming that she needs to get her car fixed this week during a pandemic I and another co-worker thinks she is trying to subtly change her schedule so she won't have to work alone this is a new development and I don't know what I am going to do she got a part-time job first as a Burger King manager within two weeks she got fired from Burger King then she got a part-time job with Pizza Hut as a delivery driver within two weeks she got fired again no idea what she did to get fired but she did from fast food she has gotten catfished by scammers I believe that she is up to number three or four right now see she was married and recently divorced that is a whole other drama but the point is she is lonely and wants to get married again the issue is that she is using online dating sites like plenty of fish and OkCupid and not vetting any of the guys that she meets on there she has sent money to these guys even with all her co-workers saying you are being scammed she keeps going well I don't know I I really love him and I know he loves me etc etc the most recent one she went to the airport to meet him at 11:00 at night this is a guy she has been talking to on the phone for two to three months not facetiming her video chatting with just talking fortunately for her physical well-being at least he did not show up at the airport because he missed his flight because he was drunk she still refused to believe that he was a scammer until he asked her for money we think she still doesn't believe he's a scammer she forgot our work address a location that she has been working for close to a year an address that she has in her phone a phone that she has not replaced she couldn't figure out how to Google the address apparently so she asked me and another co-worker for the address the other co-worker told her and the response I assure she was proud of herself for getting toilet paper last week why she felt the need to go out and buy it and then brag not only to her co-workers but our boss this was in response to the insane toilet paper shortage in the US right now I don't think she even needed it uh toilet paper hoarders ridiculous are you guys still having any shortages of any kind where you guys live because as far as I know I think things are fine in The Woodlands Texas if not and you're from here which I know some of you guys are tell me how things are in terms of craziness because by now I think the world's more or less adjusted to how things are but anyways this covina covina yeah she's a dumb dumb dummy head and there's not much left to say about her other than the fact that she is indeed a dumb dumb dummy head don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 16,661
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, She Fell in LOVE with a SCAMMER..., she, fell, in, love, with, scammer, r/StoriesAboutKevin
Id: C-5hF4w0E3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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